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Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Great Analysis

The chapter on offenses entailing suspension

2. Kāyasaṁsaggasikkhāpada

The training rule on physical contact

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in the Jeta Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery.

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā udāyī araññe viharati.
At that time Venerable Udāyī was staying in the wilderness.

Tassāyasmato vihāro abhirūpo hoti dassanīyo pāsādiko, majjhegabbho, samantāpariyāgāro,
He had a beautiful dwelling with a room in the middle and corridors on all sides.

supaññattaṁ mañcapīṭhaṁ bhisibibbohanaṁ,
The bed and bench were nicely made up,

pānīyaṁ paribhojanīyaṁ sūpaṭṭhitaṁ,
and the water for drinking and the water for washing were ready for use.

pariveṇaṁ susammaṭṭhaṁ.
The yards were well swept.

Bahū manussā āyasmato udāyissa vihārapekkhakā āgacchanti.
Many people came to see Udāyī’s dwelling,

Aññataropi brāhmaṇo sapajāpatiko yenāyasmā udāyī tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ etadavoca—
among them a certain brahmin and his wife. They approached Udāyī and said,

“icchāma mayaṁ bhoto udāyissa vihāraṁ pekkhitun”ti.
“Venerable, we would like to see your dwelling.”

“Tena hi, brāhmaṇa, pekkhassū”ti,
“Well then, brahmin, please do.”

avāpuraṇaṁ ādāya ghaṭikaṁ ugghāṭetvā kavāṭaṁ paṇāmetvā vihāraṁ pāvisi.
Udāyī took the key, lifted the latch, opened the door, and entered the dwelling.

Sopi kho brāhmaṇo āyasmato udāyissa piṭṭhito pāvisi.
The brahmin entered after him

Sāpi kho brāhmaṇī tassa brāhmaṇassa piṭṭhito pāvisi.
and then the brahmin lady.

Atha kho āyasmā udāyī ekacce vātapāne vivaranto ekacce vātapāne thakento gabbhaṁ anuparigantvā piṭṭhito āgantvā tassā brāhmaṇiyā aṅgamaṅgāni parāmasi.
Opening some windows and closing others, Udāyī walked around the inner room and came up behind the brahmin lady, touching her all over.

Atha kho so brāhmaṇo āyasmatā udāyinā saddhiṁ paṭisammoditvā agamāsi.
Then the brahmin thanked Udāyī and left.

Atha kho so brāhmaṇo attamano attamanavācaṁ nicchāresi—
And he expressed his delight,

“uḷārā ime samaṇā sakyaputtiyā ye ime evarūpe araññe viharanti.
“These Sakyan monastics who live in the wilderness are superb.

Bhavampi udāyī uḷāro yo evarūpe araññe viharatī”ti.
Venerable Udāyī is superb!”

Evaṁ vutte, sā brāhmaṇī taṁ brāhmaṇaṁ etadavoca—
But the brahmin lady said,

“kuto tassa uḷārattatā.
“What’s superb about him?

Yatheva me tvaṁ aṅgamaṅgāni parāmasi evameva me samaṇo udāyī aṅgamaṅgāni parāmasī”ti.
He touched me all over just like you do.”

Atha kho so brāhmaṇo ujjhāyati khiyyati vipāceti—
The brahmin then complained and criticized him,

“alajjino ime samaṇā sakyaputtiyā dussīlā musāvādino.
“These Sakyan monastics are shameless and immoral liars.

Ime hi nāma dhammacārino samacārino brahmacārino saccavādino sīlavanto kalyāṇadhammā paṭijānissanti.
They claim to have integrity, to be celibate and of good conduct, to be truthful, moral, and good.

Natthi imesaṁ sāmaññaṁ natthi imesaṁ brahmaññaṁ, naṭṭhaṁ imesaṁ sāmaññaṁ naṭṭhaṁ imesaṁ brahmaññaṁ,
But they don’t have the good character of a monastic or a brahmin.

kuto imesaṁ sāmaññaṁ kuto imesaṁ brahmaññaṁ, apagatā ime sāmaññā apagatā ime brahmaññā.
They’ve lost the plot!

Kathañhi nāma samaṇo udāyī mama bhariyāya aṅgamaṅgāni parāmasissati.
How could the ascetic Udāyī touch my wife all over?

Na hi sakkā kulitthīhi kuladhītāhi kulakumārīhi kulasuṇhāhi kuladāsīhi ārāmaṁ vā vihāraṁ vā gantuṁ.
It’s not possible to go to a monastery or a monk’s dwelling with a wife from a respectable family, or with a daughter, a girl, a daughter-in-law, or a female slave from a respectable family.

Sace kulitthiyo kuladhītaro kulakumāriyo kulasuṇhāyo kuladāsiyo ārāmaṁ vā vihāraṁ vā gaccheyyuṁ, tāpi samaṇā sakyaputtiyā dūseyyun”ti.
If you do, the Sakyan monastics might molest them.”

Assosuṁ kho bhikkhu tassa brāhmaṇassa ujjhāyantassa khiyyantassa vipācentassa.
The monks heard the criticism of that brahmin.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized Udāyī,

“kathañhi nāma āyasmā udāyī mātugāmena saddhiṁ kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajjissatī”ti.
“How could Venerable Udāyī make physical contact with a woman?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe bhikkhusaṅghaṁ sannipātāpetvā āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ paṭipucchi—
He then had the Sangha gathered and questioned Udāyī:

“saccaṁ kira tvaṁ, udāyi, mātugāmena saddhiṁ kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajjasī”ti?
“Is it true, Udāyī, that you did this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā—
The Buddha rebuked him,

“ananucchavikaṁ, moghapurisa, ananulomikaṁ appatirūpaṁ assāmaṇakaṁ akappiyaṁ akaraṇīyaṁ.
“Foolish man, it’s not suitable, it’s not proper, it’s not worthy of a monastic, it’s not allowable, it’s not to be done.

Kathañhi nāma tvaṁ, moghapurisa, mātugāmena saddhiṁ kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajjissasi.
How could you do this?

Nanu mayā, moghapurisa, anekapariyāyena virāgāya dhammo desito no sarāgāya …pe…
Haven’t I given many teachings for the sake of dispassion, not for the sake of passion …

kāmapariḷāhānaṁ vūpasamo akkhāto.
the stilling of the fevers of sensual pleasure?

Netaṁ, moghapurisa, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Yo pana bhikkhu otiṇṇo vipariṇatena cittena mātugāmena saddhiṁ kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajjeyya hatthaggāhaṁ vā veṇiggāhaṁ vā aññatarassa vā aññatarassa vā aṅgassa parāmasanaṁ, saṅghādiseso”ti.
‘If a monk, overcome by lust and with a distorted mind, makes physical contact with a woman—holding her hand or hair, or touching any part of her body—he commits an offense entailing suspension.’”

Yo panāti

yo yādiso …pe…
whoever …


…pe… ayaṁ imasmiṁ atthe adhippeto bhikkhūti.
… The monk who has been given the full ordination by a unanimous Sangha through a legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements that is irreversible and fit to stand—this sort of monk is meant in this case.

Otiṇṇo nāma
Overcome by lust:

sāratto apekkhavā paṭibaddhacitto.
having lust, longing for, in love with.


rattampi cittaṁ vipariṇataṁ.
a lustful mind is distorted;

Duṭṭhampi cittaṁ vipariṇataṁ.
an angry mind is distorted;

Mūḷhampi cittaṁ vipariṇataṁ.
a confused mind is distorted.

Api ca rattaṁ cittaṁ imasmiṁ atthe adhippetaṁ vipariṇatanti.
But in this case “distorted” refers to the lustful mind.

Mātugāmo nāma
A woman:

manussitthī, na yakkhī na petī, na tiracchānagatā. Antamaso tadahujātāpi dārikā, pageva mahattarī.
a human female, not a female spirit, not a female ghost, not a female animal; even a girl born on that very day, let alone an older one.



Kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajjeyyāti
Makes physical contact:

ajjhācāro vuccati.
misconduct is what is meant.

Hattho nāma

kapparaṁ upādāya yāva agganakhā.
from the elbow to the tip of the nails.

Veṇī nāma

suddhakesā vā, suttamissā vā, mālāmissā vā, hiraññamissā vā, suvaṇṇamissā vā, muttāmissā vā, maṇimissā vā.
just the hair; or the hair with strings in it, with a garland, with gold coins, with gold, with pearls, or with gems.

Aṅgaṁ nāma
Any part of her body:

hatthañca veṇiñca ṭhapetvā avasesaṁ aṅgaṁ nāma.
anything apart from the hand and the hair is called “any part of her body”.

Āmasanā, parāmasanā, omasanā, ummasanā, olaṅghanā, ullaṅghanā, ākaḍḍhanā, patikaḍḍhanā, abhiniggaṇhanā, abhinippīḷanā, gahaṇaṁ, chupanaṁ.
Physical contact, touching, stroking downwards, stroking upwards, pulling down, lifting up, pulling, pushing, squeezing, pressing, taking hold of, contacting.

Āmasanā nāma
Physical contact:

mere physical contact.

Parāmasanā nāma

itocito ca sañcopanā.
touching here and there.

Omasanā nāma
Stroking downwards:

heṭṭhā oropanā.
lowering down.

Ummasanā nāma
Stroking upwards:

uddhaṁ uccāraṇā.
raising up.

Olaṅghanā nāma
Pulling down:

heṭṭhā onamanā.
bending down.

Ullaṅghanā nāma
Lifting up:

uddhaṁ uccāraṇā.
raising up.

Ākaḍḍhanā nāma

drawing to.

Patikaḍḍhanā nāma

sending away.

Abhiniggaṇhanā nāma

aṅgaṁ gahetvā nippīḷanā.
taking hold of a bodily part and then pressing.

Abhinippīḷanā nāma

kenaci saha nippīḷanā.
pressing with something.

Gahaṇaṁ nāma
Take hold of:

mere taking hold of.

Chupanaṁ nāma

mere contact.

He commits an offense entailing suspension:

…pe… tenapi vuccati “saṅghādiseso”ti.
… Therefore, too, it is called “an offense entailing suspension”.

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca bhikkhu ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Naṁ itthiyā kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati omasati ummasati olaṅgheti ullaṅgheti ākaḍḍhati patikaḍḍhati abhiniggaṇhāti abhinippīḷeti gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If the monk makes physical contact with the woman, body to body, if he touches her, strokes her downwards, strokes her upwards, pulls her down, lifts her up, pulls her, pushes her, squeezes her, presses her, takes hold of her, contacts her, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Itthī ca hoti vematiko sāratto ca.
It is a woman, but he is unsure of it, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the woman, body to body, if he touches her …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayassa.
takes hold of her, contacts her, he commits a serious offense.

Itthī ca hoti paṇḍakasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, but he perceives her as a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the woman, body to body, if he touches her …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayassa.
takes hold of her, contacts her, he commits a serious offense.

Itthī ca hoti purisasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, but he perceives her as a man, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the woman, body to body, if he touches her …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayassa.
takes hold of her, contacts her, he commits a serious offense.

Itthī ca hoti tiracchānagatasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, but he perceives her as an animal, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the woman, body to body, if he touches her …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayassa.
takes hold of her, contacts her, he commits a serious offense.

Paṇḍako ca hoti paṇḍakasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, he perceives him as a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ paṇḍakassa kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, body to body, if he touches him …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayassa.
takes hold of him, contacts him, he commits a serious offense.

Paṇḍako ca hoti vematiko sāratto ca.
It is a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he is unsure of it, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ paṇḍakassa kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, body to body, if he touches him …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of him, contacts him, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Paṇḍako ca hoti purisasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives him as a man, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ paṇḍakassa kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, body to body, if he touches him …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of him, contacts him, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Paṇḍako ca hoti tiracchānagatasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives him as an animal, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ paṇḍakassa kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, body to body, if he touches him …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of him, contacts him, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Paṇḍako ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives him as a woman, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ paṇḍakassa kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, body to body, if he touches him …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of him, contacts him, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Puriso ca hoti purisasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a man, he perceives him as a man, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ purisassa kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the man, body to body, if he touches him …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of him, contacts him, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Puriso ca hoti vematiko …pe…
It is a man, but he is unsure of it …

puriso ca hoti tiracchānagatasaññī …
It is a man, but he perceives him as an animal …

puriso ca hoti itthisaññī …
It is a man, but he perceives him as a woman …

puriso ca hoti paṇḍakasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a man, but he perceives him as a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ purisassa kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the man, body to body, if he touches him …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of him, contacts him, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Tiracchānagato ca hoti tiracchānagatasaññī sāratto ca.
It is an animal, he perceives it as an animal, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ tiracchānagatassa kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the animal, body to body, if he touches it …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of it, contacts it, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Tiracchānagato ca hoti vematiko …pe…
It is an animal, but he is unsure of it …

tiracchānagato ca hoti itthisaññī …
It is an animal, but he perceives it as a woman …

tiracchānagato ca hoti paṇḍakasaññī …
It is an animal, but he perceives it as a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i> …

tiracchānagato ca hoti.
It is an animal,

Purisasaññī sāratto ca.
but he perceives it as a man, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ tiracchānagatassa kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the animal, body to body, if he touches it …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of it, contacts it, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Ekamūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on one item is finished.

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the two women, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two offenses entailing suspension.

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ vematiko sāratto ca.
It is two women, but he is unsure about both, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the two women, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ thullaccayānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two serious offenses.

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ paṇḍakasaññī …pe…
It is two women, but he perceives both as <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i> …

purisasaññī …
but he perceives both as men …

tiracchānagatasaññī sāratto ca.
but he perceives both as animals, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the two women, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ thullaccayānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two serious offenses.

Dve paṇḍakā dvinnaṁ paṇḍakānaṁ paṇḍakasaññī sāratto ca bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ paṇḍakānaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
It is two <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i>, he perceives both as <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i>, and he has lust. If the monk makes physical contact with the two <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i>, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ thullaccayānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two serious offenses.

Dve paṇḍakā dvinnaṁ paṇḍakānaṁ vematiko …pe…
It is two <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i>, but he is unsure about both …

purisasaññī …
but he perceives both as men …

tiracchānagatasaññī …
but he perceives both as animals …

itthisaññī sāratto ca.
but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ paṇḍakānaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the two <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i>, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct.

Dve purisā dvinnaṁ purisānaṁ purisasaññī sāratto ca bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ purisānaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
It is two men, he perceives both as men, and he has lust. If the monk makes physical contact with the two men, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct.

Dve purisā dvinnaṁ purisānaṁ vematiko …pe…
It is two men, but he is unsure about both …

tiracchānagatasaññī …
but he perceives both as animals …

itthisaññī …
but he perceives both as women …

paṇḍakasaññī sāratto ca.
but he perceives both as <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i>, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ purisānaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the two men, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct.

Dve tiracchānagatā dvinnaṁ tiracchānagatānaṁ tiracchānagatasaññī sāratto ca.
It is two animals, he perceives both as animals, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ tiracchānagatānaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the two animals, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct.

Dve tiracchānagatā dvinnaṁ tiracchānagatānaṁ vematiko …pe…
It is two animals, but he is unsure about both …

itthisaññī …
but he perceives both as women …

paṇḍakasaññī …
but he perceives both as <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i> …

purisasaññī sāratto ca.
but he perceives both as men, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ tiracchānagatānaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with the two animals, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct.

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct.

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ vematiko sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he is unsure about both, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayena dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits one serious offense and one offense of wrong conduct.

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ paṇḍakasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i>, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ thullaccayānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two serious offenses.

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ purisasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as men, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayena dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits one serious offense and one offense of wrong conduct.

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ tiracchānagatasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as animals, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayena dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits one serious offense and one offense of wrong conduct.

Itthī ca puriso ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a man, but he perceives both as women and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct.

Itthī ca puriso ca ubhinnaṁ vematiko …pe…
It is a woman and a man, but he is unsure about both …

paṇḍakasaññī …
but he perceives both as <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i> …

purisasaññī …
but he perceives both as men …

tiracchānagatasaññī sāratto ca.
but he perceives both as animals, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayena dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits one serious offense and one offense of wrong conduct.

Itthī ca tiracchānagato ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and an animal, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct.

Itthī ca tiracchānagato ca ubhinnaṁ vematiko …pe…
It is a woman and an animal, but he is unsure about both …

paṇḍakasaññī …
but he perceives both as <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i> …

purisasaññī …
but he perceives both as men …

tiracchānagatasaññī sāratto ca.
but he perceives both as animals, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayena dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits one serious offense and one offense of wrong conduct.

Paṇḍako ca puriso ca ubhinnaṁ paṇḍakasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i> and a man, but he perceives both as <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i>, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayena dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits one serious offense and one offense of wrong conduct.

Paṇḍako ca puriso ca ubhinnaṁ vematiko …pe…
It is a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i> and a man, but he is unsure about both …

purisasaññī …
but he perceives both as men …

tiracchānagatasaññī …
but he perceives both as animals …

itthisaññī sāratto ca.
but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct.

Paṇḍako ca tiracchānagato ca ubhinnaṁ paṇḍakasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i> and an animal, but he perceives both as <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i>, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayena dukkaṭassa.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits one serious offense and one offense of wrong conduct.

Paṇḍako ca tiracchānagato ca ubhinnaṁ vematiko …pe…
It is a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i> and an animal, but he is unsure about both …

purisasaññī …
but he perceives both as men …

tiracchānagatasaññī …
but he perceives both as animals …

itthisaññī sāratto ca.
but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct.

Puriso ca tiracchānagato ca ubhinnaṁ purisasaññī sāratto ca.
It is a man and an animal, but he perceives both as men, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct.

Puriso ca tiracchānagato ca ubhinnaṁ vematiko …pe…
It is a man and an animal, but he is unsure about both …

tiracchānagatasaññī …
but he perceives both as animals …

itthisaññī …
but he perceives both as women …

paṇḍakasaññī sāratto ca.
but he perceives both as <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i>, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk makes physical contact with both, body to body, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct.

Dumūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on two items is finished.

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā kāyena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk, with his own body, makes physical contact with something connected to her body, if he touches it …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayassa …pe….
takes hold of it, contacts it, he commits a serious offense. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ kāyena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk, with his own body, makes physical contact with something connected to the body of both, if he touches it …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ thullaccayānaṁ …pe….
takes hold of it, contacts it, he commits two serious offenses. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk, with his own body, makes physical contact with something connected to the body of both, if he touches it …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayena dukkaṭassa …pe….
takes hold of it, contacts it, he commits one serious offense and one offense of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā kāyapaṭibaddhena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk, with something connected to his own body, makes physical contact with her body, if he touches it …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayassa …pe….
takes hold of it, contacts it, he commits a serious offense. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ kāyapaṭibaddhena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk, with something connected to his own body, makes physical contact with the body of both, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ thullaccayānaṁ …pe….
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two serious offenses. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyapaṭibaddhena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk, with something connected to his own body, makes physical contact with the body of both, if he touches them …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti thullaccayena dukkaṭassa …pe….
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits one serious offense and one offense of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā kāyapaṭibaddhena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk, with something connected to his own body, makes physical contact with something connected to her body, if he touches it …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe….
takes hold of it, contacts it, he commits an offense of wrong conduct. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ kāyapaṭibaddhena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk, with something connected to his own body, makes physical contact with something connected to the body of both, if he touches those things …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ kāyapaṭibaddhena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the monk, with something connected to his own body, makes physical contact with something connected to the body of both, if he touches those things …

gaṇhāti chupati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
takes hold of them, contacts them, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā nissaggiyena kāyaṁ āmasati āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe….
If the monk, with something released by him, makes physical contact with her body, he commits an offense of wrong conduct. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ nissaggiyena kāyaṁ āmasati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
If the monk, with something released by him, makes physical contact with the body of both, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ nissaggiyena kāyaṁ āmasati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
If the monk, with something released by him, makes physical contact with the body of both, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā nissaggiyena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasati, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe….
If the monk, with something released by him, makes physical contact with something connected to her body, he commits an offense of wrong conduct. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ nissaggiyena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
If the monk, with something released by him, makes physical contact with something connected to the body of both, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ nissaggiyena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
If the monk, with something released by him, makes physical contact with something connected to the body of both, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ itthiyā nissaggiyena nissaggiyaṁ āmasati, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe….
If the monk, with something released by him, makes physical contact with something released by her, he commits an offense of wrong conduct. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ nissaggiyena nissaggiyaṁ āmasati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
If the monk, with something released by him, makes physical contact with something released by both, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Bhikkhu ca naṁ ubhinnaṁ nissaggiyena nissaggiyaṁ āmasati, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
If the monk, with something released by him, makes physical contact with something released by both, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Bhikkhupeyyālo niṭṭhito.
The successive series on a monk is finished.

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Itthī ca naṁ bhikkhussa kāyena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati omasati ummasati olaṅgheti ullaṅgheti ākaḍḍhati patikaḍḍhati abhiniggaṇhāti abhinippīḷeti gaṇhāti chupati, sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti saṅghādisesassa …pe….
If the woman makes physical contact with the monk, body to body, if she touches him, strokes him downwards, strokes him upwards, pulls him down, lifts him up, pulls him, pushes him, squeezes him, presses him, takes hold of him, contacts him, and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits an offense entailing suspension. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Itthiyo ca naṁ bhikkhussa kāyena kāyaṁ āmasanti parāmasanti omasanti ummasanti olaṅghenti ullaṅghenti ākaḍḍhanti patikaḍḍhanti abhiniggaṇhanti abhinippīḷenti gaṇhanti chupanti, sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dvinnaṁ saṅghādisesānaṁ …pe….
If the women make physical contact with the monk, body to body, if they touch him, stroke him downwards, stroke him upwards, pull him down, lift him up, pull him, push him, squeeze him, press him, take hold of him, contact him, and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits two offenses entailing suspension. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Ubho ca naṁ bhikkhussa kāyena kāyaṁ āmasanti parāmasanti …pe…
If they both make physical contact with the monk, body to body, if they touch him …

gaṇhanti chupanti, sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe….
take hold of him, contact him, and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Itthī ca naṁ bhikkhussa kāyena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the woman, with her own body, makes physical contact with something connected to his body, if she touches it …

gaṇhāti chupati, sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti thullaccayassa …pe….
takes hold of it, contacts it, and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits a serious offense. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Itthiyo ca naṁ bhikkhussa kāyena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasanti parāmasanti …pe…
If the women, with their own bodies, make physical contact with something connected to his body, if they touch it …

gaṇhanti chupanti, sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dvinnaṁ thullaccayānaṁ …pe….
take hold of it, contact it, and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits two serious offenses. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Ubho ca naṁ bhikkhussa kāyena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasanti parāmasanti …pe…
If they both, with their own bodies, make physical contact with something connected to his body, if they touch it …

gaṇhanti chupanti, sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti thullaccayena dukkaṭassa …pe….
take hold of it, contact it, and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits one serious offense and one offense of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Itthī ca naṁ bhikkhussa kāyapaṭibaddhena kāyaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the woman, with something connected to her own body, makes physical contact with his body, if she touches him …

gaṇhāti chupati, sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti thullaccayassa …pe….
takes hold of him, contacts him, and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits a serious offense. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Itthiyo ca naṁ bhikkhussa kāyapaṭibaddhena kāyaṁ āmasanti parāmasanti …pe…
If the women, with something connected to their own bodies, make physical contact with his body, if they touch him …

gaṇhanti chupanti, sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dvinnaṁ thullaccayānaṁ …pe….
take hold of him, contact him, and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits two serious offenses. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Ubho ca naṁ bhikkhussa kāyapaṭibaddhena kāyaṁ āmasanti parāmasanti …pe…
If they both, with something connected to their own bodies, make physical contact with his body, if they touch him …

gaṇhanti chupanti, sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti thullaccayena dukkaṭassa …pe….
take hold of him, contact him, and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits one serious offense and one offense of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Itthī ca naṁ bhikkhussa kāyapaṭibaddhena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasati parāmasati …pe…
If the woman, with something connected to her own body, makes physical contact with something connected to his body, if she touches it …

gaṇhāti chupati, sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe….
takes hold of it, contacts it, and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits an offense of wrong conduct. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Itthiyo ca naṁ bhikkhussa kāyapaṭibaddhena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasanti parāmasanti …pe…
If the women, with something connected to their own bodies, make physical contact with something connected to his body, if they touch it …

gaṇhanti chupanti, sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
take hold of it, contact it, and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Ubho ca naṁ bhikkhussa kāyapaṭibaddhena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasanti parāmasanti …pe…
If they both, with something connected to their own bodies, make physical contact with something connected to his body, if they touch it …

gaṇhanti chupanti, sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
take hold of it, contact it, and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Itthī ca naṁ bhikkhussa nissaggiyena kāyaṁ āmasati.
If the woman, with something released by her, makes physical contact with his body,

Sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe….
and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits an offense of wrong conduct. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Itthiyo ca naṁ bhikkhussa nissaggiyena kāyaṁ āmasanti.
If the women, with something released by both, make physical contact with his body,

Sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Ubho ca naṁ bhikkhussa nissaggiyena kāyaṁ āmasanti.
If they both, with something released by both, make physical contact with his body,

Sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Itthī ca naṁ bhikkhussa nissaggiyena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasati.
If the woman, with something released by her, makes physical contact with something connected to his body,

Sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe….
and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits an offense of wrong conduct. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Itthiyo ca naṁ bhikkhussa nissaggiyena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasanti.
If the women, with something released by both, make physical contact with something connected to his body,

Sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Ubho ca naṁ bhikkhussa nissaggiyena kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ āmasanti.
If they both, with something released by both, make physical contact with something connected to his body,

Sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca hoti itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman, he perceives her as a woman, and he has lust.

Itthī ca naṁ bhikkhussa nissaggiyena nissaggiyaṁ āmasati.
If the woman, with something released by her, makes physical contact with something released by him,

Sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati, na ca phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe….
and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body, but does not experience contact, he commits an offense of wrong conduct. …

Dve itthiyo dvinnaṁ itthīnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is two women, he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Itthiyo ca naṁ bhikkhussa nissaggiyena nissaggiyaṁ āmasanti.
If the women, with something released by both, make physical contact with something released by him,

Sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati, na ca phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body, but does not experience contact, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Itthī ca paṇḍako ca ubhinnaṁ itthisaññī sāratto ca.
It is a woman and a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, but he perceives both as women, and he has lust.

Ubho ca naṁ bhikkhussa nissaggiyena nissaggiyaṁ āmasanti.
If they both, with something released by both, make physical contact with something released by him,

Sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati, na ca phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe….
and he, aiming at connection, makes an effort with the body, but does not experience contact, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

Sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If, aiming at connection, he makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Sevanādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati, na ca phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If, aiming at connection, he makes an effort with the body, but does not experience contact, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Sevanādhippāyo na ca kāyena vāyamati, phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, anāpatti.
If, aiming at connection, he makes no effort with the body, but experiences contact, there is no offense.

Sevanādhippāyo na ca kāyena vāyamati, na ca phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, anāpatti.
If, aiming at connection, he makes no effort with the body and does not experience contact, there is no offense.

Mokkhādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati, phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, anāpatti.
If, aiming to free himself, he makes an effort with the body and experiences contact, there is no offense.

Mokkhādhippāyo kāyena vāyamati, na ca phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, anāpatti.
If, aiming to free himself, he makes an effort with the body, but does not experience contact, there is no offense.

Mokkhādhippāyo na ca kāyena vāyamati, phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, anāpatti.
If, aiming to free himself, he makes no effort with the body, but experiences contact, there is no offense.

Mokkhādhippāyo na ca kāyena vāyamati, na ca phassaṁ paṭivijānāti, anāpatti.
If, aiming to free himself, he makes no effort with the body and does not experience contact, there is no offense.

There is no offense:

if it is unintentional;

if he is not mindful;

if he does not know;

if he does not consent;

if he is insane;

if he is deranged;

if he is overwhelmed by pain;

if he is the first offender.

2.1. Vinītavatthuuddānagāthā
Summary verses of case studies

Mātā dhītā bhaginī ca,
“Mother, daughter, and sister,

jāyā yakkhī ca paṇḍako;
Wife, and female spirit, <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>;

Suttā matā tiracchānā,
Asleep, dead, female animal,

dārudhītalikāya ca.
And with a wooden doll.

Sampīḷe saṅkamo maggo,
About oppression, bridge, road,

rukkho nāvā ca rajju ca;
Tree, and boat, and rope;

Daṇḍo pattaṁ paṇāmesi,
A staff, pushed with a bowl,

vande vāyami nacchupeti.
When paying respect, made an effort but did not touch.”

2.2. Vinītavatthu
Case studies

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu mātuyā mātupemena āmasi.
At one time a monk touched his mother out of affection.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi—
He became anxious, thinking,

“bhagavatā sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ,
“The Buddha has laid down a training rule.

kacci nu kho ahaṁ saṅghādisesaṁ āpattiṁ āpanno”ti?
Could it be that I’ve committed an offense entailing suspension?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesi.
He told the Buddha, who said,

“Anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu dhītuyā dhītupemena āmasi …pe…
At one time a monk touched his daughter out of affection …

bhaginiyā bhaginipemena āmasi.
his sister out of affection.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu purāṇadutiyikāya kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajji.
At one time a monk made physical contact with his ex-wife.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“āpattiṁ tvaṁ, bhikkhu, āpanno saṅghādisesan”ti.
“You’ve committed an offense entailing suspension.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu yakkhiniyā kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajji.
At one time a monk made physical contact with a female spirit.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu paṇḍakassa kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajji.
At one time a monk made physical contact with a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu suttitthiyā kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajji.
At one time a monk made physical contact with a sleeping woman.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“āpattiṁ tvaṁ, bhikkhu, āpanno saṅghādisesan”ti.
“You’ve committed an offense entailing suspension.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu matitthiyā kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajji.
At one time a monk made physical contact with a dead woman.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu tiracchānagatitthiyā kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajji.
At one time a monk made physical contact with a female animal.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu dārudhītalikāya kāyasaṁsaggaṁ samāpajji.
At one time a monk made physical contact with a wooden doll.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulā itthiyo aññataraṁ bhikkhuṁ sampīḷetvā bāhāparamparāya ānesuṁ.
At one time a number of women harassed a monk by leading him about arm in arm.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“sādiyi tvaṁ, bhikkhū”ti?
“Did you consent, monk?”

“Nāhaṁ, bhagavā, sādiyin”ti.
“No, Sir.”

“Anāpatti, bhikkhu, asādiyantassā”ti.
“There’s no offense if one doesn’t consent.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu itthiyā abhirūḷhaṁ saṅkamaṁ sāratto sañcālesi.
At one time a lustful monk shook the bridge that a woman was standing on.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu itthiṁ paṭipathe passitvā sāratto aṁsakūṭena pahāraṁ adāsi.
At one time a monk saw a woman coming in the opposite direction, and being lustful, he struck her with his shoulder.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“āpattiṁ tvaṁ, bhikkhu, āpanno saṅghādisesan”ti.
“You’ve committed an offense entailing suspension.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu itthiyā abhirūḷhaṁ rukkhaṁ sāratto sañcālesi.
At one time a lustful monk shook the tree that a woman had climbed.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu itthiyā abhirūḷhaṁ nāvaṁ sāratto sañcālesi.
At one time a lustful monk shook the boat that a woman had boarded.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu itthiyā gahitaṁ rajjuṁ sāratto āviñchi.
At one time a lustful monk pulled the rope that a woman was holding.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu itthiyā gahitaṁ daṇḍaṁ sāratto āviñchi.
At one time a lustful monk pulled the staff that a woman was holding.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu sāratto itthiṁ pattena paṇāmesi.
At one time a lustful monk pushed a woman with his almsbowl.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu itthiyā vandantiyā sāratto pādaṁ uccāresi.
At one time a lustful monk raised his foot as a woman was paying respect to him.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“āpattiṁ tvaṁ, bhikkhu, āpanno saṅghādisesan”ti.
“You’ve committed an offense entailing suspension.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu itthiṁ gahessāmīti vāyamitvā na chupi.
At one time a monk, thinking, “I’ll take hold of a woman,” exerted himself, but did not make contact.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Kāyasaṁsaggasikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ dutiyaṁ.
The training rule on physical contact, the second, is finished.