vinaya » pli-tv-bi-vb » pli-tv-bi-vb-as » Theravāda Vinaya

Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Nuns’ Analysis


The settling of legal issues

Ime kho panāyyāyo satta adhikaraṇasamathā dhammā uddesaṁ āgacchanti.
“Venerables, these seven principles for the settling of legal issues come up for recitation.

Uppannuppannānaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ samathāya vūpasamāya
For the settling and resolving of legal issues whenever they arise there is:

sammukhāvinayo dātabbo,
Resolution face-to-face to be applied;

sativinayo dātabbo,
Resolution through recollection to be granted;

amūḷhavinayo dātabbo,
Resolution because of past insanity to be granted;

paṭiññāya kāretabbaṁ,
Acting according to what has been admitted;

Majority decision;

Further penalty;

Covering over as if with grass.

Uddiṭṭhā kho, ayyāyo, satta adhikaraṇasamathā dhammā.
Venerables, the seven principles for the settling of legal issues have been recited.

Tatthāyyāyo pucchāmi—
In regard to this I ask you,

“kaccittha parisuddhā”?
‘Are you pure in this?’

Dutiyampi pucchāmi—
A second time I ask,

“kaccittha parisuddhā”?
‘Are you pure in this?’

Tatiyampi pucchāmi—
A third time I ask,

“kaccittha parisuddhā”?
‘Are you pure in this?’

Parisuddhetthāyyāyo, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmīti.
You are pure in this and therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.”

Adhikaraṇasamathā niṭṭhitā.
The seven principles for the settling of legal issues are finished.

Uddiṭṭhaṁ kho, ayyāyo, nidānaṁ.
“Venerables, the introduction has been recited;

Uddiṭṭhā aṭṭha pārājikā dhammā.
the eight rules on expulsion have been recited;

Uddiṭṭhā sattarasa saṅghādisesā dhammā.
the seventeen rules on suspension have been recited;

Uddiṭṭhā tiṁsa nissaggiyā pācittiyā dhammā.
the thirty rules on relinquishment and confession have been recited;

Uddiṭṭhā chasaṭṭhisatā pācittiyā dhammā.
the one hundred and sixty-six rules on confession have been recited;

Uddiṭṭhā aṭṭha pāṭidesanīyā dhammā.
the eight rules on acknowledgment have been recited;

Uddiṭṭhā sekhiyā dhammā.
the rules to be trained in have been recited;

Uddiṭṭhā satta adhikaraṇasamathā dhammā.
the seven principles for the settling of legal issues have been recited.

Ettakaṁ tassa bhagavato suttāgataṁ suttapariyāpannaṁ anvaddhamāsaṁ uddesaṁ āgacchati.
This much has come down and is included in the Monastic Code of the Buddha and comes up for recitation every half-month.

Tattha sabbāheva samaggāhi sammodamānāhi avivadamānāhi sikkhitabbanti.
In regard to this everyone should train in unity, in concord, without dispute.”

Bhikkhunivibhaṅgo niṭṭhito.
The Nuns’ Analysis is finished.

Pācittiyapāḷi niṭṭhitā.
The canonical text beginning with offenses entailing confession is finished.