sutta » kn » mil » Milindapañha

Translators: kelly

Milinda's Questions

Great Chapter

3. Vīmaṁsanapañha

3. Investigating question

Rājā āha—
The king asked,

“bhante nāgasena, sallapissasi mayā saddhin”ti?
“Venerable Nāgasena, will you converse with me?”

“Sace tvaṁ, mahārāja, paṇḍitavādaṁ sallapissasi sallapissāmi, sace pana rājavādaṁ sallapissasi na sallapissāmī”ti.
“If, your majesty, you will converse in the speech of wise people, I will converse, however, I will not do so if you converse like a king.”

“Kathaṁ, bhante nāgasena, paṇḍitā sallapantī”ti?
“How, venerable Nāgasena, do wise people converse?”

“Paṇḍitānaṁ kho, mahārāja, sallāpe āveṭhanampi kayirati, nibbeṭhanampi kayirati, niggahopi kayirati, paṭikammampi kayirati, vissāsopi kayirati, paṭivissāsopi kayirati, na ca tena paṇḍitā kuppanti, evaṁ kho, mahārāja, paṇḍitā sallapantī”ti.
“In a conversation among wise people, your majesty, both a summing up and an unravelling is made, a refutation and a redress is made, an assertion and a counter-assertion is made, and wise people do not become angry because of that. That is the way, your majesty, wise people converse.”

“Kathaṁ pana, bhante, rājāno sallapantī”ti?
“Then how, venerable sir, do kings converse?”

“Rājāno kho, mahārāja, sallāpe ekaṁ vatthuṁ paṭijānanti, yo taṁ vatthuṁ vilometi, tassa daṇḍaṁ āṇāpenti ‘imassa daṇḍaṁ paṇethā’ti, evaṁ kho, mahārāja, rājāno sallapantī”ti.
“In a conversation, your majesty, kings assert some point of view, and for the one who disputes that view, they order punishment, saying ‘Punish that person.’ That is the way, your majesty, kings converse.”

“Paṇḍitavādāhaṁ, bhante, sallapissāmi, no rājavādaṁ, vissaṭṭho bhadanto sallapatu yathā bhikkhunā vā sāmaṇerena vā upāsakena vā ārāmikena vā saddhiṁ sallapati, evaṁ vissaṭṭho bhadanto sallapatu mā bhāyatū”ti.
“I will converse, venerable sir, in the speech of wise people, not in the speech of kings. May the venerable one converse freely just like he does with a bhikkhu, a novice, a lay supporter, or with a monastery attendant. May the venerable one converse freely and not be afraid.”

“Suṭṭhu, mahārājā”ti thero abbhānumodi.
The elder approved, saying “It is well, your majesty.”

Rājā āha—
The king said,

“bhante nāgasena, pucchissāmī”ti.
“Venerable Nāgasena, I will ask.”

“Puccha, mahārājā”ti.
“Ask, your majesty.”

“Pucchitosi me, bhante”ti.
“You have been asked by me, venerable sir.”

“Visajjitaṁ, mahārājā”ti.
“It has been answered, your majesty.”

“Kiṁ pana, bhante, tayā visajjitan”ti?
“Then, what has been answered by you, venerable sir?”

“Kiṁ pana, mahārāja, tayā pucchitan”ti.
“Then, what has been asked by you, your majesty?”

Vīmaṁsanapañho tatiyo.
Investigating Question third