sutta » kn » mil » Milindapañha

Translators: kelly

Milinda's Questions

Mindfulness Chapter

4. Bhagavatobrahmacāripañha

Celibacy of the Blessed One Question

Rājā āha—
The king asked:

“bhante nāgasena, buddho brahmacārī”ti?
“Venerable Nāgasena, was the Buddha a Brahma-farer (celibate)?”

“Āma, mahārāja, bhagavā brahmacārī”ti.
“Yes, your majesty, the Buddha was celibate.”

“Tena hi, bhante nāgasena, buddho brahmuno sisso”ti?
“Well then, venerable Nāgasena, was the Buddha a student of Brahmā?”

“Atthi pana te, mahārāja, hatthipāmokkho”ti?
“But, your majesty, do you have a chief elephant?”

“Atthi, bhante”ti.
“Yes, venerable sir, I do.”

“Kiṁ nu kho, mahārāja, so hatthī kadāci karahaci koñcanādaṁ nadatī”ti?
“And does this elephant, your majesty, roar the “Heron’s roar” from time to time?”

“Āma, bhante, nadatī”ti.
“Yes, venerable sir, he does.”

“Tena hi, mahārāja, so hatthī koñcasakuṇassa sisso”ti?
“Well then, your majesty, is this elephant a student of the heron?”

“Na hi, bhante”ti.
“Certainly not, venerable sir.”

“Kiṁ pana, mahārāja, brahmā sabuddhiko abuddhiko”ti?
“Was Brahmā, your majesty, one with intelligence or without?”

“Sabuddhiko, bhante”ti.
“With intelligence, venerable sir.”

“Tena hi, mahārāja, brahmā bhagavato sisso”ti.
“Well then, your majesty, Brahmā was a student of the Blessed One.”

“Kallosi, bhante nāgasenā”ti.
“You are clever, venerable Nāgasena.”

Bhagavato brahmacāripañho catuttho.
Celibacy of the Blessed One Question fourth