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Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Great Analysis

The chapter on offenses entailing suspension

7. Vihārakārasikkhāpada

The training rule on building dwellings

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā kosambiyaṁ viharati ghositārāme.
At one time when the Buddha was staying at Kosambī in Ghosita’s Monastery,

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmato channassa upaṭṭhāko gahapati āyasmantaṁ channaṁ etadavoca—
a householder who was a supporter of Venerable Channa said to him,

“vihāravatthuṁ, bhante, jānāhi ayyassa vihāraṁ kārāpessāmī”ti.
“I’ll have a dwelling built for you, Venerable, if you would find a site for it.”

Atha kho āyasmā channo vihāravatthuṁ sodhento aññataraṁ cetiyarukkhaṁ chedāpesi gāmapūjitaṁ nigamapūjitaṁ nagarapūjitaṁ janapadapūjitaṁ raṭṭhapūjitaṁ.
While Venerable Channa was clearing a site for that dwelling, he felled a tree that served as a shrine and was revered by village, town, district, and kingdom.

Manussā ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
People complained and criticized him,

“kathañhi nāma samaṇā sakyaputtiyā cetiyarukkhaṁ chedāpessanti gāmapūjitaṁ nigamapūjitaṁ nagarapūjitaṁ janapadapūjitaṁ raṭṭhapūjitaṁ.
“How could the Sakyan monastics fell a tree that serves as a shrine and is revered by village, town, district, and kingdom?

Ekindriyaṁ samaṇā sakyaputtiyā jīvaṁ viheṭhentī”ti.
They are hurting one-sensed life.”

Assosuṁ kho bhikkhū tesaṁ manussānaṁ ujjhāyantānaṁ khiyyantānaṁ vipācentānaṁ.
The monks heard the criticism of those people,

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
and the monks of few desires complained and criticized

“kathañhi nāma āyasmā channo cetiyarukkhaṁ chedāpessati gāmapūjitaṁ …pe… raṭṭhapūjitan”ti.
Venerable Channa in the same way.

Atha kho te bhikkhū āyasmantaṁ channaṁ anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
After rebuking Venerable Channa in many ways, they told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned Channa:

“saccaṁ kira tvaṁ, channa, cetiyarukkhaṁ chedāpesi gāmapūjitaṁ …pe… raṭṭhapūjitan”ti?
“Is it true, Channa, that you did this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked him …

kathañhi nāma tvaṁ, moghapurisa, cetiyarukkhaṁ chedāpessasi gāmapūjitaṁ nigamapūjitaṁ nagarapūjitaṁ janapadapūjitaṁ raṭṭhapūjitaṁ.
“Foolish man, how could you do this?

Jīvasaññino hi, moghapurisa, manussā rukkhasmiṁ.
People perceive trees as conscious.

Netaṁ, moghapurisa, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Mahallakaṁ pana bhikkhunā vihāraṁ kārayamānena sassāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ bhikkhū abhinetabbā vatthudesanāya.
‘When a monk builds a large dwelling with a sponsoring owner and intended for himself,

Tehi bhikkhūhi vatthu desetabbaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ.
he must have monks approve a site where no harm will be done and which has space on all sides.

Sārambhe ce bhikkhu vatthusmiṁ aparikkamane mahallakaṁ vihāraṁ kāreyya bhikkhū vā anabhineyya vatthudesanāya, saṅghādiseso”ti.
If a monk builds a large dwelling on a site where harm will be done and which lacks space on all sides, or he does not have monks approve the site, he commits an offense entailing suspension.’”

Mahallako nāma vihāro
A large dwelling:

sassāmiko vuccati.
one with a sponsoring owner is what is meant.

Vihāro nāma

ullitto vā hoti avalitto vā ullittāvalitto vā.
plastered inside or plastered outside or plastered both inside and outside.


karonto vā kārāpento vā.
building it himself or having it built.

With a sponsoring owner:

añño koci sāmiko hoti itthī vā puriso vā gahaṭṭho vā pabbajito vā.
there is another owner, either a woman or a man, either a lay person or one gone forth.

Intended for himself:

attano atthāya.
for his own use.

Bhikkhū abhinetabbā vatthudesanāyāti
He must have monks approve a site:

tena vihārakārakena bhikkhunā vihāravatthuṁ sodhetvā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā vuḍḍhānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pāde vanditvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā añjaliṁ paggahetvā evamassa vacanīyo—
the monk who is building a dwelling should clear a site, then approach the Sangha, put his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say:

“ahaṁ, bhante, mahallakaṁ vihāraṁ kattukāmo sassāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ.
“Venerables, I want to build a large dwelling with a sponsoring owner and intended for myself.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ vihāravatthuolokanaṁ yācāmī”ti.
I request the Sangha to inspect the site for the dwelling.”

Dutiyampi yācitabbā.
He should make his request a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbā.
and a third time.

Sace sabbo saṅgho ussahati vihāravatthuṁ oloketuṁ sabbena saṅghena oloketabbaṁ.
If the whole Sangha is able to inspect the site, they should all go.

No ce sabbo saṅgho ussahati vihāravatthuṁ oloketuṁ,
If the whole Sangha is unable to inspect the site,

ye tattha honti bhikkhū byattā paṭibalā sārambhaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ aparikkamanaṁ jānituṁ te yācitvā sammannitabbā.
then those monks there who are competent and capable—who know where harm will be done and where no harm will be done, and who understand the meaning of having space on all sides and lacking space on all sides—should be asked and then appointed.

“Evañca pana, bhikkhave, sammannitabbā.
“And, monks, they should be appointed like this.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu mahallakaṁ vihāraṁ kattukāmo sassāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ.
Monk so-and-so wants to build a large dwelling with a sponsoring owner and intended for himself.

So saṅghaṁ vihāravatthuolokanaṁ yācati.
He is requesting the Sangha to inspect the site for that dwelling.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho itthannāmañca itthannāmañca bhikkhū sammanneyya itthannāmassa bhikkhuno vihāravatthuṁ oloketuṁ.
If the Sangha is ready, it should appoint monk so-and-so and monk so-and-so to inspect the site for the dwelling of monk-so-and-so.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu mahallakaṁ vihāraṁ kattukāmo sassāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ.
Monk so-and-so wants to build a large dwelling with a sponsoring owner and intended for himself.

So saṅghaṁ vihāravatthuolokanaṁ yācati.
He is requesting the Sangha to inspect the site for that dwelling.

Saṅgho itthannāmañca itthannāmañca bhikkhū sammannati itthannāmassa bhikkhuno vihāravatthuṁ oloketuṁ.
The Sangha is appointing monk so-and-so and monk so-and-so to inspect the site for the dwelling of monk-so-and-so.

Yassāyasmato khamati itthannāmassa ca itthannāmassa ca bhikkhūnaṁ sammuti itthannāmassa bhikkhuno vihāravatthuṁ oloketuṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of appointing monk so-and-so and monk so-and-so to inspect the site for the dwelling of monk-so-and-so should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Sammatā saṅghena itthannāmo ca itthannāmo ca bhikkhū itthannāmassa bhikkhuno vihāravatthuṁ oloketuṁ.
The Sangha has appointed monk so-and-so and monk so-and-so to inspect the site for the dwelling of monk so-and-so.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī,
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent.

evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
I’ll remember it thus.’

Tehi sammatehi bhikkhūhi tattha gantvā vihāravatthu oloketabbaṁ;
The appointed monks should go and inspect the site for the dwelling

sārambhaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ aparikkamanaṁ jānitabbaṁ.
to find out if any harm will be done and if it has space on all sides.

Sace sārambhaṁ hoti aparikkamanaṁ,
If harm will be done and it lacks space on all sides, they should say,

“māyidha karī”ti vattabbo.
‘Don’t build here.’

Sace anārambhaṁ hoti saparikkamanaṁ, saṅghassa ārocetabbaṁ—
If no harm will be done and it has space on all sides, they should inform the Sangha:

“anārambhaṁ saparikkamanan”ti.
‘No harm will be done and it has space on all sides.’

Tena vihārakārakena bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā vuḍḍhānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pāde vanditvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā añjaliṁ paggahetvā evamassa vacanīyo—
The monk who is building the dwelling should then approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say:

“ahaṁ, bhante, mahallakaṁ vihāraṁ kattukāmo sassāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ.
‘Venerables, I want to build a large dwelling with a sponsoring owner and intended for myself.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ vihāravatthudesanaṁ yācāmī”ti.
I request the Sangha to approve the site for the dwelling.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbā.
He should make his request a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbā.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

“Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu mahallakaṁ vihāraṁ kattukāmo sassāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ.
Monk so-and-so wants to build a large dwelling with a sponsoring owner and intended for himself.

So saṅghaṁ vihāravatthudesanaṁ yācati.
He is requesting the Sangha to approve the site for the dwelling.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno vihāravatthuṁ deseyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should approve the site for the dwelling of monk-so-and-so.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu mahallakaṁ vihāraṁ kattukāmo sassāmikaṁ attuddesaṁ.
Monk so-and-so wants to build a large dwelling with a sponsoring owner and intended for himself.

So saṅghaṁ vihāravatthudesanaṁ yācati.
He is requesting the Sangha to approve the site for the dwelling.

Saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno vihāravatthuṁ deseti.
The Sangha approves the site for the dwelling of monk so-and-so.

Yassāyasmato khamati itthannāmassa bhikkhuno vihāravatthussa desanā, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who agrees to approving the site for the dwelling of monk-so-and-so should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t agree should speak up.

Desitaṁ saṅghena itthannāmassa bhikkhuno vihāravatthu.
The Sangha has approved the site for the dwelling of monk so-and-so.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī,
The Sangha agrees and is therefore silent.

evametaṁ dhārayāmī”ti.
I’ll remember it thus.’”

Sārambhaṁ nāma
Where harm will be done:

kipillikānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, upacikānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, undūrānaṁ vā …pe… ahīnaṁ vā … vicchikānaṁ vā … satapadīnaṁ vā … hatthīnaṁ vā … assānaṁ vā … sīhānaṁ vā … byagghānaṁ vā … dīpīnaṁ vā … acchānaṁ vā … taracchānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, yesaṁ kesañci tiracchānagatānaṁ pāṇānaṁ āsayo hoti,
it is the abode of ants, termites, rats, snakes, scorpions, centipedes, elephants, horses, lions, tigers, leopards, bears, or hyenas, or any other animal;

pubbaṇṇanissitaṁ vā hoti, aparaṇṇanissitaṁ vā hoti, abbhāghātanissitaṁ vā hoti, āghātananissitaṁ vā hoti, susānanissitaṁ vā hoti, uyyānanissitaṁ vā hoti, rājavatthunissitaṁ vā hoti, hatthisālānissitaṁ vā hoti, assasālānissitaṁ vā hoti, bandhanāgāranissitaṁ vā hoti, pānāgāranissitaṁ vā hoti, sūnanissitaṁ vā hoti, racchānissitaṁ vā hoti, caccaranissitaṁ vā hoti, sabhānissitaṁ vā hoti, saṁsaraṇanissitaṁ vā hoti.
or it is bordering on a field of grain, a field of vegetables, a place of slaughter, a place of execution, a charnel ground, a park, a royal property, an elephant stable, a horse stable, a prison, a bar, a slaughterhouse, a street, a crossroads, a public meeting hall, or a cul-de-sac—

Etaṁ sārambhaṁ nāma.
this is called “where harm will be done”.

Aparikkamanaṁ nāma
Which lacks space on all sides:

na sakkā hoti yathāyuttena sakaṭena anuparigantuṁ, samantā nisseṇiyā anuparigantuṁ.
it is not possible to go around it with a yoked cart, or to go all the way around it with a ladder—

Etaṁ aparikkamanaṁ nāma.
this is called “which lacks space on all sides”.

Anārambhaṁ nāma
Where no harm will be done:

na kipillikānaṁ vā āsayo hoti …pe…
it is not the abode of ants …

na saṁsaraṇanissitaṁ vā hoti.
it is not bordering on … a cul-de-sac—

Etaṁ anārambhaṁ nāma.
this is called “where no harm will be done”.

Saparikkamanaṁ nāma
Which has space on all sides:

sakkā hoti yathāyuttena sakaṭena anuparigantuṁ, samantā nisseṇiyā anuparigantuṁ.
it is possible to go around it with a yoked cart, or to go all the way around it with a ladder—

Etaṁ saparikkamanaṁ nāma.
this is called “which has space on all sides”.

Mahallako nāma vihāro
A large dwelling:

sassāmiko vuccati.
one with a sponsoring owner is what is meant.

Vihāro nāma

ullitto vā hoti avalitto vā ullittāvalitto vā.
plastered inside or plastered outside or plastered both inside and outside.


karoti vā kārāpeti vā.
building it himself or having it built.

Bhikkhū vā anabhineyya vatthudesanāyāti
Or he does not have monks approve the site:

ñattidutiyena kammena vihāravatthuṁ na desāpetvā karoti vā kārāpeti vā, payoge dukkaṭaṁ.
if the site has not been approved through a legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements, and he then builds a dwelling or has one built, then for the effort there is an act of wrong conduct.

Ekaṁ piṇḍaṁ anāgate, āpatti thullaccayassa.
When there is one piece left to complete the dwelling, he commits a serious offense.

Tasmiṁ piṇḍe āgate, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
When the last piece is finished, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

He commits an offense entailing suspension:

…pe… tenapi vuccati— “saṅghādiseso”ti.
… Therefore, too, it is called “an offense entailing suspension”.

Bhikkhu vihāraṁ karoti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
If a monk builds a dwelling whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu vihāraṁ karoti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a dwelling whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu vihāraṁ karoti adesitavatthukaṁ anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a dwelling whose site has not been approved, where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu vihāraṁ karoti adesitavatthukaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If a monk builds a dwelling whose site has not been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu vihāraṁ karoti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ.
If a monk builds a dwelling whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu vihāraṁ karoti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a dwelling whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu vihāraṁ karoti desitavatthukaṁ anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If a monk builds a dwelling whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu vihāraṁ karoti desitavatthukaṁ anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
If a monk builds a dwelling whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisati—
A monk appoints someone

“vihāraṁ me karothā”ti.
to build him a dwelling.

Tassa vihāraṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build a dwelling whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu samādisati—
A monk appoints someone

“vihāraṁ me karothā”ti.
to build him a dwelling.

Tassa vihāraṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build a dwelling whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati—
A monk appoints someone

“vihāraṁ me karothā”ti.
to build him a dwelling and then departs,

Na ca samādisati—
but he does not tell them

“desitavatthuko ca hotu anārambho ca saparikkamano cā”ti.
to build a dwelling whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa vihāraṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build a dwelling whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, he commits one offense entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati—
A monk appoints someone

“vihāraṁ me karothā”ti.
to build him a dwelling and then departs,

Na ca samādisati—
but he does not tell them

“desitavatthuko ca hotu anārambho ca saparikkamano cā”ti.
to build a dwelling whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa vihāraṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build a dwelling whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati—
A monk appoints someone

“vihāraṁ me karothā”ti.
to build him a dwelling and then departs.

Samādisati ca—
He tells them

“desitavatthuko ca hotu anārambho ca saparikkamano cā”ti.
to build a dwelling whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa vihāraṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
but they build a dwelling whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So suṇāti—“vihāro kira me kayirati adesitavatthuko sārambho aparikkamano”ti.
If he hears about it,

Tena bhikkhunā sāmaṁ vā gantabbaṁ dūto vā pāhetabbo—
he must either go there himself or send a message, telling them

“desitavatthuko ca hotu anārambho ca saparikkamano cā”ti …pe…
to build a dwelling whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides. …

“desitavatthuko ca hotu anārambho cā”ti …pe…
whose site has been approved and where no harm will be done. …

“desitavatthuko ca hotu saparikkamano cā”ti …pe…
whose site has been approved and which has space on all sides. …

“desitavatthuko hotū”ti.
whose site has been approved.

No ce sāmaṁ vā gaccheyya dūtaṁ vā pahiṇeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If he neither goes himself nor sends a message, he commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati—
A monk appoints someone

“vihāraṁ me karothā”ti.
to build him a dwelling and then departs.

Samādisati ca—
He tells them

“desitavatthuko ca hotu anārambho ca saparikkamano cā”ti.
to build a dwelling whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides,

Tassa vihāraṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
but they build a dwelling whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So suṇāti—“vihāro kira me kayirati desitavatthuko sārambho aparikkamano”ti.
If he hears about it,

Tena bhikkhunā sāmaṁ vā gantabbaṁ dūto vā pāhetabbo—
he must either go there himself or send a message, telling them

“anārambho ca hotu saparikkamano cā”ti
to build one where no harm will be done and which has space on all sides.

… (To be expanded as in <a href=''>Bu Ss 6:3.9.35</a>–Bu Ss 6:3.11.16.) …

“anārambho hotū”ti.
where no harm will be done. …

“Saparikkamano hotū”ti,
which has space on all sides. …

There is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “vihāraṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a dwelling. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthuko ca hotu anārambho ca saparikkamano cā”ti.
telling them to build a dwelling whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa vihāraṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ tiṇṇaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build a dwelling whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit three offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, the builders commit two offenses of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit two offenses of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dukkaṭassa.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, the builders commit one offense of wrong conduct.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “vihāraṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a dwelling. He then departs,

Samādisati ca— “desitavatthuko ca hotu anārambho ca saparikkamano cā”ti.
telling them to build a dwelling whose site has been approved, where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides.

Tassa vihāraṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If they build a dwelling whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides, the builders commit one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti kārukānaṁ dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides, the builders commit one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides, there is no offense.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “vihāraṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a dwelling and then departs.

Tassa vihāraṁ karonti adesitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
They build a dwelling whose site has not been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So ce vippakate āgacchati, tena bhikkhunā so vihāro aññassa vā dātabbo bhinditvā vā puna kātabbo.
If it is unfinished when he returns, that dwelling is to be given to someone else, or it is to be demolished and rebuilt.

No ce aññassa vā dadeyya bhinditvā vā puna kāreyya, āpatti saṅghādisesena dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If he neither gives it to someone else, nor demolishes and rebuilds it, he commits one offense entailing suspension and two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides … he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesena dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides … he commits one offense entailing suspension and one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides … he commits one offense entailing suspension.

Bhikkhu samādisitvā pakkamati— “vihāraṁ me karothā”ti.
A monk appoints someone to build him a dwelling and then departs.

Tassa vihāraṁ karonti desitavatthukaṁ sārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ.
They build a dwelling whose site has been approved, where harm will be done, and which lacks space on all sides.

So ce vippakate āgacchati, tena bhikkhunā so vihāro aññassa vā dātabbo bhinditvā vā puna kātabbo.
If it is unfinished when he returns, that dwelling is to be given to someone else, or it is to be demolished and rebuilt.

No ce aññassa vā dadeyya bhinditvā vā puna kāreyya, āpatti dvinnaṁ dukkaṭānaṁ …pe…
If he neither gives it to someone else, nor demolishes and rebuilds it, he commits two offenses of wrong conduct. …

sārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where harm will be done, but which has space on all sides … he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ aparikkamanaṁ, āpatti dukkaṭassa …pe…
where no harm will be done, but which lacks space on all sides … he commits one offense of wrong conduct. …

anārambhaṁ saparikkamanaṁ, anāpatti.
where no harm will be done, and which has space on all sides … there is no offense.

Attanā vippakataṁ attanā pariyosāpeti, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he finishes what he began himself, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Attanā vippakataṁ parehi pariyosāpeti, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he has others finish what he began himself, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Parehi vippakataṁ attanā pariyosāpeti, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he finishes himself what was begun by others, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

Parehi vippakataṁ parehi pariyosāpeti, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
If he has others finish what was begun by others, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

There is no offense:

leṇe guhāya tiṇakuṭikāya
if it is a shelter, a cave, or a grass hut;

if it is built for someone else;

vāsāgāraṁ ṭhapetvā sabbattha anāpatti
if it is anything apart from a dwelling;

if he is insane;

if he is the first offender.

Vihārakārasikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ sattamaṁ.
The training rule on building dwellings, the seventh, is finished.