sutta » kn » iti » vagga9 » Itivuttaka 89

Translators: sujato

So It Was Said 89

The Book of the Threes

Chapter Four


About Devadatta

Vuttañhetaṁ bhagavatā vuttamarahatāti me sutaṁ:
This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard.

“Tīhi, bhikkhave, asaddhammehi abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto devadatto āpāyiko nerayiko kappaṭṭho atekiccho.
“Mendicants, overcome and overwhelmed by three things that oppose the true teaching, Devadatta is going to a place of loss, to hell, there to remain for an eon, irredeemable.

Katamehi tīhi?
What three?

Pāpicchatāya, bhikkhave, abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto devadatto āpāyiko nerayiko kappaṭṭho atekiccho.
Corrupt wishes …

Pāpamittatāya, bhikkhave, abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto devadatto āpāyiko nerayiko kappaṭṭho atekiccho.
Bad friendship …

Sati kho pana uttarikaraṇīye oramattakena visesādhigamena antarā vosānaṁ āpādi.
When there is still more to be done, stopping half-way after achieving some insignificant distinction.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, tīhi asaddhammehi abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto devadatto āpāyiko nerayiko kappaṭṭho atekiccho”ti.
Overcome and overwhelmed by these three things that oppose the true teaching, Devadatta is going to a place of loss, to hell, there to remain for an eon, irredeemable.”

Etamatthaṁ bhagavā avoca.
The Buddha spoke this matter.

Tatthetaṁ iti vuccati:
On this it is said:

“Mā jātu koci lokasmiṁ,
“Let none of wicked desire

pāpiccho udapajjatha;
ever be reborn into this world.

Tadamināpi jānātha,
And by this too you should know

pāpicchānaṁ yathā gati.
the place where those of corrupt wishes go.

Paṇḍitoti samaññāto,
He once was considered astute,

bhāvitattoti sammato;
deemed to be evolved,

Jalaṁva yasasā aṭṭhā,
his glory stood forth like a flame,

devadattoti vissuto.
the renowned Devadatta.

So samānamanuciṇṇo,
Seduced by heedlessness,

āsajja naṁ tathāgataṁ;
he attacked the Realized One.

Avīcinirayaṁ patto,
He has fallen to Avīci hell,

catudvāraṁ bhayānakaṁ.
four-doored and terrifying.

Aduṭṭhassa hi yo dubbhe,
When someone betrays the innocent,

pāpakammaṁ akubbato;
who have done no wrong,

Tameva pāpaṁ phusati,
their bad deeds impact the one

duṭṭhacittaṁ anādaraṁ.
with corrupt heart, lacking regard for others.

Samuddaṁ visakumbhena,
One might think to pollute

yo maññeyya padūsituṁ;
the ocean with a pot of poison,

Na so tena padūseyya,
but it wouldn’t work,

bhesmā hi udadhi mahā.
for the sea is terribly large.

Evamevaṁ tathāgataṁ,
So too when someone attacks

yo vādena vihiṁsati;
with words the Realized One—

Sammaggataṁ santacittaṁ,
rightly comported, of peaceful mind—

vādo tamhi na rūhati.
the words don’t take.

Tādisaṁ mittaṁ kubbetha,
The astute would befriend one like this,

tañca seveyya paṇḍito;
and follow them around.

Yassa maggānugo bhikkhu,
A mendicant who walks the path

khayaṁ dukkhassa pāpuṇe”ti.
attains the ending of suffering.”

Ayampi attho vutto bhagavatā, iti me sutanti.
This too is a matter that was spoken by the Blessed One: that is what I heard.


Catuttho vaggo.



cavanaloke asubhaṁ;


devadattena te dasāti.