sutta » kn » mil » Milindapañha

Translators: kelly

Milinda's Questions

Nibbāna Chapter

4. Kammanānākaraṇapañha

Question on the Workings of Different Kamma

Rājā āha—
The king asked:

“bhante nāgasena, kena kāraṇena manussā na sabbe samakā, aññe appāyukā, aññe dīghāyukā, aññe bahvābādhā aññe appābādhā, aññe dubbaṇṇā, aññe vaṇṇavanto, aññe appesakkhā, aññe mahesakkhā, aññe appabhogā, aññe mahābhogā, aññe nīcakulīnā, aññe mahākulīnā, aññe duppaññā, aññe paññavanto”ti?
“Venerable Nāgasena, why is it that not all people are the same? Some people are short-lived, others long-lived, some have much affliction and others little affliction, some are ugly and others beautiful, some have little power and others great power, some have little wealth and others great wealth, some come from an inferior clan and others from a superior clan, some are foolish and others are wise.”

Thero āha—
The elder said:

“kissa pana, mahārāja, rukkhā na sabbe samakā, aññe ambilā, aññe lavaṇā, aññe tittakā, aññe kaṭukā, aññe kasāvā, aññe madhurā”ti?
“Why then, your majesty, is it that not all trees are the same? Some are acidic, some are salty, some are bitter, some are pungent, some are astringent, and some are sweet?”

“Maññāmi, bhante, bījānaṁ nānākaraṇenā”ti.
“I think, venerable sir, that it is because of the difference in seeds.”

“Evameva kho, mahārāja, kammānaṁ nānākaraṇena manussā na sabbe samakā, aññe appāyukā, aññe dīghāyukā, aññe bahvābādhā, aññe appābādhā, aññe dubbaṇṇā, aññe vaṇṇavanto, aññe appesakkhā, aññe mahesakkhā, aññe appabhogā, aññe mahābhogā, aññe nīcakulīnā, aññe mahākulīnā, aññe duppaññā, aññe paññavanto.
“In the same way, your majesty, it is because of the difference in kamma that not all people are the same. Some people are short-lived, others long-lived, some have much affliction and others little affliction, some are ugly and others beautiful, some have little power and others great power, some have little wealth and others great wealth, some come from an inferior clan and others from a superior clan, some are foolish and others are wise.”

Bhāsitampetaṁ, mahārāja, bhagavatā—
And this too, your majesty, was said by the Blessed One:

‘kammassakā, māṇava, sattā kammadāyādā kammayonī kammabandhū kammappaṭisaraṇā, kammaṁ satte vibhajati yadidaṁ hīnappaṇītatāyā’”ti.
‘Young man, beings are the owners of their kamma, heirs to their kamma, born from their kamma, bound to their kamma, and protected by their kamma. Kamma divides beings into inferior and superior.’”

“Kallosi, bhante nāgasenā”ti.
“You are clever, venerable Nāgasena.”

Kammanānākaraṇapañho catuttho.
Question on the Workings of Different Kamma fourth