sutta » kn » mil » Milindapañha

Translators: kelly

Milinda's Questions

Time Chapter

4. Paṭisandahanapuggalavediyanapañha

Question on the Feelings of an Individual Reconnecting

Rājā āha—
The king asked:

“bhante nāgasena, yo na paṭisandahati, vedeti so kiñci dukkhaṁ vedanan”ti?
Venerable Nāgasena, does one who does not reconnect feel a painful feeling?

Thero āha—
The elder said:

“kiñci vedeti, kiñci na vedetī”ti.
“He feels some, and he does not feel others.”

“Kiṁ vedeti, kiṁ na vedetī”ti?
“Which does he feel, and which does he not feel?”

“Kāyikaṁ, mahārāja, vedanaṁ vedeti, cetasikaṁ vedanaṁ na vedetī”ti.
“He feels bodily feelings, your majesty, and he does not feel mental feelings.”

“Kathaṁ, bhante, kāyikaṁ vedanaṁ vedeti, kathaṁ cetasikaṁ vedanaṁ na vedetī”ti?
“How, venerable sir, does he feel bodily feelings, and how does he not feel mental feelings?”

“Yo hetu yo paccayo kāyikāya dukkhavedanāya uppattiyā, tassa hetussa tassa paccayassa anuparamā kāyikaṁ dukkhavedanaṁ vedeti, yo hetu yo paccayo cetasikāya dukkhavedanāya uppattiyā, tassa hetussa tassa paccayassa uparamā cetasikaṁ dukkhavedanaṁ na vedeti.
“There is no ceasing of that cause and condition for the arising of a painful bodily feeling, and thus he feels a painful bodily feeling. There is ceasing of that cause and condition for the arising of a painful mental feeling, and thus he does not feel a painful mental feeling.

Bhāsitampetaṁ, mahārāja, bhagavatā—
And this too was said, your majesty, by the Blessed One:

‘so ekaṁ vedanaṁ vedeti kāyikaṁ na cetasikan’”ti.
‘He only feels one feeling, the bodily one, not the mental.’”

“Bhante nāgasena, yo dukkhaṁ vedanaṁ vedeti, kasmā so na parinibbāyatī”ti?
“Venerable Nāgasena, why does one who feels a painful feeling not experience final Nibbāna?”

“Natthi, mahārāja, arahato anunayo vā paṭigho vā, na ca arahanto apakkaṁ pātenti paripākaṁ āgamenti paṇḍitā.
“For an arahant, your majesty, there is no delight nor repugnance, and arahants do not destroy what is unripe. The wise ones wait for full maturing

Bhāsitampetaṁ, mahārāja, therena sāriputtena dhammasenāpatinā—
And this too was said, your majesty, by the elder, Sāriputta, General of the Dhamma:

‘Nābhinandāmi maraṇaṁ,
‘I don’t delight in dying,

nābhinandāmi jīvitaṁ;
nor do I delight in living.

Kālañca paṭikaṅkhāmi,
But I wait for the right time,

nibbisaṁ bhatako yathā.
as a servant waits for his wages.

Nābhinandāmi maraṇaṁ,
I don’t delight in dying,

nābhinandāmi jīvitaṁ;
nor do I delight in living.

Kālañca paṭikaṅkhāmi,
But I wait for the right time,

sampajāno patissato’”ti.
clearly comprehending and fully mindful.’”

“Kallosi, bhante nāgasenā”ti.
“You are clever, venerable Nāgasena!”

Paṭisandahanapuggalavediyanapañho catuttho.
Question on the Feelings of an Individual Reconnecting fourth