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Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Great Analysis

The chapter on offenses entailing suspension

9. Dutiyaduṭṭhadosasikkhāpada

The second training rule on anger

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā rājagahe viharati veḷuvane kalandakanivāpe.
At one time when the Buddha was staying at Rājagaha in the Bamboo Grove,

Tena kho pana samayena mettiyabhūmajakā bhikkhū gijjhakūṭā pabbatā orohantā addasaṁsu chagalakaṁ ajikāya vippaṭipajjantaṁ.
the monks Mettiya and Bhūmajaka were descending from the Vulture Peak when they saw two goats copulating.

Disvāna evamāhaṁsu—
They said to each other,

“handa mayaṁ, āvuso, imaṁ chagalakaṁ dabbaṁ mallaputtaṁ nāma karoma.
“Let’s give the he-goat the name Dabba the Mallian

Imaṁ ajikaṁ mettiyaṁ nāma bhikkhuniṁ karoma.
and the she-goat the name Mettiyā the nun.

Evaṁ mayaṁ voharissāma.
We can then say,

Pubbe mayaṁ, āvuso, dabbaṁ mallaputtaṁ sutena avocumhā.
‘Previously we spoke of what we had heard,

Idāni pana amhehi sāmaṁ diṭṭho mettiyāya bhikkhuniyā vippaṭipajjanto”ti.
but now we’ve seen Dabba copulating with the nun Mettiyā.’”

Te taṁ chagalakaṁ dabbaṁ mallaputtaṁ nāma akaṁsu.
They then gave them those names

Taṁ ajikaṁ mettiyaṁ nāma bhikkhuniṁ akaṁsu.

Te bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesuṁ—
and told the monks,

“pubbe mayaṁ, āvuso, dabbaṁ mallaputtaṁ sutena avocumhā.
“Previously we spoke of what we had heard,

Idāni pana amhehi sāmaṁ diṭṭho mettiyāya bhikkhuniyā vippaṭipajjanto”ti.
but now we’ve seen Dabba copulating with the nun Mettiyā.”

Bhikkhū evamāhaṁsu—
The monks replied,

“māvuso, evaṁ avacuttha.
“Don’t say such things.

Nāyasmā dabbo mallaputto evaṁ karissatī”ti.
Venerable Dabba wouldn’t do that.”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
The monks told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe bhikkhusaṅghaṁ sannipātāpetvā āyasmantaṁ dabbaṁ mallaputtaṁ paṭipucchi—
Soon afterwards the Buddha had the Sangha gathered and questioned Dabba:

“sarasi tvaṁ, dabba, evarūpaṁ kattā yathayime bhikkhū āhaṁsū”ti?
“Dabba, do you remember doing as these monks say?”

“Yathā maṁ, bhante, bhagavā jānātī”ti.
“Sir, you know what I’m like.”

Dutiyampi kho bhagavā …pe…
A second

tatiyampi kho bhagavā āyasmantaṁ dabbaṁ mallaputtaṁ etadavoca—
and a third time the Buddha asked

“sarasi tvaṁ, dabba, evarūpaṁ kattā yathayime bhikkhū āhaṁsū”ti?
the same question

“Yathā maṁ, bhante, bhagavā jānātī”ti.
and got the same response.

“Na kho, dabba, dabbā evaṁ nibbeṭhenti.
He then said, “Dabba, the Dabbas don’t give such evasive answers.

Sace tayā kataṁ katanti vadehi,
If it was done by you, say so;

sace tayā akataṁ akatanti vadehī”ti.
if it wasn’t done by you, then say that.”

“Yato ahaṁ, bhante, jāto nābhijānāmi supinantenapi methunadhammaṁ paṭisevitā, pageva jāgaro”ti.
“Since I was born, Sir, I don’t recall having sexual intercourse even in a dream, let alone when awake.”

Atha kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi—“tena hi, bhikkhave, ime bhikkhū anuyuñjathā”ti.
“Well then, monks, call those monks to account.”

Idaṁ vatvā bhagavā uṭṭhāyāsanā vihāraṁ pāvisi.
And the Buddha got up from his seat and entered his dwelling.

Atha kho te bhikkhū mettiyabhūmajake bhikkhū anuyuñjiṁsu.
The monks then questioned Mettiya and Bhūmajaka, who told them what had happened.

Te bhikkhūhi anuyuñjīyamānā bhikkhūnaṁ etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ—
The monks said,

“kiṁ pana tumhe, āvuso, āyasmantaṁ dabbaṁ mallaputtaṁ aññabhāgiyassa adhikaraṇassa kiñci desaṁ lesamattaṁ upādāya pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṁsethā”ti?
“So did you charge Venerable Dabba with an offense entailing expulsion, using an unrelated legal issue as a pretext?”


Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma mettiyabhūmajakā bhikkhū āyasmantaṁ dabbaṁ mallaputtaṁ aññabhāgiyassa adhikaraṇassa kiñci desaṁ lesamattaṁ upādāya pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṁsessantī”ti.
“How could Mettiya and Bhūmajaka charge Venerable Dabba with an offense entailing expulsion, using an unrelated legal issue as a pretext?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū mettiyabhūmajake bhikkhū anekapariyāyena vigarahitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They rebuked those monks in many ways and then told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned those monks:

“saccaṁ kira tumhe, bhikkhave, dabbaṁ mallaputtaṁ aññabhāgiyassa adhikaraṇassa kiñci desaṁ lesamattaṁ upādāya pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṁsethā”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that you did this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked them …

“kathañhi nāma tumhe, moghapurisā, dabbaṁ mallaputtaṁ aññabhāgiyassa adhikaraṇassa kiñci desaṁ lesamattaṁ upādāya pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṁsessatha.
“Foolish men, how could you do this?

Netaṁ, moghapurisā, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …” …

evañca pana, bhikkhave, imaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ uddiseyyātha—
“And, monks, this training rule should be recited like this:

“Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuṁ duṭṭho doso appatīto aññabhāgiyassa adhikaraṇassa kiñci desaṁ lesamattaṁ upādāya pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṁseyya— ‘appeva nāma naṁ imamhā brahmacariyā cāveyyan’ti.
‘If a monk who is angry and displeased, uses an unrelated legal issue as a pretext to charge a monk with an offense entailing expulsion, aiming to make him leave the monastic life,

Tato aparena samayena samanuggāhīyamāno vā asamanuggāhīyamāno vā aññabhāgiyañceva taṁ adhikaraṇaṁ hoti koci deso lesamatto upādinno, bhikkhu ca dosaṁ patiṭṭhāti, saṅghādiseso”ti.
and then after some time, whether he is questioned or not, it is clear that the legal issue is unrelated and was used as a pretext, and he admits to his ill will, he commits an offense entailing suspension.’”

Yo panāti

yo yādiso …pe…
whoever …


…pe… ayaṁ imasmiṁ atthe adhippeto bhikkhūti.
… The monk who has been given the full ordination by a unanimous Sangha through a legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements that is irreversible and fit to stand—this sort of monk is meant in this case.

A monk:

aññaṁ bhikkhuṁ.
another monk.

Duṭṭho dosoti

kupito anattamano anabhiraddho āhatacitto khilajāto.
upset, dissatisfied, discontent, having hatred, hostile.


tena ca kopena, tena ca dosena, tāya ca anattamanatāya, tāya ca anabhiraddhiyā appatīto hoti.
because of that upset, that ill will, that dissatisfaction, and that discontent, he is displeased.

Aññabhāgiyassa adhikaraṇassāti
An unrelated legal issue:

āpattaññabhāgiyaṁ vā hoti adhikaraṇaññabhāgiyaṁ vā.
it is either unrelated in regard to offenses or unrelated in regard to legal issues.

Kathaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ adhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyaṁ?
How is a legal issue unrelated to a legal issue?

Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ anuvādādhikaraṇassa āpattādhikaraṇassa kiccādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyaṁ.
A legal issue arising from a dispute is unrelated to a legal issue arising from an accusation, a legal issue arising from an offense, and a legal issue arising from business.

Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ āpattādhikaraṇassa kiccādhikaraṇassa vivādādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyaṁ.
A legal issue arising from an accusation is unrelated to a legal issue arising from an offense, a legal issue arising from business, and a legal issue arising from a dispute.

Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ kiccādhikaraṇassa vivādādhikaraṇassa anuvādādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyaṁ.
A legal issue arising from an offense is unrelated to a legal issue arising from business, a legal issue arising from a dispute, and a legal issue arising from an accusation.

Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ vivādādhikaraṇassa anuvādādhikaraṇassa āpattādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyaṁ.
A legal issue arising from business is unrelated to a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, and a legal issue arising from an offense.

Evaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ adhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyaṁ.
It is in this way that a legal issue is unrelated to a legal issue.

Kathaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ adhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyaṁ?
How is a legal issue related to a legal issue?

Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ vivādādhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyaṁ.
A legal issue arising from a dispute is related to a legal issue arising from a dispute.

Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ anuvādādhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyaṁ.
A legal issue arising from an accusation is related to a legal issue arising from an accusation.

Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ āpattādhikaraṇassa siyā tabbhāgiyaṁ siyā aññabhāgiyaṁ.
A legal issue arising from an offense may be either related or unrelated to a legal issue arising from an offense.

Kathaṁ āpattādhikaraṇaṁ āpattādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyaṁ?
How is a legal issue arising from an offense unrelated to a legal issue arising from an offense?

Methunadhammapārājikāpatti adinnādānapārājikāpattiyā manussaviggahapārājikāpattiyā uttarimanussadhammapārājikāpattiyā aññabhāgiyā.
An offense entailing expulsion in regard to sexual intercourse is unrelated to an offense entailing expulsion in regard to stealing, an offense entailing expulsion in regard to a human being, and an offense entailing expulsion in regard to a superhuman quality.

Adinnādānapārājikāpatti manussaviggahapārājikāpattiyā uttarimanussadhammapārājikāpattiyā methunadhammapārājikāpattiyā aññabhāgiyā.
An offense entailing expulsion in regard to stealing is unrelated to an offense entailing expulsion in regard to a human being, an offense entailing expulsion in regard to a superhuman quality, and an offense entailing expulsion in regard to sexual intercourse.

Manussaviggahapārājikāpatti uttarimanussadhammapārājikāpattiyā methunadhammapārājikāpattiyā adinnādānapārājikāpattiyā aññabhāgiyā.
An offense entailing expulsion in regard to a human being is unrelated to an offense entailing expulsion in regard to a superhuman quality, an offense entailing expulsion in regard to sexual intercourse, and an offense entailing expulsion in regard to stealing.

Uttarimanussadhammapārājikāpatti methunadhammapārājikāpattiyā adinnādānapārājikāpattiyā manussaviggahapārājikāpattiyā aññabhāgiyā.
An offense entailing expulsion in regard to a superhuman quality is unrelated to an offense entailing expulsion in regard to sexual intercourse, an offense entailing expulsion in regard to stealing, and an offense entailing expulsion in regard to a human being.

Evaṁ āpattādhikaraṇaṁ āpattādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyaṁ.
It is in this way that a legal issue arising from an offense is unrelated to a legal issue arising from an offense.

Kathaṁ āpattādhikaraṇaṁ āpattādhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyaṁ?
How is a legal issue arising from an offense related to a legal issue arising from an offense?

Methunadhammapārājikāpatti methunadhammapārājikāpattiyā tabbhāgiyā.
An offense entailing expulsion in regard to sexual intercourse is related to an offense entailing expulsion in regard to sexual intercourse.

Adinnādānapārājikāpatti adinnādānapārājikāpattiyā tabbhāgiyā.
An offense entailing expulsion in regard to stealing is related to an offense entailing expulsion in regard to stealing.

Manussaviggahapārājikāpatti manussaviggahapārājikāpattiyā tabbhāgiyā.
An offense entailing expulsion in regard to a human being is related to an offense entailing expulsion in regard to a human being.

Uttarimanussadhammapārājikāpatti uttarimanussadhammapārājikāpattiyā tabbhāgiyā.
An offense entailing expulsion in regard to a superhuman quality is related to an offense entailing expulsion in regard to a superhuman quality.

Evaṁ āpattādhikaraṇaṁ āpattādhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyaṁ.
It is in this way that a legal issue arising from an offense is related to a legal issue arising from an offense.

Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ kiccādhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyaṁ.
A legal issue arising from business is related to a legal issue arising from business.

Evaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ adhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyaṁ.
It is in this way that a legal issue is related to a legal issue.

Kiñci desaṁ lesamattaṁ upādāyāti
Uses as a pretext:

leso nāma dasa lesā— jātileso, nāmaleso, gottaleso, liṅgaleso, āpattileso, pattaleso, cīvaraleso, upajjhāyaleso, ācariyaleso, senāsanaleso.
A pretext: there are ten kinds of pretext—the pretext of caste, the pretext of name, the pretext of family, the pretext of characteristic, the pretext of offense, the pretext of almsbowl, the pretext of robe, the pretext of preceptor, the pretext of teacher, the pretext of dwelling.

Jātileso nāma
The pretext of caste:

khattiyo diṭṭho hoti pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpajjanto.
a monk sees an aristocrat committing an offense entailing expulsion.

Aññaṁ khattiyaṁ passitvā codeti—
If he then accuses another aristocrat, saying,

“khattiyo mayā diṭṭho.
“I’ve a seen an aristocrat.

Pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpannosi,
You’ve committed an offense entailing expulsion.

assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi,
You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic.

natthi tayā saddhiṁ uposatho vā pavāraṇā vā saṅghakammaṁ vā”ti,
You’re excluded from the observance-day ceremony, from the invitation ceremony, and from the legal procedures of the Sangha,”

āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Brāhmaṇo diṭṭho hoti …pe…
A monk sees a brahmin …

vesso diṭṭho hoti …pe…
A monk sees a merchant …

suddo diṭṭho hoti
A monk sees a worker

pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpajjanto.
committing an offense entailing expulsion.

Aññaṁ suddaṁ passitvā codeti—
If he then accuses another worker, saying,

“suddo mayā diṭṭho.
“I’ve a seen a worker.

Pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpannosi, assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi …pe…
You’ve committed an offense entailing expulsion. You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic. …”

āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Nāmaleso nāma
The pretext of name:

buddharakkhito diṭṭho hoti …pe…
a monk sees someone whose name is Buddharakkhita …

dhammarakkhito diṭṭho hoti …pe…
Dhammarakkhita …

saṅgharakkhito diṭṭho hoti pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpajjanto.
Saṅgharakkhita committing an offense entailing expulsion.

Aññaṁ saṅgharakkhitaṁ passitvā codeti—
If he then accuses another person called Saṅgharakkhita, saying,

“saṅgharakkhito mayā diṭṭho.
“I’ve seen Saṅgharakkhita.

Pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpannosi, assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi …pe…
You’ve committed an offense entailing expulsion. You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic. …”

āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Gottaleso nāma
The pretext of family:

gotamo diṭṭho hoti …pe…
a monk sees someone whose family name is Gotama …

moggallāno diṭṭho hoti …pe…
Moggallāna …

kaccāyano diṭṭho hoti …pe…
Kaccāyana …

vāsiṭṭho diṭṭho hoti pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpajjanto.
Vāsiṭṭha committing an offense entailing expulsion.

Aññaṁ vāsiṭṭhaṁ passitvā codeti—
If he then accuses another person called Vāsiṭṭha, saying,

“vāsiṭṭho mayā diṭṭho.
“I’ve seen Vāsiṭṭha.

Pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpannosi, assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi …pe…
You’ve committed an offense entailing expulsion. You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic. …”

āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Liṅgaleso nāma
The pretext of characteristic:

dīgho diṭṭho hoti …pe…
a monk sees someone tall …

rasso diṭṭho hoti …pe…
short …

kaṇho diṭṭho hoti …pe…
dark-skinned …

odāto diṭṭho hoti pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpajjanto.
light-skinned committing an offense entailing expulsion.

Aññaṁ odātaṁ passitvā codeti—
If he then accuses another light-skinned person, saying,

“odāto mayā diṭṭho.
“I’ve seen a light-skinned person.

Pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpannosi, assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi …pe…
You’ve committed an offense entailing expulsion. You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic. …”

āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Āpattileso nāma
The pretext of offense:

lahukaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjanto diṭṭho hoti.
a monk sees someone committing a light offense.

Tañce pārājikena codeti—
If he then accuses him of an offense entailing expulsion, saying,

“assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi …pe…
“You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic. …”

āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Pattaleso nāma
The pretext of almsbowl:

lohapattadharo diṭṭho hoti …pe…
a monk sees someone carrying an iron bowl …

sāṭakapattadharo diṭṭho hoti …pe…
a black clay bowl …

sumbhakapattadharo diṭṭho hoti pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpajjanto.
an ordinary clay bowl committing an offense entailing expulsion.

Aññaṁ sumbhakapattadharaṁ passitvā codeti—
If he then accuses another person carrying an ordinary clay bowl, saying,

“sumbhakapattadharo mayā diṭṭho.
“I’ve seen someone carrying an ordinary clay bowl.

Pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpannosi, assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi …pe…
You’ve committed an offense entailing expulsion. You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic. …”

āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Cīvaraleso nāma
The pretext of robe:

paṁsukūliko diṭṭho hoti …pe…
a monk sees a rag-robe wearer …

gahapaticīvaradharo diṭṭho hoti pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpajjanto.
wearing robes given by householders committing an offense entailing expulsion.

Aññaṁ gahapaticīvaradharaṁ passitvā codeti—
If he then accuses another person wearing robes given by householders, saying,

“gahapaticīvaradharo mayā diṭṭho.
“I’ve seen someone wearing robes given by householders.

Pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpannosi, assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi …pe…
You’ve committed an offense entailing expulsion. You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic. …”

āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Upajjhāyaleso nāma
The pretext of preceptor:

itthannāmassa saddhivihāriko diṭṭho hoti pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpajjanto.
a monk sees a student of so-and-so committing an offense entailing expulsion.

Aññaṁ itthannāmassa saddhivihārikaṁ passitvā codeti—
If he then accuses another student of that person, saying,

“itthannāmassa saddhivihāriko mayā diṭṭho.
“I’ve seen the student of so-and-so.

Pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpannosi, assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi …pe…
You’ve committed an offense entailing expulsion. You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic. …”

āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Ācariyaleso nāma
The pretext of teacher:

itthannāmassa antevāsiko diṭṭho hoti pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpajjanto.
a monk sees a pupil of so-and-so committing an offense entailing expulsion.

Aññaṁ itthannāmassa antevāsikaṁ passitvā codeti—
If he then accuses another pupil of that person, saying,

“itthannāmassa antevāsiko mayā diṭṭho.
“I’ve seen the pupil of so-and-so.

Pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpannosi, assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi …pe…
You’ve committed an offense entailing expulsion. You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic. …”

āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Senāsanaleso nāma
The pretext of dwelling:

itthannāmasenāsanavāsiko diṭṭho hoti pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpajjanto.
a monk sees one who dwells in such-and-such a dwelling committing an offense entailing expulsion.

Aññaṁ itthannāmasenāsanavāsikaṁ passitvā codeti—
If he then accuses someone else who dwells in that dwelling, saying,

“itthannāmasenāsanavāsiko mayā diṭṭho.
“I’ve seen one who dwells in such-and-such a dwelling.

Pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpannosi,
You’ve committed an offense entailing expulsion.

assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi,
You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic.

natthi tayā saddhiṁ uposatho vā pavāraṇā vā saṅghakammaṁ vā”ti,
You’re excluded from the observance-day ceremony, from the invitation ceremony, and from the legal procedures of the Sangha,”

āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Pārājikena dhammenāti
With an offense entailing expulsion:

catunnaṁ aññatarena.
with one of the four.


codeti vā codāpeti vā.
accuses him or has him accused.

Appeva nāma naṁ imamhā brahmacariyā cāveyyanti
To make him leave the monastic life:

bhikkhubhāvā cāveyyaṁ, samaṇadhammā cāveyyaṁ, sīlakkhandhā cāveyyaṁ, tapoguṇā cāveyyaṁ.
to make him leave the monkhood, leave the state of a monastic, leave his morality, leave the virtue of monasticism.

Tato aparena samayenāti
And then after some time:

yasmiṁ khaṇe anuddhaṁsito hoti, taṁ khaṇaṁ taṁ layaṁ taṁ muhuttaṁ vītivatte.
the moment, the instant, the second after he has laid the charge.

He is questioned:

yena vatthunā anuddhaṁsito hoti tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ samanuggāhīyamāno.
he is questioned about the grounds of his charge.


na kenaci vuccamāno.
he is not spoken to by anyone.

Adhikaraṇaṁ nāma
The legal issue:

cattāri adhikaraṇāni— vivādādhikaraṇaṁ, anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ, āpattādhikaraṇaṁ, kiccādhikaraṇaṁ.
there are four kinds of legal issues: legal issues arising from disputes, legal issues arising from accusations, legal issues arising from offenses, legal issues arising from business.

Koci deso lesamatto upādinnoti
Was used as a pretext:

tesaṁ lesānaṁ aññataro leso upādinno hoti.
he has used a certain pretext among those listed above.

Bhikkhu ca dosaṁ patiṭṭhātīti
And he admits to his ill will:

tucchakaṁ mayā bhaṇitaṁ, musā mayā bhaṇitaṁ, abhūtaṁ mayā bhaṇitaṁ, ajānantena mayā bhaṇitaṁ.
“What I said was empty,” “What I said was false,” “What I said was unreal,” “I said it without knowing.”

He commits an offense entailing suspension:

…pe… tenapi vuccati “saṅghādiseso”ti.
… Therefore, too, it is called “an offense entailing suspension”.

Bhikkhu saṅghādisesaṁ ajjhāpajjanto diṭṭho hoti, saṅghādisese saṅghādisesadiṭṭhi hoti.
A monk sees a second monk committing an offense entailing suspension, and the first monk regards it as an offense entailing suspension.

Tañce pārājikena codeti—
If he then accuses him of an offense entailing expulsion, saying,

“assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi,
“You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic.

natthi tayā saddhiṁ uposatho vā pavāraṇā vā saṅghakammaṁ vā”ti,
You’re excluded from the observance-day ceremony, from the invitation ceremony, and from the legal procedures of the Sangha,”

evampi āpattaññabhāgiyaṁ hoti leso ca upādinno, āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
thus using an unrelated offense as a pretext, he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Bhikkhu saṅghādisesaṁ ajjhāpajjanto diṭṭho hoti, saṅghādisese thullaccayadiṭṭhi hoti …pe…
A monk sees a second monk committing an offense entailing suspension, but the first monk regards it as a serious offense …

pācittiyadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing confession …

pāṭidesanīyadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing acknowledgment …

dukkaṭadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense of wrong conduct …

dubbhāsitadiṭṭhi hoti.
but the first monk regards it as an offense of wrong speech.

Tañce pārājikena codeti—
If he then accuses him of an offense entailing expulsion, saying,

“assamaṇosi …pe…
“You’re not a monastic …”

evampi āpattaññabhāgiyaṁ hoti leso ca upādinno, āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
thus using an unrelated offense as a pretext, he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Bhikkhu thullaccayaṁ ajjhāpajjanto diṭṭho hoti thullaccaye thullaccayadiṭṭhi hoti …pe…
A monk sees a second monk committing a serious offense, and the first monk regards it as a serious offense …

thullaccaye pācittiyadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing confession …

pāṭidesanīyadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing acknowledgment …

dukkaṭadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense of wrong conduct …

dubbhāsitadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense of wrong speech …

saṅghādisesadiṭṭhi hoti.
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing suspension.

Tañce pārājikena codeti—
If he then accuses him of an offense entailing expulsion, saying,

“assamaṇosi …pe…
“You’re not a monastic …”

evampi āpattaññabhāgiyaṁ hoti leso ca upādinno, āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
thus using an unrelated offense as a pretext, he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Bhikkhu pācittiyaṁ …pe…
A monk sees a second monk committing an offense entailing confession …

pāṭidesanīyaṁ …
an offense entailing acknowledgment …

dukkaṭaṁ …
an offense of wrong conduct …

dubbhāsitaṁ ajjhāpajjanto diṭṭho hoti, dubbhāsite dubbhāsitadiṭṭhi hoti …pe…
an offense of wrong speech, and the first monk regards it as an offense of wrong speech …

dubbhāsite saṅghādisesadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing suspension …

thullaccayadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as a serious offense …

pācittiyadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing confession …

pāṭidesanīyadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing acknowledgment …

dukkaṭadiṭṭhi hoti.
but the first monk regards it as an offense of wrong conduct.

Tañce pārājikena codeti—
If he then accuses him of an offense entailing expulsion, saying,

“assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi,
“You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic.

natthi tayā saddhiṁ uposatho vā pavāraṇā vā saṅghakammaṁ vā”ti,
You’re excluded from the observance-day ceremony, from the invitation ceremony, and from the legal procedures of the Sangha,”

evampi āpattaññabhāgiyaṁ hoti leso ca upādinno, āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
thus using an unrelated offense as a pretext, he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Ekekaṁ mūlaṁ kātuna cakkaṁ bandhitabbaṁ.
The permutation series is to be linked by doing the items one by one.

Bhikkhu saṅghādisesaṁ ajjhāpajjanto diṭṭho hoti saṅghādisese saṅghādisesadiṭṭhi hoti.
A monk sees a second monk committing an offense entailing suspension and the first monk regards it as an offense entailing suspension.

Tañce pārājikena codāpeti—
If he then has him accused of an offense entailing expulsion, saying,

“assamaṇosi …pe…
“You’re not a monastic …”

evampi āpattaññabhāgiyaṁ hoti leso ca upādinno, āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
thus using an unrelated offense as a pretext, he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Bhikkhu saṅghādisesaṁ ajjhāpajjanto diṭṭho hoti, saṅghādisese thullaccayadiṭṭhi hoti …pe…
A monk sees a second monk committing an offense entailing suspension, but the first monk regards it as a serious offense …

pācittiyadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing confession …

pāṭidesanīyadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing acknowledgment …

dukkaṭadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense of wrong conduct …

dubbhāsitadiṭṭhi hoti.
but the first monk regards it as an offense of wrong speech.

Tañce pārājikena codāpeti—
If he then has him accused of an offense entailing expulsion, saying,

“assamaṇosi …pe…
“You’re not a monastic …”

evampi āpattaññabhāgiyaṁ hoti leso ca upādinno, āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
thus using an unrelated offense as a pretext, he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Bhikkhu thullaccayaṁ ajjhāpajjanto diṭṭho hoti thullaccaye thullaccayadiṭṭhi hoti …pe…
A monk sees a second monk committing a serious offense, and the first monk regards it as a serious offense …

thullaccaye pācittiyadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing confession …

pāṭidesanīyadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing acknowledgment …

dukkaṭadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense of wrong conduct …

dubbhāsitadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense of wrong speech …

saṅghādisesadiṭṭhi hoti.
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing suspension.

Tañce pārājikena codāpeti—
If he then has him accused of an offense entailing expulsion, saying,

“assamaṇosi …pe…
“You’re not a monastic …”

evampi āpattaññabhāgiyaṁ hoti leso ca upādinno, āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
thus using an unrelated offense as a pretext, he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

Bhikkhu pācittiyaṁ …pe…
A monk sees a second monk committing an offense entailing confession …

pāṭidesanīyaṁ …
an offense entailing acknowledgment …

dukkaṭaṁ …
an offense of wrong conduct …

dubbhāsitaṁ ajjhāpajjanto diṭṭho hoti dubbhāsite dubbhāsitadiṭṭhi hoti …pe…
an offense of wrong speech, and the first monk regards it as an offense of wrong speech …

dubbhāsite saṅghādisesadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing suspension …

thullaccayadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as a serious offense …

pācittiyadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing confession …

pāṭidesanīyadiṭṭhi hoti …
but the first monk regards it as an offense entailing acknowledgment …

dukkaṭadiṭṭhi hoti.
but the first monk regards it as an offense of wrong conduct.

Tañce pārājikena codāpeti—
If he then has him accused of an offense entailing expulsion, saying,

“assamaṇosi, asakyaputtiyosi,
“You’re not an ascetic, not a Sakyan monastic.

natthi tayā saddhiṁ uposatho vā pavāraṇā vā saṅghakammaṁ vā”ti,
You’re excluded from the observance-day ceremony, from the invitation ceremony, and from the legal procedures of the Sangha,”

evampi āpattaññabhāgiyaṁ hoti leso ca upādinno, āpatti vācāya, vācāya saṅghādisesassa.
thus using an unrelated offense as a pretext, he commits an offense entailing suspension for each statement.

There is no offense:

tathāsaññī codeti vā codāpeti vā,
if he accuses or has someone accused in accordance with his own perception;

if he is insane;

if he is the first offender.

(Aññabhāgiya) Kiñcilesasikkhāpadaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ navamaṁ.
The training rule on a (unrelated) pretext, the ninth, is finished.