vinaya » pli-tv-kd » Theravāda Vinayapiṭaka

Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Small Division

13. Samuccayakkhandhaka

The gathering up chapter

1. Sukkavissaṭṭhi
Emission of semen

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in the Jeta Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery.

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā udāyī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpanno hoti sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
At that time Venerable Udāyī had committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks about this,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
adding, “What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should give the monk Udāyī the trial period of six days for one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, dātabbaṁ—
And it should be given like this.

1.1. Appaṭicchannamānatta
1.1 Trial periods for those with unconcealed offenses

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā vuḍḍhānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pāde vanditvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā añjaliṁ paggahetvā evamassa vacanīyo—
“The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
‘Venerables, I’ve committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācāmi.
I ask the Sangha for the trial period of six days for that offense.

Ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
I’ve committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Dutiyampi, sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācāmi.
For the second time I ask the Sangha for the trial period of six days for that offense.

Ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
I’ve committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Tatiyampi sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācāmī’ti.
For the third time I ask the Sangha for the trial period of six days for that offense.’

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī has committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for the trial period of six days for that offense.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him that trial period.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī has committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for the trial period of six days for that offense.

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that trial period.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him that trial period of six days should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi—
For the second time I speak on this matter.

suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī has committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for the trial period of six days for that offense.

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that trial period.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him that trial period of six days should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi—
For the third time I speak on this matter.

suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī has committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for the trial period of six days for that offense.

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him the trial period.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him that trial period of six days should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dinnaṁ saṅghena udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ.
The Sangha has given the monk Udāyī the trial period of six days for one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.2. Appaṭicchannaabbhāna
1.2 Rehabilitation for those with unconcealed offenses

So ciṇṇamānatto bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
When he had completed that trial period, he told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
“I had committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me the trial period of six days for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ ciṇṇamānatto.
I’ve now completed it.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do next?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbhetu.
“Well then, the Sangha should rehabilitate the monk Udāyī.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, abbhetabbo—
And it should be done like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā vuḍḍhānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pāde vanditvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā añjaliṁ paggahetvā evamassa vacanīyo—
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ, sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāciṁ.
‘Venerables, I had committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen. I asked the Sangha to give me the trial period of six days for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ, bhante, ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācāmi.
I’ve now completed that trial period and ask the Sangha for rehabilitation.

Ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
I had committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me the trial period of six days for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ ciṇṇamānatto dutiyampi, bhante, saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācāmi.
I’ve now completed that trial period, and for the second time I ask the Sangha for rehabilitation.

Ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
I had committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me the trial period of six days for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ ciṇṇamānatto tatiyampi, bhante, saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I’ve now completed that trial period, and for the third time I ask the Sangha for rehabilitation.’

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him the trial period of six days for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that trial period and is asking the Sangha for rehabilitation.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbheyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should rehabilitate him.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him the trial period of six days for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that trial period and is asking the Sangha for rehabilitation.

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbheti.
The Sangha rehabilitates him.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno abbhānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of rehabilitating him should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi—
For the second time I speak on this matter.

suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him the trial period of six days for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that trial period and is asking the Sangha for rehabilitation.

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbheti.
The Sangha rehabilitates him.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno abbhānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of rehabilitating him should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi—
For the third time I speak on this matter.

suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him the trial period of six days for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that trial period and is asking the Sangha for rehabilitation.

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbheti.
The Sangha rehabilitates him.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno abbhānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of rehabilitating him should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Abbhito saṅghena udāyī bhikkhu.
The Sangha has rehabilitated the monk Udāyī.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.3. Ekāhappaṭicchannaparivāsa
1.3 Probation for those with offenses concealed for one day

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā udāyī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpanno hoti sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ ekāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
On one occasion Venerable Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks about this,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ ekāhappaṭicchannaṁ.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
adding, “What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should give the monk Udāyī probation for one day for one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, dātabbo—
And it should be given like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā vuḍḍhānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pāde vanditvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā añjaliṁ paggahetvā evamassa vacanīyo—
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ ekāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
‘Venerables, I’ve committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I ask the Sangha for probation for one day for that offense.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbo.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbo.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ ekāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī has committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for probation for one day for that offense.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him that probation.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ ekāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī has committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for probation for one day for that offense.

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that probation.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him that probation should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Dinno saṅghena udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāso.
The Sangha has given the monk Udāyī probation for one day for one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.4. Ekāhappaṭicchannamānatta
1.4 Trial periods for those with offenses concealed for one day

So parivutthaparivāso bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
When he had completed that probation, he told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ ekāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me probation for one day for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso.
I’ve now completed it.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do next?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should give the monk Udāyī the trial period of six days for one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, dātabbaṁ—
And it should be given like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ ekāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
‘Venerables, I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me probation for one day for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ, bhante, parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I’ve now completed that probation and ask the Sangha for the trial period of six days.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ ekāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him probation for one day for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that probation and is asking the Sangha for the trial period of six days.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him that trial period.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ ekāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him probation for one day for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that probation and is asking the Sangha for the trial period of six days.

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that trial period.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him the trial period of six days should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Dinnaṁ saṅghena udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ.
The Sangha has given the monk Udāyī the trial period of six days for one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.5. Ekāhappaṭicchannaabbhāna
1.5 Rehabilitation for those with offenses concealed for one day

So ciṇṇamānatto bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
When he had completed that trial period, he told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ ekāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me probation for one day for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāciṁ.
When I had completed that probation, I asked the Sangha to give me the trial period of six days,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ ciṇṇamānatto.
I’ve now completed it.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do next?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbhetu.
“Well then, the Sangha should rehabilitate the monk Udāyī.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, abbhetabbo—
And it should be done like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, put his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ ekāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
‘I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me probation for one day for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāciṁ.
When I had completed that probation, I asked the Sangha to give me the trial period of six days,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ, bhante, ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I’ve now completed the trial period and ask the Sangha for rehabilitation.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ ekāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him probation for one day for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāci.
When he had completed that probation, he asked the Sangha to give him the trial period of six days,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that trial period and is asking the Sangha for rehabilitation.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbheyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should rehabilitate him.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ ekāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for one day.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him probation for one day for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya ekāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāci.
When he had completed that probation, he asked the Sangha to give him the trial period of six days,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā ekāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that trial period and is asking the Sangha for rehabilitation.

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbheti.
The Sangha rehabilitates him.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno abbhānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of rehabilitating him should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Abbhito saṅghena udāyī bhikkhu.
The Sangha has rehabilitated the monk Udāyī.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.6. Pañcāhappaṭicchannaparivāsa
1.6 Probation for those with offenses concealed for five days

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā udāyī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpanno hoti sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ dvīhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
On one occasion Venerable Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for two days. …

tīhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
concealed for three days. …

catūhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
concealed for four days. …

concealed for five days.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks about this,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
adding, “What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should give the monk Udāyī probation for five days for one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, dātabbo—
And it should be given like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā vuḍḍhānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pāde vanditvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā añjaliṁ paggahetvā evamassa vacanīyo—
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
‘Venerables, I’ve committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I ask the Sangha for probation for five days for that offense.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbo.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbo.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī has committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for probation for five days for that offense.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him that probation.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī has committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for probation for five days for that offense.

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that probation.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him that probation should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Dinno saṅghena udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāso.
The Sangha has given the monk Udāyī probation for five days for one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.7. Pārivāsikamūlāyapaṭikassanā
1.7 Sending back to the beginning of those on probation

So parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, he committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me probation for five days for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, I committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassatu.
“Well then, the Sangha should send the monk Udāyī back to the beginning for one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen, committed while on probation.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, mūlāya paṭikassitabbo—
And it should be done like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
‘Venerables, I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me probation for five days for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, I committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I ask the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbā.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbā.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him probation for five days for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, he committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He’s now asking the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikasseyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should send him back to the beginning.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him probation for five days for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, he committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He’s now asking the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense.

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassati.
The Sangha sends him back to the beginning.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanā, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of sending him back to the beginning should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Paṭikassito saṅghena udāyī bhikkhu antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanā.
The Sangha has sent the monk Udāyī back to the beginning for one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen, committed while on probation.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.8. Mānattārahamūlāyapaṭikassanā
1.8 Sending back to the beginning of those deserving the trial period

So parivutthaparivāso mānattāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
When he had completed that probation, while deserving the trial period, he committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me probation for five days for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, I committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense,

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso mānattāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
When I had completed the probation, while deserving the trial period, I committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassatu.
“Well then, the Sangha should send the monk Udāyī back to the beginning for one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen, committed while deserving the trial period.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, mūlāya paṭikassitabbo—
And it should be done like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
‘Venerables, I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days. …

sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso mānattāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
When I had completed the probation, while deserving the trial period, I committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I ask the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbā.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbā.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days. …

so parivutthaparivāso mānattāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
When he had completed that probation, while deserving the trial period, he committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikasseyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should send him back to the beginning.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days. …

so parivutthaparivāso mānattāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
When he had completed that probation, while deserving the trial period, he committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense.

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassati.
The Sangha sends him back to the beginning.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanā, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of sending him back to the beginning should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Paṭikassito saṅghena udāyī bhikkhu antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanā.
The Sangha has sent the monk Udāyī back to the beginning for one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen, committed while deserving the trial period.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.9. Tikāpattimānatta
1.9 Trial period for the three offenses

So parivutthaparivāso bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
When he had completed that probation, he told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days …

sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso.
I’ve now completed the probation.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do next?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should give the monk Udāyī the trial period of six days for the three offenses.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, dātabbaṁ—
And it should be given like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
‘Venerables, I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me probation for five days for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi …pe…
which it did. …

sohaṁ, bhante, parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I’ve now completed that probation and ask the Sangha for the trial period of six days for the three offenses.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days. …

so parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that probation and is asking the Sangha for the trial period of six days for the three offenses.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him that trial period.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days. …

so parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that probation and is asking the Sangha for the trial period of six days for the three offenses.

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that trial period.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him the trial period of six days should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Dinnaṁ saṅghena udāyissa bhikkhuno tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ.
The Sangha has given the monk Udāyī the trial period of six days for the three offenses.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.10. Mānattacārikamūlāyapaṭikassanā
1.10 Sending back to the beginning of those undertaking the trial period

So mānattaṁ caranto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While he was undertaking the trial period, he committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days. …

sohaṁ mānattaṁ caranto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While undertaking the trial period, I committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassitvā chārattaṁ mānattaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should send the monk Udāyī back to the beginning for one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen, committed while undertaking the trial period. It should then give him the trial period of six days.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, mūlāya paṭikassitabbo—
And he should be sent back to the beginning like this.

tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
‘Venerables, I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days. …

sohaṁ mānattaṁ caranto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While undertaking the trial period, I committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I ask the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbā.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbā.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu …pe…
The monk Udāyī …

mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
is asking the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense, committed while undertaking the trial period.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikasseyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should send him back to the beginning.

Esā ñatti …pe…
This is the motion. …

paṭikassito saṅghena udāyī bhikkhu antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanā.
The Sangha has sent the monk Udāyī back to the beginning for one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen, committed while undertaking the trial period.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmīti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, chārattaṁ mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ—
And he should be given the trial period of six days like this.

tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā …pe…
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
‘Venerables, I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days. …

sohaṁ mānattaṁ caranto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While undertaking the trial period, I committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense,

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I now ask the Sangha for the trial period of six days for that offense.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu …pe…
The monk Udāyī …

chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācati.
is asking the Sangha for the trial period of six days for that offense, committed while undertaking the trial period.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him that trial period.

Esā ñatti …pe…
This is the motion. …

Dinnaṁ saṅghena udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ.
The Sangha has given the monk Udāyī the trial period of six days for one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen, committed while undertaking the trial period.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.11. Abbhānārahamūlāyapaṭikassanā
1.11 Sending back to the beginning of those deserving rehabilitation

So ciṇṇamānatto abbhānāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
When he had completed that trial period, while deserving rehabilitation, he committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days. …

sohaṁ ciṇṇamānatto abbhānāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
When I had completed the trial period, while deserving rehabilitation, I committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassitvā chārattaṁ mānattaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should send the monk Udāyī back to the beginning for one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen, committed while deserving rehabilitation. It should then give him the trial period of six days.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, mūlāya paṭikassitabbo …pe….
And he should be sent back to the beginning like this. …

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, chārattaṁ mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ …pe….
And he should be given the trial period of six days like this. …

Dinnaṁ saṅghena udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ.
The Sangha has given the monk Udāyī the trial period of six days for one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen, committed while deserving rehabilitation.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.12. Mūlāyapaṭikassitaabbhāna
1.12 Rehabilitation of those sent back to the beginning

So ciṇṇamānatto bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
When he had completed that trial period, he told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days. …

sohaṁ ciṇṇamānatto.
I’ve now completed the trial period.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do next?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbhetu.
“Well then, the Sangha should rehabilitate the monk Udāyī.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, abbhetabbo—
And it should be done like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
‘Venerables, I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me probation for five days for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, I committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense,

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso mānattāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
When I had completed the probation, while deserving the trial period, I committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense,

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāciṁ.
When I had completed the probation, I asked the Sangha to give me the trial period of six days,

Tassa me saṅgho tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ mānattaṁ caranto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While undertaking the trial period, I committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense,

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāciṁ.
I then asked the Sangha to give me the trial period for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ ciṇṇamānatto abbhānāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
When I had completed that trial period, while deserving rehabilitation, I committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense,

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāciṁ.
I then asked the Sangha to give me the trial period for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ, bhante, ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I’ve now completed the trial period and ask the Sangha for rehabilitation.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him probation for five days for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya pañcāhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, he committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

So parivutthaparivāso mānattāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
When he had completed that probation, while deserving the trial period, he committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

So parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāci.
When he had completed that probation, he asked the Sangha to give him the trial period of six days for the three offenses,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So mānattaṁ caranto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
While he was undertaking the trial period, he committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāci.
He then asked the Sangha to give him the trial period for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So ciṇṇamānatto abbhānāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ appaṭicchannaṁ.
When he had completed that trial period, while deserving rehabilitation, he committed one unconcealed offense of intentional emission of semen.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāci.
He then asked the Sangha to give him the trial period for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā appaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that trial period and is asking the Sangha for rehabilitation.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbheyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should rehabilitate him.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days. …

so ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that trial period and is asking the Sangha for rehabilitation.

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbheti.
The Sangha rehabilitates him.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno abbhānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of rehabilitating him should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Abbhito saṅghena udāyī bhikkhu.
The Sangha has rehabilitated the monk Udāyī.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.13. Pakkhappaṭicchannaparivāsa
1.13 Probation for those with offenses concealed for a half-month

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā udāyī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpanno hoti sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.
On one occasion Venerable Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks about this,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
adding, “What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should give the monk Udāyī probation for a half-month for one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, dātabbo—
And it should be given like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.
‘Venerables, I’ve committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I ask the Sangha for probation for a half-month for that offense.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbo.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbo.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī has committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for probation for a half-month for that offense.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him that probation.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī has committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for probation for a half-month for that offense.

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that probation.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him that probation should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Dinno saṅghena udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāso.
The Sangha has given the monk Udāyī probation for a half-month for one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.14. Pakkhapārivāsikamūlāyapaṭikassana
1.14 Sending back to the beginning of those on probation for a half-month

So parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, he committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me probation for a half-month for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, I committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti.
What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassitvā purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should send the monk Udāyī back to the beginning for one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days and committed while on probation, and it should then give him probation simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, mūlāya paṭikassitabbo—
And he should be sent back to the beginning like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.
‘Venerables, I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me probation for a half-month for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, I committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I ask the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbā.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbā.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him probation for a half-month for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, he committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He’s now asking the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikasseyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should send him back to the beginning.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him probation for a half-month for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, he committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He’s now asking the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense.

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassati.
The Sangha sends him back to the beginning.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanā, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of sending him back to the beginning should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Paṭikassito saṅghena udāyī bhikkhu antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanā.
The Sangha has sent the monk Udāyī back to the beginning for one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days and committed while on probation.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.15. Samodhānaparivāsa
1.15 Simultaneous probations

“Evañca pana, bhikkhave, purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo—
“And he should be given probation simultaneous with probation for the previous offense like this.

tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.
‘I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me probation for a half-month for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, I committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense,

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I now ask the Sangha for probation for that offense, simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbo.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbo.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him probation for a half-month for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, he committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s now asking the Sangha for probation for that offense, simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him that simultaneous probation.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion. …

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him probation for a half-month for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, he committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s now asking the Sangha for probation for that offense, simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense.

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that simultaneous probation.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him that simultaneous probation should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Dinno saṅghena udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso.
The Sangha has given the monk Udāyī probation for one offense of intentional emission of semen—concealed for five days and committed while on probation—simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.16. Mānattārahamūlāyapaṭikassanādi
1.16 Sending back to the beginning of those deserving the trial period, etc.

So parivutthaparivāso mānattāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
When he had completed that probation, while deserving the trial period, he committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month. …

sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso mānattāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
When I had completed the probation, while deserving the trial period, I committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassitvā purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should send the monk Udāyī back to the beginning for one offense of intentional emission of semen—concealed for five days and committed while deserving the trial period—and it should then give him probation simultaneous with probation for the previous offense.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, mūlāya paṭikassitabbo …pe….
And he should be sent back to the beginning like this. …

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo …pe…
And he should be given probation simultaneous with probation for the previous offense like this. …

deti …pe….

Dinno saṅghena udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso.
The Sangha has given the monk Udāyī probation for one offense of intentional emission of semen—concealed for five days and committed while deserving the trial period—simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.17. Tikāpattimānatta
1.17 Trial period for the three offenses

So parivutthaparivāso bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
When he had completed that probation, he told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month …

sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso.
I’ve now completed the probation.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do next?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should give the monk Udāyī the trial period of six days for the three offenses.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, dātabbaṁ—
And it should be given like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
‘Venerables, I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month. …

sohaṁ, bhante, parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I’ve now completed that probation and ask the Sangha for the trial period of six days for the three offenses.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month. …

so parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that probation and is asking the Sangha for the trial period of six days for the three offenses.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him that trial period.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month. …

so parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that probation and is asking the Sangha for the trial period of six days for the three offenses.

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that trial period.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him that trial period of six days should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Dinnaṁ saṅghena udāyissa bhikkhuno tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ.
The Sangha has given the monk Udāyī the trial period of six days for the three offenses.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.18. Mānattacārikamūlāyapaṭikassanādi
1.18 Sending back to the beginning of those undertaking the trial period, etc.

So mānattaṁ caranto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While he was undertaking the trial period, he committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month. …

sohaṁ mānattaṁ caranto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While undertaking the trial period, I committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassitvā purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ datvā chārattaṁ mānattaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should send the monk Udāyī back to the beginning for one offense of intentional emission of semen—concealed for five days and committed while undertaking the trial period—and it should then give him probation for that offense simultaneous with probation for the previous offense, and it should then give him the trial period of six days.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, mūlāya paṭikassitabbo …pe….
And he should be sent back to the beginning like this. …

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo …pe….
And he should be given probation simultaneous with probation for the previous offense like this. …

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, chārattaṁ mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ …pe…
And he should be given the trial period of six days like this. …

deti …pe….

Dinnaṁ saṅghena udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ.
The Sangha has given the monk Udāyī the trial period of six days for one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days and committed while undertaking the trial period.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.19. Abbhānārahamūlāyapaṭikassanādi
1.19 Sending back to the beginning of those deserving rehabilitation, etc.

So ciṇṇamānatto abbhānāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
When he had completed that trial period, while deserving rehabilitation, he committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month. …

sohaṁ ciṇṇamānatto abbhānāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
When I had completed the trial period, while deserving rehabilitation, I committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassitvā purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ datvā chārattaṁ mānattaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should send the monk Udāyī back to the beginning for one offense of intentional emission of semen—concealed for five days and committed while deserving rehabilitation—and it should then give him probation for that offense simultaneous with probation for the previous offense, and it should then give him the trial period of six days.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, mūlāya paṭikassitabbo …pe….
And he should be sent back to the beginning like this. …

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo …pe….
And he should be given probation simultaneous with probation for the previous offense like this. …

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, chārattaṁ mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ …pe…
And he should be given the trial period of six days like this. …

deti …pe….

Dinnaṁ saṅghena udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ.
The Sangha has given the monk Udāyī the trial period of six days for one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days and committed while deserving rehabilitation.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

1.20. Pakkhappaṭicchannaabbhāna
1.20 Rehabilitation of those with offenses concealed for a half-month

So ciṇṇamānatto bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
When he had completed that trial period, he told the monks,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
“I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month. …

sohaṁ ciṇṇamānatto.
I’ve now completed the trial period.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
What should I do next?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbhetu.
“Well then, the Sangha should rehabilitate the monk Udāyī.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, abbhetabbo—
And it should be done like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, udāyinā bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā, ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā, vuḍḍhānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pāde vanditvā, ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā, añjaliṁ paggahetvā, evamassa vacanīyo—
The monk Udāyī should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.
‘Venerables, I had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to give me probation for a half-month for that offense,

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, I committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense,

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I then asked the Sangha to give me probation for that offense, simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense,

Tassa me saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso mānattāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
When I had completed that probation, while deserving the trial period, I committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense,

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I then asked the Sangha to give me probation for that offense, simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense,

Tassa me saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāciṁ.
When I had completed that probation, I asked the Sangha to give me the trial period of six days,

Tassa me saṅgho tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ mānattaṁ caranto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While undertaking the trial period, I committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense,

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I then asked the Sangha to give me probation for that offense, simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense,

Tassa me saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāciṁ.
When I had completed that probation, I asked the Sangha to give me the trial period of six days,

Tassa me saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ ciṇṇamānatto abbhānāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjiṁ sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
When I had completed that trial period, while deserving rehabilitation, I committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for that offense,

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I then asked the Sangha to give me probation for that offense, simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense,

Tassa me saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāciṁ.
When I had completed that probation, I asked the Sangha to give me the trial period of six days,

Tassa me saṅgho antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

Sohaṁ, bhante, ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I’ve now completed the trial period and ask the Sangha for rehabilitation.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbaṁ.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ.
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month.

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to give him probation for a half-month for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pakkhappaṭicchannāya pakkhaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivasanto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While on probation, he committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He then asked the Sangha to give him probation for that offense, simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivutthaparivāso mānattāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
When he had completed that probation, while deserving the trial period, he committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He then asked the Sangha to give him probation for that offense, simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāci.
When he had completed that probation, he asked the Sangha to give him the trial period of six days for the three offenses,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno tissannaṁ āpattīnaṁ chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So mānattaṁ caranto antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
While he was undertaking the trial period, he committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He then asked the Sangha to give him probation for that offense, simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāci.
He then asked the Sangha to give him the trial period of six days for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So ciṇṇamānatto abbhānāraho antarā ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pañcāhappaṭicchannaṁ.
When he had completed that trial period, while deserving rehabilitation, he committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for five days.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāci.
He asked the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for that offense,

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya mūlāya paṭikassi.
which it did.

So saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He then asked the Sangha to give him probation for that offense, simultaneous with the probation for the previous offense,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So parivutthaparivāso saṅghaṁ antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ yāci.
When he had completed that probation, he asked the Sangha to give him the trial period of six days,

Saṅgho udāyissa bhikkhuno antarā ekissā āpattiyā sañcetanikāya sukkavissaṭṭhiyā pañcāhappaṭicchannāya chārattaṁ mānattaṁ adāsi.
which it did.

So ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that trial period and is asking the Sangha for rehabilitation.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbheyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should rehabilitate him.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ udāyī bhikkhu ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajji sañcetanikaṁ sukkavissaṭṭhiṁ pakkhappaṭicchannaṁ …pe…
The monk Udāyī had committed one offense of intentional emission of semen, concealed for a half-month. …

so ciṇṇamānatto saṅghaṁ abbhānaṁ yācati.
He’s now completed that trial period and is asking the Sangha for rehabilitation.

Saṅgho udāyiṁ bhikkhuṁ abbheti.
The Sangha rehabilitates him.

Yassāyasmato khamati udāyissa bhikkhuno abbhānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of rehabilitating him should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Abbhito saṅghena udāyī bhikkhu.
The Sangha has rehabilitated the monk Udāyī.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

Sukkavissaṭṭhi samattā.
The section on emission of semen is finished.

2. Parivāsa
2. Probation

2.1. Agghasamodhānaparivāsa
2.1 Simultaneous probations according to the longest duration

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpanno hoti—
At one time a monk had committed a number of offenses entailing suspension:

ekā āpatti ekāhappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti dvīhappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti tīhappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti catūhappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti pañcāhappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti chāhappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti sattāhappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti aṭṭhāhappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti navāhappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti dasāhappaṭicchannā.
one concealed for one day, one for two days, one for three days, one for four days, one for five days, one for six days, one for seven days, one for eight days, one for nine days, and one for ten days.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks about this,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ—

ekā āpatti ekāhappaṭicchannā …pe…

ekā āpatti dasāhappaṭicchannā.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
adding, “What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho tassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpatti dasāhappaṭicchannā tassā agghena samodhānaparivāsaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should give that monk simultaneous probation according to the longest duration, that is, for the offense that was concealed for ten days.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, dātabbo—
And it should be given like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
That monk should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ—
‘Venerables, I’ve committed a number of offenses entailing suspension:

ekā āpatti ekāhappaṭicchannā …pe…
one concealed for one day …

ekā āpatti dasāhappaṭicchannā.
one for ten days.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpatti dasāhappaṭicchannā tassā agghena samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I ask the Sangha for simultaneous probation according to the longest duration, that is, for the offense that was concealed for ten days.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbo.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbo.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji—
The monk so-and-so has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension:

ekā āpatti ekāhappaṭicchannā …pe…
one concealed for one day …

ekā āpatti dasāhappaṭicchannā.
one for ten days.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpatti dasāhappaṭicchannā tassā agghena samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for simultaneous probation according to the longest duration, that is, for the offense that was concealed for ten days.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpatti dasāhappaṭicchannā tassā agghena samodhānaparivāsaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him that simultaneous probation.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji—
The monk so-and-so has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension:

ekā āpatti ekāhappaṭicchannā …pe…
one concealed for one day …

ekā āpatti dasāhappaṭicchannā.
one for ten days.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpatti dasāhappaṭicchannā tassā agghena samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for simultaneous probation according to the longest duration, that is, for the offense that was concealed for ten days.

Saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpatti dasāhappaṭicchannā tassā agghena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that simultaneous probation.

Yassāyasmato khamati itthannāmassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpatti dasāhappaṭicchannā;
Any monk who approves of giving him

tassā agghena samodhānaparivāsassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
that simultaneous probation should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Dinno saṅghena itthannāmassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpatti dasāhappaṭicchannā tassā agghena samodhānaparivāso.
The Sangha has given monk so-and-so simultaneous probation according to the longest duration, that is, for the offense that was concealed for ten days.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

2.2. Sabbacirappaṭicchannaagghasamodhāna
2.2 Simultaneous probations according to the longest duration, that is, for all the offenses that were concealed the longest

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpanno hoti—
At one time a monk had committed a number of offenses entailing suspension:

ekā āpatti ekāhappaṭicchannā, dve āpattiyo dvīhappaṭicchannāyo, tisso āpattiyo tīhappaṭicchannāyo, catasso āpattiyo catūhappaṭicchannāyo, pañca āpattiyo pañcāhappaṭicchannāyo, cha āpattiyo chāhappaṭicchannāyo, satta āpattiyo sattāhappaṭicchannāyo, aṭṭha āpattiyo aṭṭhāhappaṭicchannāyo, nava āpattiyo navāhappaṭicchannāyo, dasa āpattiyo dasāhappaṭicchannāyo.
one concealed for one day, two for two days, three for three days, four for four days, five for five days, six for six days, seven for seven days, eight for eight days, nine for nine days, ten for ten days.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks about this,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ, ekā āpatti ekāhappaṭicchannā …pe…

dasa āpattiyo dasāhappaṭicchannāyo.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
adding, “What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho tassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpattiyo sabbacirappaṭicchannāyo tāsaṁ agghena samodhānaparivāsaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should give that monk simultaneous probation according to the longest duration, that is, for all the offenses that were concealed the longest.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, dātabbo—
And it should be given like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
That monk should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ, ekā āpatti ekāhappaṭicchannā …pe…
‘Venerables, I’ve committed a number of offenses entailing suspension: one concealed for one day …

dasa āpattiyo dasāhappaṭicchannāyo.
ten for ten days.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpattiyo sabbacirappaṭicchannāyo tāsaṁ agghena samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I ask the Sangha for simultaneous probation according to the longest duration, that is, for all the offenses that were concealed the longest.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbo.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbo.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji, ekā āpatti ekāhappaṭicchannā …pe…
The monk so-and-so has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension: one concealed for one day …

dasa āpattiyo dasāhappaṭicchannāyo.
ten for ten days.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpattiyo sabbacirappaṭicchannāyo tāsaṁ agghena samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for simultaneous probation according to the longest duration, that is, for all the offenses that were concealed the longest.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpattiyo sabbacirappaṭicchannāyo tāsaṁ agghena samodhānaparivāsaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him that simultaneous probation.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji—
The monk so-and-so has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension:

ekā āpatti ekāhappaṭicchannā …pe…
one concealed for one day …

dasa āpattiyo dasāhappaṭicchannāyo.
ten for ten days.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpattiyo sabbacirappaṭicchannāyo tāsaṁ agghena samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for simultaneous probation according to the longest duration, that is, for all the offenses that were concealed the longest.

Saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpattiyo sabbacirappaṭicchannāyo tāsaṁ agghena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that simultaneous probation.

Yassāyasmato khamati itthannāmassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpattiyo sabbacirappaṭicchannāyo tāsaṁ agghena samodhānaparivāsassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him that simultaneous probation should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Dinno saṅghena itthannāmassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ yā āpattiyo sabbacirappaṭicchannāyo tāsaṁ agghena samodhānaparivāso.
The Sangha has given monk so-and-so simultaneous probation according to the longest duration, that is, for all the offenses that were concealed the longest.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’”ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’”

2.3. Dvemāsaparivāsa
2.3 Probation for two months

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpanno hoti dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
At one time a monk had committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Tassa etadahosi—
He thought,

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
“I’ve committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
Let me ask the Sangha for probation for two months for one of those offenses.”

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked

Tassa saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
and got it.

Tassa parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—
While on probation, he was overcome with guilt.

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
He considered what he had done

Tassa me etadahosi—

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—

‘yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan’”ti.
and thought, “Let me ask the Sangha for probation for two months for the other offense too.”

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks everything that had happened,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Tassa me etadahosi—

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Tassa me etadahosi—

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”’ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—

‘yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
adding, “What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho tassa bhikkhuno itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should give that monk probation for two months for that offense.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, dātabbo—
And it should be given like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā, ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā, vuḍḍhānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ pāde vanditvā, ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā, añjaliṁ paggahetvā, evamassa vacanīyo—
That monk should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms, and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
‘Venerables, I had committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Tassa me etadahosi—
I thought,

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
“I’ve committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
Let me ask the Sangha for probation for two months for one of those offenses.”

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
and got it.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—
While on probation, I was overcome with guilt.

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
I considered what I had done

Tassa me etadahosi—

ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—

“yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
and thought, “Let me ask the Sangha for probation for two months for the other offense too.”

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācāmī’ti.
And so I ask the Sangha for probation for two months for the other offense, concealed for two months.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbo.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbo.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
The monk so-and-so had committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Tassa etadahosi—
He thought,

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
“I’ve committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
Let me ask the Sangha for probation for two months for one of those offenses.”

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked

Tassa saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
and got it.

Tassa parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—
While on probation, he was overcome with guilt.

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
He considered what he had done

Tassa me etadahosi—

ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—

“yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
and thought, “Let me ask the Sangha for probation for two months for the other offense too.”

So saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s now asking the Sangha for probation for two months for that other offense.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him that probation.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
The monk so-and-so had committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Tassa etadahosi—
He thought,

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
“I’ve committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
Let me ask the Sangha for probation for two months for one of those offenses.”

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked

Tassa saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
and got it.

Tassa parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—
While on probation, he was overcome with guilt.

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
He considered what he had done

Tassa me etadahosi—

ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—

“yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
and thought, “Let me ask the Sangha for probation for two months for the other offense too.”

So saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s now asking the Sangha for probation for two months for that other offense.

Saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that probation.

Yassāyasmato khamati itthannāmassa bhikkhuno itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him that probation should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Dinno saṅghena itthannāmassa bhikkhuno itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāso.
The Sangha has given monk so-and-so probation for two months for the other offense, concealed for two months.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā tadupādāya dve māsā parivasitabbā.
Starting right there, that monk must stay on probation for two months.”

2.4. Dvemāsāparivasitabbavidhi
2.4 Processes for staying on probation for two months

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
“It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Tassa evaṁ hoti—
He thinks,

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
‘I’ve committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.
Let me ask the Sangha for probation for two months for one of those offenses.’

So saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks

Tassa saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
and gets it.

Tassa parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—
While on probation, he’s overcome with guilt.

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
He considers all this

Tassa me etadahosi—

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho ekissā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—

“yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”’ti.
and thinks, ‘Let me ask the Sangha for probation for two months for the other offense too.’

So saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks

Tassa saṅgho itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
and gets it.

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā tadupādāya dve māsā parivasitabbā.
Starting right there, that monk must stay on probation for two months.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;
It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

ekaṁ āpattiṁ jānāti, ekaṁ āpattiṁ na jānāti.
He’s aware of one, but not the other.

So saṅghaṁ yaṁ āpattiṁ jānāti, tassā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for probation for two months for the offense he’s aware of,

Tassa saṅgho tassā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto itarampi āpattiṁ jānāti.
While on probation, he finds out about the other offense.

Tassa evaṁ hoti—
He considers all this

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;

ekaṁ āpattiṁ jāniṁ, ekaṁ āpattiṁ na jāniṁ.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ yaṁ āpattiṁ jāniṁ tassā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho tassā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasanto itarampi āpattiṁ jānāmi.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.
and thinks, ‘Let me ask the Sangha for probation for two months for the other offense too.’

So saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks

Tassa saṅgho itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
and gets it.

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā tadupādāya dve māsā parivasitabbā.
Starting right there, that monk must stay on probation for two months.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;
It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

ekaṁ āpattiṁ sarati, ekaṁ āpattiṁ nassarati.
He remembers one, but not the other.

So saṅghaṁ yaṁ āpattiṁ sarati, tassā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for probation for two months for the offense he remembers,

Tassa saṅgho tassā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto itarampi āpattiṁ sarati.
While on probation, he remembers the other offense.

Tassa evaṁ hoti—
He considers all this

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;

ekaṁ āpattiṁ sariṁ, ekaṁ āpattiṁ nassariṁ.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ yaṁ āpattiṁ sariṁ, tassā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho tassā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasanto itarampi āpattiṁ sarāmi.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.
and thinks, ‘Let me ask the Sangha for probation for two months for the other offense too.’

So saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks

Tassa saṅgho itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
and gets it.

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā tadupādāya dve māsā parivasitabbā.
Starting right there, that monk must stay on probation for two months.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;
It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

ekāya āpattiyā nibbematiko, ekāya āpattiyā vematiko.
He’s sure of one, but unsure of the other.

So saṅghaṁ yāya āpattiyā nibbematiko, tassā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for probation for two months for the offense he’s sure of,

Tassa saṅgho tassā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto itarissāpi āpattiyā nibbematiko hoti.
While on probation, he becomes sure of the other offense too.

Tassa evaṁ hoti—
He considers all this

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;

ekāya āpattiyā nibbematiko, ekāya āpattiyā vematiko.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ yāya āpattiyā nibbematiko tassā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho tassā āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasanto itarissāpi āpattiyā nibbematiko.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.
and thinks, ‘Let me ask the Sangha for probation for two months for the other offense too.’

So saṅghaṁ itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks

Tassa saṅgho itarissāpi āpattiyā dvemāsappaṭicchannāya dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
and gets it.

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā tadupādāya dve māsā parivasitabbā.
Starting right there, that monk must stay on probation for two months.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;
“It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

ekā āpatti jānappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti ajānappaṭicchannā.
He’s aware he has concealed one offense, but not the other.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for probation for two months for both offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

Tassa parivasantassa añño bhikkhu āgacchati bahussuto āgatāgamo dhammadharo vinayadharo mātikādharo paṇḍito viyatto medhāvī lajjī kukkuccako sikkhākāmo.
While he’s on probation, another monk arrives. He’s learned, a master of the tradition; he’s an expert on the Teaching, the Monastic Law, and the Key Terms; he’s knowledgeable and competent, has a sense of conscience, and is afraid of wrongdoing and fond of the training.

So evaṁ vadeti—
He says,

‘kiṁ ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu āpanno?
‘What has this monk committed?

Kissāyaṁ bhikkhu parivasatī’ti?
Why is he on probation?’

Te evaṁ vadenti—
They tell him everything,

‘ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;

ekā āpatti jānappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti ajānappaṭicchannā.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tāyo ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu āpanno, tāsāyaṁ bhikkhu parivasatī’ti.

So evaṁ vadeti—
and he says,

‘yāyaṁ, āvuso, āpatti jānappaṭicchannā, dhammikaṁ tassā āpattiyā parivāsadānaṁ;
‘The giving of probation for the offense he’s aware of having concealed is legitimate,

dhammattā ruhati.
legal, and has effect.

Yā ca khvāyaṁ, āvuso, āpatti ajānappaṭicchannā, adhammikaṁ tassā āpattiyā parivāsadānaṁ;
The giving of probation for the offense he’s not aware of having concealed is illegitimate,

adhammattā na ruhati.
illegal, and has no effect.

Ekissā, āvuso, āpattiyā bhikkhu mānattāraho’ti.
For one offense he only deserves the trial period.’

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;
It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

ekā āpatti saramānappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti assaramānappaṭicchannā.
He remembers concealing one, but not the other.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for probation for two months for both offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

Tassa parivasantassa añño bhikkhu āgacchati bahussuto āgatāgamo dhammadharo vinayadharo mātikādharo paṇḍito viyatto medhāvī lajjī kukkuccako sikkhākāmo.
While he’s on probation, another monk arrives. He’s learned, a master of the tradition; he’s an expert on the Teaching, the Monastic Law, and the Key Terms; he’s knowledgeable and competent, has a sense of conscience, and is afraid of wrongdoing and fond of the training.

So evaṁ vadeti—
He says,

‘kiṁ ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu āpanno?
‘What has this monk committed?

Kissāyaṁ bhikkhu parivasatī’ti?
Why is he on probation?’

Te evaṁ vadenti—
They tell him everything,

‘ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;

ekā āpatti saramānappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti assaramānappaṭicchannā.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāci.

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tāyo ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu āpanno;

tāsāyaṁ bhikkhu parivasatī’ti.

So evaṁ vadeti—
and he says,

‘yāyaṁ, āvuso, āpatti saramānappaṭicchannā dhammikaṁ tassā āpattiyā parivāsadānaṁ;
‘The giving of probation for the offense he remembers concealing is legitimate,

dhammattā ruhati.
legal, and has effect.

Yā ca khvāyaṁ, āvuso, āpatti assaramānappaṭicchannā, adhammikaṁ tassā āpattiyā parivāsadānaṁ;
The giving of probation for the offense he doesn’t remember concealing is illegitimate,

adhammattā na ruhati.
illegal, and has no effect.

Ekissā, āvuso, āpattiyā bhikkhu mānattāraho’ti.
For one offense he only deserves the trial period.’

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;
It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

ekā āpatti nibbematikappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti vematikappaṭicchannā.
He’s sure of having concealed one, but unsure of the other.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for probation for two months for both offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

Tassa parivasantassa añño bhikkhu āgacchati bahussuto āgatāgamo dhammadharo vinayadharo mātikādharo paṇḍito viyatto medhāvī lajjī kukkuccako sikkhākāmo.
While he’s on probation, another monk arrives. He’s learned, a master of the tradition; he’s an expert on the Teaching, the Monastic Law, and the Key Terms; he’s knowledgeable and competent, has a sense of conscience, and is afraid of wrongdoing and fond of the training.

So evaṁ vadeti—
He says,

‘kiṁ ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu āpanno?
‘What has this monk committed?

Kissāyaṁ bhikkhu parivasatī’ti?
Why is he on probation?’

Te evaṁ vadenti—
They tell him everything,

‘ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;

ekā āpatti nibbematikappaṭicchannā, ekā āpatti vematikappaṭicchannā.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāci.

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tāyo ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu āpanno;

tāsāyaṁ bhikkhu parivasatī’ti.

So evaṁ vadeti—
and he says,

‘yāyaṁ, āvuso, āpatti nibbematikappaṭicchannā, dhammikaṁ tassā āpattiyā parivāsadānaṁ;
‘The giving of probation for the offense he’s sure of having concealed is legitimate,

dhammattā ruhati.
legal, and has effect.

Yā ca khvāyaṁ, āvuso, āpatti vematikappaṭicchannā adhammikaṁ tassā āpattiyā parivāsadānaṁ;
The giving of probation for the offense he’s unsure of having concealed is illegitimate,

adhammattā na ruhati.
illegal, and has no effect.

Ekissā, āvuso, āpattiyā bhikkhu mānattāraho’”ti.
For one offense he only deserves the trial period.’”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpanno hoti dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
At one time a monk committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Tassa etadahosi—
He thought,

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
“I’ve committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
Let me ask the Sangha for probation for one month for those offenses.”

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
and got it.

Tassa parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—
While on probation, he was overcome with guilt.

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
He considered all this

Tassa me etadahosi—

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
and thought, “Let me ask the Sangha for probation for an additional month for those two offenses.”

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks everything,

“ahaṁ kho, āvuso, dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Tassa me etadahosi—

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Tassa me etadahosi—

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”’ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—

‘yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
adding, “What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho tassa bhikkhuno dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should give that monk probation for an additional month for those two offenses concealed for two months.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, dātabbo—
And it should be given like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
That monk should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
‘Venerables, I had committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Tassa me etadahosi—
I thought,

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
“I’ve committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
Let me ask the Sangha for probation for one month for those offenses.”

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.
I asked

Tassa me saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
and got it.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—
While on probation, I was overcome with guilt.

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
I considered all this

Tassa me etadahosi—

ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—

“yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
and thought, “Let me ask the Sangha for probation for an additional month for those two offenses.”

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I now ask the Sangha for probation for an additional month for those two offenses.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbo.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbo.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
The monk so-and-so had committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Tassa etadahosi—
He thought,

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
“I’ve committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
Let me ask the Sangha for probation for one month for those offenses.”

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
and got it.

Tassa parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—
While on probation, he was overcome with guilt.

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
He considered all this

Tassa me etadahosi—

ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo—

“yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami.

“Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
and thought, “Let me ask the Sangha for probation for an additional month for those two offenses.”

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s now asking the Sangha for probation for an additional month for those two offenses.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him that probation.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
The monk so-and-so had committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Tassa etadahosi—
He thought,

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
“I’ve committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
Let me ask the Sangha for probation for one month for those offenses.”

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāci.
He asked

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.
and got it.

Tassa parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—
While on probation, he was overcome with guilt.

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
He considered all this

Tassa me etadahosi—

ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—

“yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
and thought, “Let me ask the Sangha for probation for an additional month for those two offenses.”

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s now asking the Sangha for probation for an additional month for those two offenses.

Saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that probation.

Yassāyasmato khamati itthannāmassa bhikkhuno dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him that probation should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Dinno saṅghena itthannāmassa bhikkhuno dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāso.
The Sangha has given monk so-and-so probation for an additional month for those two offenses, concealed for two months.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā purimaṁ upādāya dve māsā parivasitabbā.
Counting the previous month, that monk must stay on probation for two months.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
“It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Tassa evaṁ hoti—
He thinks,

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
‘I’ve committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.
Let me ask the Sangha for probation for one month for those offenses.’

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
and gets it.

Tassa parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—
While on probation, he’s overcome with guilt.

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.
He considers all this

Tassa me etadahosi—

“ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ ekamāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tassa me parivasantassa lajjīdhammo okkami—

“Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yāceyyan”ti.
and thinks, ‘Let me ask the Sangha for probation for an additional month for those two offenses.’

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ deti.
and gets it.

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā purimaṁ upādāya dve māsā parivasitabbā.
Counting the previous month, that monk must stay on probation for two months.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;
It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

ekaṁ māsaṁ jānāti, ekaṁ māsaṁ na jānāti.
He’s aware of one month, but not the other.

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ yaṁ māsaṁ jānāti taṁ māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for one month probation for the month he’s aware of,

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ yaṁ māsaṁ jānāti taṁ māsaṁ parivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto itarampi māsaṁ jānāti.
While on probation, he finds out about the other month.

Tassa evaṁ hoti—
He considers all of this

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;

ekaṁ māsaṁ jāniṁ, ekaṁ māsaṁ na jāniṁ.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ yaṁ māsaṁ jāniṁ taṁ māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ yaṁ māsaṁ jāniṁ taṁ māsaṁ parivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasanto itarampi māsaṁ jānāmi.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.
and thinks, ‘Let me ask the Sangha for probation for an additional month for those two offenses.’

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ deti.
and gets it.

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā purimaṁ upādāya dve māsā parivasitabbā.
Counting the previous month, that monk must stay on probation for two months.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;
It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

ekaṁ māsaṁ sarati, ekaṁ māsaṁ nassarati.
He remembers one month, but not the other.

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ yaṁ māsaṁ sarati taṁ māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for one month probation for the month he remembers,

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ yaṁ māsaṁ sarati taṁ māsaṁ parivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto itarampi māsaṁ sarati.
While on probation, he remembers the other month.

Tassa evaṁ hoti—
He considers all of this

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;

ekaṁ māsaṁ sariṁ, ekaṁ māsaṁ nassariṁ.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ yaṁ māsaṁ sariṁ taṁ māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ yaṁ māsaṁ sariṁ taṁ māsaṁ parivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasanto itarampi māsaṁ sarāmi.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.
and thinks, ‘Let me ask the Sangha for probation for an additional month for those two offenses.’

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ deti.
and gets it.

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā purimaṁ upādāya dve māsā parivasitabbā.
Counting the previous month, that monk must stay on probation for two months.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;
It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

ekaṁ māsaṁ nibbematiko, ekaṁ māsaṁ vematiko.
He’s sure of one month, but unsure of the other.

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ yaṁ māsaṁ nibbematiko taṁ māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for one month probation for the month he’s sure of,

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ yaṁ māsaṁ nibbematiko taṁ māsaṁ parivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto itarampi māsaṁ nibbematiko hoti.
While on probation, he becomes sure of the other month.

Tassa evaṁ hoti—
He considers all this

‘ahaṁ kho dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;

ekaṁ māsaṁ nibbematiko, ekaṁ māsaṁ vematiko.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ yaṁ māsaṁ nibbematiko taṁ māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchānnānaṁ yaṁ māsaṁ nibbematiko taṁ māsaṁ parivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasanto itarampi māsaṁ nibbematiko.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yāceyyan’ti.
and thinks, ‘Let me ask the Sangha for probation for an additional month for those two offenses.’

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ itarampi māsaṁ parivāsaṁ deti.
and gets it.

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā purimaṁ upādāya dve māsā parivasitabbā.
Counting the previous month, that monk must stay on probation for two months.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;
“It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

eko māso jānappaṭicchanno, eko māso ajānappaṭicchanno.
He’s aware of having concealed for one month, but not for the other.

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for probation for two months for both offenses,

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

Tassa parivasantassa añño bhikkhu āgacchati bahussuto āgatāgamo dhammadharo vinayadharo mātikādharo paṇḍito viyatto medhāvī lajjī kukkuccako sikkhākāmo.
While he’s on probation, another monk arrives. He’s learned, a master of the tradition; he’s an expert on the Teaching, the Monastic Law, and the Key Terms; he’s knowledgeable and competent, has a sense of conscience, and is afraid of wrongdoing and fond of the training.

So evaṁ vadeti—
He says,

‘kiṁ ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu āpanno?
‘What has this monk committed?

Kissāyaṁ bhikkhu parivasatī’ti?
Why is he on probation?’

Te evaṁ vadenti—
They tell him everything,

‘ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo.

Eko māso jānappaṭicchanno, eko māso ajānappaṭicchanno.

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāci.

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tāyo ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu āpanno tāsāyaṁ bhikkhu parivasatī’ti.

So evaṁ vadeti—
and he says,

‘yvāyaṁ, āvuso, māso jānappaṭicchanno dhammikaṁ tassa māsassa parivāsadānaṁ;
‘The giving of probation for the month he’s aware of having concealed is legitimate,

dhammattā ruhati.
legal, and has effect.

Yo ca khvāyaṁ, āvuso, māso ajānappaṭicchanno adhammikaṁ tassa māsassa parivāsadānaṁ;
The giving of probation for the month he’s not aware of having concealed is illegitimate,

adhammattā na ruhati.
illegal, and has no effect.

Ekassa, āvuso, māsassa bhikkhu mānattāraho’ti.
For one month he only deserves the trial period.’

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;
It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

eko māso saramānappaṭicchanno, eko māso assaramānappaṭicchanno.
He remembers concealing for one month, but not for the other.

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for probation for two months for both offenses,

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

Tassa parivasantassa añño bhikkhu āgacchati bahussuto āgatāgamo dhammadharo vinayadharo mātikādharo paṇḍito viyatto medhāvī lajjī kukkuccako sikkhākāmo.
While he’s on probation, another monk arrives. He’s learned, a master of the tradition; he’s an expert on the Teaching, the Monastic Law, and the Key Terms; he’s knowledgeable and competent, has a sense of conscience, and is afraid of wrongdoing and fond of the training.

So evaṁ vadeti—
He says,

‘kiṁ ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu āpanno?
‘What has this monk committed?

Kissāyaṁ bhikkhu parivasatī’ti?
Why is he on probation?’

Te evaṁ vadenti—
They tell him everything,

‘ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;

eko māso saramānappaṭicchanno, eko māso assaramānappaṭicchanno.

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāci.

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tāyo ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu āpanno tāsāyaṁ bhikkhu parivasatī’ti.

So evaṁ vadeti—
and he says,

‘yvāyaṁ, āvuso, māso saramānappaṭicchanno dhammikaṁ tassa māsassa parivāsadānaṁ;
‘The giving of probation for the month he remembers concealing is legitimate,

dhammattā ruhati.
legal, and has effect.

Yo ca khvāyaṁ, āvuso, māso assaramānappaṭicchanno adhammikaṁ tassa māsassa parivāsadānaṁ;
The giving of probation for the month he doesn’t remember concealing is illegitimate,

adhammattā na ruhati.
illegal, and has no effect.

Ekassa, āvuso, māsassa bhikkhu mānattāraho’ti.
For one month he only deserves the trial period.’

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;
It may be that a monk has committed two offenses entailing suspension, both concealed for two months.

eko māso nibbematikappaṭicchanno, eko māso vematikappaṭicchanno.
He’s sure of having concealed for one month, but unsure of the other.

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for probation for two months for both offenses,

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

Tassa parivasantassa añño bhikkhu āgacchati bahussuto āgatāgamo dhammadharo vinayadharo mātikādharo paṇḍito viyatto medhāvī lajjī kukkuccako sikkhākāmo.
While he’s on probation, another monk arrives. He’s learned, a master of the tradition; he’s an expert on the Teaching, the Monastic Law, and the Key Terms; he’s knowledgeable and competent, has a sense of conscience, and is afraid of wrongdoing and fond of the training.

So evaṁ vadeti—
He says,

‘kiṁ ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu āpanno?
‘What has this monk committed?

Kissāyaṁ bhikkhu parivasatī’ti?
Why is he on probation?’

Te evaṁ vadenti—
They tell him everything,

‘ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu dve saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji dvemāsappaṭicchannāyo;

eko māso nibbematikappaṭicchanno, eko māso vematikappaṭicchanno.

So saṅghaṁ dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ yāci.

Tassa saṅgho dvinnaṁ āpattīnaṁ dvemāsappaṭicchannānaṁ dvemāsaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Tāyo ayaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu āpanno tāsāyaṁ bhikkhu parivasatī’ti.

So evaṁ vadeti—
and he says,

‘yvāyaṁ, āvuso, māso nibbematikappaṭicchanno dhammikaṁ tassa māsassa parivāsadānaṁ;
‘The giving of probation for the month he’s sure of having concealed is legitimate,

dhammattā ruhati.
legal, and has effect.

Yo ca khvāyaṁ, āvuso, māso vematikappaṭicchanno adhammikaṁ tassa māsassa parivāsadānaṁ;
The giving of probation for the month he’s unsure of having concealed is illegitimate,

adhammattā na ruhati.
illegal, and has no effect.

Ekassa, āvuso, māsassa bhikkhu mānattāraho’”ti.
For one month he only deserves the trial period.’”

2.5. Suddhantaparivāsa
2.5 Purifying probation

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpanno hoti.
At one time a monk had committed a number of offenses entailing suspension.

So āpattipariyantaṁ na jānāti;
He did not know the number of offenses

rattipariyantaṁ na jānāti;
or the number of days;

āpattipariyantaṁ nassarati, rattipariyantaṁ nassarati;
he did not remember the number of offenses or the number of days;

āpattipariyante vematiko, rattipariyante vematiko.
he was unsure of the number of offenses and the number of days.

So bhikkhūnaṁ ārocesi—
He told the monks about this,

“ahaṁ, āvuso, sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ;

āpattipariyantaṁ na jānāmi, rattipariyantaṁ na jānāmi;

āpattipariyantaṁ nassarāmi, rattipariyantaṁ nassarāmi;

āpattipariyante vematiko, rattipariyante vematiko.

Kathaṁ nu kho mayā paṭipajjitabban”ti?
adding, “What should I do now?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saṅgho tassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ suddhantaparivāsaṁ detu.
“Well then, the Sangha should give that monk a purifying probation for those offenses.

Evañca pana, bhikkhave, dātabbo—
And it should be given like this.

Tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā …pe…
That monk should approach the Sangha, arrange his upper robe over one shoulder, pay respect at the feet of the senior monks, squat on his heels, raise his joined palms,

evamassa vacanīyo—
and say:

‘ahaṁ, bhante, sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ.
‘Venerables, I’ve committed a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Āpattipariyantaṁ na jānāmi, rattipariyantaṁ na jānāmi;
I don’t know the number of offenses or the number of days;

āpattipariyantaṁ nassarāmi, rattipariyantaṁ nassarāmi;
I don’t remember the number of offenses or the number of days;

āpattipariyante vematiko, rattipariyante vematiko.
I’m unsure of the number of offenses and the number of days.

Sohaṁ, bhante, saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ suddhantaparivāsaṁ yācāmī’ti.
I ask the Sangha for a purifying probation for those offenses.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbo.
And he should ask a second

Tatiyampi yācitabbo.
and a third time.

Byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo—
A competent and capable monk should then inform the Sangha:

‘Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
‘Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji.
The monk so-and-so has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Āpattipariyantaṁ na jānāti, rattipariyantaṁ na jānāti;
He doesn’t know the number of offenses or the number of days;

āpattipariyantaṁ nassarati, rattipariyantaṁ nassarati;
he doesn’t remember the number of offenses or the number of days;

āpattipariyante vematiko, rattipariyante vematiko.
he’s unsure of the number of offenses and the number of days.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ suddhantaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for a purifying probation for those offenses.

Yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ, saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ suddhantaparivāsaṁ dadeyya.
If the Sangha is ready, it should give him a that purifying probation.

Esā ñatti.
This is the motion.

Suṇātu me, bhante, saṅgho.
Please, Venerables, I ask the Sangha to listen.

Ayaṁ itthannāmo bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajji.
The monk so-and-so has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Āpattipariyantaṁ na jānāti, rattipariyantaṁ na jānāti;
He doesn’t know the number of offenses or the number of days;

āpattipariyantaṁ nassarati, rattipariyantaṁ nassarati;
he doesn’t remember the number of offenses or the number of days;

āpattipariyante vematiko, rattipariyante vematiko.
he’s unsure of the number of offenses and the number of days.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ suddhantaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He’s asking the Sangha for purifying probation for those offenses.

Saṅgho itthannāmassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ suddhantaparivāsaṁ deti.
The Sangha gives him that purifying probation.

Yassāyasmato khamati itthannāmassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ suddhantaparivāsassa dānaṁ, so tuṇhassa;
Any monk who approves of giving him that purifying probation should remain silent.

yassa nakkhamati, so bhāseyya.
Any monk who doesn’t approve should speak up.

Dutiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe…
For the second time I speak on this matter. …

tatiyampi etamatthaṁ vadāmi …pe….
For the third time I speak on this matter. …

Dinno saṅghena itthannāmassa bhikkhuno tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ suddhantaparivāso.
The Sangha has given monk so-and-so a purifying probation for those offenses.

Khamati saṅghassa, tasmā tuṇhī, evametaṁ dhārayāmī’ti.
The Sangha approves and is therefore silent. I’ll remember it thus.’

Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, suddhantaparivāso dātabbo;

evaṁ parivāso dātabbo.

Kathañca, bhikkhave, suddhantaparivāso dātabbo?
“When should purifying probation be given?

Āpattipariyantaṁ na jānāti, rattipariyantaṁ na jānāti;
It should be given: when one doesn’t know the number of offenses, nor the number of days;

āpattipariyantaṁ nassarati, rattipariyantaṁ nassarati;
when one doesn’t remember the number of offenses, nor the number of days;

āpattipariyante vematiko, rattipariyante vematiko—
when one is unsure of the number of offenses and the number of days.

suddhantaparivāso dātabbo.

Āpattipariyantaṁ jānāti, rattipariyantaṁ na jānāti;
It should be given: when one knows the number of offenses, but not the number of days;

āpattipariyantaṁ sarati, rattipariyantaṁ nassarati;
when one remembers the number of offenses, but not the number of days;

āpattipariyante nibbematiko, rattipariyante vematiko—
when one is sure of the number of offenses, but not the number of days.

suddhantaparivāso dātabbo.

Āpattipariyantaṁ ekaccaṁ jānāti, ekaccaṁ na jānāti, rattipariyantaṁ na jānāti;
It should be given: when one knows some of the offenses but not others, and not the number of days;

āpattipariyantaṁ ekaccaṁ sarati, ekaccaṁ nassarati, rattipariyantaṁ nassarati;
when one remembers some of the offenses but not others, and not the number of days;

āpattipariyante ekacce vematiko, ekacce nibbematiko, rattipariyante vematiko—
when one is sure of some of the offenses but not others, and not the number of days.

suddhantaparivāso dātabbo.

Āpattipariyantaṁ na jānāti, rattipariyantaṁ ekaccaṁ jānāti, ekaccaṁ na jānāti;
It should be given: when one doesn’t know the number of offenses, but one knows some of the days but not others;

āpattipariyantaṁ nassarati, rattipariyantaṁ ekaccaṁ sarati, ekaccaṁ nassarati;
when one doesn’t remember the number of offenses, but one remembers some of the days but not others;

āpattipariyante vematiko, rattipariyante ekacce vematiko, ekacce nibbematiko—
when one is unsure of the number of offenses, but one is sure of some of the days but not others.

suddhantaparivāso dātabbo.

Āpattipariyantaṁ jānāti, rattipariyantaṁ ekaccaṁ jānāti, ekaccaṁ na jānāti;
It should be given: when one knows the number of offenses, and one knows some of the days but not others;

āpattipariyantaṁ sarati, rattipariyantaṁ ekaccaṁ sarati, ekaccaṁ nassarati;
when one remembers the number of offenses, and one remembers some of the days but not others;

āpattipariyante nibbematiko, rattipariyante ekacce vematiko, ekacce nibbematiko—
when one is sure of the number of offenses, and one is sure of some of the days but not others.

suddhantaparivāso dātabbo.

Āpattipariyantaṁ ekaccaṁ jānāti, ekaccaṁ na jānāti;
It should be given: when one knows some of the offenses but not others,

rattipariyantaṁ ekaccaṁ jānāti, ekaccaṁ na jānāti;
and one knows some of the days but not others;

āpattipariyantaṁ ekaccaṁ sarati, ekaccaṁ nassarati;
when one remembers some of the offenses but not others,

rattipariyantaṁ ekaccaṁ sarati, ekaccaṁ nassarati;
and one remembers some of the days but not others;

āpattipariyante ekacce vematiko, ekacce nibbematiko;
when one is sure of some of the offenses but not others,

rattipariyante ekacce vematiko, ekacce nibbematiko—
and one is sure of some of the days but not others.”

suddhantaparivāso dātabbo.

Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, suddhantaparivāso dātabbo.

Kathañca, bhikkhave, parivāso dātabbo?
“When should probation be given?

Āpattipariyantaṁ jānāti, rattipariyantaṁ jānāti;
It should be given: when one knows the number of offenses and the number of days;

āpattipariyantaṁ sarati, rattipariyantaṁ sarati;
when one remembers the number of offenses and the number of days;

āpattipariyante nibbematiko, rattipariyante nibbematiko—
when one is sure of the number of offenses and the number of days.

parivāso dātabbo.

Āpattipariyantaṁ na jānāti, rattipariyantaṁ jānāti;
It should be given: when one doesn’t know the number of offenses, but one knows the number of days;

āpattipariyantaṁ nassarati, rattipariyantaṁ sarati,
when one doesn’t remember the number of offenses, but one remembers the number of days;

āpattipariyante vematiko, rattipariyante nibbematiko—
when one is unsure of the number of offenses, but sure of the number of days.

parivāso dātabbo.

Āpattipariyantaṁ ekaccaṁ jānāti, ekaccaṁ na jānāti, rattipariyantaṁ jānāti;
It should be given: when one knows some of the offenses but not others, and one knows the number of days;

āpattipariyantaṁ ekaccaṁ sarati, ekaccaṁ nassarati, rattipariyantaṁ sarati;
when one remembers some of the offenses but not others, and one remembers the number of days;

āpattipariyante ekacce vematiko, ekacce nibbematiko, rattipariyante nibbematiko—
when one is sure of some of the offenses but not others, and one is sure of the number of days.”

parivāso dātabbo.

Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, parivāso dātabbo”.

Parivāso niṭṭhito.
The section on probation is finished.

3. Cattālīsaka
3. The group of forty

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu parivasanto vibbhami.
At one time a monk on probation disrobed.

So puna paccāgantvā bhikkhū upasampadaṁ yāci.
He then came back and asked the monks for the full ordination.

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto vibbhamati.
“It may be, monks, that a monk on probation disrobes.

Vibbhantakassa, bhikkhave, parivāso na ruhati.
For one who’s disrobed, the probation is suspended.

So ce puna upasampajjati, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he’s given the full ordination again, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho, avaseso parivasitabbo.
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s already undertaken is valid. And the remainder is to be undertaken.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto sāmaṇero hoti.
It may be that a monk on probation becomes a novice monk.

Sāmaṇerassa, bhikkhave, parivāso na ruhati.
For a novice monk, the probation is suspended.

So ce puna upasampajjati, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he’s given the full ordination again, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho, avaseso parivasitabbo.
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s already undertaken is valid. And the remainder is to be undertaken.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto ummattako hoti.
It may be that a monk on probation goes insane.

Ummattakassa, bhikkhave, parivāso na ruhati.
For one who’s insane, the probation is suspended.

So ce puna anummattako hoti, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he regains his sanity, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho, avaseso parivasitabbo.
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s already undertaken is valid. And the remainder is to be undertaken.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto khittacitto hoti.
It may be that a monk on probation becomes deranged.

Khittacittassa, bhikkhave, parivāso na ruhati.
For one who’s deranged, the probation is suspended.

So ce puna akhittacitto hoti, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he regains his sanity, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho, avaseso parivasitabbo.
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s already undertaken is valid. And the remainder is to be undertaken.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto vedanāṭṭo hoti.
It may be that a monk on probation is overwhelmed by pain.

Vedanāṭṭassa, bhikkhave, parivāso na ruhati.
For one who’s overwhelmed by pain, the probation is suspended.

So ce puna avedanāṭṭo hoti, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he recovers, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho, avaseso parivasitabbo.
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s already undertaken is valid. And the remainder is to be undertaken.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto, āpattiyā adassane, ukkhipiyyati.
It may be that a monk on probation is ejected for not recognizing an offense.

Ukkhittakassa, bhikkhave, parivāso na ruhati.
For one who’s ejected, the probation is suspended.

So ce puna osāriyyati, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he’s readmitted, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho, avaseso parivasitabbo.
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s already undertaken is valid. And the remainder is to be undertaken.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto, āpattiyā appaṭikamme, ukkhipiyyati.
It may be that a monk on probation is ejected for not making amends for an offense.

Ukkhittakassa, bhikkhave, parivāso na ruhati.
For one who’s ejected, the probation is suspended.

So ce puna osāriyyati, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he’s readmitted, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho, avaseso parivasitabbo.
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s already undertaken is valid. And the remainder is to be undertaken.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto, pāpikāya diṭṭhiyā, appaṭinissagge, ukkhipiyyati.
It may be that a monk on probation is ejected for not giving up a bad view.

Ukkhittakassa, bhikkhave, parivāso na ruhati.
For one who’s ejected, the probation is suspended.

So ce puna osāriyyati, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he’s readmitted, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho, avaseso parivasitabbo.
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s already undertaken is valid. And the remainder is to be undertaken.”

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu mūlāyapaṭikassanāraho vibbhamati.
“It may be that a monk deserving to be sent back to the beginning disrobes.

Vibbhantakassa, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanā na ruhati.
For one who’s disrobed, the sending back to the beginning is suspended.

So ce puna upasampajjati, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he’s given the full ordination again, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho.
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s already undertaken is valid.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
And he’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu mūlāyapaṭikassanāraho sāmaṇero hoti …pe…
It may be that a monk deserving to be sent back to the beginning becomes a novice monk,

ummattako hoti …pe…
goes insane,

khittacitto hoti …pe…
becomes deranged,

vedanāṭṭo hoti …pe…
is overwhelmed by pain,

āpattiyā adassane ukkhipiyyati …pe…
is ejected for not recognizing an offense,

āpattiyā appaṭikamme ukkhipiyyati …pe…
is ejected for not making amends for an offense,

pāpikāya diṭṭhiyā, appaṭinissagge, ukkhipiyyati.
or is ejected for not giving up a bad view.

Ukkhittakassa, bhikkhave, mūlāyapaṭikassanā na ruhati.
For one who’s ejected, the sending back to the beginning is suspended.

So ce puna osāriyyati, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he’s readmitted, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho.
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s already undertaken is valid.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
And he’s to be sent back to the beginning.”

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu mānattāraho vibbhamati.
“It may be that a monk deserving the trial period disrobes.

Vibbhantakassa, bhikkhave, mānattadānaṁ na ruhati.
For one who’s disrobed, the giving of the trial period is suspended.

So ce puna upasampajjati, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he’s given the full ordination again, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho.
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s undertaken is valid.

Tassa bhikkhuno mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
And he’s to be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu mānattāraho sāmaṇero hoti …pe…
It may be that a monk deserving the trial period becomes a novice monk,

ummattako hoti …pe…
goes insane,

khittacitto hoti …pe…
becomes deranged,

vedanāṭṭo hoti …pe…
is overwhelmed by pain,

āpattiyā adassane, ukkhipiyyati …pe…
is ejected for not recognizing an offense,

āpattiyā appaṭikamme, ukkhipiyyati …pe…
is ejected for not making amends for an offense,

pāpikāya diṭṭhiyā, appaṭinissagge, ukkhipiyyati.
or is ejected for not giving up a bad view.

Ukkhittakassa, bhikkhave, mānattadānaṁ na ruhati.
For one who’s ejected, the giving of the trial period is suspended.

So ce puna osāriyyati, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he’s readmitted, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho.
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s undertaken is valid.

Tassa bhikkhuno mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
And he’s to be given the trial period.”

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu mānattaṁ caranto vibbhamati.
“It may be that a monk undertaking the trial period disrobes.

Vibbhantakassa, bhikkhave, mānattacariyā na ruhati.
For one who’s disrobed, the trial period is suspended.

So ce puna upasampajjati tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he’s given the full ordination again, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho;
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s undertaken is valid.

yaṁ mānattaṁ dinnaṁ sudinnaṁ, yaṁ mānattaṁ ciṇṇaṁ suciṇṇaṁ, avasesaṁ caritabbaṁ.
The trial period that was given is valid. The trial period he’s already undertaken is valid. And the remainder is to be undertaken.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu mānattaṁ caranto sāmaṇero hoti …pe…
It may be that a monk undertaking the trial period becomes a novice monk,

ummattako hoti …pe…
goes insane,

khittacitto hoti …pe…
becomes deranged,

vedanāṭṭo hoti …pe…
is overwhelmed by pain,

āpattiyā adassane, ukkhipiyyati …pe…
is ejected for not recognizing an offense,

āpattiyā appaṭikamme, ukkhipiyyati …pe…
is ejected for not making amends for an offense,

pāpikāya diṭṭhiyā, appaṭinissagge, ukkhipiyyati.
or is ejected for not giving up a bad view.

Ukkhittakassa, bhikkhave, mānattacariyā na ruhati.
For one who’s ejected, the trial period is suspended.

So ce puna osāriyyati, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he’s readmitted, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo purivuttho suparivuttho;
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s undertaken is valid.

yaṁ mānattaṁ dinnaṁ sudinnaṁ, yaṁ mānattaṁ ciṇṇaṁ suciṇṇaṁ, avasesaṁ caritabbaṁ.
The trial period that was given is valid. The trial period he’s undertaken is valid. And the remainder is to be undertaken.”

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu abbhānāraho vibbhamati.
“It may be that a monk deserving rehabilitation disrobes.

Vibbhantakassa, bhikkhave, abbhānaṁ na ruhati.
For one who’s disrobed, the rehabilitation is suspended.

So ce puna upasampajjati, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he’s given the full ordination again, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho;
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s undertaken is valid.

yaṁ mānattaṁ dinnaṁ sudinnaṁ, yaṁ mānattaṁ ciṇṇaṁ suciṇṇaṁ.
The trial period that was given is valid. The trial period he’s undertaken is valid.

So bhikkhu abbhetabbo.
And he’s to be rehabilitated.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu abbhānāraho sāmaṇero hoti …pe…
It may be that a monk deserving rehabilitation becomes a novice monk,

ummattako hoti …pe…
goes insane,

khittacitto hoti …pe…
becomes deranged,

vedanāṭṭo hoti …pe…
is overwhelmed by pain,

āpattiyā adassane, ukkhipiyyati …pe…
is ejected for not recognizing an offense,

āpattiyā appaṭikamme, ukkhipiyyati …pe…
is ejected for not making amends for an offense,

pāpikāya diṭṭhiyā, appaṭinissagge, ukkhipiyyati.
or is ejected for not giving up a bad view.

Ukkhittakassa, bhikkhave, abbhānaṁ na ruhati.
For one who’s ejected, the rehabilitation is suspended.

So ce puna osāriyyati, tassa tadeva purimaṁ parivāsadānaṁ.
If he’s readmitted, he continues the previous probationary process right away.

Yo parivāso dinno sudinno, yo parivuttho suparivuttho;
The probation that was given is valid. The probation he’s undertaken is valid.

yaṁ mānattaṁ dinnaṁ sudinnaṁ, yaṁ mānattaṁ ciṇṇaṁ suciṇṇaṁ.
The trial period that was given is valid. The trial period he’s undertaken is valid.

So bhikkhu abbhetabbo.
And he’s to be rehabilitated.”

Cattālīsakaṁ samattaṁ.
The group of forty is finished.

4. Chattiṁsaka
4. The group of thirty-six

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇā appaṭicchannāyo.
“It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, unconcealed and specified.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇā paṭicchannāyo.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, concealed and specified.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He should then be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offense.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇā paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, both concealed and unconcealed and specified.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He should then be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offense.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati aparimāṇā appaṭicchannāyo …pe…
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, unconcealed and unspecified …

aparimāṇā paṭicchannāyo …pe…
concealed and unspecified …

aparimāṇā paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi …pe…
both concealed and unconcealed and unspecified …

parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi appaṭicchannāyo …pe…
unconcealed and both specified and unspecified …

parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyo …pe…
concealed and both specified and unspecified …

parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
both concealed and unconcealed and both specified and unspecified.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He should then be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offense.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu mānattāraho …pe…
It may be that a monk who deserves the trial period …

mānattaṁ caranto …pe…
who’s undertaking the trial period …

(yathāparivāsaṁ tathā vitthāretabbaṁ)
(to be expanded as for probation) …

abbhānāraho antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā, āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇā appaṭicchannāyo …pe…
who deserves rehabilitation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, unconcealed and specified …

parimāṇā paṭicchannāyo …pe…
concealed and specified …

parimāṇā paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi …pe…
both concealed and unconcealed and specified …

aparimāṇā appaṭicchannāyo …pe…
unconcealed and unspecified …

aparimāṇā paṭicchannāyo …pe…
concealed and unspecified …

aparimāṇā paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi …pe…
both concealed and unconcealed and unspecified …

parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi appaṭicchannāyo …pe…
unconcealed and both specified and unspecified …

parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyo …pe…
concealed and both specified and unspecified …

parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
both concealed and unconcealed and both specified and unspecified.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He should then be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offense.”

Chattiṁsakaṁ samattaṁ.
The group of thirty-six is finished.

5. Mānattasata
5. The group of one hundred on the trial period

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjitvā appaṭicchādetvā vibbhamati.
“It may be that a monk commits a number of unconcealed offenses entailing suspension and then disrobes.

So puna upasampanno tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
Being reordained, he doesn’t conceal them.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjitvā appaṭicchādetvā vibbhamati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of unconcealed offenses entailing suspension and then disrobes.

So puna upasampanno tā āpattiyo chādeti.
Being reordained, he conceals them.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pacchimasmiṁ āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjitvā paṭicchādetvā vibbhamati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of concealed offenses entailing suspension and then disrobes.

So puna upasampanno tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
Being reordained, he doesn’t conceal them.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiṁ āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjitvā paṭicchādetvā vibbhamati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of concealed offenses entailing suspension and then disrobes.

So puna upasampanno tā āpattiyo chādeti.
Being reordained, he conceals them.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
“It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension,

Tassa honti āpattiyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
both concealed and unconcealed,

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nacchādeti;
and then disrobes. Being reordained, he doesn’t conceal any of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nacchādeti.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiṁ āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension,

Tassa honti āpattiyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
both concealed and unconcealed,

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nacchādeti;
and then disrobes. Being reordained, he doesn’t conceal those offenses he previously concealed,

yā āpattiyo pubbe nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā chādeti.
but conceals those offenses he previously didn’t conceal.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension,

Tassa honti āpattiyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
both concealed and unconcealed,

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā chādeti;
and then disrobes. Being reordained, he conceals those offenses he previously concealed,

yā āpattiyo pubbe nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nacchādeti.
but doesn’t conceal those offenses he previously didn’t conceal.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension,

Tassa honti āpattiyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
both concealed and unconcealed,

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā chādeti;
and then disrobes. Being reordained, he conceals all of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā chādeti.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
“It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo jānāti, ekaccā āpattiyo na jānāti.
He’s aware of some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo jānāti tā āpattiyo chādeti.
He conceals the offenses he’s aware of,

Yā āpattiyo na jānāti tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s not aware of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe jānitvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā nacchādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having found out about all of them, he conceals none of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe ajānitvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā nacchādeti.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiṁ āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo jānāti, ekaccā āpattiyo na jānāti.
He’s aware of some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo jānāti tā āpattiyo chādeti.
He conceals the offenses he’s aware of,

Yā āpattiyo na jānāti tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s not aware of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe jānitvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā nacchādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having found out about all of them, he doesn’t conceal those offenses he was previously aware of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe ajānitvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā chādeti.
but conceals those he wasn’t aware of.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo jānāti, ekaccā āpattiyo na jānāti.
He’s aware of some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo jānāti tā āpattiyo chādeti.
He conceals the offenses he’s aware of,

Yā āpattiyo na jānāti tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s not aware of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe jānitvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā chādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having found out about all of them, he conceals those offenses he was previously aware of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe ajānitvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā nacchādeti.
but not those he wasn’t aware of.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo jānāti, ekaccā āpattiyo na jānāti.
He’s aware of some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo jānāti tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s aware of,

yā āpattiyo na jānāti tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s not aware of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe jānitvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā chādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having found out about all of them, he conceals all of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe ajānitvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā chādeti.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
“It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo sarati, ekaccā āpattiyo nassarati.
He remembers some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo sarati tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he remembers,

yā āpattiyo nassarati tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he doesn’t remember.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe saritvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā nacchādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having remembered all of them, he conceals none of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe assaritvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā nacchādeti.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiṁ āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo sarati, ekaccā āpattiyo nassarati.
He remembers some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo sarati tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he remembers,

yā āpattiyo nassarati tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he doesn’t remember.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe saritvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā nacchādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having remembered all of them, he doesn’t conceal those offenses he previously remembered,

yā āpattiyo pubbe assaritvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā chādeti.
but conceals those he didn’t remember.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo sarati, ekaccā āpattiyo nassarati.
He remembers some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo sarati tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he remembers,

yā āpattiyo nassarati tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he doesn’t remember.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe saritvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā chādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having remembered all of them, he conceals those offenses he previously remembered,

yā āpattiyo pubbe assaritvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā nacchādeti.
but not those he didn’t remember.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo sarati, ekaccā āpattiyo nassarati.
He remembers some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo sarati tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he remembers,

yā āpattiyo nassarati tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he doesn’t remember.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe saritvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā chādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having remembered all of them, he conceals all of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe assaritvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā chādeti.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
“It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko, ekaccāsu āpattīsu vematiko.
He’s sure of some of them, but unsure of others.

Yāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s sure of,

yāsu āpattīsu vematiko tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s unsure of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having become sure of all of them, he conceals none of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiṁ āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko, ekaccāsu āpattīsu vematiko.
He’s sure of some of them, but unsure of others.

Yāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s sure of,

yāsu āpattīsu vematiko tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s unsure of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having become sure of all of them, he doesn’t conceal those offenses he was previously sure of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti.
but conceals those he was unsure of.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko, ekaccāsu āpattīsu vematiko.
He’s sure of some of them, but unsure of others.

Yāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s sure of,

yāsu āpattīsu vematiko tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s unsure of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having become sure of all of them, he conceals those offenses he was previously sure of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti.
but not those he was unsure of.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko, ekaccāsu āpattīsu vematiko.
He’s sure of some of them, but unsure of others.

Yāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s sure of,

yāsu āpattīsu vematiko tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s unsure of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having become sure of all of them, he conceals all of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjitvā appaṭicchādetvā sāmaṇero hoti …pe…
“It may be that a monk commits a number of unconcealed offenses entailing suspension and then becomes a novice monk …

ummattako hoti …pe…
goes insane …

khittacitto hoti …pe…
becomes deranged …

(yathā heṭṭhā tathā vitthāretabbaṁ)
(to be expanded as above) …

vedanāṭṭo hoti …pe…
is overwhelmed by pain …

tassa honti āpattiyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi …pe…
both concealed and unconcealed …

ekaccā āpattiyo jānāti, ekaccā āpattiyo na jānāti …pe…
he’s aware of some of them, but not others …

ekaccā āpattiyo sarati, ekaccā āpattiyo nassarati …pe…
he remembers some of them, but not others …

ekaccāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko, ekaccāsu āpattīsu vematiko.
he’s sure of some of them, but unsure of others.

Yāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s sure of,

yāsu āpattīsu vematiko tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s unsure of.

So vedanāṭṭo hoti.
He then becomes overwhelmed by pain.

So puna avedanāṭṭo hutvā yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti;
Having recovered and having become sure of all of them, he conceals none of them. …

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti …pe…

yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti;
having become sure of all of them, he doesn’t conceal those offenses he was previously sure of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti …pe…
but conceals those he was unsure of. …

yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti;
having become sure of all of them, he conceals those offenses he was previously sure of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti …pe…
but not those he was unsure of. …

yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti;
having become sure of all of them, he conceals all of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti.

Tassa, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno purimasmiñca pacchimasmiñca āpattikkhandhe yathāpaṭicchanne parivāsaṁ datvā mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of the earlier and subsequent concealment of those offenses, and he should then be given the trial period.”

Mānattasataṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The group of one hundred on the trial period is finished.

6. Samūlāyasamodhānaparivāsacatussata
6. The group of four hundred on simultaneous probation with sending back to the beginning

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjitvā appaṭicchādetvā vibbhamati.
“It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of unconcealed offenses entailing suspension and then disrobes.

So puna upasampanno tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
Being reordained, he doesn’t conceal those offenses.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjitvā appaṭicchādetvā vibbhamati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of unconcealed offenses entailing suspension and then disrobes.

So puna upasampanno tā āpattiyo chādeti.
Being reordained, he conceals those offenses.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjitvā paṭicchādetvā vibbhamati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of concealed offenses entailing suspension and then disrobes.

So puna upasampanno tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
Being reordained, he doesn’t conceal those offenses.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjitvā paṭicchādetvā vibbhamati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of concealed offenses entailing suspension and then disrobes.

So puna upasampanno tā āpattiyo chādeti.
Being reordained, he conceals those offenses.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
“It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension,

Tassa honti āpattiyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
both concealed and unconcealed,

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nacchādeti;
and then disrobes. Being reordained, he conceals none of those offenses.

yā āpattiyo pubbe nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nacchādeti.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension,

Tassa honti āpattiyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
both concealed and unconcealed,

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nacchādeti;
and then disrobes. Being reordained, he doesn’t conceal those offenses he previously concealed,

yā āpattiyo pubbe nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā chādeti.
but conceals those he previously didn’t conceal.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension,

Tassa honti āpattiyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
both concealed and unconcealed,

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā chādeti;
and then disrobes. Being reordained, he conceals those offenses he previously concealed,

yā āpattiyo pubbe nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nacchādeti.
but doesn’t conceal those he previously didn’t conceal.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension,

Tassa honti āpattiyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
both concealed and unconcealed,

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā chādeti;
and then disrobes. Being reordained, he conceals all of those offenses.

yā āpattiyo pubbe nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā chādeti.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
“It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo jānāti, ekaccā āpattiyo na jānāti.
He’s aware of some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo jānāti tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s aware of,

yā āpattiyo na jānāti tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he isn’t aware of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe jānitvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā nacchādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having found out about all of them, he conceals none of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe ajānitvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā nacchādeti.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo jānāti, ekaccā āpattiyo na jānāti.
He’s aware of some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo jānāti tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s aware of,

yā āpattiyo na jānāti tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he isn’t aware of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe jānitvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā nacchādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having found out about all of them, he doesn’t conceal those offenses he was previously aware of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe ajānitvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā chādeti.
but conceals those he wasn’t aware of.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo jānāti, ekaccā āpattiyo na jānāti.
He’s aware of some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo jānāti tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s aware of,

yā āpattiyo na jānāti tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he isn’t aware of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe jānitvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā chādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having found out about all of them, he conceals those offenses he was previously aware of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe ajānitvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā nacchādeti.
but not those he wasn’t aware of.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo jānāti, ekaccā āpattiyo na jānāti.
He’s aware of some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo jānāti tā āpattiyo chādeti, yā āpattiyo na jānāti tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
He conceals the offenses he’s aware of, but not those he isn’t aware of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe jānitvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā chādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having found out about all of them, he conceals all of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe ajānitvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā jānitvā chādeti.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
“It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo sarati, ekaccā āpattiyo nassarati.
He remembers some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo sarati tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he remembers,

yā āpattiyo nassarati tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he doesn’t remember.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe saritvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā nacchādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having remembered all of them, he conceals none of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe assaritvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā nacchādeti.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo sarati, ekaccā āpattiyo nassarati.
He remembers some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo sarati tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he remembers,

yā āpattiyo nassarati tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he doesn’t remember.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe saritvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā nacchādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having remembered all the offenses, he doesn’t conceal those offenses he previously remembered,

yā āpattiyo pubbe assaritvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā chādeti.
but conceals those he didn’t remember.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo sarati, ekaccā āpattiyo nassarati.
He remembers some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo sarati tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he remembers,

yā āpattiyo nassarati tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he doesn’t remember.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe saritvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā chādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having remembered all of them, he conceals those offenses he previously remembered,

yā āpattiyo pubbe assaritvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā nacchādeti.
but not those he didn’t remember.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccā āpattiyo sarati, ekaccā āpattiyo nassarati.
He remembers some of them, but not others.

Yā āpattiyo sarati tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he remembers,

yā āpattiyo nassarati tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he doesn’t remember.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe saritvā chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā chādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having remembered all of them, he conceals all of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe assaritvā nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā saritvā chādeti.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
“It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko, ekaccāsu āpattīsu vematiko.
He’s sure of some of them, but unsure of others.

Yāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s sure of,

yāsu āpattīsu vematiko tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s unsure of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having become sure of all of them, he conceals none of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko, ekaccāsu āpattīsu vematiko.
He’s sure of some of them, but unsure of others.

Yāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s sure of,

yāsu āpattīsu vematiko tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s unsure of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having become sure of all of them, he doesn’t conceal those offenses he was previously sure of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti.
but conceals those he was unsure of.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko, ekaccāsu āpattīsu vematiko.
He’s sure of some of them, but unsure of others.

Yāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s sure of,

yāsu āpattīsu vematiko tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s unsure of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having become sure of all of them, he conceals those offenses he was previously sure of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti.
but not those he was unsure of.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati.
It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of offenses entailing suspension.

Ekaccāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko, ekaccāsu āpattīsu vematiko.
He’s sure of some of them, but unsure of others.

Yāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s sure of,

yāsu āpattīsu vematiko tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s unsure of.

So vibbhamitvā puna upasampanno yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti;
He then disrobes. Being reordained and having become sure of all of them, he conceals all of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjitvā appaṭicchādetvā sāmaṇero hoti …pe…
“It may be that a monk on probation commits a number of unconcealed offenses entailing suspension and then becomes a novice monk …

ummattako hoti …pe…
goes insane …

khittacitto hoti …pe…
becomes deranged …

vedanāṭṭo hoti …pe…
is overwhelmed by pain …

tassa honti āpattiyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi …pe…
both concealed and unconcealed …

(yathā heṭṭhā vitthāritaṁ tathā vitthāretabbaṁ)
(to be expanded as above) …

ekaccā āpattiyo jānāti, ekaccā āpattiyo na jānāti …pe…
he’s aware of some of the offenses, but not others …

ekaccā āpattiyo sarati, ekaccā āpattiyo nassarati …pe…
he remembers some of the offenses, but not others …

ekaccāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko, ekaccāsu āpattīsu vematiko.
he’s sure of some of the offenses, but unsure of others.

Yāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s sure of,

yāsu āpattīsu vematiko tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s unsure of.

So vedanāṭṭo hoti.
He then becomes overwhelmed by pain.

So puna avedanāṭṭo hutvā yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti;
Having recovered and having become sure of all of them, he conceals none of them. …

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti …pe…

yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti;
having become sure of all of them, he doesn’t conceal those offenses he was previously sure of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti …pe…
but conceals those he was unsure of. …

yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti;
having become sure of all of them, he conceals those offenses he was previously sure of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti …pe…
but not those he was unsure of. …

yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti;
having become sure of all of them, he conceals all of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu mānattāraho …pe…
“It may be that a monk who deserves the trial period …

mānattaṁ caranto …pe…
who’s undertaking the trial period …

abbhānāraho antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjitvā appaṭicchādetvā vibbhamati …pe…
who deserves rehabilitation commits a number of unconcealed offenses entailing suspension and then disrobes. …

(mānattāraho ca mānattacārī ca abbhānāraho ca yathā parivāso vitthārito tathā vitthāretabbo).
(‘who deserves the trial period’, ‘who’s undertaking the trial period’, and ‘who deserves rehabilitation’ are to be expanded as for ‘on probation’) …

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu abbhānāraho antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjitvā appaṭicchādetvā sāmaṇero hoti …pe…
It may be that a monk who deserves rehabilitation commits a number of unconcealed offenses entailing suspension and then becomes a novice monk …

ummattako hoti …pe…
goes insane …

khittacitto hoti …pe…
becomes deranged …

vedanāṭṭo hoti …pe…
is overwhelmed by pain …

tassa honti āpattiyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi …pe…
both concealed and unconcealed …

ekaccā āpattiyo jānāti, ekaccā āpattiyo na jānāti …pe…
he’s aware of some of the offenses, but not others …

ekaccā āpattiyo sarati, ekaccā āpattiyo nassarati …pe…
he remembers some of the offenses, but not others …

ekaccāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko, ekaccāsu āpattīsu vematiko.
he’s sure of some of the offenses, but unsure of others.

Yāsu āpattīsu nibbematiko tā āpattiyo chādeti;
He conceals the offenses he’s sure of,

yāsu āpattīsu vematiko tā āpattiyo nacchādeti.
but not those he’s unsure of.

So vedanāṭṭo hoti.
He then becomes overwhelmed by pain.

So puna avedanāṭṭo hutvā yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti;
Having recovered and having become sure of all the offenses, he conceals none of them. …

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti …pe…

yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti;
having become sure of all of them, he doesn’t conceal those offenses he was previously sure of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti …pe…
but conceals those he was unsure of. …

yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti;
having become sure of all of them, he conceals those offenses he was previously sure of,

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko nacchādeti …pe…
but not those he was unsure of. …

yā āpattiyo pubbe nibbematiko chādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti;
having become sure of all of them, he conceals all of them.

yā āpattiyo pubbe vematiko nacchādesi tā āpattiyo pacchā nibbematiko chādeti.

So bhikkhu mūlāya paṭikassitabbo.
He’s to be sent back to the beginning.

Yathāpaṭicchannānañcassa āpattīnaṁ purimāya āpattiyā samodhānaparivāso dātabbo.
He’s then to be given probation according to the length of the concealment of those offenses and simultaneously with the probation for the previous offenses.”

Samūlāyasamodhānaparivāsacatussataṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The group of four hundred on simultaneous probation with being sent back to the beginning is finished.

7. Parimāṇādivāraaṭṭhaka
7. The group of eight sections on “specified”, etc.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjitvā parimāṇā appaṭicchādetvā …pe…
“It may be that a monk commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, unconcealed and specified …

aparimāṇā appaṭicchādetvā …pe…
unconcealed and unspecified …

ekanāmā appaṭicchādetvā …pe…
unconcealed and having the same name …

nānānāmā appaṭicchādetvā …pe…
unconcealed and having different names …

sabhāgā appaṭicchādetvā …pe…
unconcealed and of the same kind …

visabhāgā appaṭicchādetvā …pe…
unconcealed and of different kinds …

vavatthitā appaṭicchādetvā …pe…
unconcealed and of the same sort …

sambhinnā appaṭicchādetvā vibbhamati …pe…
unconcealed and of different sorts and then disrobes. …

(yathā heṭṭhā tathā vitthāretabbaṁ).
(to be expanded as above) …”

Parimāṇādivāraaṭṭhakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The group of eight sections on “specified”, etc., is finished.

8. Dvebhikkhuvāraekādasaka
8. The group of eleven sections on two monks

Dve bhikkhū saṅghādisesaṁ āpannā honti.
Two monks have each committed an offense entailing suspension,

Te saṅghādisese saṅghādisesadiṭṭhino honti.
and they regard it as such.

Eko chādeti, eko nacchādeti.
One conceals his offense, but not the other.

Yo chādeti so dukkaṭaṁ desāpetabbo.
The one who conceals it is to confess an offense of wrong conduct.

Yathāpaṭicchanne cassa parivāsaṁ datvā ubhinnampi mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of that concealment, and both should then be given the trial period.

Dve bhikkhū saṅghādisesaṁ āpannā honti.
Two monks have each committed an offense entailing suspension,

Te saṅghādisese vematikā honti.
but they are unsure of it.

Eko chādeti, eko nacchādeti.
One conceals his offense, but not the other.

Yo chādeti so dukkaṭaṁ desāpetabbo.
The one who conceals it is to confess an offense of wrong conduct.

Yathāpaṭicchanne cassa parivāsaṁ datvā ubhinnampi mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of that concealment, and both should then be given the trial period.

Dve bhikkhū saṅghādisesaṁ āpannā honti.
Two monks have each committed an offense entailing suspension,

Te saṅghādisese missakadiṭṭhino honti.
but they regard it as mixed with other offenses.

Eko chādeti, eko nacchādeti.
One conceals his offense, but not the other.

Yo chādeti so dukkaṭaṁ desāpetabbo.
The one who conceals it is to confess an offense of wrong conduct.

Yathāpaṭicchanne cassa parivāsaṁ datvā ubhinnampi mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of that concealment, and both should then be given the trial period.

Dve bhikkhū missakaṁ āpannā honti.
Two monks have each committed an offense entailing suspension mixed with other offenses,

Te missake saṅghādisesadiṭṭhino honti.
but they regard them as an offense entailing suspension.

Eko chādeti, eko nacchādeti.
One conceals his offenses, but not the other.

Yo chādeti so dukkaṭaṁ desāpetabbo.
The one who conceals them is to confess an offense of wrong conduct.

Yathāpaṭicchanne cassa parivāsaṁ datvā ubhinnampi mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of that concealment, and both should then be given the trial period.

Dve bhikkhū missakaṁ āpannā honti.
Two monks have each committed an offense entailing suspension mixed with other offenses,

Te missake missakadiṭṭhino honti.
and they regard them as such.

Eko chādeti, eko nacchādeti.
One conceals his offenses, but not the other.

Yo chādeti so dukkaṭaṁ desāpetabbo.
The one who conceals them is to confess an offense of wrong conduct.

Yathāpaṭicchanne cassa parivāsaṁ datvā ubhinnampi mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of that concealment, and both should then be given the trial period.

Dve bhikkhū suddhakaṁ āpannā honti.
Two monks have each committed a light offense,

Te suddhake saṅghādisesadiṭṭhino honti.
but they regard it as an offense entailing suspension.

Eko chādeti, eko nacchādeti.
One conceals his offense, but not the other.

Yo chādeti so dukkaṭaṁ desāpetabbo.
The one who conceals it is to confess an offense of wrong conduct.

Ubhopi yathādhammaṁ kārāpetabbā.
Both are then to be dealt with according to the rule.

Dve bhikkhū suddhakaṁ āpannā honti.
Two monks have each committed a light offense,

Te suddhake suddhakadiṭṭhino honti.
and they regard it as such.

Eko chādeti, eko nacchādeti.
One conceals his offense, but not the other.

Yo chādeti so dukkaṭaṁ desāpetabbo.
The one who conceals it is to confess an offense of wrong conduct.

Ubhopi yathādhammaṁ kārāpetabbā.
Both are then to be dealt with according to the rule.

Dve bhikkhū saṅghādisesaṁ āpannā honti.
Two monks have each committed an offense entailing suspension,

Te saṅghādisese saṅghādisesadiṭṭhino honti.
and they regard it as such.

Ekassa hoti ārocessāmīti, ekassa hoti na ārocessāmīti.
One thinks, “I’ll inform,” while the other thinks, “I won’t inform.”

So paṭhamampi yāmaṁ chādeti, dutiyampi yāmaṁ chādeti, tatiyampi yāmaṁ chādeti—
He then conceals it during the first part of the night, during the second part of the night, and during the third part of the night.

uṭṭhite aruṇe channā hoti āpatti.
If he’s still concealing it at dawn, he has committed an offense

Yo chādeti so dukkaṭaṁ desāpetabbo.
and is to confess an offense of wrong conduct.

Yathāpaṭicchanne cassa parivāsaṁ datvā ubhinnampi mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of that concealment, and both should then be given the trial period.

Dve bhikkhū saṅghādisesaṁ āpannā honti.
Two monks have each committed an offense entailing suspension,

Te saṅghādisese saṅghādisesadiṭṭhino honti.
and they regard it as such.

Te gacchanti ārocessāmāti.
They go, thinking, “We’ll inform.”

Ekassa antarāmagge makkhadhammo uppajjati na ārocessāmīti.
On their way, one of them decides to conceal it, thinking, “I won’t inform.”

So paṭhamampi yāmaṁ chādeti, dutiyampi yāmaṁ chādeti, tatiyampi yāmaṁ chādeti—
He then conceals it during the first part of the night, during the second part of the night, and during the third part of the night.

uṭṭhite aruṇe channā hoti āpatti.
If he’s still concealing it at dawn, he has committed an offense

Yo chādeti so dukkaṭaṁ desāpetabbo.
and is to confess an offense of wrong conduct.

Yathāpaṭicchanne cassa parivāsaṁ datvā ubhinnampi mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of that concealment, and both should then be given the trial period.

Dve bhikkhū saṅghādisesaṁ āpannā honti.
Two monks have each committed an offense entailing suspension,

Te saṅghādisese saṅghādisesadiṭṭhino honti.
and they regard it as such.

Te ummattakā honti.
They then go insane.

Te pacchā anummattakā hutvā eko chādeti, eko nacchādeti.
When they regain their sanity, one conceals his offense, but not the other.

Yo chādeti so dukkaṭaṁ desāpetabbo.
The one who conceals it is to confess an offense of wrong conduct.

Yathāpaṭicchanne cassa parivāsaṁ datvā ubhinnampi mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of that concealment, and both should then be given the trial period.

Dve bhikkhū saṅghādisesaṁ āpannā honti.
Two monks have each committed an offense entailing suspension.

Te pātimokkhe uddissamāne evaṁ vadanti—
During the recitation of the Monastic Code, they say,

‘idāneva kho mayaṁ jānāma—
“Just now did we find out

ayampi kira dhammo suttāgato suttapariyāpanno anvaddhamāsaṁ uddesaṁ āgacchatī’ti.
that this rule too has come down in the Monastic Code, is included in the Monastic Code, and comes up for recitation every half-month.”

Te saṅghādisese saṅghādisesadiṭṭhino honti.
They regard it as an offense entailing suspension.

Eko chādeti, eko nacchādeti.
One conceals his offense, but not the other.

Yo chādeti so dukkaṭaṁ desāpetabbo.
The one who conceals it is to confess an offense of wrong conduct.

Yathāpaṭicchanne cassa parivāsaṁ datvā ubhinnampi mānattaṁ dātabbaṁ.
He should be given probation according to the length of that concealment, and both should then be given the trial period.

Dvebhikkhuvāraekādasakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The group of eleven sections on two monks is finished.

9. Mūlāyaavisuddhinavaka
9. The group of nine on unpurified with sending back to the beginning

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi, ekanāmampi nānānāmampi, sabhāgampi visabhāgampi, vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
“It may be, monks, that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds, both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇāyo appaṭicchannāyo.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, unconcealed and specified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti;
which it does. The legal procedure is legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation legitimately,

adhammena mānattaṁ deti, adhammena abbheti.
but then gives him the trial period and the rehabilitation illegitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu avisuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s not purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi, ekanāmampi nānānāmampi, sabhāgampi visabhāgampi, vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds, both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇāyo paṭicchannāyo.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, concealed and specified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti;
which it does. The legal procedure is legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation legitimately,

adhammena mānattaṁ deti, adhammena abbheti.
but then gives him the trial period and the rehabilitation illegitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu avisuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s not purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi, ekanāmampi nānānāmampi, sabhāgampi visabhāgampi, vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds, both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇāyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, both concealed and unconcealed and specified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti, adhammena mānattaṁ deti, adhammena abbheti.
which it does. The legal procedure is legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation legitimately, but then gives him the trial period and the rehabilitation illegitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu avisuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s not purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi, ekanāmampi nānānāmampi, sabhāgampi visabhāgampi, vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
“It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds, both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati aparimāṇāyo appaṭicchannāyo …pe…
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, unconcealed and unspecified …

aparimāṇāyo paṭicchannāyo …pe…
concealed and unspecified …

aparimāṇāyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi …pe…
both concealed and unconcealed and unspecified …

parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi appaṭicchannāyo.
unconcealed and both specified and unspecified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti;
which it does. The legal procedure is legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation legitimately,

adhammena mānattaṁ deti, adhammena abbheti.
but then gives him the trial period and the rehabilitation illegitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu avisuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s not purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi, ekanāmampi nānānāmampi, sabhāgampi visabhāgampi, vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds, both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyo.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, concealed and both specified and unspecified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti;
which it does. The legal procedure is legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation legitimately,

adhammena mānattaṁ deti, adhammena abbheti.
but then gives him the trial period and the rehabilitation illegitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu avisuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s not purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi, ekanāmampi nānānāmampi, sabhāgampi visabhāgampi, vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds, both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, both concealed and unconcealed and both specified and unspecified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena;
which it does. The legal procedure is legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand.

dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti;
The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation legitimately,

adhammena mānattaṁ deti;
but then gives him the trial period

adhammena abbheti.
and the rehabilitation illegitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu avisuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s not purified of those offenses.”

Mūlāyaavisuddhinavakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The group of nine on unpurified with sending back to the beginning is finished.

10. Dutiyanavaka
10. The second group of nine

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…
“It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds,

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti, so parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇā appaṭicchannāyo.
which he gets. While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, unconcealed and specified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti;
which it does. But the legal procedure is illegitimate, reversible, and unfit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation illegitimately,

dhammena mānattaṁ deti, dhammena abbheti.
but then gives him the trial period and the rehabilitation legitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu avisuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s not purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…
It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds,

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇā paṭicchannāyo.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, concealed and specified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti;
which it does. But the legal procedure is illegitimate, reversible, and unfit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation illegitimately,

dhammena mānattaṁ deti, dhammena abbheti.
but then gives him the trial period and the rehabilitation legitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu avisuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s not purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…
It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds,

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇā paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, both concealed and unconcealed and specified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti;
which it does. But the legal procedure is illegitimate, reversible, and unfit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation illegitimately,

dhammena mānattaṁ deti, dhammena abbheti.
but then gives him the trial period and the rehabilitation legitimately.

So bhikkhave, bhikkhu avisuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s not purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi, ekanāmampi nānānāmampi, sabhāgampi visabhāgampi, vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
“It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds, both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati aparimāṇā appaṭicchannāyo …pe…
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, unconcealed and unspecified …

aparimāṇā paṭicchannāyo …pe…
concealed and unspecified …

aparimāṇā paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi …pe…
both concealed and unconcealed and unspecified …

parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi appaṭicchannāyo.
unconcealed and both specified and unspecified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti;
which it does. But the legal procedure is illegitimate, reversible, and unfit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation illegitimately,

dhammena mānattaṁ deti, dhammena abbheti.
but then gives him the trial period and the rehabilitation legitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu avisuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s not purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…
It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds,

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyo.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, concealed and both specified and unspecified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti, dhammena mānattaṁ deti, dhammena abbheti.
which it does. But the legal procedure is illegitimate, reversible, and unfit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation illegitimately, but then gives him the trial period and the rehabilitation legitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu avisuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s not purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…
It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds,

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, both concealed and unconcealed and both specified and unspecified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti;
which it does. But the legal procedure is illegitimate, reversible, and unfit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation illegitimately,

dhammena mānattaṁ deti, dhammena abbheti.
but then gives him the trial period and the rehabilitation legitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu avisuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s not purified of those offenses.”

Dutiyanavakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The second group of nine is finished.

11. Tatiyanavaka
11. The third group of nine

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…
“It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds,

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇāyo appaṭicchannāyo.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, unconcealed and specified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which it does. But the legal procedure is illegitimate, reversible, and unfit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation illegitimately.

So parivasāmīti maññamāno antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇāyo appaṭicchannāyo.
Thinking that he’s on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, unconcealed and specified.

So tasmiṁ bhūmiyaṁ ṭhito purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarati, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarati.
At this point, he remembers offenses committed while on probation for the former offenses, and he remembers offenses committed while on probation for the further offenses.

Tassa evaṁ hoti—
He considers all this

‘ahaṁ kho sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇāyo appaṭicchannāyo.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassi adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasāmīti maññamāno antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇāyo appaṭicchannāyo.

Sohaṁ tasmiṁ bhūmiyaṁ ṭhito purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarāmi, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarāmi.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāceyyaṁ dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ;
and thinks, ‘Let me ask the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for all those offenses. The procedure must be legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The simultaneous probation,

dhammena mānattaṁ, dhammena abbhānan’ti.
the trial period, and the rehabilitation must all be legitimate.’

So saṅghaṁ purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ;
He asks the Sangha to be sent back to the beginning in this way,

dhammena mānattaṁ, dhammena abbhānaṁ.

Taṁ saṅgho purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāya paṭikassati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti;
which it does. The legal procedure is legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation,

dhammena mānattaṁ deti, dhammena abbheti.
the trial period, and the rehabilitation legitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu visuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…
It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds,

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇā paṭicchannāyo.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, concealed and specified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati, adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which it does. But the legal procedure is illegitimate, reversible, and unfit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation illegitimately.

So parivasāmīti maññamāno antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇā paṭicchannāyo.
Thinking that he’s on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, concealed and specified.

So tasmiṁ bhūmiyaṁ ṭhito purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarati, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarati.
At this point he remembers offenses committed while on probation for the former offenses, and he remembers offenses committed while on probation for the further offenses.

Tassa evaṁ hoti—
He considers all this

‘ahaṁ kho sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇā paṭicchannāyo.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassi, adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasāmīti maññamāno antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇā paṭicchannāyo.

Sohaṁ tasmiṁ bhūmiyaṁ ṭhito purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarāmi, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarāmi.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāceyyaṁ dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ, dhammena mānattaṁ, dhammena abbhānan’ti.
and thinks, ‘Let me ask the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for all those offenses. The procedure must be legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The simultaneous probation, the trial period, and the rehabilitation must all be legitimate.’

So saṅghaṁ purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ, dhammena mānattaṁ, dhammena abbhānaṁ.
He asks the Sangha to be sent back to the beginning in this way,

Taṁ saṅgho purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāya paṭikassati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti, dhammena mānattaṁ deti, dhammena abbheti.
which it does. The legal procedure is legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation, the trial period, and the rehabilitation legitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu visuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…
It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds,

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇā paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, both concealed and unconcealed and specified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which it does. But the legal procedure is illegitimate, reversible, and unfit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation illegitimately.

So parivasāmīti maññamāno antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇā paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
Thinking that he’s on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, both concealed and unconcealed and specified.

So tasmiṁ bhūmiyaṁ ṭhito purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarati, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarati.
At this point he remembers offenses committed while on probation for the former offenses, and he remembers offenses committed while on probation for the further offenses.

Tassa evaṁ hoti—
He considers all this

‘ahaṁ kho sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇā paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassi adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasāmīti maññamāno antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇā paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.

Sohaṁ tasmiṁ bhūmiyaṁ ṭhito purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarāmi, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarāmi.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāceyyaṁ dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ, dhammena mānattaṁ, dhammena abbhānan’ti.
and thinks, ‘Let me ask the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for all those offenses. The procedure must be legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The simultaneous probation, the trial period, and the rehabilitation must all be legitimate.’

So saṅghaṁ purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ, dhammena mānattaṁ, dhammena abbhānaṁ.
He asks the Sangha to be sent back to the beginning in this way,

Taṁ saṅgho purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāya paṭikassati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti, dhammena mānattaṁ deti, dhammena abbheti.
which it does. The legal procedure is legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation legitimately, the trial period, and the rehabilitation legitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu visuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…
“It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds,

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati aparimāṇāyo appaṭicchannāyo …pe…
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, unconcealed and unspecified …

aparimāṇāyo paṭicchannāyo …pe…
concealed and unspecified …

aparimāṇāyo paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi …pe…
both concealed and unconcealed and unspecified …

parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi appaṭicchannāyo.
unconcealed and both specified and unspecified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassi adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which it does. But the legal procedure is illegitimate, reversible, and unfit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation illegitimately.

So parivasāmīti maññamāno …pe…
Thinking that he’s on probation …

taṁ saṅgho purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāya paṭikassati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti, dhammena mānattaṁ deti, dhammena abbheti.
which it does. The legal procedure is legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation, the trial period, and the rehabilitation legitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu visuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…
It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds,

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyo.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, concealed and both specified and unspecified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which it does. But the legal procedure is illegitimate, reversible, and unfit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation illegitimately.

So parivasāmīti maññamāno antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyo.
Thinking that he’s on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, concealed and both specified and unspecified.

So tasmiṁ bhūmiyaṁ ṭhito purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarati, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarati.
At this point he remembers offenses committed while on probation for the former offenses, and he remembers offenses committed while on probation for the further offenses.

Tassa evaṁ hoti—
He considers all this

‘ahaṁ kho sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyo.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassi adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasāmīti maññamāno antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyo.

Sohaṁ tasmiṁ bhūmiyaṁ ṭhito purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarāmi, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarāmi.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāceyyaṁ dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ, dhammena mānattaṁ, dhammena abbhānan’ti.
and thinks, ‘Let me ask the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for all those offenses. The procedure must be legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The simultaneous probation, the trial period, and the rehabilitation must all be legitimate.’

So saṅghaṁ purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ, dhammena mānattaṁ, dhammena abbhānaṁ.
He asks the Sangha to be sent back to the beginning in this way,

Taṁ saṅgho purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāya paṭikassati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti, dhammena mānattaṁ deti, dhammena abbheti.
which it does. The legal procedure is legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation, the trial period, and the rehabilitation legitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu visuddho tāhi āpattīhi.
He’s purified of those offenses.

Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…
It may be that a monk has committed a number of offenses entailing suspension, both specified and unspecified, both having the same name and having different names, both of the same kind and of different kinds,

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.
both of the same sort and of different sorts.

So saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha for simultaneous probation for those offenses,

Tassa saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which he gets.

So parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
While on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, both concealed and unconcealed and both specified and unspecified.

So saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yācati.
He asks the Sangha to send him back to the beginning for those offenses,

Taṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti.
which it does. But the legal procedure is illegitimate, reversible, and unfit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation illegitimately.

So parivasāmīti maññamāno antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjati parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.
Thinking that he’s on probation, he commits a number of offenses entailing suspension, both concealed and unconcealed and both specified and unspecified.

So tasmiṁ bhūmiyaṁ ṭhito purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarati, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarati.
At this point he remembers offenses committed while on probation for the former offenses, and he remembers offenses committed while on probation for the further offenses.

Tassa evaṁ hoti—
He considers all this

‘ahaṁ kho sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇampi aparimāṇampi …pe…

vavatthitampi sambhinnampi.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ yāciṁ.

Tassa me saṅgho tāsaṁ āpattīnaṁ samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasanto antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.

Sohaṁ saṅghaṁ antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāciṁ.

Taṁ maṁ saṅgho antarāāpattīnaṁ mūlāya paṭikassi adhammikena kammena kuppena aṭṭhānārahena, adhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ adāsi.

Sohaṁ parivasāmīti maññamāno antarā sambahulā saṅghādisesā āpattiyo āpajjiṁ parimāṇāyopi aparimāṇāyopi paṭicchannāyopi appaṭicchannāyopi.

Sohaṁ tasmiṁ bhūmiyaṁ ṭhito purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarāmi, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattiyo sarāmi.

Yannūnāhaṁ saṅghaṁ purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāyapaṭikassanaṁ yāceyyaṁ dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ, dhammena mānattaṁ, dhammena abbhānan’ti.
and thinks, ‘Let me ask the Sangha to send me back to the beginning for all those offenses. The procedure must be legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The simultaneous probation, the trial period, and the rehabilitation must all be legitimate.’

So saṅghaṁ purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāya paṭikassanaṁ yācati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ, dhammena mānattaṁ, dhammena abbhānaṁ.
He asks the Sangha to be sent back to the beginning in this way,

Taṁ saṅgho purimāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, aparāāpattīnaṁ antarāāpattīnañca, mūlāya paṭikassati dhammikena kammena akuppena ṭhānārahena, dhammena samodhānaparivāsaṁ deti, dhammena mānattaṁ deti, dhammena abbheti.
which it does. The legal procedure is legitimate, irreversible, and fit to stand. The Sangha gives him the simultaneous probation, the trial period, and the rehabilitation legitimately.

So, bhikkhave, bhikkhu visuddho tāhi āpattīhi”.
He’s purified of those offenses.”

Tatiyanavakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The third group of nine is finished.

Samuccayakkhandhako tatiyo.
The third chapter on gathering is finished.

This is the summary:

Appaṭicchannā ekāha,
“Unconcealed, one day,

dvīha tīha catūha ca;
Two days, three days, and four days;

Five days, a half-month, for ten,

āpattimāha mahāmuni.
Offense, said the Great Sage.

Suddhanto ca vibbhamanto,
And purifying, disrobing,

parimāṇamukhaṁ dve bhikkhū;
Specified, two monks;

Tattha saññino dve yathā,
There both perceive accordingly,

vematikā tatheva ca.
And just the same for unsure.

Missakadiṭṭhino dve ca,
And both see it as mixed,

They see it as not light;

Dve ceva suddhadiṭṭhino.
And both see it as light.

Tatheva ca eko chādeti,
And just so one conceals,

Atha makkhamatena ca;
And then with the thought of concealing;

And one who is insane, confession,

Mūlā aṭṭhārasa visuddhato.
To the beginning, eighteen as to purity.

Ācariyānaṁ vibhajjapadānaṁ,
The teachers of analytical statements,

Who are the inspiration of Sri Lanka,

The residents of the Mahāvihāra monastery—

Vācanā saddhammaṭṭhitiyāti.
These were their words for the longevity of the true Teachings.”

Samuccayakkhandhako niṭṭhito.
The gathering up chapter is finished.