sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter With Yudhañjaya

Upekkhāpāramī 1
The Perfection of Equanimity


The Great Hair-raising Conduct

“Susāne seyyaṁ kappemi,
“I made my bed in a charnel ground,

Chavaṭṭhikaṁ upanidhāyahaṁ;
resting on a skeleton.

Gāmaṇḍalā upāgantvā,
Village louts came up

Rūpaṁ dassentinappakaṁ.
and mocked me in all sorts of ways.

Apare gandhamālañca,
Others brought me

bhojanaṁ vividhaṁ bahuṁ;
incense and flowers,

and many kinds of cooked food,

haṭṭhā saṁviggamānasā.
all thrilled, their minds elated.

Ye me dukkhaṁ upaharanti,
Those who brought me pain,

ye ca denti sukhaṁ mama;
and those who gave me happiness,

Sabbesaṁ samako homi,
were all the same to me.

dayā kopo na vijjati.
I felt no favor or anger.

Sukhadukkhe tulābhūto,
I became balanced towards pleasure and pain,

Yasesu ayasesu ca;
fame and disgrace.

Sabbattha samako homi,
I was equal in every case:

Esā me upekkhāpāramī”ti.
this is my perfection of equanimity.”

Mahālomahaṁsacariyaṁ pannarasamaṁ.

Yudhañjayavaggo tatiyo.


Yudhañjayo somanasso,

ayogharabhisena ca;

Soṇanando mūgapakkho,

kapirājā saccasavhayo.

Vaṭṭako maccharājā ca,

kaṇhadīpāyano isi;

Sutasomo puna āsiṁ,

sāmo ca ekarājahu;

Upekkhāpāramī āsi,

iti vutthaṁ mahesinā.

Evaṁ bahubbidhaṁ dukkhaṁ,
Having thus experience many kinds of suffering

sampattī ca bahubbidhā;
and many kinds of success,

Bhavābhave anubhavitvā,
in various past lives,

patto sambodhimuttamaṁ.
I realized supreme awakening.

Datvā dātabbakaṁ dānaṁ,
I gave what could be given,

sīlaṁ pūretvā asesato;
and fulfilled ethics without reserve.

Nekkhamme pāramiṁ gantvā,
having won the perfection of renunciation,

patto sambodhimuttamaṁ.
I realized supreme awakening.

Paṇḍite paripucchitvā,
I inquired of the astute,

vīriyaṁ katvāna muttamaṁ;
and put forth highest effort,

Khantiyā pāramiṁ gantvā,
having won the perfection of acceptance,

patto sambodhimuttamaṁ.
I realized supreme awakening.

Katvā daḷhamadhiṭṭhānaṁ,
Having made a firm resolve,

and guarded truthful speech,

Mettāya pāramiṁ gantvā,
having won the perfection of love,

patto sambodhimuttamaṁ.
I realized supreme awakening.

Lābhālābhe yasāyase,
In gain and loss, fame and disgrace,

respect and contempt,

Sabbattha samako hutvā,
having become equal in every case,

patto sambodhimuttamaṁ.
I realized supreme awakening.

Kosajjaṁ bhayato disvā,
Seeing laziness as fearful,

vīriyārambhañca khemato;
and energy as a sanctuary,

Āraddhavīriyā hotha,
rouse up energy:

esā buddhānusāsanī.
this is the Buddhas instruction!

Vivādaṁ bhayato disvā,
Seeing argument as fearful,

avivādañca khemato;
and harmony as a sanctuary,

Samaggā sakhilā hotha,
be harmonious and courteous:

esā buddhānusāsanī.
this is the Buddhas instruction!

Pamādaṁ bhayato disvā,
Seeing negligence as fearful,

appamādañca khemato;
and diligence as a sanctuary,

Bhāvethaṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ,
develop the eightfold path:

esā buddhānusāsanī.
this is the Buddhas instruction!

Itthaṁ sudaṁ bhagavā attano pubbacariyaṁ sambhāvayamāno buddhāpadāniyaṁ nāma dhammapariyāyaṁ abhāsitthāti.
That is how the Buddha, illustrating his own conduct in past lives, spoke the exposition of the teaching name the “Legends of the Buddha”.

Cariyāpiṭakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.