sutta » kn » mil » Milindapañha

Translators: kelly

Milinda's Questions

Great Chapter

5. Pabbajjapañha

Going Forth Question

Atha kho āyasmā nāgaseno yena milindassa rañño nivesanaṁ tenupasaṅkami, upasaṅkamitvā paññatte āsane nisīdi.
Then venerable Nāgasena approached King Milinda’s dwelling, and on arriving sat on the seat prepared.

Atha kho milindo rājā āyasmantaṁ nāgasenaṁ saparisaṁ paṇītena khādanīyena bhojanīyena sahatthā santappetvā sampavāretvā ekamekaṁ bhikkhuṁ ekamekena dussayugena acchādetvā āyasmantaṁ nāgasenaṁ ticīvarena acchādetvā āyasmantaṁ nāgasenaṁ etadavoca—
King Milinda then served and satisfied with his own hands venerable Nāgasena and his assembly with delicious hard and soft foods, presented to each bhikkhu a pair of cloths, and to venerable Nāgasena a set of three robes. He said to venerable Nāgasena,

“bhante nāgasena, dasahi, bhikkhūhi saddhiṁ idha nisīdatha, avasesā gacchantū”ti.
“Venerable Nāgasena, sit here with ten bhikkhus and let the rest of them go.”

Atha kho milindo rājā āyasmantaṁ nāgasenaṁ bhuttāviṁ onītapattapāṇiṁ viditvā aññataraṁ nīcaṁ āsanaṁ gahetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi, ekamantaṁ nisinno kho milindo rājā āyasmantaṁ nāgasenaṁ etadavoca—
Then King Milinda, having seen that venerable Nāgasena had eaten, and had withdrawn his hand from his bowl, took a certain low seat and sat down on one side. Seated there, King Milinda said to venerable Nāgasena,

“bhante nāgasena, kimhi hoti kathāsallāpo”ti?
“What is the conversation to be about, venerable Nāgasena?”

“Atthena mayaṁ, mahārāja, atthikā, atthe hotu kathāsallāpo”ti.
“We need a goal, your majesty. Let the conversation be about the goal.”

Rājā āha—
The king said,

“kimatthiyā, bhante nāgasena, tumhākaṁ pabbajjā, ko ca tumhākaṁ paramattho”ti.
“What use for you, venerable Nāgasena, is your going forth? What is the ultimate goal for you?”

Thero āha—
The elder said,

“kinti, mahārāja, idaṁ dukkhaṁ nirujjheyya, aññañca dukkhaṁ na uppajjeyyāti.
“How then, your majesty, would this suffering cease, and other suffering not arise?

Etadatthā, mahārāja, amhākaṁ pabbajjā, anupādā parinibbānaṁ kho pana amhākaṁ paramattho”ti.
This, your majesty, is the purpose of our going forth, and our ultimate goal is final nibbāna without any clinging.”

“Kiṁ pana, bhante nāgasena, sabbe etadatthāya pabbajantī”ti?
“Do all go forth for this goal, venerable Nāgasena?”

“Na hi, mahārāja, keci etadatthāya pabbajanti, keci rājābhinītā pabbajanti, keci corābhinītā pabbajanti, keci iṇaṭṭā pabbajanti, keci ājīvikatthāya pabbajanti, ye pana sammā pabbajanti, te etadatthāya pabbajantī”ti.
“Certainly not, your majesty, some go forth through fear of kings, some go forth through fear of thieves, some go forth oppressed by debts, and others go forth for the sake of livelihood. But those who go forth the right way, go forth for such a goal.”

“Tvaṁ pana, bhante, etadatthāya pabbajitosī”ti?
“Did you go forth for this goal, venerable sir?”

“Ahaṁ kho, mahārāja, daharako santo pabbajito, na jānāmi imassa nāmatthāya pabbajāmīti, api ca kho me evaṁ ahosi ‘paṇḍitā ime samaṇā sakyaputtiyā, te maṁ sikkhāpessantī’ti, svāhaṁ tehi sikkhāpito jānāmi ca passāmi ca ‘imassa nāmatthāya pabbajjā’”ti.
“I went forth, your majesty, when I was a child and I did not know that I was going forth for this goal. Then, it occurred to me, ‘These recluses, Sakyan sons, are wise and they will train me. Now, I have been trained by them, and I know and see that the going forth is for that goal.”

“Kallosi, bhante nāgasenā”ti.
“You are clever, venerable Nāgasena!”

Pabbajjapañho pañcamo.
Going Forth Question fifth