sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter With Yudhañjaya

Mettāpāramī 1
The Perfection of Love (1st)


Goldblack’s Conduct

“Sāmo yadā vane āsiṁ,
“When in a wood I was Sāma the black,

sakkena abhinimmito;
created by Sakka.

Pavane sīhabyagghe ca,
I led the lions and tigers

mettāya mupanāmayiṁ.
in the forest by love.

Sīhabyagghehi dīpīhi,
Surrounded by lions and tigers,

acchehi mahisehi ca;
leopards, bears, buffaloes,

spotted deer, and wild boar,

parivāretvā vane vasiṁ.
I stayed in the forest.

Na maṁ koci uttasati,
None were scared of me,

napi bhāyāmi kassaci;
nor I of them.

Sustained by the power of love

ramāmi pavane tadā”ti.
I delighted in the forest then.”

Suvaṇṇasāmacariyaṁ terasamaṁ.