sutta » kn » iti » vagga5 » Itivuttaka 38

Translators: sujato

So It Was Said 38

The Book of the Twos

Chapter Two



Vuttañhetaṁ bhagavatā vuttamarahatāti me sutaṁ:
This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard.

“Tathāgataṁ, bhikkhave, arahantaṁ sammāsambuddhaṁ dve vitakkā bahulaṁ samudācaranti—
“Two thoughts, mendicants, often occur to the Realized One, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha:

khemo ca vitakko, paviveko ca.
the thought of sanctuary, and that of seclusion.

Abyāpajjhārāmo, bhikkhave, tathāgato abyāpajjharato.
The Realized One loves kindness and delights in it,

Tamenaṁ, bhikkhave, tathāgataṁ abyāpajjhārāmaṁ abyāpajjharataṁ eseva vitakko bahulaṁ samudācarati:
so this thought often occurs to him:

‘imāyāhaṁ iriyāya na kañci byābādhemi tasaṁ vā thāvaraṁ vā’ti.
‘Through this behavior, I shall not hurt any creature firm or frail.’

Pavivekārāmo, bhikkhave, tathāgato pavivekarato.
The Realized One loves seclusion and delights in it,

Tamenaṁ, bhikkhave, tathāgataṁ pavivekārāmaṁ pavivekarataṁ eseva vitakko bahulaṁ samudācarati:
so this thought often occurs to him:

‘yaṁ akusalaṁ taṁ pahīnan’ti.
‘What is unskillful has been given up.’

Tasmātiha, bhikkhave, tumhepi abyāpajjhārāmā viharatha abyāpajjharatā.
So, mendicants, you too should love kindness and delight in it,

Tesaṁ vo, bhikkhave, tumhākaṁ abyāpajjhārāmānaṁ viharataṁ abyāpajjharatānaṁ eseva vitakko bahulaṁ samudācarissati:
then this thought will often occur to you:

‘imāya mayaṁ iriyāya na kañci byābādhema tasaṁ vā thāvaraṁ vā’ti.
‘Through this behavior, I shall not hurt any creature firm or frail.’

Pavivekārāmā, bhikkhave, viharatha pavivekaratā.
You too should love seclusion and delight in it,

Tesaṁ vo, bhikkhave, tumhākaṁ pavivekārāmānaṁ viharataṁ pavivekaratānaṁ eseva vitakko bahulaṁ samudācarissati:
then this thought will often occur to you:

‘kiṁ akusalaṁ, kiṁ appahīnaṁ, kiṁ pajahāmā’”ti.
‘What is unskillful? What is not given up? What should I give up?’”

Etamatthaṁ bhagavā avoca.
The Buddha spoke this matter.

Tatthetaṁ iti vuccati:
On this it is said:

“Tathāgataṁ buddhamasayhasāhinaṁ,
“Two thoughts occur to him,

Duve vitakkā samudācaranti naṁ;
the Realized One, the bearer of the unbearable:

Khemo vitakko paṭhamo udīrito,
first mentioned was thought of sanctuary,

Tato viveko dutiyo pakāsito.
then the second made clear was seclusion.

Tamonudaṁ pāragataṁ mahesiṁ,
Dispeller of darkness, the great seer has crossed over:

Taṁ pattipattaṁ vasimaṁ anāsavaṁ;
the attained, the master, the undefiled.

Visantaraṁ taṇhakkhaye vimuttaṁ,
In the midst of it all, <j>he is freed in the ending of craving;

Taṁ ve muniṁ antimadehadhāriṁ;
that sage bears his final body.

Mārañjahaṁ brūmi jarāya pāraguṁ.
He has disposed of Māra, I declare, <j>and gone beyond old age.

Sele yathā pabbatamuddhaniṭṭhito,
Standing high on a rocky mountain,

Yathāpi passe janataṁ samantato;
you can see the people all around.

Tathūpamaṁ dhammamayaṁ sumedho,
In just the same way, the all-seer, so intelligent,

Pāsādamāruyha samantacakkhu;
having ascended the Temple of Truth,

Sokāvatiṇṇaṁ janatamapetasoko,
rid of sorrow, looks upon the people

Avekkhati jātijarābhibhūtan”ti.
swamped with sorrow, <j>oppressed by rebirth and old age.”

Ayampi attho vutto bhagavatā, iti me sutanti.
This too is a matter that was spoken by the Blessed One: that is what I heard.
