vinaya » pli-tv-bu-vb » pli-tv-bu-vb-np » Theravāda Vinaya

Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Great Analysis

The chapter on relinquishment

The subchapter on almsbowls

24. Vassikasāṭikasikkhāpada

The training rule on the rainy-season robe

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in the Jeta Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery.

Tena kho pana samayena bhagavatā bhikkhūnaṁ vassikasāṭikā anuññātā hoti.
At that time the Buddha had allowed the rainy-season robe for the monks.

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhū—“bhagavatā vassikasāṭikā anuññātā”ti,
Knowing that this was the case, the monks from the group of six

paṭikacceva vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ pariyesanti,
went looking for cloth for their rainy-season robes in advance.

paṭikacceva katvā nivāsenti,
And after sewing them in advance, they wore them.

jiṇṇāya vassikasāṭikāya naggā kāyaṁ ovassāpenti.
Then, because their rainy-season robes were worn out, they bathed naked in the rain.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma chabbaggiyā bhikkhū paṭikacceva vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ pariyesissanti, paṭikacceva katvā nivāsessanti, jiṇṇāya vassikasāṭikāya naggā kāyaṁ ovassāpessantī”ti.
“How could the monks from the group of six go looking for cloth for their rainy-season robes in advance, sew them in advance, and then wear them, and then, because their rainy-season robes are worn out, bathe naked in the rain?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū chabbaggiye bhikkhū anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
After rebuking the monks from the group of six in many ways, they told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira tumhe, bhikkhave, paṭikacceva vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ pariyesatha?
“Is it true, monks, that you did this?”

Paṭikacceva katvā nivāsetha?

Jiṇṇāya vassikasāṭikāya naggā kāyaṁ ovassāpethā”ti?

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked them …

kathañhi nāma tumhe moghapurisā, paṭikacceva vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ pariyesissatha, paṭikacceva katvā nivāsessatha, jiṇṇāya vassikasāṭikāya naggā kāyaṁ ovassāpessatha.
“Foolish men, how could you do this?

Netaṁ, moghapurisā, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“‘Māso seso gimhānan’ti bhikkhunā vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ pariyesitabbaṁ; ‘addhamāso seso gimhānan’ti katvā nivāsetabbaṁ.
‘When there is a month left of summer, a monk may go looking for cloth for his rainy-season robe. When there is a half-month left, he may sew it and then wear it.

‘Orena ce māso seso gimhānan’ti vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ pariyeseyya, ‘orenaddhamāso seso gimhānan’ti katvā nivāseyya, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyan”ti.
If he goes looking for cloth for his rainy-season robe when there is more than a month left of summer, or if he sews it and then wears it when there is more than a half-month left, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.’”

“Māso seso gimhānan”ti bhikkhunā vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ pariyesitabbanti.
When there is a month left of summer, a monk may go looking for cloth for his rainy-season robe:

Ye manussā pubbepi vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ denti te upasaṅkamitvā evamassu vacanīyā— “kālo vassikasāṭikāya, samayo vassikasāṭikāya, aññepi manussā vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ dentī”ti.
after going to those people who previously, too, have given cloth for the rainy-season robes, he should say, “It’s time for the rainy-season robe,” “It’s the occasion for the rainy-season robe,” “Other people, too, are giving cloth for the rainy-season robe.”

Na vattabbā— “detha me vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ, āharatha me vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ, parivattetha me vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ, cetāpetha me vassikasāṭikacīvaran”ti.
He should not say, “Give me cloth for the rainy-season robe,” “Bring me cloth for the rainy-season robe,” “Trade me cloth for the rainy-season robe,” “Buy me cloth for the rainy-season robe.”

“Addhamāso seso gimhānan”ti katvā nivāsetabbanti.
When there is a half-month left, he may sew it and then wear it:

Addhamāse sese gimhāne katvā nivāsetabbaṁ.
after sewing it during the last half-month of summer, he may wear it.

“Orena ce māso seso gimhānan”ti
When there is more than a month left of summer:

atirekamāse sese gimhāne vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ pariyesati, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
if he goes looking for cloth for the rainy-season robe when there is more than a month left of summer, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

“Orenaddhamāso seso gimhānan”ti
When there is more than a half-month left:

atirekaddhamāse sese gimhāne katvā nivāseti, nissaggiyaṁ hoti.
if he wears it after sewing it when there is more than a half-month left of summer, it becomes subject to relinquishment.

Nissajjitabbaṁ saṅghassa vā gaṇassa vā puggalassa vā.
The rainy-season robe should be relinquished to a sangha, a group, or an individual.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, nissajjitabbaṁ.
“And, monks, it should be relinquished like this.

(To be expanded as in <a href=''>Bu Np 1:3.2.5</a>–3.2.29, with appropriate substitutions.)

“idaṁ me, bhante, vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ atirekamāse sese gimhāne pariyiṭṭhaṁ atirekaddhamāse sese gimhāne katvā paridahitaṁ nissaggiyaṁ.
‘Venerables, this cloth for the rainy-season robe, which I went looking for when there was more than a month left of summer or which I wore after sewing it when there was more than a half-month left of summer, is to be relinquished.

Imāhaṁ saṅghassa nissajjāmī”ti …pe…
I relinquish it to the Sangha.’ …

dadeyyāti …pe…
the Sangha should give …

dadeyyunti …pe…
you should give …

āyasmato dammīti.
‘I give this cloth for the rainy-season robe back to you.’”

Atirekamāse sese gimhāne atirekasaññī vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ pariyesati, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If there is more than a month left of summer, and he perceives it as more, and he goes looking for cloth for a rainy-season robe, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Atirekamāse sese gimhāne vematiko vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ pariyesati, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If there is more than a month left of summer, but he is unsure of it, and he goes looking for cloth for a rainy-season robe, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Atirekamāse sese gimhāne ūnakasaññī vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ pariyesati, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If there is more than a month left of summer, but he perceives it as less, and he goes looking for cloth for a rainy-season robe, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Atirekaddhamāse sese gimhāne atirekasaññī katvā nivāseti, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If there is more than a half-month left of summer, and he perceives it as more, and he wears the rainy-season robe after sewing it, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Atirekaddhamāse sese gimhāne vematiko katvā nivāseti, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If there is more than a half-month left of summer, but he is unsure of it, and he wears the rainy-season robe after sewing it, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Atirekaddhamāse sese gimhāne ūnakasaññī katvā nivāseti, nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
If there is more than a half-month left of summer, but he perceives it as less, and he wears the rainy-season robe after sewing it, he commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Satiyā vassikasāṭikāya naggo kāyaṁ ovassāpeti, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he has a rainy-season robe, but he bathes naked in the rain, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Ūnakamāse sese gimhāne atirekasaññī, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If there is less than a month left of summer, but he perceives it as more, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Ūnakamāse sese gimhāne vematiko, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If there is less than a month left of summer, but he is unsure of it, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Ūnakamāse sese gimhāne ūnakasaññī, anāpatti.
If there is less than a month left of summer, and he perceives it as less, there is no offense.

Ūnakaddhamāse sese gimhāne atirekasaññī, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If there is less than a half-month left of summer, but he perceives it as more, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Ūnakaddhamāse sese gimhāne vematiko, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If there is less than a half-month left of summer, but he is unsure of it, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Ūnakaddhamāse sese gimhāne ūnakasaññī, anāpatti.
If there is less than a half-month left of summer, and he perceives it as less, there is no offense.

There is no offense:

“māso seso gimhānan”ti vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ pariyesati,
if he goes looking for cloth for the rainy-season robe when there is a month left of summer;

“addhamāso seso gimhānan”ti katvā nivāseti,
if he wears the rainy-season robe after sewing it when there is a half-month left of summer;

“ūnakamāso seso gimhānan”ti vassikasāṭikacīvaraṁ pariyesati,
if he goes looking for cloth for the rainy-season robe when there is less than a month left of summer;

“ūnakaddhamāso seso gimhānan”ti katvā nivāseti,
if he wears the rainy-season robe after sewing it when there is less than a half-month left of summer;

pariyiṭṭhāya vassikasāṭikāya vassaṁ ukkaḍḍhiyyati,
if, after looking for a rainy-season robe, he postpones the rainy-season residence;

nivatthāya vassikasāṭikāya vassaṁ ukkaḍḍhiyyati, dhovitvā nikkhipitabbaṁ; samaye nivāsetabbaṁ,
if, after wearing a rainy-season robe, he postpones the rainy-season residence (in which case he should wash it and store it and then use it at the right time);

if his robe has been stolen;

if his robe has been lost;

if there is an emergency;

if he is insane;

if he is the first offender.

Vassikasāṭikasikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ catutthaṁ.
The training rule on the rainy-season robe, the fourth, is finished.