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Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Nuns’ Analysis

The chapter on offenses entailing suspension

3. Ekagāmantaragamanasikkhāpada

The training rule on walking alone to the next village

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time when the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery,

Tena kho pana samayena bhaddāya kāpilāniyā antevāsinī bhikkhunī bhikkhunīhi saddhiṁ bhaṇḍitvā gāmakaṁ ñātikulaṁ agamāsi.
a nun who was a pupil of Bhaddā Kāpilānī had an argument with the nuns and then went to her relatives’ village.

Bhaddā kāpilānī taṁ bhikkhuniṁ apassantī bhikkhuniyo pucchi—“kahaṁ itthannāmā, na dissatī”ti.
Not seeing her pupil anywhere, Bhaddā Kāpilānī asked the nuns, “Where’s so-and-so? She’s disappeared.”

“Bhikkhunīhi saddhiṁ, ayye, bhaṇḍitvā na dissatī”ti.
“She disappeared, Venerable, after arguing with the nuns.”

“Ammā, amukasmiṁ gāmake etissā ñātikulaṁ. Tattha gantvā vicinathā”ti.
“My dears, her relatives live in such-and-such a village. Go there and look for her.”

Bhikkhuniyo tattha gantvā taṁ bhikkhuniṁ passitvā etadavocuṁ—“kissa tvaṁ, ayye, ekikā āgatā, kaccisi appadhaṁsitā”ti?
The nuns went there, and when they saw her, they said to her, “Why did you go alone, Venerable? We hope you weren’t assaulted?”

“Appadhaṁsitāmhi, ayye”ti.
“I wasn’t.”

Yā tā bhikkhuniyo appicchā …pe… tā ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The nuns of few desires complained and criticized her,

“kathañhi nāma bhikkhunī ekā gāmantaraṁ gacchissatī”ti …pe…
“How could a nun walk to the next village by herself?” …

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, bhikkhunī ekā gāmantaraṁ gacchatī”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that a nun did this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked her …

kathañhi nāma, bhikkhave, bhikkhunī ekā gāmantaraṁ gacchissati.
“How could a nun do this?

Netaṁ, bhikkhave, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuniyo imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddisantu—
“And, monks, the nuns should recite this training rule like this:

“Yā pana bhikkhunī ekā gāmantaraṁ gaccheyya, ayampi bhikkhunī paṭhamāpattikaṁ dhammaṁ āpannā nissāraṇīyaṁ saṅghādisesan”ti.
‘If a nun walks to the next inhabited area by herself, then that nun too has committed an immediate offense entailing sending away and suspension.’”

Evañcidaṁ bhagavatā bhikkhunīnaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ hoti.
In this way the Buddha laid down this training rule for the nuns.

Tena kho pana samayena dve bhikkhuniyo sāketā sāvatthiṁ addhānamaggappaṭipannā honti.
On one occasion two nuns were traveling from Sāketa to Sāvatthī.

Antarāmagge nadī taritabbā hoti.
On the way they had to cross a river.

Atha kho tā bhikkhuniyo nāvike upasaṅkamitvā etadavocuṁ—“sādhu no, āvuso, tārethā”ti.
They went to a boatman and said, “Please take us across.”

“Nāyye, sakkā ubho sakiṁ tāretun”ti.
“I’m not able, Venerables, to take both of you across at the same time.”

Eko ekaṁ uttāresi.
And so they crossed individually, alone with the boatman.

Uttiṇṇo uttiṇṇaṁ dūsesi.
When he had crossed with the first nun, he raped her.

Anuttiṇṇo anuttiṇṇaṁ dūsesi.
And after returning to the first bank, he raped the other nun as well.

Tā pacchā samāgantvā pucchiṁsu—
Later, when they were reunited, they asked each other,

“kaccisi, ayye, appadhaṁsitā”ti?
“Venerable, I hope you weren’t assaulted?”

“Padhaṁsitāmhi, ayye.
“I was.

Tvaṁ pana, ayye, appadhaṁsitā”ti?
And you, Venerable, were you assaulted?”

“Padhaṁsitāmhi, ayye”ti.
“I was, too.”

Atha kho tā bhikkhuniyo sāvatthiṁ gantvā bhikkhunīnaṁ etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They then continued on to Sāvatthī and told the nuns there what had happened.

Yā tā bhikkhuniyo appicchā …pe… tā ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The nuns of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma bhikkhunī ekā nadīpāraṁ gacchissatī”ti.
“How could a nun cross a river by herself?”

Atha kho tā bhikkhuniyo bhikkhūnaṁ etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the monks,

Bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
who in turn told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, bhikkhunī ekā nadīpāraṁ gacchatī”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that a nun did this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked them …

kathañhi nāma, bhikkhave, bhikkhunī ekā nadīpāraṁ gacchissati.
“How could a nun do this?

Netaṁ, bhikkhave, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuniyo imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddisantu—
“And, monks, the nuns should recite this training rule like this:

“Yā pana bhikkhunī ekā vā gāmantaraṁ gaccheyya, ekā vā nadīpāraṁ gaccheyya, ayampi bhikkhunī paṭhamāpattikaṁ dhammaṁ āpannā nissāraṇīyaṁ saṅghādisesan”ti.
‘If a nun walks to the next inhabited area by herself or crosses a river by herself, then that nun too has committed an immediate offense entailing sending away and suspension.’”

Evañcidaṁ bhagavatā bhikkhunīnaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ hoti.
In this way the Buddha laid down this training rule for the nuns.

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulā bhikkhuniyo kosalesu janapade sāvatthiṁ gacchantā sāyaṁ aññataraṁ gāmaṁ upagacchiṁsu.
On one occasion a number of nuns were walking through the Kosalan country on their way to Sāvatthī, when one evening they arrived at a certain village.

Tattha aññatarā bhikkhunī abhirūpā hoti dassanīyā pāsādikā. Aññataro puriso tassā bhikkhuniyā saha dassanena paṭibaddhacitto hoti.
One of the nuns was beautiful and graceful, and a certain man fell in love with her as soon as he saw her.

Atha kho so puriso tāsaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ seyyaṁ paññapento tassā bhikkhuniyā seyyaṁ ekamantaṁ paññāpesi.
Then, as he was preparing sleeping places for those nuns, he prepared hers to one side.

Atha kho sā bhikkhunī sallakkhetvā—“pariyuṭṭhito ayaṁ puriso; sace rattiṁ āgacchissati, vissaro me bhavissatī”ti,
And that nun thought, “This man is obsessed with me. If I go there for the night, I’ll get into trouble.”

bhikkhuniyo anāpucchā aññataraṁ kulaṁ gantvā seyyaṁ kappesi.
Then, without informing the nuns, she went to a certain family and slept there.

Atha kho so puriso rattiṁ āgantvā taṁ bhikkhuniṁ gavesanto bhikkhuniyo ghaṭṭesi.
When night arrived, that man went searching for that nun, and as he did so he bumped into the other nuns.

Bhikkhuniyo taṁ bhikkhuniṁ apassantiyo evamāhaṁsu—“nissaṁsayaṁ kho sā bhikkhunī purisena saddhiṁ nikkhantā”ti.
Not seeing that nun anywhere, the nuns said, “No doubt she has left with a man.”

Atha kho sā bhikkhunī tassā rattiyā accayena yena tā bhikkhuniyo tenupasaṅkami. Bhikkhuniyo taṁ bhikkhuniṁ etadavocuṁ—“kissa tvaṁ, ayye, purisena saddhiṁ nikkhantā”ti?
The following morning that nun returned to the nuns, and they said to her, “Venerable, why did you leave with a man?”

“Nāhaṁ, ayye, purisena saddhiṁ nikkhantā”ti.
“I didn’t leave with a man, Venerables.”

Bhikkhunīnaṁ etamatthaṁ ārocesi.
She then told the nuns what had happened.

Yā tā bhikkhuniyo appicchā …pe… tā ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The nuns of few desires complained and criticized her,

“kathañhi nāma bhikkhunī ekā rattiṁ vippavasissatī”ti …pe…
“How could a nun spend the night apart by herself?” …

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, bhikkhunī ekā rattiṁ vippavasatī”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that a nun did this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked her …

kathañhi nāma, bhikkhave, bhikkhunī ekā rattiṁ vippavasissati.
“How could a nun do this?

Netaṁ, bhikkhave, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuniyo imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddisantu—
“And, monks, the nuns should recite this training rule like this:

“Yā pana bhikkhunī ekā vā gāmantaraṁ gaccheyya, ekā vā nadīpāraṁ gaccheyya, ekā vā rattiṁ vippavaseyya, ayampi bhikkhunī paṭhamāpattikaṁ dhammaṁ āpannā nissāraṇīyaṁ saṅghādisesan”ti.
‘If a nun walks to the next inhabited area by herself or crosses a river by herself or spends the night apart by herself, then that nun too has committed an immediate offense entailing sending away and suspension.’”

Evañcidaṁ bhagavatā bhikkhunīnaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ hoti.
In this way the Buddha laid down this training rule for the nuns.

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulā bhikkhuniyo kosalesu janapade sāvatthiṁ addhānamaggappaṭipannā honti.
On one occasion a number of nuns were traveling through the Kosalan country on their way to Sāvatthī.

Tattha aññatarā bhikkhunī vaccena pīḷitā ekikā ohīyitvā pacchā agamāsi.
One of the nuns, needing to defecate, stayed behind by herself, and then followed behind the others.

Manussā taṁ bhikkhuniṁ passitvā dūsesuṁ.
People saw her and raped her.

Atha kho sā bhikkhunī yena tā bhikkhuniyo tenupasaṅkami. Bhikkhuniyo taṁ bhikkhuniṁ etadavocuṁ—“kissa tvaṁ, ayye, ekikā ohīnā, kaccisi appadhaṁsitā”ti?
She then went to the other nuns, and they said to her, “Why did you stay behind by yourself, Venerable? We hope you weren’t assaulted?”

“Padhaṁsitāmhi, ayye”ti.
“I was.”

Yā tā bhikkhuniyo appicchā …pe… tā ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The nuns of few desires complained and criticized her,

kathañhi nāma bhikkhunī ekā gaṇamhā ohīyissatīti …pe…
“How could a nun lag behind her companions by herself?” …

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, bhikkhunī ekā gaṇamhā ohīyatī”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that a nun did this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked her …

kathañhi nāma, bhikkhave, bhikkhunī ekā gaṇamhā ohīyissati.
“How could a nun do this?

Netaṁ, bhikkhave, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuniyo imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddisantu—
“And, monks, the nuns should recite this training rule like this:

“Yā pana bhikkhunī ekā vā gāmantaraṁ gaccheyya, ekā vā nadīpāraṁ gaccheyya, ekā vā rattiṁ vippavaseyya, ekā vā gaṇamhā ohīyeyya, ayampi bhikkhunī paṭhamāpattikaṁ dhammaṁ āpannā nissāraṇīyaṁ saṅghādisesan”ti.
‘If a nun walks to the next inhabited area by herself or crosses a river by herself or spends the night apart by herself or lags behind her companions by herself, then that nun too has committed an immediate offense entailing sending away and suspension.’”

Yā panāti

yā yādisā …pe…
whoever …


…pe… ayaṁ imasmiṁ atthe adhippetā bhikkhunīti.
… The nun who has been given the full ordination in unanimity by both Sanghas through a legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements that is irreversible and fit to stand—this sort of nun is meant in this case.

Ekā vā gāmantaraṁ gaccheyyāti
Walks to the next inhabited area by herself:

parikkhittassa gāmassa parikkhepaṁ paṭhamaṁ pādaṁ atikkāmentiyā āpatti thullaccayassa,
if she crosses the boundary of an enclosed inhabited area with her first foot, she commits a serious offense.

dutiyaṁ pādaṁ atikkāmentiyā āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If she then crosses it with her second foot, she commits an offense entailing suspension.

Aparikkhittassa gāmassa upacāraṁ paṭhamaṁ pādaṁ atikkāmentiyā āpatti thullaccayassa.
If she enters the vicinity of an unenclosed inhabited area with her first foot, she commits a serious offense.

Dutiyaṁ pādaṁ atikkāmentiyā āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If she then enters it with her second foot, she commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekā vā nadīpāraṁ gaccheyyāti
Or crosses a river by herself:

nadī nāma timaṇḍalaṁ paṭicchādetvā yattha katthaci uttarantiyā bhikkhuniyā antaravāsako temiyati.
A river: wherever, after covering the three circles, the sarong gets wet when the nun is crossing.

Paṭhamaṁ pādaṁ uttarantiyā āpatti thullaccayassa.
When she has crossed with the first foot, she commits a serious offense.

Dutiyaṁ pādaṁ uttarantiyā āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
When she has crossed with the second foot, she commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekā vā rattiṁ vippavaseyyāti
Or spends the night apart by herself:

saha aruṇuggamanā dutiyikāya bhikkhuniyā hatthapāsaṁ vijahantiyā āpatti thullaccayassa.
if, at dawn, she is in the process of going beyond arm’s reach of her companion nun, she commits a serious offense.

Vijahite āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
When she has gone beyond, she commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekā vā gaṇamhā ohīyeyyāti
Or lags behind her companions by herself:

agāmake araññe dutiyikāya bhikkhuniyā dassanūpacāraṁ vā savanūpacāraṁ vā vijahantiyā āpatti thullaccayassa.
if, in an uninhabited area, in the wilderness, she is in the process of going beyond the range of sight or the range of hearing of her companion nun, she commits a serious offense.

Vijahite āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
When she has gone beyond, she commits an offense entailing suspension.

That too:

purimāyo upādāya vuccati.
this is said with reference to the preceding offenses.

An immediate offense:

saha vatthujjhācārā āpajjati asamanubhāsanāya.
there is an offense as soon as the misconduct is committed, and no pressing is required.

Entailing sending away:

saṅghamhā nissārīyati.
she is sent away from the Sangha.


…pe… tenapi vuccati saṅghādisesoti.
… Therefore, too, it is called an offense entailing suspension.

There is no offense:

dutiyikā bhikkhunī pakkantā vā hoti vibbhantā vā kālaṅkatā vā pakkhasaṅkantā vā,
if her companion nun has left or disrobed or died or joined another group;

if there is an emergency;

if she is insane;

if she is the first offender.

Tatiyasaṅghādisesasikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The third offense entailing suspension is finished.