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Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Great Analysis

The chapter on offenses entailing suspension

5. Sañcarittasikkhāpada

The training rule on matchmaking

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time when the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery,

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā udāyī sāvatthiyaṁ kulūpako hoti. Bahukāni kulāni upasaṅkamati.
Venerable Udāyī was associating with and visiting a number of families in Sāvatthī.

Yattha passati kumārakaṁ vā apajāpatikaṁ, kumārikaṁ vā apatikaṁ, kumārakassa mātāpitūnaṁ santike kumārikāya vaṇṇaṁ bhaṇati—
When Udāyī saw a young man without a wife or a young woman without a husband, he would praise the young woman to the parents of a young man,

“amukassa kulassa kumārikā abhirūpā dassanīyā pāsādikā paṇḍitā byattā medhāvinī dakkhā analasā.
“The young woman of such-and such a family is beautiful, intelligent, skilled, and diligent.

Channā sā kumārikā imassa kumārakassā”ti.
She’s suitable for your son.”

Te evaṁ vadanti—
They would reply,

“ete kho, bhante, amhe na jānanti—‘ke vā ime kassa vā’ti.
“They don’t know who we are, Venerable.

Sace, bhante, ayyo dāpeyya āneyyāma mayaṁ taṁ kumārikaṁ imassa kumārakassā”ti.
If you could persuade them to give the girl, we would take her for our son.”

Kumārikāya mātāpitūnaṁ santike kumārakassa vaṇṇaṁ bhaṇati—
And he praised the young man to the parents of a young woman,

“amukassa kulassa kumārako abhirūpo dassanīyo pāsādiko paṇḍito byatto medhāvī dakkho analaso.
“The young man of such-and-such a family is handsome, intelligent, skilled, and diligent.

Channāyaṁ kumārikā tassa kumārakassā”ti.
He’s suitable for your daughter.”

Te evaṁ vadanti—
They would reply,

“ete kho, bhante, amhe na jānanti—‘ke vā ime kassa vā’ti,
“They don’t know who we are, Venerable,

kismiṁ viya kumārikāya vattuṁ.
and we would be ashamed to speak to them for the sake of the girl.

Sace, bhante, ayyo yācāpeyya dajjeyyāma mayaṁ imaṁ kumārikaṁ tassa kumārakassā”ti.
But if you could persuade them to ask us, we would give our girl to the young man.”

Eteneva upāyena āvāhānipi kārāpeti, vivāhānipi kārāpeti, vāreyyānipi kārāpeti.
In this way he arranged for the taking of a bride, for the giving of a bride, and for marriage.

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarissā purāṇagaṇakiyā dhītā abhirūpā hoti dassanīyā pāsādikā.
At that time there was a former courtesan who had a beautiful daughter.

Tirogāmakā ājīvakasāvakā āgantvā taṁ gaṇakiṁ etadavocuṁ—
On one occasion some lay followers of the Ājīvaka religion came from another village and said to that courtesan,

“dehāyye, imaṁ kumārikaṁ amhākaṁ kumārakassā”ti.
“Madam, please give your girl to our boy.”

Sā evamāha—“ahaṁ khvayyo, tumhe na jānāmi—‘ke vā ime kassa vā’ti.
“I don’t know who you are, Sirs,

Ayañca me ekadhītikā, tirogāmo ca gantabbo, nāhaṁ dassāmī”ti.
and I won’t give my only daughter to be taken to another village.”

Manussā te ājīvakasāvake etadavocuṁ—
People asked those Ājīvaka lay followers

“kissa tumhe, ayyo, āgatatthā”ti?
why they had come.

“Idha mayaṁ, ayyo, amukaṁ nāma gaṇakiṁ dhītaraṁ yācimhā amhākaṁ kumārakassa.
They replied, “We came to ask that courtesan to give her daughter to our son,

Sā evamāha—‘ahaṁ khvayyo, tumhe na jānāmi—ke vā ime kassa vā’ti.
but she refused.”

Ayañca me ekadhītikā, tirogāmo ca gantabbo, nāhaṁ dassāmī”ti.

“Kissa tumhe, ayyo, taṁ gaṇakiṁ dhītaraṁ yācittha?
“But why did you ask the courtesan?

Nanu ayyo udāyī vattabbo.
You should speak to Venerable Udāyī.

Ayyo udāyī dāpessatī”ti.
He’ll persuade her.”

Atha kho te ājīvakasāvakā yenāyasmā udāyī tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ etadavocuṁ—
They then went to Udāyī and said,

“idha mayaṁ, bhante, amukaṁ nāma gaṇakiṁ dhītaraṁ yācimhā amhākaṁ kumārakassa.
“Venerable, we’ve asked that courtesan here to give her daughter to our son,

Sā evamāha—‘ahaṁ khvayyo, tumhe na jānāmi—ke vā ime kassa vāti.
but she refused.

Ayañca me ekadhītikā, tirogāmo ca gantabbo, nāhaṁ dassāmī’ti.

Sādhu, bhante, ayyo taṁ gaṇakiṁ dhītaraṁ dāpetu amhākaṁ kumārakassā”ti.
Would you please persuade her to give her daughter?”

Atha kho āyasmā udāyī yena sā gaṇakī tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā taṁ gaṇakiṁ etadavoca—
Udāyī agreed. Soon afterwards he went to that courtesan and said,

“kissimesaṁ dhītaraṁ na desī”ti?
“Why didn’t you give them your daughter?”

“Ahaṁ khvayya, ime na jānāmi—‘ke vā ime kassa vā’ti.
“I don’t know who they are, Sir,

Ayañca me ekadhītikā, tirogāmo ca gantabbo, nāhaṁ dassāmī”ti.
and I won’t give my only daughter to be taken to another village.”

“Please give her to them.

Ahaṁ ime jānāmī”ti.
I know them.”

“Sace, bhante, ayyo jānāti, dassāmī”ti.
“If you know them, I’ll give her away.”

Atha kho sā gaṇakī tesaṁ ājīvakasāvakānaṁ dhītaraṁ adāsi.
She then gave her daughter to those Ājīvaka followers,

Atha kho te ājīvakasāvakā taṁ kumārikaṁ netvā māsaṁyeva suṇisabhogena bhuñjiṁsu.
and they took her away. For a month they treated her like a daughter-in-law,

Tato aparena dāsibhogena bhuñjanti.
but then like a slave.

Atha kho sā kumārikā mātuyā santike dūtaṁ pāhesi—
The girl sent a message to her mother, saying,

“ahañhi duggatā dukkhitā, na sukhaṁ labhāmi.
“Mom, I’m unhappy and miserable.

Māsaṁyeva maṁ suṇisabhogena bhuñjiṁsu.
For a month they treated me like a daughter-in-law,

Tato aparena dāsibhogena bhuñjanti.
but then like a slave.

Āgacchatu me, mātā, maṁ nessatū”ti.
Come, mom, and take me home.”

Atha kho sā gaṇakī yena te ājīvakasāvakā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā te ājīvakasāvake etadavoca—
Soon afterwards the courtesan went to those Ājīvakas and said,

“māyyo, imaṁ kumārikaṁ dāsibhogena bhuñjittha.
“Please don’t treat my girl like a slave;

Suṇisabhogena imaṁ kumārikaṁ bhuñjathā”ti.
treat her properly!”

Te evamāhaṁsu—
They replied,

“natthamhākaṁ tayā saddhiṁ āhārūpahāro, samaṇena saddhiṁ amhākaṁ āhārūpahāro,
“We deal with the monastic, not with you.

gaccha tvaṁ,
Go away!

na mayaṁ taṁ jānāmā”ti.
We don’t want anything to do with you.”

Atha kho sā gaṇakī tehi ājīvakasāvakehi apasāditā punadeva sāvatthiṁ paccāgañchi.
Being dismissed, she returned to Sāvatthī.

Dutiyampi kho sā kumārikā mātuyā santike dūtaṁ pāhesi—
A second time the girl sent the same message to her mother.

“ahañhi duggatā dukkhitā, na sukhaṁ labhāmi.

Māsaṁyeva maṁ suṇisabhogena bhuñjiṁsu.

Tato aparena dāsibhogena bhuñjanti.

Āgacchatu me, mātā, maṁ nessatū”ti.

Atha kho sā gaṇakī yenāyasmā udāyī tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ etadavoca—
That courtesan then went to Udāyī and said,

“sā kira, bhante, kumārikā duggatā dukkhitā, na sukhaṁ labhati.
“Venerable, my girl is unhappy and miserable.

Māsaṁyeva naṁ suṇisabhogena bhuñjiṁsu.
They treated her like a daughter-in-law for a month,

Tato aparena dāsibhogena bhuñjanti.
but then like a slave.

Vadeyyātha, bhante—
Please tell them

‘māyyo, imaṁ kumārikaṁ dāsibhogena bhuñjittha.

Suṇisabhogena imaṁ kumārikaṁ bhuñjathā’”ti.
to treat her properly.”

Atha kho āyasmā udāyī yena te ājīvakasāvakā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā te ājīvakasāvake etadavoca—
Udāyī went to the Ājīvakas and said,

“māyyo, imaṁ kumārikaṁ dāsibhogena bhujjittha.
“Please don’t treat this girl like a slave;

Suṇisabhogena imaṁ kumārikaṁ bhuñjathā”ti.
treat her properly.”

Te evamāhaṁsu—
They replied,

“natthamhākaṁ tayā saddhiṁ āhārūpahāro, gaṇakiyā saddhiṁ amhākaṁ āhārūpahāro.
“We deal with the courtesan, not with you.

Samaṇena bhavitabbaṁ abyāvaṭena.
A monastic shouldn’t get involved.

Samaṇo assa susamaṇo,
You should behave like a proper monastic.

gaccha tvaṁ,
So go away!

na mayaṁ taṁ jānāmā”ti.
We don’t want anything to do with you.”

Atha kho āyasmā udāyī tehi ājīvakasāvakehi apasādito punadeva sāvatthiṁ paccāgañchi.
Being dismissed, he returned to Sāvatthī.

Tatiyampi kho sā kumārikā mātuyā santike dūtaṁ pāhesi—
A third time that girl sent the same message to her mother,

“ahañhi duggatā dukkhitā, na sukhaṁ labhāmi.

Māsaṁyeva maṁ suṇisabhogena bhuñjiṁsu.

Tato aparena dāsibhogena bhuñjanti.

Āgacchatu me, mātā, maṁ nessatū”ti.

Dutiyampi kho sā gaṇakī yenāyasmā udāyī tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ etadavoca—
and a second time the courtesan went to Udāyī and told him the same thing.

“sā kira, bhante, kumārikā duggatā dukkhitā, na sukhaṁ labhati.

Māsaṁyeva naṁ suṇisabhogena bhuñjiṁsu.

Tato aparena dāsibhogena bhuñjanti.

Vadeyyātha, bhante—

‘māyyo, imaṁ kumārikaṁ dāsibhogena bhuñjittha, suṇisabhogena imaṁ kumārikaṁ bhuñjathā’”ti.

“Paṭhamampāhaṁ tehi ājīvakasāvakehi apasādito,
He replied, “When I first went, they just dismissed me.

gaccha tvaṁ,
Go yourself;

nāhaṁ gamissāmī”ti.
I’m not going.”

Atha kho sā gaṇakī ujjhāyati khiyyati vipāceti—
Then that courtesan complained and criticized him,

“evaṁ duggato hotu ayyo udāyī, evaṁ dukkhito hotu ayyo udāyī, evaṁ mā sukhaṁ labhatu ayyo udāyī, yathā me kumārikā duggatā dukkhitā na sukhaṁ labhati pāpikāya sassuyā pāpakena sasurena pāpakena sāmikenā”ti.
“May Venerable Udāyī be miserable and unhappy, just as my girl is miserable and unhappy because of her nasty mother-in-law, father-in-law, and husband.”

Sāpi kho kumārikā ujjhāyati khiyyati vipāceti—
The girl, too, complained and criticized him in the same way,

“evaṁ duggato hotu ayyo udāyī, evaṁ dukkhito hotu ayyo udāyī, evaṁ mā sukhaṁ labhatu ayyo udāyī, yathāhaṁ duggatā dukkhitā na sukhaṁ labhāmi pāpikāya sassuyā pāpakena sasurena pāpakena sāmikenā”ti.

Aññāpi itthiyo asantuṭṭhā sassūhi vā sasurehi vā sāmikehi vā, tā evaṁ oyācanti—
as did other women who were unhappy with their mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, and husbands.

“evaṁ duggato hotu ayyo udāyī, evaṁ dukkhito hotu ayyo udāyī, evaṁ mā sukhaṁ labhatu ayyo udāyī, yathā mayaṁ duggatā dukkhitā na sukhaṁ labhāma pāpikāhi sassūhi pāpakehi sasurehi pāpakehi sāmikehī”ti.

Yā pana tā itthiyo santuṭṭhā sassūhi vā sasurehi vā sāmikehi vā tā evaṁ āyācanti—
But those women who were happy with their in-laws wished him well, saying,

“evaṁ sukhito hotu ayyo udāyī, evaṁ sajjito hotu ayyo udāyī, evaṁ sukhamedho hotu ayyo udāyī, yathā mayaṁ sukhitā sajjitā sukhamedhā bhaddikāhi sassūhi bhaddakehi sasurehi bhaddakehi sāmikehī”ti.
“May Venerable Udāyī be happy and well, just as we are happy and well because of our good mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, and husbands.”

Assosuṁ kho bhikkhū ekaccānaṁ itthīnaṁ oyācantīnaṁ ekaccānaṁ itthīnaṁ āyācantīnaṁ.
The monks heard that some women were criticizing him whereas others were wishing him well.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
And the monks of few desires complained and criticized him,

“kathañhi nāma āyasmā udāyī sañcarittaṁ samāpajjissatī”ti.
“How could Venerable Udāyī act as a matchmaker?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe bhikkhusaṅghaṁ sannipātāpetvā āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ paṭipucchi—
The Buddha had the Sangha gathered and questioned Udāyī:

“saccaṁ kira tvaṁ, udāyi, sañcarittaṁ samāpajjasī”ti?
“Is it true, Udāyī, that you do this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked him …

kathañhi nāma tvaṁ, moghapurisa, sañcarittaṁ samāpajjissasi.
“Foolish man, how could you do this?

Netaṁ, moghapurisa, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Yo pana bhikkhu sañcarittaṁ samāpajjeyya, itthiyā vā purisamatiṁ purisassa vā itthimatiṁ, jāyattane vā jārattane vā, saṅghādiseso”ti.
‘If a monk acts as a matchmaker, conveying a man’s intention to a woman or a woman’s intention to a man, for marriage or for an affair, he commits an offense entailing suspension.’”

Evañcidaṁ bhagavatā bhikkhūnaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ hoti.
In this way the Buddha laid down this training rule for the monks.

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulā dhuttā uyyāne paricārentā aññatarissā vesiyā santike dūtaṁ pāhesuṁ—
Soon afterwards a number of scoundrels who were enjoying themselves in a park sent a messenger to a sex worker, saying,

“āgacchatu uyyāne paricāressāmā”ti.
“Please come, let’s enjoy ourselves in the park.”

Sā evamāha—
She replied,

“ahaṁ khvayyo, tumhe na jānāmi—‘ke vā ime kassa vā’ti.
“Sirs, I don’t know who you are.

Ahañcamhi bahubhaṇḍā bahuparikkhārā, bahinagarañca gantabbaṁ.
I’m wealthy. I don’t want to go outside the city.”

Nāhaṁ gamissāmī”ti.

Atha kho so dūto tesaṁ dhuttānaṁ etamatthaṁ ārocesi.
The messenger returned the message.

Evaṁ vutte, aññataro puriso te dhutte etadavoca—
A certain man then said to those men,

“kissa tumhe, ayyo, etaṁ vesiṁ yācittha?
“Why did you ask the sex worker?

Nanu ayyo udāyī vattabbo.
You should speak to Venerable Udāyī.

Ayyo udāyī uyyojessatī”ti.
He’ll persuade her.”

Evaṁ vutte, aññataro upāsako taṁ purisaṁ etadavoca—
But a certain Buddhist lay follower said,

“māyyo, evaṁ avaca.
“No way.

Na kappati samaṇānaṁ sakyaputtiyānaṁ evarūpaṁ kātuṁ.
That’s not allowable for the Sakyan monastics.

Nāyyo udāyī evaṁ karissatī”ti.
He won’t do it.”

Evaṁ vutte, “karissati na karissatī”ti abbhutamakaṁsu.
And they made a bet on whether he would.

Atha kho te dhuttā yenāyasmā udāyī tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ etadavocuṁ—
Those scoundrels then went to Udāyī and said,

“idha mayaṁ, bhante, uyyāne paricārentā asukāya nāma vesiyā santike dūtaṁ pahiṇimhā—
“Venerable, while we were enjoying ourselves in the park, we sent a message to such-and-such a sex worker,

‘āgacchatu uyyāne paricāressāmā’ti.
asking her to come,

Sā evamāha—‘ahaṁ khvayyo, tumhe na jānāmi—ke vā ime kassa vāti,
but she refused.

ahañcamhi bahubhaṇḍā bahuparikkhārā, bahinagarañca gantabbaṁ.

Nāhaṁ gamissāmī’ti.

Sādhu, bhante, ayyo taṁ vesiṁ uyyojetū”ti.
Would you please persuade her?”

Atha kho āyasmā udāyī yena sā vesī tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā taṁ vesiṁ etadavoca—
Udāyī agreed. He then went to that sex worker and said,

“kissimesaṁ na gacchasī”ti?
“Why don’t you go to those men?”

“Ahaṁ khvayya, ime na jānāmi—‘ke vā ime kassa vā’ti.
She told him why.

Ahañcamhi bahubhaṇḍā bahuparikkhārā, bahinagarañca gantabbaṁ.

Nāhaṁ gamissāmī”ti.

“Gacchimesaṁ. Ahaṁ ime jānāmī”ti.
“Please go. I know them.”

“Sace, bhante, ayyo jānāti ahaṁ gamissāmī”ti.
“If you know them, Sir, I’ll go.”

Atha kho te dhuttā taṁ vesiṁ ādāya uyyānaṁ agamaṁsu.
And those men took her to the park.

Atha kho so upāsako ujjhāyati khiyyati vipāceti—
Then that lay follower complained and criticized him,

“kathañhi nāma ayyo udāyī taṅkhaṇikaṁ sañcarittaṁ samāpajjissatī”ti.
“How could Venerable Udāyī act as a matchmaker for a brief affair?”

Assosuṁ kho bhikkhū tassa upāsakassa ujjhāyantassa khiyyantassa vipācentassa.
The monks heard it,

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
and the monks of few desires complained and criticized him,

“kathañhi nāma āyasmā udāyī taṅkhaṇikaṁ sañcarittaṁ samāpajjissatī”ti.
“How could Venerable Udāyī act as a matchmaker for a brief affair?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū āyasmantaṁ udāyiṁ anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They rebuked Udāyī in many ways and then told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned Udāyī:

“saccaṁ kira tvaṁ, udāyi, taṅkhaṇikaṁ sañcarittaṁ samāpajjasī”ti?
“Is it true, Udāyī, that you did this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked him …

kathañhi nāma tvaṁ, moghapurisa, taṅkhaṇikaṁ sañcarittaṁ samāpajjissasi?
“Foolish man, how could you do this?

Netaṁ, moghapurisa, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And so, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Yo pana bhikkhu sañcarittaṁ samāpajjeyya, itthiyā vā purisamatiṁ purisassa vā itthimatiṁ, jāyattane vā jārattane vā, antamaso taṅkhaṇikāyapi, saṅghādiseso”ti.
‘If a monk acts as a matchmaker, conveying a man’s intention to a woman or a woman’s intention to a man, for marriage or for an affair, even if just a brief one, he commits an offense entailing suspension.’”

Yo panāti

yo yādiso …pe…
whoever …


…pe… ayaṁ imasmiṁ atthe adhippeto bhikkhūti.
… The monk who has been given the full ordination by a unanimous Sangha through a legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements that is irreversible and fit to stand—this sort of monk is meant in this case.

Sañcarittaṁ samāpajjeyyāti
Acts as a matchmaker, conveying:

itthiyā vā pahito purisassa santike gacchati, purisena vā pahito itthiyā santike gacchati.
sent by a woman he goes to a man, or sent by a man he goes to a woman.

Itthiyā vā purisamatinti
A man’s intention to a woman:

purisassa matiṁ itthiyā āroceti.
he informs a woman of a man’s intention.

Purisassa vā itthimatinti
A woman’s intention to a man:

itthiyā matiṁ purisassa āroceti.
he informs a man of a woman’s intention.

Jāyattane vāti
For marriage:

jāyā bhavissasi.
“You should be his wife.”

Jārattane vāti
For an affair:

jārī bhavissasi.
“You should be his mistress.”

Antamaso taṅkhaṇikāyapīti
Even if just a brief one:

muhuttikā bhavissasi.
“You will have a short relationship.”

He commits an offense entailing suspension:

…pe… tenapi vuccati “saṅghādiseso”ti.
… Therefore, too, it is called “an offense entailing suspension”.

Dasa itthiyo— māturakkhitā piturakkhitā mātāpiturakkhitā bhāturakkhitā bhaginirakkhitā ñātirakkhitā gottarakkhitā dhammarakkhitā sārakkhā saparidaṇḍā.
There are ten kinds of women: the one protected by her mother, the one protected by her father, the one protected by her parents, the one protected by her brother, the one protected by her sister, the one protected by her relatives, the one protected by her family, the one protected by her religion, the one otherwise protected, the one protected by the threat of punishment.

Dasa bhariyāyo— dhanakkītā chandavāsinī bhogavāsinī paṭavāsinī odapattakinī obhaṭacumbaṭā dāsī ca bhariyā ca kammakārī ca bhariyā ca dhajāhaṭā muhuttikā.
There are ten kinds of wives: the bought wife, the wife by choice, the wife through property, the wife through clothes, the wife through the bowl-of-water ritual, the wife through removing the head pad, the slave wife, the servant wife, the captured wife, the momentary wife.

Māturakkhitā nāma
The one protected by her mother:

mātā rakkhati gopeti issariyaṁ kāreti vasaṁ vatteti.
her mother protects, guards, wields authority, controls.

Piturakkhitā nāma
The one protected by her father:

pitā rakkhati gopeti issariyaṁ kāreti vasaṁ vatteti.
her father protects, guards, wields authority, controls.

Mātāpiturakkhitā nāma
The one protected by her parents:

mātāpitaro rakkhanti gopenti issariyaṁ kārenti vasaṁ vattenti.
her parents protect, guard, wield authority, control.

Bhāturakkhitā nāma
The one protected by her brother:

bhātā rakkhati gopeti issariyaṁ kāreti vasaṁ vatteti.
her brother protects, guards, wields authority, controls.

Bhaginirakkhitā nāma
The one protected by her sister:

bhaginī rakkhati gopeti issariyaṁ kāreti vasaṁ vatteti.
her sister protects, guards, wields authority, controls.

Ñātirakkhitā nāma
The one protected by her relatives:

ñātakā rakkhanti gopenti issariyaṁ kārenti vasaṁ vattenti.
her relatives protect, guard, wield authority, control.

Gottarakkhitā nāma
The one protected by her family:

sagottā rakkhanti gopenti issariyaṁ kārenti vasaṁ vattenti.
her family protects, guards, wields authority, controls.

Dhammarakkhitā nāma
The one protected by her religion:

sahadhammikā rakkhanti gopenti issariyaṁ kārenti vasaṁ vattenti.
her fellow believers protect, guard, wield authority, control.

Sārakkhā nāma
The one otherwise protected:

gabbhepi pariggahitā hoti— mayhaṁ esāti. Antamaso mālāguḷaparikkhittāpi.
even in the womb someone takes possession of her, thinking, “She is mine,” and so too for one engaged to be married.

Saparidaṇḍā nāma
The one protected by the threat of punishment:

kehici daṇḍo ṭhapito hoti—yo itthannāmaṁ itthiṁ gacchati ettako daṇḍoti.
those who punish will punish anyone going to her with a fixed punishment.

Dhanakkītā nāma
The bought wife:

dhanena kiṇitvā vāseti.
after buying her with money, they live together.

Chandavāsinī nāma
The wife by choice:

piyo piyaṁ vāseti.
being dear to each other, they live together.

Bhogavāsinī nāma
The wife through property:

bhogaṁ datvā vāseti.
after giving property, they live together.

Paṭavāsinī nāma
The wife through clothes:

paṭaṁ datvā vāseti.
after giving clothes, they live together.

Odapattakinī nāma
The wife through the bowl-of-water ritual:

udakapattaṁ āmasitvā vāseti.
after touching a bowl of water, they live together.

Obhaṭacumbaṭā nāma
The wife through removing the head pad:

cumbaṭaṁ oropetvā vāseti.
after removing the head pad, they live together.

Dāsī nāma
The slave wife:

dāsī ceva hoti bhariyā ca.
she is a slave and a wife.

Kammakārī nāma
The servant wife:

kammakārī ceva hoti bhariyā ca.
she is a servant and a wife.

Dhajāhaṭā nāma
The captured wife:

karamarānītā vuccati.
one brought back as a captive is what is meant.

Muhuttikā nāma
The momentary wife:

taṅkhaṇikā vuccati.
a wife for one occasion is what is meant.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ piturakkhitaṁ brūhi …pe…
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her father and say …

mātāpiturakkhitaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so protected by her parents and say …

bhāturakkhitaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so protected by her brother and say …

bhaginirakkhitaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so protected by her sister and say …

ñātirakkhitaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so protected by her relatives and say …

gottarakkhitaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so protected by her family and say …

dhammarakkhitaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so protected by her religion and say …

sārakkhaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so otherwise protected and say …

saparidaṇḍaṁ brūhi—
so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The setting out of the steps is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitañca piturakkhitañca brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her father and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitañca mātāpiturakkhitañca …pe…
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her parents …

māturakkhitañca bhāturakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her brother …

māturakkhitañca bhaginirakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her sister …

māturakkhitañca ñātirakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her relatives …

māturakkhitañca gottarakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her family …

māturakkhitañca dhammarakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her religion …

māturakkhitañca sārakkhañca …
so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so otherwise protected …

māturakkhitañca saparidaṇḍañca brūhi—
so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The unconnected permutation series is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ piturakkhitañca mātāpiturakkhitañca brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her parents and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ piturakkhitañca bhāturakkhitañca …pe…
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her brother …

piturakkhitañca bhaginirakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her sister …

piturakkhitañca ñātirakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her relatives …

piturakkhitañca gottarakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her family …

piturakkhitañca dhammarakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her religion …

piturakkhitañca sārakkhañca …
so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so otherwise protected …

piturakkhitañca saparidaṇḍañca brūhi—
so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ piturakkhitañca māturakkhitañca brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Baddhacakkaṁ mūlaṁ saṅkhittaṁ.
The linked permutation series with the basis in brief is finished.

(…) Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
… A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ saparidaṇḍañca māturakkhitañca brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ saparidaṇḍañca piturakkhitañca …pe…
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and so-and-so protected by her father …

saparidaṇḍañca mātāpiturakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and so-and-so protected by her parents …

saparidaṇḍañca bhāturakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and so-and-so protected by her brother …

saparidaṇḍañca bhaginirakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and so-and-so protected by her sister …

saparidaṇḍañca ñātirakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and so-and-so protected by her relatives …

saparidaṇḍañca gottarakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and so-and-so protected by her family …

saparidaṇḍañca dhammarakkhitañca …
so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and so-and-so protected by her religion …

saparidaṇḍañca sārakkhañca brūhi—
so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and so-and-so otherwise protected and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekamūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on one item is finished.

Evaṁ dumūlakampi timūlakampi yāva navamūlakaṁ kātabbaṁ.
The sections based on two items, three items, up to nine items, are to be done in the same way.

Idaṁ dasamūlakaṁ—
This is the section based on ten items:

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitañca piturakkhitañca mātāpiturakkhitañca bhāturakkhitañca bhaginirakkhitañca ñātirakkhitañca gottarakkhitañca dhammarakkhitañca sārakkhañca saparidaṇḍañca brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her parents and so-and-so protected by her brother and so-and-so protected by her sister and so-and-so protected by her relatives and so-and-so protected by her family and so-and-so protected by her religion and so-and-so otherwise protected and so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Dhanakkītācakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The permutation series on bought wives is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā chandavāsinī …pe…
‘Please be the wife by choice of so-and-so.’” …

bhogavāsinī …
the wife through property of so-and-so.’” …

paṭavāsinī …
the wife through clothes of so-and-so.’” …

odapattakinī …
the wife through the bowl-of-water ritual of so-and-so.’” …

obhaṭacumbaṭā …
the wife through removing the head pad of so-and-so.’” …

dāsī ca bhariyā ca …
the slave wife of so-and-so.’” …

kammakārī ca bhariyā ca …
the servant wife of so-and-so.’” …

dhajāhaṭā …
the captured wife of so-and-so.’” …

the momentary wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ piturakkhitaṁ brūhi …pe…
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her father and say …

mātāpiturakkhitaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so protected by her parents …

bhāturakkhitaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so protected by her brother …

bhaginirakkhitaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so protected by her sister …

ñātirakkhitaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so protected by her relatives …

gottarakkhitaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so protected by her family …

dhammarakkhitaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so protected by her religion …

sārakkhaṁ brūhi …
so-and-so otherwise protected …

saparidaṇḍaṁ brūhi—
so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā muhuttikā’”ti.
‘Please be the momentary wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The setting out of the steps is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitañca piturakkhitañca brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her father and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo muhuttikā’”ti.
‘Please be the momentary wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitañca mātāpiturakkhitañca …pe…
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her parents …

māturakkhitañca saparidaṇḍañca brūhi—
so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo muhuttikā’”ti.
‘Please be the momentary wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The unconnected permutation series is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ piturakkhitañca mātāpiturakkhitañca brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her parents and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo muhuttikā’”ti.
‘Please be the momentary wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ piturakkhitañca bhāturakkhitañca …pe…
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her brother …

piturakkhitañca saparidaṇḍañca brūhi—
so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo muhuttikā’”ti.
‘Please be the momentary wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ piturakkhitañca māturakkhitañca brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo muhuttikā’”ti.
‘Please be the momentary wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Baddhacakkaṁ mūlaṁ saṅkhittaṁ.
The linked permutation series with the basis in brief is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ saparidaṇḍañca māturakkhitañca brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo muhuttikā’”ti.
‘Please be the momentary wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ saparidaṇḍañca piturakkhitañca …pe…
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and so-and-so protected by her father …

saparidaṇḍañca sārakkhañca brūhi—
so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and so-and-so otherwise protected and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo muhuttikā’”ti.
‘Please be the momentary wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekamūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on one item is finished.

Dumūlakādīnipi evameva kātabbāni.
The sections based on two items, etc., are to be done in the same way.

Idaṁ dasamūlakaṁ—
This is the section based on ten items:

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitañca piturakkhitañca mātāpiturakkhitañca bhāturakkhitañca bhaginirakkhitañca ñātirakkhitañca gottarakkhitañca dhammarakkhitañca sārakkhañca saparidaṇḍañca brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her parents and so-and-so protected by her brother and so-and-so protected by her sister and so-and-so protected by her relatives and so-and-so protected by her family and so-and-so protected by her religion and so-and-so otherwise protected and so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo muhuttikā’”ti.
‘Please be the momentary wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Muhuttikācakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The permutation series on momentary wives is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā chandavāsinī …pe…
‘Please be the wife by choice of so-and-so.’” …

bhogavāsinī …
the wife through property of so-and-so.’” …

paṭavāsinī …
the wife through clothes of so-and-so.’” …

odapattakinī …
the wife through the bowl-of-water ritual of so-and-so.’” …

obhaṭacumbaṭā …
the wife through removing the head pad of so-and-so.’” …

dāsī ca bhariyā ca …
the slave wife of so-and-so.’” …

kammakārī ca bhariyā ca …
the servant wife of so-and-so.’” …

dhajāhaṭā …
the captured wife of so-and-so.’” …

the momentary wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The setting out of the steps is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī cā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wife and the wife by choice of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca bhogavāsinī ca …pe…
‘Please be the bought wife and the wife through property of so-and-so.’” …

dhanakkītā ca paṭavāsinī ca …
the bought wife and the wife through clothes of so-and-so.’” …

dhanakkītā ca odapattakinī ca …
the bought wife and the wife through the bowl-of-water ritual of so-and-so.’” …

dhanakkītā ca obhaṭacumbaṭā ca …
the bought wife and the wife through removing the head pad of so-and-so.’” …

dhanakkītā ca dāsī ca bhariyā ca …
the bought wife and the slave wife of so-and-so.’” …

dhanakkītā ca kammakārī ca bhariyā ca …
the bought wife and the servant wife of so-and-so.’” …

dhanakkītā ca dhajāhaṭā ca …
the bought wife and the captured wife of so-and-so.’” …

dhanakkītā ca muhuttikā cā’”ti.
the bought wife and the momentary wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The unconnected permutation series is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī ca …pe…
‘Please be the wife by choice and the wife through property of so-and-so.’” …

chandavāsinī ca muhuttikā ca …
the wife by choice and the momentary wife of so-and-so.’” …

chandavāsinī ca dhanakkītā cā’”ti.
the wife by choice and the bought wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Baddhacakkaṁ mūlaṁ saṅkhittaṁ.
The linked permutation series with the basis in brief is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā muhuttikā ca dhanakkītā ca …pe…
‘Please be the momentary wife so and the bought wife of so-and-so.’” …

muhuttikā ca chandavāsinī ca …pe…
the momentary wife and the wife by choice of so-and-so.’” …

muhuttikā ca dhajāhaṭā cā’”ti.
the momentary wife and the captured wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekamūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on one item is finished.

Dumūlakādīnipi evameva kātabbāni.
The sections based on two items, etc., are to be done in the same way.

Idaṁ dasamūlakaṁ—
This is the section based on ten items:

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī ca paṭavāsinī ca odapattakinī ca obhaṭacumbaṭā ca dāsī ca bhariyā ca kammakārī ca bhariyā ca dhajāhaṭā ca muhuttikā cā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wife and the wife by choice and the wife through property and the wife through clothes and the wife through the bowl-of-water ritual and the wife through removing the head pad and the slave wife and the servant wife and the captured wife and the momentary wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Māturakkhitācakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The permutation series on the one guarded by her mother is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ piturakkhitaṁ …pe…
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her father …

mātāpiturakkhitaṁ …
so-and-so protected by her parents …

bhāturakkhitaṁ …
so-and-so protected by her brother …

bhaginirakkhitaṁ …
so-and-so protected by her sister …

ñātirakkhitaṁ …
so-and-so protected by her relatives …

gottarakkhitaṁ …
so-and-so protected by her family …

dhammarakkhitaṁ …
so-and-so protected by her religion …

sārakkhaṁ …
so-and-so otherwise protected …

saparidaṇḍaṁ brūhi—
so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ saparidaṇḍaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā chandavāsinī …pe…
‘Please be the wife by choice of so-and-so.’” …

bhogavāsinī …
the wife through property of so-and-so.’” …

paṭavāsinī …
the wife through clothes of so-and-so.’” …

odapattakinī …
the wife through the bowl-of-water ritual of so-and-so.’” …

obhaṭacumbaṭā …
the wife through removing the head pad of so-and-so.’” …

dāsī ca bhariyā ca …
the slave wife of so-and-so.’” …

kammakārī ca bhariyā ca …
the servant wife of so-and-so.’” …

dhajāhaṭā …
the captured wife of so-and-so.’” …

the momentary wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The setting out of the steps is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ saparidaṇḍaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī cā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wife and the wife by choice of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ saparidaṇḍaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca bhogavāsinī ca …pe…
‘Please be the bought wife and the wife through property of so-and-so …

dhanakkītā ca muhuttikā cā’”ti.
the bought wife and the momentary wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The unconnected permutation series is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ saparidaṇḍaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī ca …pe…
‘Please be the wife by choice and the wife through property of so-and-so.’” …

chandavāsinī ca muhuttikā ca …
the wife by choice and the momentary wife of so-and-so.’” …

chandavāsinī ca dhanakkītā cā’”ti.
the wife by choice and the bought wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Baddhacakkaṁ mūlaṁ saṅkhittaṁ.
The linked permutation series with the basis in brief is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ saparidaṇḍaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā muhuttikā ca dhanakkītā ca …pe…
‘Please be the momentary wife and the bought wife of so-and-so.’” …

muhuttikā ca chandavāsinī ca …pe…
the momentary wife and the wife by choice of so-and-so.’” …

muhuttikā ca dhajāhaṭā cā’”ti.
the momentary wife and the captured wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekamūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on one item is finished.

Dumūlakampi timūlakampi yāva navamūlakaṁ evameva kātabbaṁ.
The sections based on two items, three items, up to nine items, are to be done in the same way.

Idaṁ dasamūlakaṁ—
This is the section based on ten items:

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ saparidaṇḍaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī ca paṭavāsinī ca odapattakinī ca obhaṭacumbaṭā ca dāsī ca bhariyā ca kammakārī ca bhariyā ca dhajāhaṭā ca muhuttikā cā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wife and the wife by choice and the wife through property and the wife through clothes and the wife through the bowl-of-water ritual and the wife through removing the head pad and the slave wife and the servant wife and the captured wife and the momentary wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Saparidaṇḍācakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The permutation series for the one protected by the threat of punishment is finished.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and say,

‘hohi kira itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wife of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitañca piturakkhitañca brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her father and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī cā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wives and the wives by choice of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitañca piturakkhitañca mātāpiturakkhitañca brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her parents and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī cā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wives and the wives by choice and the wives through property of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Evaṁ ubhatovaḍḍhakaṁ kātabbaṁ.
In this way the increase of both items is to be done.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
A man sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ māturakkhitañca piturakkhitañca mātāpiturakkhitañca bhāturakkhitañca bhaginirakkhitañca ñātirakkhitañca gottarakkhitañca dhammarakkhitañca sārakkhañca saparidaṇḍañca brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so protected by her mother and so-and-so protected by her father and so-and-so protected by her parents and so-and-so protected by her brother and so-and-so protected by her sister and so-and-so protected by her relatives and so-and-so protected by her family and so-and-so protected by her religion and so-and-so otherwise protected and so-and-so protected by the threat of punishment and say,

‘hotha kira itthannāmassa bhariyāyo dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī ca paṭavāsinī ca odapattakinī ca obhaṭacumbaṭā ca dāsī ca bhariyā ca kammakārī ca bhariyā ca dhajāhaṭā ca muhuttikā cā’”ti.
‘Please be the bought wives and the wives by choice and the wives through property and the wives through clothes and the wives through the bowl-of-water ritual and the wives through removing the head pad and the slave wives and the servant wives and the captured wives and the momentary wives of so-and-so.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ubhatovaḍḍhakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The increase of both items is finished.

Purisassa mātā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …pe…
A man’s mother sends a monk …

purisassa pitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …pe…
A man’s father sends a monk …

purisassa mātāpitaro bhikkhuṁ pahiṇanti …pe…
A man’s parents send a monk …

purisassa bhātā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …pe…
A man’s brother sends a monk …

purisassa bhaginī bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …pe…
A man’s sister sends a monk …

purisassa ñātakā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇanti …pe…
A man’s relatives send a monk …

purisassa gottā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇanti …pe…
A man’s family sends a monk …

purisassa sahadhammikā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇanti …pe….
A man’s fellow believers send a monk …

Purisassa peyyālo vitthāretabbo.
To be expanded as for the successive series on a man.

Ubhatovaḍḍhakaṁ yathā purimanayo tatheva vitthāretabbaṁ.
The increase of both items is to be expanded as before.

Māturakkhitāya mātā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The mother of one protected by her mother sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say,

‘hotu itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘I have a wife for you who can be your bought wife.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Māturakkhitāya mātā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The mother of one protected by her mother sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say,

‘hotu itthannāmassa bhariyā chandavāsinī …pe…
‘I have a wife for you who can be your wife by choice.’” …

bhogavāsinī …
your wife through property.’” …

paṭavāsinī …
your wife through clothes.’” …

odapattakinī …
your wife through the bowl-of-water ritual.’” …

obhaṭacumbaṭā …
your wife through removing the head pad.’” …

dāsī ca bhariyā ca …
your slave wife.’” …

kammakārī ca bhariyā ca …
your servant wife.’” …

dhajāhaṭā …
your captured wife.’” …

your momentary wife.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The setting out of the steps is finished.

Māturakkhitāya mātā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The mother of one protected by her mother sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say,

‘hotu itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī ca …pe…
‘I have a wife for you who can be your bought wife and your wife by choice.’” …

dhanakkītā ca bhogavāsinī ca …pe…
your bought wife and your wife through property.’” …

dhanakkītā ca muhuttikā cā’”ti.
your bought wife and your momentary wife.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The unconnected permutation series is finished.

Māturakkhitāya mātā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The mother of one protected by her mother sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say,

‘hotu itthannāmassa bhariyā chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī ca …pe…
‘I have a wife for you who can be your wife by choice and your wife through property.’” …

chandavāsinī ca muhuttikā ca …
your wife by choice and your momentary wife.’” …

chandavāsinī ca dhanakkītā cā’”ti.
your wife by choice and your bought wife.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Baddhacakkaṁ mūlaṁ saṅkhittaṁ.
The linked permutation series with the basis in brief is finished.

Māturakkhitāya mātā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The mother of one protected by her mother sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say,

‘hotu itthannāmassa bhariyā muhuttikā ca dhanakkītā ca …pe…
‘I have a wife for you who can be your momentary wife and your bought wife.’” …

muhuttikā ca chandavāsinī ca …pe…
your momentary wife and your wife by choice.’” …

muhuttikā ca dhajāhaṭā cā’”ti.
your momentary wife and your captured wife.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekamūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on one item is finished.

Dumūlakampi timūlakampi yāva navamūlakaṁ evameva kātabbaṁ.
The sections based on two items, three items, up to nine items, are to be done in the same way.

Idaṁ dasamūlakaṁ—
This is the section based on ten items:

Māturakkhitāya mātā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The mother of one protected by her mother sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say,

‘hotu itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī ca paṭavāsinī ca odapattakinī ca obhaṭacumbaṭā ca dāsī ca bhariyā ca kammakārī ca bhariyā ca dhajāhaṭā ca muhuttikā cā’”ti.
‘I have a wife for you who can be your bought wife and your wife by choice and your wife through property and your wife through clothes and your wife through the bowl-of-water ritual and your wife through removing the head pad and your slave wife and your servant wife and your captured wife and your momentary wife.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Mātucakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The permutation series on the mother is finished.

Piturakkhitāya pitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …pe…
The father of one protected by her father sends a monk …

mātāpiturakkhitāya mātāpitaro bhikkhuṁ pahiṇanti …
The parents of one protected by her parents send a monk …

bhāturakkhitāya bhātā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …
The brother of one protected by her brother sends a monk …

bhaginirakkhitāya bhaginī bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …
The sister of one protected by her sister sends a monk …

ñātirakkhitāya ñātakā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇanti …
The relatives of one protected by her relatives send a monk …

gottarakkhitāya gottā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇanti …
The family of one protected by her family sends a monk …

dhammarakkhitāya sahadhammikā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇanti …
The fellow believers of one protected by her religion send a monk …

sārakkhāya yena pariggahitā hoti so bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …
The master of one otherwise protected sends a monk …

saparidaṇḍāya yena daṇḍo ṭhapito hoti so bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one who punishes in relation to one protected by the threat of punishment sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say,

‘hotu itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā’”ti.
‘I have a wife for you who can be your bought wife.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Saparidaṇḍāya yena daṇḍo ṭhapito hoti so bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one who punishes in relation to one protected by the threat of punishment sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say,

‘hotu itthannāmassa bhariyā chandavāsinī …pe…
‘I have a wife for you who can be your wife by choice.’” …

bhogavāsinī …
your wife through property.’” …

paṭavāsinī …
your wife through clothes.’” …

odapattakinī …
your wife through the bowl-of-water ritual.’” …

obhaṭacumbaṭā …
your wife through removing the head pad.’” …

dāsī ca bhariyā ca …
your slave wife.’” …

kammakārī ca bhariyā ca …
your servant wife.’” …

dhajāhaṭā …
your captured wife.’” …

your momentary wife.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The setting out of the steps is finished.

Saparidaṇḍāya yena daṇḍo ṭhapito hoti so bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one who punishes in relation to one protected by the threat of punishment sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say,

‘hotu itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī ca …pe…
‘I have a wife for you who can be your bought wife and your wife by choice.’” …

dhanakkītā ca bhogavāsinī ca …pe…
your bought wife and your wife through property.’” …

dhanakkītā ca muhuttikā cā’”ti.
your bought wife and your momentary wife.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The unconnected permutation series is finished.

Saparidaṇḍāya yena daṇḍo ṭhapito hoti so bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one who punishes in relation to one protected by the threat of punishment sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say,

‘hotu itthannāmassa bhariyā chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī ca …pe…
‘I have a wife for you who can be your wife by choice and your wife through property.’” …

chandavāsinī ca muhuttikā ca …
your wife by choice and your momentary wife.’” …

chandavāsinī ca dhanakkītā cā’”ti.
your wife by choice and your bought wife.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Baddhacakkaṁ mūlaṁ saṅkhittaṁ.
The linked permutation series with the basis in brief is finished.

Saparidaṇḍāya yena daṇḍo, ṭhapito hoti so bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one who punishes in relation to one protected by the threat of punishment sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say,

‘hotu itthannāmassa bhariyā muhuttikā ca dhanakkītā ca …pe…
‘I have a wife for you who can be your momentary wife and your bought wife.’” …

muhuttikā ca chandavāsinī ca …pe…
who can be your momentary wife and your wife by choice.’” …

muhuttikā ca dhajāhaṭā cā’”ti.
who can be your momentary wife and your captured wife.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekamūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on one item is finished.

Dumūlakampi timūlakampi yāva navamūlakaṁ evameva kātabbaṁ.
The sections based on two items, three items, up to nine items, are to be done in the same way.

Idaṁ dasamūlakaṁ—
This is the section based on ten items:

Saparidaṇḍāya yena daṇḍo ṭhapito hoti so bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one who punishes in relation to one protected by the threat of punishment sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say,

‘hotu itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī ca paṭavāsinī ca odapattakinī ca obhaṭacumbaṭā ca dāsī ca bhariyā ca kammakārī ca bhariyā ca dhajāhaṭā ca muhuttikā cā’”ti.
‘I have a wife for you who can be your bought wife and your wife by choice and your wife through property and your wife through clothes and your wife through the bowl-of-water ritual and your wife through removing the head pad and your slave wife and your servant wife and your captured wife and your momentary wife.’”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Daṇḍaṭhapitacakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The permutation series on the one who punishes is finished.

Māturakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one protected by her mother sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say

‘homi itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā’”ti.
that I’ll be his bought wife.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Māturakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one protected by her mother sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say

‘homi itthannāmassa bhariyā chandavāsinī …pe…
that I’ll be his wife by choice.” …

bhogavāsinī …
his wife through property.” …

paṭavāsinī …
his wife through clothes.” …

odapattakinī …
his wife through the bowl-of-water ritual.” …

obhaṭacumbaṭā …
his wife through removing the head pad.” …

dāsī ca bhariyā ca …
his slave wife.” …

kammakārī ca bhariyā ca …
his servant wife.” …

dhajāhaṭā …
his captured wife.” …

his momentary wife.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The setting out of the steps is finished.

Māturakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one protected by her mother sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say

‘homi itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī cā’”ti.
that I’ll be his bought wife and his wife by choice.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Māturakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one protected by her mother sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say

‘homi itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca bhogavāsinī ca …pe…
that I’ll be his bought wife and his wife through property.” …

dhanakkītā ca paṭavāsinī ca …pe…
his bought wife and his wife through clothes.” …

dhanakkītā ca muhuttikā cā’”ti.
his bought wife and his momentary wife.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The unconnected permutation series is finished.

Māturakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one protected by her mother sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say

‘homi itthannāmassa bhariyā chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī ca …pe…
that I’ll be his wife by choice and his wife though property.” …

chandavāsinī ca muhuttikā ca …
his wife by choice and his momentary wife.” …

chandavāsinī ca dhanakkītā cā’”ti.
his wife by choice and his bought wife.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Baddhacakkaṁ mūlaṁ saṅkhittaṁ.
The linked permutation series with the basis in brief is finished.

Māturakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one protected by her mother sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say

‘homi itthannāmassa bhariyā muhuttikā ca dhanakkītā ca …pe…
that I’ll be his momentary wife and his bought wife.” …

muhuttikā ca chandavāsinī ca …pe…
his momentary wife and his wife by choice.” …

muhuttikā ca dhajāhaṭā cā’”ti.
his momentary wife and his captured wife.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekamūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on one item is finished.

Dumūlakādīnipi evameva kātabbāni.
The sections based on two items, etc., are to be done in the same way.

Idaṁ dasamūlakaṁ—
This is the section based on ten items:

Māturakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one protected by her mother sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say

‘homi itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī ca paṭavāsinī ca odapattakinī ca obhaṭacumbaṭā ca dāsī ca bhariyā ca kammakārī ca bhariyā ca dhajāhaṭā ca muhuttikā cā’”ti.
that I’ll be his bought wife and his wife by choice and his wife through property and his wife through clothes and his wife through the bowl-of-water ritual and his wife through removing the head pad and his slave wife and his servant wife and his captured wife and his momentary wife.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Aparaṁ māturakkhitācakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The further permutation series on the one guarded by her mother is finished.

Piturakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …pe…
The one protected by her father sends a monk …

mātāpiturakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …
The one protected by her parents sends a monk …

bhāturakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …
The one protected by her brother sends a monk …

bhaginirakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …
The one protected by her sister sends a monk …

ñātirakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …
The one protected by her relatives sends a monk …

gottarakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …
The one protected by her family sends a monk …

dhammarakkhitā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …
The one protected by her religion sends a monk …

sārakkhā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati …
The one otherwise protected sends a monk …

saparidaṇḍā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one protected by the threat of punishment sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say

‘homi itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā’”ti.
that I’ll be his bought wife.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Saparidaṇḍā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one protected by the threat of punishment sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say

‘homi itthannāmassa bhariyā chandavāsinī …pe…
that I’ll be his wife by choice.” …

bhogavāsinī …
his wife through property.” …

paṭavāsinī …
his wife through clothes.” …

odapattakinī …
his wife through the bowl-of-water ritual.” …

obhaṭacumbaṭā …
his wife through removing the head pad.” …

dāsī ca bhariyā ca …
his slave wife.” …

kammakārī ca bhariyā ca …
his servant wife.” …

dhajāhaṭā …
his captured wife.” …

his momentary wife.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The setting out of the steps is finished.

Saparidaṇḍā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one protected by the threat of punishment sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say

‘homi itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī ca …pe…
that I’ll be his bought wife and his wife by choice.” …

dhanakkītā ca muhuttikā cā’”ti.
his bought wife and his momentary wife.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

The unconnected permutation series is finished.

Saparidaṇḍā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one protected by the threat of punishment sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say

‘homi itthannāmassa bhariyā chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī ca …pe…
that I’ll be his wife by choice and his wife though property.” …

chandavāsinī ca muhuttikā ca …
his wife by choice and his momentary wife.” …

chandavāsinī ca dhanakkītā cā’”ti.
his wife by choice and his bought wife.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Baddhacakkaṁ, mūlaṁ saṅkhittaṁ.
The linked permutation series with the basis in brief is finished.

Saparidaṇḍā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one protected by the threat of punishment sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say

‘homi itthannāmassa bhariyā muhuttikā ca dhanakkītā ca …pe…
that I’ll be his momentary wife and his bought wife.” …

muhuttikā ca chandavāsinī ca …pe…
his momentary wife and his wife by choice.” …

muhuttikā ca dhajāhaṭā cā’”ti.
his momentary wife and his captured wife.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekamūlakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section based on one item is finished.

Dumūlakādīnipi evameva kātabbāni.
The sections based on two items, etc., are to be done in the same way.

Idaṁ dasamūlakaṁ—
This is the section based on ten items:

Saparidaṇḍā bhikkhuṁ pahiṇati—
The one protected by the threat of punishment sends a monk, saying,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ brūhi—
“Sir, go to so-and-so and say

‘homi itthannāmassa bhariyā dhanakkītā ca chandavāsinī ca bhogavāsinī ca paṭavāsinī ca odapattakinī ca obhaṭacumbaṭā ca dāsī ca bhariyā ca kammakārī ca bhariyā ca dhajāhaṭā ca muhuttikā cā’”ti.
that I’ll be his bought wife and his wife by choice and his wife through property and his wife through clothes and his wife through the bowl-of-water ritual and his wife through removing the head pad and his slave wife and his servant wife and his captured wife and his momentary wife.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Aparaṁ saparidaṇḍācakkaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The further permutation series on the one protected by the threat of punishment is finished.

Sabbaṁ cakkapeyyālaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The whole successive permutation series is finished.

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati na paccāharati, āpatti thullaccayassa.
If he accepts the mission, and finds out the response, but does not report back, he commits a serious offense.

Paṭiggaṇhāti na vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti thullaccayassa.
If he accepts the mission, but does not find out the response, yet reports back, he commits a serious offense.

Paṭiggaṇhāti na vīmaṁsati na paccāharati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he accepts the mission, but neither finds out the response, nor reports back, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Na paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti thullaccayassa.
If he does not accept the mission, yet finds out the response and reports back, he commits a serious offense.

Na paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati na paccāharati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he does not accept the mission, yet finds out the response, but does not report back, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Na paṭiggaṇhāti na vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he neither accepts the mission, nor finds out the response, yet reports back, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Na paṭiggaṇhāti na vīmaṁsati na paccāharati, anāpatti.
If he does not accept the mission, nor finds out the response, nor reports back, there is no offense.

Puriso sambahule bhikkhū āṇāpeti—
A man tells a number of monks,

“gacchatha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ itthiṁ vīmaṁsathā”ti.
“Venerables, find out about such-and-such a woman.”

Sabbe paṭiggaṇhanti sabbe vīmaṁsanti sabbe paccāharanti, āpatti sabbesaṁ saṅghādisesassa.
If they all accept the mission, all find out the response, and all report back, they all commit an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso sambahule bhikkhū āṇāpeti—
A man tells a number of monks,

“gacchatha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ itthiṁ vīmaṁsathā”ti.
“Venerables, find out about such-and-such a woman.”

Sabbe paṭiggaṇhanti sabbe vīmaṁsanti ekaṁ paccāharāpenti, āpatti sabbesaṁ saṅghādisesassa.
If they all accept the mission, all find out the response, but only one reports back, they all commit an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso sambahule bhikkhū āṇāpeti—
A man tells a number of monks,

“gacchatha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ itthiṁ vīmaṁsathā”ti.
“Venerables, find out about such-and-such a woman.”

Sabbe paṭiggaṇhanti ekaṁ vīmaṁsāpetvā sabbe paccāharanti, āpatti sabbesaṁ saṅghādisesassa.
If they all accept the mission, but only one finds out the response, yet all report back, they all commit an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso sambahule bhikkhū āṇāpeti—
A man tells a number of monks,

“gacchatha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ itthiṁ vīmaṁsathā”ti.
“Venerables, find out about such-and-such a woman.”

Sabbe paṭiggaṇhanti ekaṁ vīmaṁsāpetvā ekaṁ paccāharāpenti, āpatti sabbesaṁ saṅghādisesassa.
If they all accept the mission, but only one finds out the response, and only one reports back, they all commit an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ āṇāpeti—
A man tells a monk,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ itthiṁ vīmaṁsā”ti.
“Sir, find out about such-and-such a woman.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, and reports back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ āṇāpeti—
A man tells a monk,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ itthiṁ vīmaṁsā”ti.
“Sir, find out about such-and-such a woman.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti vīmaṁsati antevāsiṁ paccāharāpeti, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, finds out the response, but gets a pupil to report back, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ āṇāpeti—
A man tells a monk,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ itthiṁ vīmaṁsā”ti.
“Sir, find out about such-and-such a woman.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti antevāsiṁ vīmaṁsāpetvā attanā paccāharati, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he accepts the mission, but gets a pupil to find out the response, and then reports back himself, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Puriso bhikkhuṁ āṇāpeti—
A man tells a monk,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ itthiṁ vimaṁsā”ti.
“Sir, find out about such-and-such a woman.”

Paṭiggaṇhāti antevāsiṁ vīmaṁsāpeti antevāsī vīmaṁsitvā bahiddhā paccāharati, āpatti ubhinnaṁ thullaccayassa.
If he accepts the mission, but gets a pupil to find out the response, and the pupil then reports back on his own initiative, they both commit a serious offense.

Gacchanto sampādeti, āgacchanto visaṁvādeti, āpatti thullaccayassa.
If he fulfills the agreement when he goes, but not when he returns, he commits a serious offense.

Gacchanto visaṁvādeti, āgacchanto sampādeti, āpatti thullaccayassa.
If he does not fulfill the agreement when he goes, but he does when he returns, he commits a serious offense.

Gacchanto sampādeti, āgacchanto sampādeti, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he fulfills the agreement both when he goes and when he returns, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Gacchanto visaṁvādeti, āgacchanto visaṁvādeti, anāpatti.
If he neither fulfills the agreement when he goes nor when he returns, there is no offense.

There is no offense:

saṅghassa vā cetiyassa vā gilānassa vā karaṇīyena gacchati,
if he goes because of business for the Sangha, for a shrine, or for one who is sick;

if he is insane;

if he is the first offender.

5.1. Vinītavatthuuddānagāthā
Summary verses of case studies

Suttā matā ca nikkhantā,
“Asleep, and dead, gone out,

anitthī itthipaṇḍakā;
Not a woman, a woman who lacks sexual organs;

Kalahaṁ katvāna sammodi,
He reconciled them after quarreling,

sañcarittañca paṇḍaketi.
And he was a matchmaker for <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i>.”

5.2. Vinītavatthu
Case studies

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro puriso aññataraṁ bhikkhuṁ āṇāpesi—
At one time a man told a monk,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ itthiṁ vīmaṁsā”ti.
“Sir, please find out about such-and-such a woman.”

So gantvā manusse pucchi—
When the monk got there, he asked some people,

“kahaṁ itthannāmā”ti?
“Where’s so-and-so?”

“Suttā, bhante”ti.
“She’s asleep, Venerable.”

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi—
He became anxious, thinking,

“bhagavatā sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ,
“The Buddha has laid down a training rule.

kacci nu kho ahaṁ saṅghādisesaṁ āpattiṁ āpanno”ti?
Could it be that I’ve committed an offense entailing suspension?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesi—
He told the Buddha, who said,

“Anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro puriso aññataraṁ bhikkhuṁ āṇāpesi—
At one time a man told a monk,

“gaccha, bhante, itthannāmaṁ itthiṁ vīmaṁsā”ti.
“Sir, please find out about such-and-such a woman.”

So gantvā manusse pucchi—
When the monk got there, he asked some people,

“kahaṁ itthannāmā”ti?
“Where’s so-and-so?”

“Matā, bhante”ti …pe…
“She’s dead, Venerable.” …

“nikkhantā, bhante”ti …
“She’s gone out, Venerable.” …

“anitthī, bhante”ti …
“That’s not a woman, Venerable.” …

“itthipaṇḍakā, bhante”ti.
“That’s a woman who lacks sexual organs, Venerable.”

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
but there’s an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarā itthī sāmikena saha bhaṇḍitvā mātugharaṁ agamāsi.
At one time a certain woman quarreled with her husband and went to her mother’s house.

Kulūpako bhikkhu sammodanīyaṁ akāsi.
A monk who associated with that family reconciled them.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“alaṁvacanīyā, bhikkhū”ti?
“Were they divorced, monk?”

“Nālaṁvacanīyā, bhagavā”ti.
“No, Sir.”

“Anāpatti, bhikkhu, nālaṁvacanīyāyā”ti.
“There’s no offense if they’re not divorced.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu paṇḍake sañcarittaṁ samāpajji.
At one time a monk acted as a matchmaker for <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍakas</i>.

Tassa kukkuccaṁ ahosi …pe…
He became anxious …

“anāpatti, bhikkhu, saṅghādisesassa;
“There’s no offense entailing suspension,

āpatti thullaccayassā”ti.
but there’s a serious offense.”

Sañcarittasikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ pañcamaṁ.
The training rule on matchmaking, the fifth, is finished.