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Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Great Analysis

The chapter on undetermined offenses

1. Paṭhamaaniyatasikkhāpada

The first undetermined training rule

Ime kho panāyasmanto dve aniyatā dhammā uddesaṁ āgacchanti.
Venerables, these two undetermined rules come up for recitation.

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in the Jeta Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery.

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā udāyī sāvatthiyaṁ kulūpako hoti, bahukāni kulāni upasaṅkamati.
At that time Venerable Udāyī was associating with and visiting a number of families in Sāvatthī.

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmato udāyissa upaṭṭhākakulassa kumārikā aññatarassa kulassa kumārakassa dinnā hoti.
On one occasion one of the families that supported him gave their daughter in marriage to the son of another family.

Atha kho āyasmā udāyī pubbaṇhasamayaṁ nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya yena taṁ kulaṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā manusse pucchi—
Soon afterwards Venerable Udāyī robed up in the morning, took his bowl and robe, and went to the first of those families. When he arrived, he asked

“kahaṁ itthannāmā”ti?
where the daughter was,

Te evamāhaṁsu—
and he was told

“dinnā, bhante, amukassa kulassa kumārakassā”ti.
that she had been given to another family.

Tampi kho kulaṁ āyasmato udāyissa upaṭṭhākaṁ hoti.
That family too supported Udāyī.

Atha kho āyasmā udāyī yena taṁ kulaṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā manusse pucchi—
He then went there and again asked

“kahaṁ itthannāmā”ti?
where the girl was.

Te evamāhaṁsu—
They said,

“esāyya, ovarake nisinnā”ti.
“She’s sitting in her room.”

Atha kho āyasmā udāyī yena sā kumārikā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā tassā kumārikāya saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho paṭicchanne āsane alaṅkammaniye nisajjaṁ kappesi kālayuttaṁ samullapanto kālayuttaṁ dhammaṁ bhaṇanto.
He went up to that girl, and the two of them sat down alone on a private and concealed seat suitable for action. When they were able, they chatted; otherwise he gave her a teaching.

Tena kho pana samayena visākhā migāramātā bahuputtā hoti bahunattā arogaputtā aroganattā abhimaṅgalasammatā.
At that time Visākhā Migāramātā had many healthy children and grandchildren. As a consequence, she was considered auspicious.

Manussā yaññesu chaṇesu ussavesu visākhaṁ migāramātaraṁ paṭhamaṁ bhojenti.
At sacrifices, ceremonies, and celebrations people would feed Visākhā first.

Atha kho visākhā migāramātā nimantitā taṁ kulaṁ agamāsi.
Just then she had been invited to that family that supported Udāyī.

Addasā kho visākhā migāramātā āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ tassā kumārikāya saddhiṁ ekaṁ ekāya raho paṭicchanne āsane alaṅkammaniye nisinnaṁ.
When she arrived, she saw him sitting alone with that girl,

Disvāna āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ etadavoca—
and she said to him,

“idaṁ, bhante, nacchannaṁ nappatirūpaṁ yaṁ ayyo mātugāmena saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho paṭicchanne āsane alaṅkammaniye nisajjaṁ kappeti.
“Venerable, it’s not appropriate for you to sit alone with a woman on a private and concealed seat suitable for action.

Kiñcāpi, bhante, ayyo anatthiko tena dhammena, api ca dussaddhāpayā appasannā manussā”ti.
You may not be aiming at that act, but it’s hard to convince people with little confidence.”

Evampi kho āyasmā udāyī visākhāya migāramātuyā vuccamāno nādiyi.
But Udāyī did not listen.

Atha kho visākhā migāramātā nikkhamitvā bhikkhūnaṁ etamatthaṁ ārocesi.
After leaving, Visākhā told the monks what had happened.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized him,

“kathañhi nāma āyasmā udāyī mātugāmena saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho paṭicchanne āsane alaṅkammaniye nisajjaṁ kappessatī”ti.
“How could Venerable Udāyī sit alone with a woman on a private and concealed seat suitable for action?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
After rebuking Udāyī in many ways, they told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned Udāyī:

“saccaṁ kira tvaṁ, udāyi, mātugāmena saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho paṭicchanne āsane alaṅkammaniye nisajjaṁ kappesī”ti?
“Is it true, Udāyī, that you did this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked him …

kathañhi nāma tvaṁ, moghapurisa, mātugāmena saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho paṭicchanne āsane alaṅkammaniye nisajjaṁ kappessasi.
“Foolish man, how could you do this?

Netaṁ, moghapurisa, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Yo pana bhikkhu mātugāmena saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho paṭicchanne āsane alaṅkammaniye nisajjaṁ kappeyya, tamenaṁ saddheyyavacasā upāsikā disvā
‘If a monk sits alone with a woman on a private and concealed seat suitable for action, and a trustworthy female lay follower sees him

tiṇṇaṁ dhammānaṁ aññatarena vadeyya—pārājikena vā saṅghādisesena vā pācittiyena vā.
and accuses him of an offense entailing expulsion, an offense entailing suspension, or an offense entailing confession,

Nisajjaṁ bhikkhu paṭijānamāno tiṇṇaṁ dhammānaṁ aññatarena kāretabbo—pārājikena vā saṅghādisesena vā pācittiyena vā.
then, if he admits to the sitting, he is to be dealt with according to one of these three

Yena vā sā saddheyyavacasā upāsikā vadeyya, tena so bhikkhu kāretabbo.
or according to what that trustworthy female lay follower has said.

Ayaṁ dhammo aniyato”ti.
This rule is undetermined.’”

Yo panāti

yo yādiso …pe…
whoever …


…pe… ayaṁ imasmiṁ atthe adhippeto bhikkhūti.
… The monk who has been given the full ordination by a unanimous Sangha through a legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements that is irreversible and fit to stand—this sort of monk is meant in this case.

Mātugāmo nāma
A woman:

manussitthī, na yakkhī na petī na tiracchānagatā. Antamaso tadahujātāpi dārikā, pageva mahattarī.
a human female, not a female spirit, not a female ghost, not a female animal; even a girl born that very day, let alone an older one.



Eko ekāyāti

bhikkhu ceva hoti mātugāmo ca.
just the monk and the woman.

Raho nāma

cakkhussa raho, sotassa raho.
there is private to the eye and there is private to the ear.

Cakkhussa raho nāma
Private to the eye:

na sakkā hoti akkhiṁ vā nikhaṇīyamāne bhamukaṁ vā ukkhipīyamāne sīsaṁ vā ukkhipīyamāne passituṁ.
one is unable to see them winking, raising an eyebrow, or nodding.

Sotassa raho nāma
Private to the ear:

na sakkā hoti pakatikathā sotuṁ.
one is unable to hear ordinary speech.

Paṭicchannaṁ nāma
Concealed seat:

āsanaṁ kuṭṭena vā kavāṭena vā kilañjena vā sāṇipākārena vā rukkhena vā thambhena vā kotthaḷiyā vā yena kenaci paṭicchannaṁ hoti.
it is concealed by a wall, a screen, a door, a cloth screen, a tree, a pillar, a grain container, or anything else.

Suitable for action:

sakkā hoti methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevituṁ.
one is able to have sexual intercourse.

Nisajjaṁ kappeyyāti

mātugāme nisinne bhikkhu upanisinno vā hoti upanipanno vā.
the monk sits down or lies down next to the seated woman.

Bhikkhu nisinne mātugāmo upanisinno vā hoti upanipanno vā.
The woman sits down or lies down next to the seated monk.

Ubho vā nisinnā honti ubho vā nipannā.
Both are seated or both are lying down.

Saddheyyavacasā nāma

āgataphalā abhisametāvinī viññātasāsanā.
she has attained the fruit, she has broken through, she has understood the Instruction.

Upāsikā nāma
Female lay follower:

buddhaṁ saraṇaṁ gatā, dhammaṁ saraṇaṁ gatā, saṅghaṁ saraṇaṁ gatā.
she has gone for refuge to the Buddha, the Teaching, and the Sangha.


having seen.

Tiṇṇaṁ dhammānaṁ aññatarena vadeyya— pārājikena vā saṅghādisesena vā pācittiyena vā.
If she accuses him of an offense entailing expulsion, an offense entailing suspension, or an offense entailing confession,

Nisajjaṁ bhikkhu paṭijānamāno tiṇṇaṁ dhammānaṁ aññatarena kāretabbo— pārājikena vā saṅghādisesena vā pācittiyena vā.
then, if he admits to the sitting, he is to be dealt with according to one of these three

Yena vā sā saddheyyavacasā upāsikā vadeyya tena so bhikkhu kāretabbo.
or according to what that trustworthy female lay follower has said:

Sā ce evaṁ vadeyya—
If she accuses him like this:

“ayyo mayā diṭṭho nisinno mātugāmassa methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevanto”ti,
“I’ve seen you seated, having sexual intercourse with a woman,”

so ca taṁ paṭijānāti, āpattiyā kāretabbo.
and he admits to that, then he is to be dealt with for the offense.

Sā ce evaṁ vadeyya—
If she accuses him like this:

“ayyo mayā diṭṭho nisinno mātugāmassa methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevanto”ti,
“I’ve seen you seated, having sexual intercourse with a woman,”

so ce evaṁ vadeyya—
but he says,

“saccāhaṁ nisinno, no ca kho methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevin”ti,
“It’s true that I was seated, but I didn’t have sexual intercourse,”

nisajjāya kāretabbo.
then he is to be dealt with for the sitting.

Sā ce evaṁ vadeyya—
If she accuses him like this:

“ayyo mayā diṭṭho nisinno mātugāmassa methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevanto”ti,
“I’ve seen you seated, having sexual intercourse with a woman,”

so ce evaṁ vadeyya—
but he says,

“nāhaṁ nisinno, api ca kho nipanno”ti,
“I wasn’t seated, but lying down,”

nipajjāya kāretabbo.
then he is to be dealt with for the lying down.

Sā ce evaṁ vadeyya—
If she accuses him like this:

“ayyo mayā diṭṭho nisinno mātugāmassa methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevanto”ti,
“I’ve seen you seated, having sexual intercourse with a woman,”

so ce evaṁ vadeyya—
but he says,

“nāhaṁ nisinno, api ca kho ṭhito”ti,
“I wasn’t seated, but standing,”

na kāretabbo.
then he is not to be dealt with.

Sā ce evaṁ vadeyya—
If she accuses him like this:

“ayyo mayā diṭṭho nipanno mātugāmassa methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevanto”ti,
“I’ve seen you lying down, having sexual intercourse with a woman,”

so ca taṁ paṭijānāti, āpattiyā kāretabbo.
and he admits to that, then he is to be dealt with for the offense.

Sā ce evaṁ vadeyya—
If she accuses him like this:

“ayyo mayā diṭṭho nipanno mātugāmassa methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevanto”ti,
“I’ve seen you lying down, having sexual intercourse with a woman,”

so ce evaṁ vadeyya—
but he says,

“saccāhaṁ nipanno, no ca kho methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevin”ti,
“It’s true that I was lying down, but I didn’t have sexual intercourse,”

nipajjāya kāretabbo.
then he is to be dealt with for the lying down.

Sā ce evaṁ vadeyya—
If she accuses him like this:

“ayyo mayā diṭṭho nipanno mātugāmassa methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevanto”ti,
“I’ve seen you lying down, having sexual intercourse with a woman,”

so ce evaṁ vadeyya—
but he says,

“nāhaṁ nipanno, api ca kho nisinno”ti,
“I wasn’t lying down, but seated,”

nisajjāya kāretabbo.
then he is to be dealt with for the sitting.

Sā ce evaṁ vadeyya—
If she accuses him like this:

“ayyo mayā diṭṭho nipanno mātugāmassa methunaṁ dhammaṁ paṭisevanto”ti,
“I’ve seen you lying down, having sexual intercourse with a woman,”

so ce evaṁ vadeyya—
but he says,

“nāhaṁ nipanno, api ca kho ṭhito”ti,
“I wasn’t lying down, but standing,”

na kāretabbo.
then he is not to be dealt with.

Sā ce evaṁ vadeyya—
If she accuses him like this:

“ayyo mayā diṭṭho nisinno mātugāmena saddhiṁ kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajjanto”ti,
“I’ve seen you seated, making physical contact with a woman,”

so ca taṁ paṭijānāti, āpattiyā kāretabbo …pe…
and he admits to that, then he is to be dealt with for the offense. …

“saccāhaṁ nisinno no ca kho kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajjin”ti,
“It’s true that I was seated, but I didn’t make physical contact,”

nisajjāya kāretabbo …pe…
then he is to be dealt with for the sitting. …

“nāhaṁ nisinno, api ca kho nipanno”ti,
“I wasn’t seated, but lying down,”

nipajjāya kāretabbo …pe…
then he is to be dealt with for the lying down. …

“nāhaṁ nisinno, api ca kho ṭhito”ti,
“I wasn’t seated, but standing,”

na kāretabbo.
then he is not to be dealt with.

Sā ce evaṁ vadeyya—
If she accuses him like this:

“ayyo mayā diṭṭho nipanno mātugāmena saddhiṁ kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajjanto”ti,
“I’ve seen you lying down, making physical contact with a woman,”

so ca taṁ paṭijānāti, āpattiyā kāretabbo …pe…
and he admits to that, then he is to be dealt with for the offense. …

“saccāhaṁ nipanno, no ca kho kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajjin”ti,
“It’s true that I was lying down, but I didn’t make physical contact,”

nipajjāya kāretabbo …pe…
then he is to be dealt with for the lying down. …

“nāhaṁ nipanno, api ca kho nisinno”ti,
“I wasn’t lying down, but seated,”

nisajjāya kāretabbo …pe…
then he is to be dealt with for the sitting. …

“nāhaṁ nipanno, api ca kho ṭhito”ti,
“I wasn’t lying down, but standing,”

na kāretabbo.
then he is not to be dealt with.

Sā ce evaṁ vadeyya—
If she accuses him like this:

“ayyo mayā diṭṭho mātugāmena saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho paṭicchanne āsane alaṅkammaniye nisinno”ti,
“I’ve seen you seated alone with a woman on a private and concealed seat suitable for action,”

so ca taṁ paṭijānāti, nisajjāya kāretabbo …pe…
and he admits to that, then he is to be dealt with for the sitting. …

“nāhaṁ nisinno, api ca kho nipanno”ti,
“I wasn’t seated, but lying down,”

nipajjāya kāretabbo …pe…
then he is to be dealt with for the lying down. …

“nāhaṁ nisinno, api ca kho ṭhito”ti,
“I wasn’t seated, but standing,”

na kāretabbo.
then he is not to be dealt with.

Sā ce evaṁ vadeyya—
If she accuses him like this:

“ayyo mayā diṭṭho mātugāmena saddhiṁ eko ekāya raho paṭicchanne āsane alaṅkammaniye nipanno”ti,
“I’ve seen you lying down alone with a woman on a private and concealed seat suitable for action,”

so ca taṁ paṭijānāti, nipajjāya kāretabbo …pe…
and he admits to that, then he is to be dealt with for the lying down. …

“nāhaṁ nipanno, api ca kho nisinno”ti,
“I wasn’t lying down, but seated,”

nisajjāya kāretabbo …pe…
then he is to be dealt with for the sitting. …

“nāhaṁ nipanno, api ca kho ṭhito”ti,
“I wasn’t lying down, but standing,”

na kāretabbo.
then he is not to be dealt with.


na niyato, pārājikaṁ vā saṅghādiseso vā pācittiyaṁ vā.
not determined. It is either an offense entailing expulsion, an offense entailing suspension, or an offense entailing confession.

Gamanaṁ paṭijānāti, nisajjaṁ paṭijānāti, āpattiṁ paṭijānāti, āpattiyā kāretabbo.
If he admits to going, and he admits to sitting, and he admits to an offense, he is to be dealt with for the offense.

Gamanaṁ paṭijānāti, nisajjaṁ na paṭijānāti, āpattiṁ paṭijānāti, āpattiyā kāretabbo.
If he admits to going, but he does not admit to sitting, yet he admits to an offense, he is to be dealt with for the offense.

Gamanaṁ paṭijānāti, nisajjaṁ paṭijānāti, āpattiṁ na paṭijānāti, nisajjāya kāretabbo.
If he admits to going, and he admits to sitting, but he does not admit to an offense, he is to be dealt with for the sitting.

Gamanaṁ paṭijānāti, nisajjaṁ na paṭijānāti, āpattiṁ na paṭijānāti, na kāretabbo.
If he admits to going, but he does not admit to sitting, nor does he admit to an offense, he is not to be dealt with.

Gamanaṁ na paṭijānāti, nisajjaṁ paṭijānāti, āpattiṁ paṭijānāti, āpattiyā kāretabbo.
If he does not admit to going, but he admits to sitting, and he admits to an offense, he is to be dealt with for the offense.

Gamanaṁ na paṭijānāti, nisajjaṁ na paṭijānāti, āpattiṁ paṭijānāti, āpattiyā kāretabbo.
If he does not admit to going, nor does he admit to sitting, but he admits to an offense, he is to be dealt with for the offense.

Gamanaṁ na paṭijānāti, nisajjaṁ paṭijānāti, āpattiṁ na paṭijānāti, nisajjāya kāretabbo.
If he does not admit to going, but he admits to sitting, yet he does not admit to an offense, he is to be dealt with for the sitting.

Gamanaṁ na paṭijānāti, nisajjaṁ na paṭijānāti, āpattiṁ na paṭijānāti, na kāretabboti.
If he does not admit to going, nor does he admit to sitting, nor does he admit to an offense, he is not to be dealt with.

Paṭhamo aniyato niṭṭhito.
The first undetermined offense is finished.