sutta » kn » mil » Milindapañha

Translators: kelly

Milinda's Questions

Great Chapter

15. Paññālakkhaṇapañha

Distinguishing Characteristic of Wisdom Question

Rājā āha—
The king asked:

“bhante nāgasena, kiṁlakkhaṇā paññā”ti?
“Venerable Nāgasena, what is the distinguishing characteristic of wisdom?”

“Pubbeva kho, mahārāja, mayā vuttaṁ—
“Previously, your majesty, I said that

‘chedanalakkhaṇā paññā’ti, api ca obhāsanalakkhaṇā paññā”ti.
severing is a distinguishing characteristic of wisdom, and also illuminating is a distinguishing characteristic of wisdom.”

“Kathaṁ, bhante, obhāsanalakkhaṇā paññā”ti?
“How, venerable sir, is illuminating a distinguishing characteristic of wisdom.”

“Paññā, mahārāja, uppajjamānā avijjandhakāraṁ vidhameti, vijjobhāsaṁ janeti, ñāṇālokaṁ vidaṁseti, ariyasaccāni pākaṭāni karoti.
“Wisdom arising, your majesty, dispels the darkness of ignorance, generates the radiance of true knowledge, displays the light of understanding, and makes evident the noble truths.

Tato yogāvacaro ‘aniccan’ti vā ‘dukkhan’ti vā ‘anattā’ti vā sammappaññāya passatī”ti.
Then, a spiritual practitioner sees with right wisdom what is ‘impermanent’, ‘suffering’, or ‘not self’.”

“Opammaṁ karohī”ti.
“Please give me an analogy.”

“Yathā, mahārāja, puriso andhakāre gehe padīpaṁ paveseyya, paviṭṭho padīpo andhakāraṁ vidhameti, obhāsaṁ janeti, ālokaṁ vidaṁseti, rūpāni pākaṭāni karoti;
“Just as, your majesty, a person might bring a lamp into a dark house, and this lamp brought in dispels the darkness, generates radiance, displays light, and makes evident forms.

evameva kho, mahārāja, paññā uppajjamānā avijjandhakāraṁ vidhameti, vijjobhāsaṁ janeti, ñāṇālokaṁ vidaṁseti, ariyasaccāni pākaṭāni karoti.
In the same way, your majesty, wisdom arising dispels the darkness of ignorance, generates the radiance of true knowledge, displays the light of understanding, and makes evident the noble truths.

Tato yogāvacaro ‘aniccan’ti vā ‘dukkhan’ti vā ‘anattā’ti vā sammappaññāya passati.
Then, a spiritual practitioner sees with right wisdom what is ‘impermanent’, ‘suffering’, or ‘not self’.

Evaṁ kho, mahārāja, obhāsanalakkhaṇā paññā”ti.
Thus, your majesty, is illuminating a distinguishing characteristic of wisdom.”

“Kallosi, bhante nāgasenā”ti.
“You are clever, venerable Nāgasena!”

Paññālakkhaṇapañho pannarasamo.
Distinguishing Characteristic of Wisdom Question fifteenth