Itivuttaka 77
Translators: sujato
So It Was Said 77
The Book of the Threes
Chapter Three
Vuttañhetaṁ bhagavatā vuttamarahatāti me sutaṁ:
This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard.
“Bhidurāyaṁ, bhikkhave, kāyo, viññāṇaṁ virāgadhammaṁ, sabbe upadhī aniccā dukkhā vipariṇāmadhammā”ti.
“This body is fragile, mendicants, consciousness is liable to fade away, and all attachments are impermanent, suffering, and perishable.”
Etamatthaṁ bhagavā avoca.
The Buddha spoke this matter.
Tatthetaṁ iti vuccati:
On this it is said:
“Kāyañca bhiduraṁ ñatvā,
“Knowing that the body is fragile,
Viññāṇañca virāgunaṁ;
that consciousness is faded,
Upadhīsu bhayaṁ disvā,
and seeing the danger in attachments,
they go beyond birth and death.
Sampatvā paramaṁ santiṁ,
Having attained ultimate peace,
Kālaṁ kaṅkhati bhāvitatto”ti.
evolved, they await their time.”
Ayampi attho vutto bhagavatā, iti me sutanti.
This too is a matter that was spoken by the Blessed One: that is what I heard.