sutta » kn » iti » vagga7 » Itivuttaka 63

Translators: sujato

So It Was Said 63

The Book of the Threes

Chapter Two



Vuttañhetaṁ bhagavatā vuttamarahatāti me sutaṁ:
This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard.

“Tayome, bhikkhave, addhā.
“Mendicants, there are these three periods.

Katame tayo?
What three?

Atīto addhā, anāgato addhā, paccuppanno addhā—
Past, future, and present.

ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo addhā”ti.
These are the three periods.”

Etamatthaṁ bhagavā avoca.
The Buddha spoke this matter.

Tatthetaṁ iti vuccati:
On this it is said:

“Akkheyyasaññino sattā,
“Sentient beings who perceive the communicable,

akkheyyasmiṁ patiṭṭhitā;
become established in the communicable.

Akkheyyaṁ apariññāya,
Not understanding the communicable,

yogamāyanti maccuno.
they fall under the yoke of Death.

Akkheyyañca pariññāya,
But having fully understood the communicable,

akkhātāraṁ na maññati;
they don’t conceive a communicator,

Phuṭṭho vimokkho manasā,
as they’ve touched liberation with their mind,

the supreme state of peace.

Sa ve akkheyyasampanno,
Accomplished in the communicable,

santo santipade rato;
peaceful, in love with the state of peace;

Saṅkhāya sevī dhammaṭṭho,
making use after reflection, firm in principle,

saṅkhyaṁ nopeti vedagū”ti.
a knowledge master cannot be reckoned.”

Ayampi attho vutto bhagavatā, iti me sutanti.
This too is a matter that was spoken by the Blessed One: that is what I heard.
