sutta » kn » kp » Khuddakapāṭha 4

Translators: sujato

Basic Passages 4


The Boy’s Questions

Ekaṁ nāma kiṁ?
What is the one?

Sabbe sattā āhāraṭṭhitikā.
All sentient beings are sustained by food.

Dve nāma kiṁ?
What is the two?

Nāmañca rūpañca.
Name and form.

Tīṇi nāma kiṁ?
What is the three?

Tisso vedanā.
Three feelings.

Cattāri nāma kiṁ?
What is the four?

Cattāri ariyasaccāni.
Four noble truths.

Pañca nāma kiṁ?
What is the five?

Five grasping aggregates.

Cha nāma kiṁ?
What is the six?

Cha ajjhattikāni āyatanāni.
Six interior sense fields.

Satta nāma kiṁ?
What is the seven?

Satta bojjhaṅgā.
Seven awakening factors.

Aṭṭha nāma kiṁ?
What is the eight?

Ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo.
The noble eightfold path.

Nava nāma kiṁ?
What is the nine?

Nava sattāvāsā.
Nine abodes of sentient beings.

Dasa nāma kiṁ?
What is the ten?

Dasahaṅgehi samannāgato “arahā”ti vuccatīti.
One endowed with ten factors is called “perfected”.
