sutta » kn » dhp » Khuddakanikāya

Translators: sujato and suddhaso

Minor Collection Collection of Minor Texts

Sayings of the Dhamma 33–43
Verses of Dhamma

3. The Mind
Chapter on Mind


Phandanaṁ capalaṁ cittaṁ,
The mind quivers and shakes,
Unstable and unsteady is the mind,

dūrakkhaṁ dunnivārayaṁ;
hard to guard, hard to curb.
difficult to protect and restrain.

Ujuṁ karoti medhāvī,
The discerning straighten it out,
The wise straighten it,

usukārova tejanaṁ.
like a fletcher straightens an arrow.
like a fletcher straightens an arrow.

Vārijova thale khitto,
Like a fish pulled from the sea
Like a fish pulled from its home

and cast upon the shore,
and thrown on dry land,

Pariphandatidaṁ cittaṁ,
this mind flounders about,
the mind thrashes about,

māradheyyaṁ pahātave.
trying to throw off Māra’s sway.
struggling to escape Māra's realm.


Dunniggahassa lahuno,
Hard to hold back, flighty,
The mind is fast-moving and hard to subdue,

alighting where it will;
landing wherever it wishes;

Cittassa damatho sādhu,
it’s good to tame the mind;
it is good to train it—

cittaṁ dantaṁ sukhāvahaṁ.
a tamed mind leads to bliss.
a trained mind brings happiness.


Sududdasaṁ sunipuṇaṁ,
So hard to see, so subtle,
The mind is very subtle and hard to see,

alighting where it will;
landing wherever it wishes;

Cittaṁ rakkhetha medhāvī,
the discerning protect the mind,
the wise protect it—

cittaṁ guttaṁ sukhāvahaṁ.
a guarded mind leads to bliss.
a guarded mind brings happiness.


Dūraṅgamaṁ ekacaraṁ,
The mind travels far, wandering alone;
The mind travels far, wanders alone,

asarīraṁ guhāsayaṁ;
incorporeal, it hides in a cave.
incorporeal, self-sheltered;

Ye cittaṁ saṁyamissanti,
Those who will restrain the mind
those who restrain it

mokkhanti mārabandhanā.
are freed from Māra’s bonds.
will be freed from Māra's bonds.


Those of unsteady mind,
For one whose mind is unsettled,

saddhammaṁ avijānato;
who don’t understand the true teaching,
who does not understand the true Dhamma,

and whose confidence wavers,
and whose clarity is disturbed,

paññā na paripūrati.
do not perfect their wisdom.
wisdom does not become complete.

One whose mind is uncorrupted,
One whose mind is free from influences,

whose heart is undamaged,
whose mind is unafflicted,

who’s given up right and wrong,
who has abandoned both merit and evil, and is alert

natthi jāgarato bhayaṁ.
alert, has nothing to fear.
has no fear.


Kumbhūpamaṁ kāyamimaṁ viditvā,
Knowing this body breaks like a pot,
Having understood that this body is like a clay pot,

Nagarūpamaṁ cittamidaṁ ṭhapetvā;
and fortifying the mind like a citadel,
having fortified the mind like a city,

Yodhetha māraṁ paññāvudhena,
attack Māra with the sword of wisdom,
combat Māra using wisdom as one's weapon,

Jitañca rakkhe anivesano siyā.
guard your conquest, and never settle.
and protect the victory—you can be free of any abode.


Aciraṁ vatayaṁ kāyo,
All too soon this body
Before long, this body

pathaviṁ adhisessati;
will lie upon the earth,
will lie on the ground

Chuddho apetaviññāṇo,
bereft of consciousness,
discarded and devoid of consciousness

niratthaṁva kaliṅgaraṁ.
tossed aside like a useless log.
like a useless log.


Diso disaṁ yaṁ taṁ kayirā,
A wrongly directed mind
Compared to what might be done by an enemy to an enemy

verī vā pana verinaṁ;
would do you more harm
or one hostile person to another,

Micchāpaṇihitaṁ cittaṁ,
than a hater to the hated,
a wrongly directed mind

pāpiyo naṁ tato kare.
or an enemy to their foe.
can cause even more harm than that.


Na taṁ mātā pitā kayirā,
A rightly directed mind
Compared to what might be done by a mother or a father

aññe vāpi ca ñātakā;
would do you more good
or any other relative,

Sammāpaṇihitaṁ cittaṁ,
than your mother or father
a rightly directed mind

seyyaso naṁ tato kare.
or any other relative.
can bring even more benefit than that.

Cittavaggo tatiyo.