sutta » kn » dhp » Khuddakanikāya

Translators: sujato

Minor Collection

Sayings of the Dhamma 290–305

21. Miscellaneous


If by giving up material happiness

passe ce vipulaṁ sukhaṁ;
one sees abundant happiness,

Caje mattāsukhaṁ dhīro,
a wise one would give up material happiness,

sampassaṁ vipulaṁ sukhaṁ.
seeing the abundant happiness.


Some seek their own happiness

attano sukhamicchati;
by imposing suffering on others.

Living intimate with enmity,

verā so na parimuccati.
they’re not freed from enmity.


Yañhi kiccaṁ apaviddhaṁ,
They disregard what should be done,

akiccaṁ pana karīyati;
and do what should not be done.

Unnaḷānaṁ pamattānaṁ,
For the insolent and the negligent,

tesaṁ vaḍḍhanti āsavā.
their defilements only grow.

Yesañca susamāraddhā,
Those that have properly undertaken

niccaṁ kāyagatā sati;
constant mindfulness of the body,

Akiccaṁ te na sevanti,
don’t cultivate what should not be done,

kicce sātaccakārino;
but always do what should be done.

Satānaṁ sampajānānaṁ,
Mindful and aware,

atthaṁ gacchanti āsavā.
their defilements come to an end.


Mātaraṁ pitaraṁ hantvā,
Having slain mother and father,

rājāno dve ca khattiye;
and two aristocratic kings,

Raṭṭhaṁ sānucaraṁ hantvā,
and having wiped out <j>the kingdom with its tax collector,

anīgho yāti brāhmaṇo.
the brahmin walks on without worry.

Mātaraṁ pitaraṁ hantvā,
Having slain mother and father,

rājāno dve ca sotthiye;
and two prosperous kings,

Veyagghapañcamaṁ hantvā,
and a tiger as the fifth,

anīgho yāti brāhmaṇo.
the brahmin walks on without worry.


Suppabuddhaṁ pabujjhanti,
The disciples of Gotama

sadā gotamasāvakā;
always wake up refreshed,

Yesaṁ divā ca ratto ca,
who day and night

niccaṁ buddhagatā sati.
constantly recollect the Buddha.

Suppabuddhaṁ pabujjhanti,
The disciples of Gotama

sadā gotamasāvakā;
always wake up refreshed,

Yesaṁ divā ca ratto ca,
who day and night

niccaṁ dhammagatā sati.
constantly recollect the teaching.

Suppabuddhaṁ pabujjhanti,
The disciples of Gotama

sadā gotamasāvakā;
always wake up refreshed,

Yesaṁ divā ca ratto ca,
who day and night

niccaṁ saṅghagatā sati.
constantly recollect the Saṅgha.

Suppabuddhaṁ pabujjhanti,
The disciples of Gotama

sadā gotamasāvakā;
always wake up refreshed,

Yesaṁ divā ca ratto ca,
who day and night

niccaṁ kāyagatā sati.
are constantly mindful of the body.

Suppabuddhaṁ pabujjhanti,
The disciples of Gotama

sadā gotamasāvakā;
always wake up refreshed,

Yesaṁ divā ca ratto ca,
whose minds day and night

ahiṁsāya rato mano.
delight in harmlessness.

Suppabuddhaṁ pabujjhanti,
The disciples of Gotama

sadā gotamasāvakā;
always wake up refreshed,

Yesaṁ divā ca ratto ca,
whose minds day and night

bhāvanāya rato mano.
delight in meditation.


Duppabbajjaṁ durabhiramaṁ,
Going forth is hard, it’s hard to be happy;

Durāvāsā gharā dukhā;
life at home is hard too, and painful,

it’s painful to stay when you’ve nothing in common.

A traveler is a prey to pain,

Tasmā na caddhagū siyā,
so don’t be a traveler,

Na ca dukkhānupatito siyā.
don’t be prey to pain.


Saddho sīlena sampanno,
One who is faithful, accomplished in ethics,

blessed with fame and wealth,

Yaṁ yaṁ padesaṁ bhajati,
is honored in whatever place

tattha tattheva pūjito.
they frequent.


Dūre santo pakāsenti,
The good shine from afar,

himavantova pabbato;
like the Himalayan peaks,

Asantettha na dissanti,
but the wicked are not seen,

rattiṁ khittā yathā sarā.
like arrows scattered in the night.


Ekāsanaṁ ekaseyyaṁ,
Sitting alone, sleeping alone,

eko caramatandito;
tirelessly wandering alone;

Eko damayamattānaṁ,
one who tames themselves alone

vanante ramito siyā.
would delight within a forest.

Pakiṇṇakavaggo ekavīsatimo.