vinaya » pli-tv-kd » Theravāda Vinayapiṭaka

Translators: brahmali

Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law

The Small Division

18. Vattakkhandhaka

The chapter on proper conduct

1. Āgantukavattakathā
Discussion of the proper conduct for newly arrived monks

Tena samayena buddho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time the Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī in the Jeta Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery.

Tena kho pana samayena āgantukā bhikkhū saupāhanāpi ārāmaṁ pavisanti, chattappaggahitāpi ārāmaṁ pavisanti, oguṇṭhitāpi ārāmaṁ pavisanti, sīsepi cīvaraṁ karitvā ārāmaṁ pavisanti, pānīyenapi pāde dhovanti, vuḍḍhatarepi āvāsike bhikkhū na abhivādenti, napi senāsanaṁ pucchanti.
At that time newly arrived monks entered the monastery wearing sandals, holding sunshades, with their heads covered, with their robes on their heads; and they washed their feet with drinking water, did not bow down to the resident monks who were senior to them, and did not ask about dwellings.

Aññataropi āgantuko bhikkhu anajjhāvuṭṭhaṁ vihāraṁ ghaṭikaṁ ugghāṭetvā kavāṭaṁ paṇāmetvā sahasā pāvisi.
A certain newly arrived monk lifted the latch of an unoccupied dwelling, opened the door, and entered hastily.

Tassa uparipiṭṭhito ahi khandhe papati.
A snake fell from above the door frame onto his shoulders.

So bhīto vissaramakāsi.
Terrified, he screamed.

Bhikkhū upadhāvitvā taṁ bhikkhuṁ etadavocuṁ—
The monks came running

“kissa tvaṁ, āvuso, vissaramakāsī”ti?
and asked him why he was screaming.

Atha kho so bhikkhu bhikkhūnaṁ etamatthaṁ ārocesi.
And he told them what had happened.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma āgantukā bhikkhū saupāhanāpi ārāmaṁ pavisissanti, chattappaggahitāpi ārāmaṁ pavisissanti, oguṇṭhitāpi ārāmaṁ pavisissanti, sīsepi cīvaraṁ karitvā ārāmaṁ pavisissanti, pānīyenapi pāde dhovissanti, vuḍḍhatarepi āvāsike bhikkhū na abhivādessanti, napi senāsanaṁ pucchissantī”ti.
“How can the newly arrived monks enter the monastery wearing sandals, holding sunshades, with their heads covered, with their robe on their head; and wash their feet with drinking water, not bow down to the resident monks who are senior to them, and not ask about dwellings?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, āgantukā bhikkhū saupāhanāpi ārāmaṁ pavisanti, chattappaggahitāpi ārāmaṁ pavisanti, oguṇṭhitāpi ārāmaṁ pavisanti, sīsepi cīvaraṁ karitvā ārāmaṁ pavisanti, pānīyenapi pāde dhovanti, vuḍḍhatarepi āvāsike bhikkhū na abhivādenti, napi senāsanaṁ pucchantī”ti.
“Is it true, monks, that the newly arrived monks are acting like this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti.
“It’s true, Sir.”

Vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked them …

kathañhi nāma bhikkhave āgantukā bhikkhū saupāhanāpi ārāmaṁ pavisissanti, chattappaggahitāpi ārāmaṁ pavisissanti, oguṇṭhitāpi ārāmaṁ pavisissanti, sīsepi cīvaraṁ karitvā ārāmaṁ pavisissanti, pānīyenapi pāde dhovissanti, vuḍḍhatarepi āvāsike bhikkhū na abhivādessanti, napi senāsanaṁ pucchissanti, netaṁ bhikkhave appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
“How can the newly arrived monks act like this? This will affect people’s confidence …”

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, āgantukānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā āgantukehi bhikkhūhi sammā vattitabbaṁ.
“Well then, I’ll lay down the proper conduct for newly arrived monks.

Āgantukena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā ‘idāni ārāmaṁ pavisissāmī’ti upāhanā omuñcitvā nīcaṁ katvā papphoṭetvā gahetvā chattaṁ apanāmetvā sīsaṁ vivaritvā sīse cīvaraṁ khandhe katvā sādhukaṁ ataramānena ārāmo pavisitabbo.
When a newly arrived monk enters a monastery, he should remove his sandals, hold them low, knock them together, and carry them along; he should lower his sunshade, uncover his head, and put his robe over his shoulders; he should then enter the monastery carefully and without hurry.

Ārāmaṁ pavisantena sallakkhetabbaṁ—
As he enters the monastery,

‘kattha āvāsikā bhikkhū paṭikkamantī’ti?
he should look out for where the resident monks gather—

Yattha āvāsikā bhikkhū paṭikkamanti—

upaṭṭhānasālāya vā maṇḍape vā rukkhamūle vā—
whether in the assembly hall, under a roof cover, or at the foot of a tree—

tattha gantvā ekamantaṁ patto nikkhipitabbo;
and he should go there.

ekamantaṁ cīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
He should then put down his bowl and robe,

patirūpaṁ āsanaṁ gahetvā nisīditabbaṁ;
find a suitable seat, and sit down.

pānīyaṁ pucchitabbaṁ, paribhojanīyaṁ pucchitabbaṁ—
He should ask

‘katamaṁ pānīyaṁ, katamaṁ paribhojanīyan’ti?
which is the water for drinking and which the water for washing.

Sace pānīyena attho hoti, pānīyaṁ gahetvā pātabbaṁ.
If he needs water to drink, he may take some and drink.

Sace paribhojanīyena attho hoti, paribhojanīyaṁ gahetvā pādā dhovitabbā.
If he needs water to wash, he may take some and wash his feet.

Pāde dhovantena ekena hatthena udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ, ekena hatthena pādā dhovitabbā.
When he washes his feet, he should pour the water with one hand and wash with the other.

Na teneva udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ na teneva hatthena pādā dhovitabbā.
He shouldn’t pour the water and wash his feet with the same hand.

Upāhanāpuñchanacoḷakaṁ pucchitvā upāhanā puñchitabbā.
He should ask for a sandal-wiping cloth, and then wipe them.

Upāhanā puñchantena paṭhamaṁ sukkhena coḷakena puñchitabbā, pacchā allena.
When he wipes his sandals, he should first wipe them with a dry cloth, then with a wet one.

Upāhanāpuñchanacoḷakaṁ dhovitvā ekamantaṁ vissajjetabbaṁ.
He should wash the cloth and spread it out.

Sace āvāsiko bhikkhu vuḍḍho hoti, abhivādetabbo.
If a resident monk is senior to him, the newly arrived monk should bow down to him.

Sace navako hoti, abhivādāpetabbo.
If a resident monk is junior, he should bow down to the newly arrived monk.

Senāsanaṁ pucchitabbaṁ—‘katamaṁ me senāsanaṁ pāpuṇātī’ti?
The newly arrived monk should ask which dwelling he may stay in

Ajjhāvuṭṭhaṁ vā anajjhāvuṭṭhaṁ vā pucchitabbaṁ, gocaro pucchitabbo, agocaro pucchitabbo, sekkhasammatāni kulāni pucchitabbāni, vaccaṭṭhānaṁ pucchitabbaṁ, passāvaṭṭhānaṁ pucchitabbaṁ, pānīyaṁ pucchitabbaṁ, paribhojanīyaṁ pucchitabbaṁ, kattaradaṇḍo pucchitabbo, saṅghassa katikasaṇṭhānaṁ pucchitabbaṁ—
and whether it’s occupied or not. He should ask about where to go for alms and where not to go, about any families designated as “in training”, about the place for defecating and the place for urinating, about the water for drinking and the water for washing, about walking sticks, and about the Sangha’s agreements

‘kaṁ kālaṁ pavisitabbaṁ, kaṁ kālaṁ nikkhamitabban’ti?
concerning the right time to enter and the right time to leave.

Sace vihāro anajjhāvuttho hoti, kavāṭaṁ ākoṭetvā muhuttaṁ āgametvā ghaṭikaṁ ugghāṭetvā kavāṭaṁ paṇāmetvā bahi ṭhitena nilloketabbo.
If the dwelling is unoccupied, he should knock on the door, wait for a moment, then lift the latch, open the door, and look inside while standing outside.

Sace vihāro uklāpo hoti, mañce vā mañco āropito hoti, pīṭhe vā pīṭhaṁ āropitaṁ hoti, senāsanaṁ upari puñjīkataṁ hoti, sace ussahati, sodhetabbo.
If the dwelling is dirty, and if the beds or benches are stacked on top of one another with furniture piled on top, he should clean it if he’s able.

Vihāraṁ sodhentena paṭhamaṁ bhūmattharaṇaṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
When he’s cleaning the dwelling, he should first take out the floor cover and put it aside.

mañcapaṭipādakā nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbā;
He should take out the bed supports and put them aside.

bhisibibbohanaṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
He should take out the mattress and the pillow and put them aside.

nisīdanapaccattharaṇaṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
He should take out the sitting mat and the sheet and put them aside.

mañco nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbo;
Holding the bed low, he should carefully take it out without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it aside.

pīṭhaṁ nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
Holding the bench low, he should carefully take it out without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it aside.

kheḷamallako nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbo;
He should take out the spittoon and put it aside.

apassenaphalakaṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
He should take out the leaning board and put it aside.

Sace vihāre santānakaṁ hoti, ullokā paṭhamaṁ ohāretabbaṁ, ālokasandhikaṇṇabhāgā pamajjitabbā.
If the dwelling has cobwebs, he should first remove them from the ceiling cloth, and he should then wipe the windows and the corners of the room.

Sace gerukaparikammakatā bhitti kaṇṇakitā hoti, coḷakaṁ temetvā pīḷetvā pamajjitabbā.
If the walls have been treated with red ocher and they’re moldy, he should moisten a cloth, wring it out, and wipe the walls.

Sace kāḷavaṇṇakatā bhūmi kaṇṇakitā hoti, coḷakaṁ temetvā pīḷetvā pamajjitabbā.
If the floor has been treated with a black finish and it’s moldy, he should moisten a cloth, wring it out, and wipe the floor.

Sace akatā hoti bhūmi, udakena paripphositvā sammajjitabbā—
If the floor is untreated, he should sprinkle it with water and then sweep it,

mā vihāro rajena uhaññīti.
trying to avoid stirring up dust.

Saṅkāraṁ vicinitvā ekamantaṁ chaḍḍetabbaṁ.
He should look out for any trash and discard it.

Bhūmattharaṇaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā atiharitvā yathāṭhāne paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the floor cover, clean it, beat it, bring it back inside, and put it back as before.

Mañcapaṭipādakā otāpetvā pamajjitvā atiharitvā yathāṭhāne ṭhapetabbā.
He should sun the bed supports, wipe them, bring them back inside, and put them back where they were.

Mañco otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, atiharitvā yathāṭhāne paññapetabbo.
He should sun the bed, clean it, and beat it. Holding it low, he should carefully bring it back inside without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it back as before.

Pīṭhaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, atiharitvā yathāṭhāne paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the bench, clean it, and beat it. Holding it low, he should carefully bring it back inside without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it back as before.

Bhisibibbohanaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā atiharitvā yathābhāgaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the mattress and the pillow, clean them, beat them, bring them back inside, and put them back as before.

Nisīdanapaccattharaṇaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā atiharitvā yathābhāgaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the sitting mat and the sheet, clean them, beat them, bring them back inside, and put them back as before.

Kheḷamallako otāpetvā pamajjitvā atiharitvā yathābhāgaṁ ṭhapetabbo.
He should sun the spittoon, wipe it, bring it back inside, and put it back where it was.

Apassenaphalakaṁ otāpetvā pamajjitvā atiharitvā yathābhāgaṁ ṭhapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the leaning board, wipe it, bring it back inside, and put it back where it was.

Pattacīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
He should put away the bowl and robe.

Pattaṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena pattaṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena heṭṭhāmañcaṁ vā heṭṭhāpīṭhaṁ vā parāmasitvā patto nikkhipitabbo.
When putting away the bowl, he should hold the bowl in one hand, feel under the bed or the bench with the other, and then put it away.

Na ca anantarahitāya bhūmiyā patto nikkhipitabbo.
He shouldn’t put the bowl away on the bare floor.

Cīvaraṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena cīvaraṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena cīvaravaṁsaṁ vā cīvararajjuṁ vā pamajjitvā pārato antaṁ orato bhogaṁ katvā cīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
When putting away the robe, he should hold the robe in one hand, wipe the bamboo robe rack or the clothesline with the other, and then put it away by folding the robe over it, making the ends face the wall and the fold face out.

Sace puratthimā sarajā vātā vāyanti, puratthimā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the east, he should close the windows on the eastern side.

Sace pacchimā sarajā vātā vāyanti, pacchimā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the west, he should close the windows on the western side.

Sace uttarā sarajā vātā vāyanti, uttarā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the north, he should close the windows on the northern side.

Sace dakkhiṇā sarajā vātā vāyanti, dakkhiṇā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the south, he should close the windows on the southern side.

Sace sītakālo hoti, divā vātapānā vivaritabbā, rattiṁ thaketabbā.
If the weather is cold, he should open the windows during the day and close them at night.

Sace uṇhakālo hoti, divā vātapānā thaketabbā, rattiṁ vivaritabbā.
If the weather is hot, he should close the windows during the day and open them at night.

Sace pariveṇaṁ uklāpaṁ hoti, pariveṇaṁ sammajjitabbaṁ.
If the yard is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace koṭṭhako uklāpo hoti, koṭṭhako sammajjitabbo.
If the gatehouse is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace upaṭṭhānasālā uklāpā hoti, upaṭṭhānasālā sammajjitabbā.
If the assembly hall is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace aggisālā uklāpā hoti, aggisālā sammajjitabbā.
If the water-boiling shed is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace vaccakuṭi uklāpā hoti, vaccakuṭi sammajjitabbā.
If the restroom is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace pānīyaṁ na hoti, pānīyaṁ upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ.
If there’s no water for drinking, he should get some.

Sace paribhojanīyaṁ na hoti, paribhojanīyaṁ upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ.
If there’s no water for washing, he should get some.

Sace ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ na hoti, ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ.
If there’s no water in the restroom ablutions pot, he should fill it.

Idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, āgantukānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ yathā āgantukehi bhikkhūhi sammā vattitabban”ti.
This is the proper conduct for newly arrived monks.”

2. Āvāsikavattakathā
2. Discussion of the proper conduct for resident monks

Tena kho pana samayena āvāsikā bhikkhū āgantuke bhikkhū disvā neva āsanaṁ paññapenti, na pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipanti, na paccuggantvā pattacīvaraṁ paṭiggaṇhanti, na pānīyena pucchanti, na vuḍḍhatarepi āgantuke bhikkhū abhivādenti, na senāsanaṁ paññapenti.
At that time, when they saw newly arrived monks, the resident monks did not prepare seats, or put out foot stools, foot scrapers, or water for washing the feet. They did not go out to meet them to receive their bowls and robes, or ask if they wanted water to drink. They did not bow down to newly arrived monks who were senior to them or assign dwellings to them.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma āvāsikā bhikkhū āgantuke bhikkhū disvā neva āsanaṁ paññapessanti, na pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipissanti, na paccuggantvā pattacīvaraṁ paṭiggahissanti, na pānīyena pucchissanti, vuḍḍhatarepi āgantuke bhikkhū na abhivādessanti, na senāsanaṁ paññapessantī”ti.
“How can the resident monks act like this?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave …pe…
“Is it true, monks, that the resident monks are acting like this?”

“saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti …pe…
“It’s true, Sir.” …

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, āvāsikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā āvāsikehi bhikkhūhi sammā vattitabbaṁ.
“Well then, I’ll lay down the proper conduct for resident monks.

Āvāsikena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā āgantukaṁ bhikkhuṁ vuḍḍhataraṁ disvā āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipitabbaṁ, paccuggantvā pattacīvaraṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ, pānīyena pucchitabbo.
When a resident monk sees a newly arrived monk who is senior to him, he should prepare a seat, and put out a foot stool, a foot scraper, and water for washing the feet. He should go out to meet him to receive his bowl and robe, and ask if he wants water to drink.

Sace ussahati, upāhanā puñchitabbā.
If he’s able, he should wipe his sandals,

Upāhanā puñchantena paṭhamaṁ sukkhena coḷakena puñchitabbā, pacchā allena.
first with a dry cloth and then with a wet one.

Upāhanāpuñchanacoḷakaṁ dhovitvā ekamantaṁ vissajjetabbaṁ.
He should wash the cloth and spread it out.

Āgantuko bhikkhu vuḍḍhataro abhivādetabbo.
If the newly arrived monk is senior to him, the resident monk should bow down to him.

Senāsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ—
He should assign him a dwelling,

‘etaṁ te senāsanaṁ pāpuṇātī’ti.
tell him where it is,

Ajjhāvuṭṭhaṁ vā anajjhāvuṭṭhaṁ vā ācikkhitabbaṁ.
and inform him whether it’s occupied or not.

Gocaro ācikkhitabbo.
He should tell him where to go for alms

Agocaro ācikkhitabbo.
and where not to go,

Sekkhasammatāni kulāni ācikkhitabbāni.
and about any families designated as ‘in training’.

Vaccaṭṭhānaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ.
He should point out the place for defecating

Passāvaṭṭhānaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ.
and the place for urinating,

Pānīyaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ.
the water for drinking

Paribhojanīyaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ.
and the water for washing,

Kattaradaṇḍo ācikkhitabbo.
and the walking sticks.

Saṅghassa katikasaṇṭhānaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ—
He should tell him about the Sangha’s agreements

‘imaṁ kālaṁ pavisitabbaṁ, imaṁ kālaṁ nikkhamitabban’ti.
concerning the right time to enter and the right time to leave.

Sace navako hoti, nisinnakeneva ācikkhitabbaṁ—
If the newly arrived monk is junior to him, the resident monk should remain seated

‘atra pattaṁ nikkhipāhi, atra cīvaraṁ nikkhipāhi, idaṁ āsanaṁ nisīdāhī’ti.
while telling him where to put his bowl and robe, and which seat to sit on.

Pānīyaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ.
He should point out the water for drinking

Paribhojanīyaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ.
and the water for washing,

Upāhanāpuñchanacoḷakaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ.
as well as a sandal-wiping cloth.

Āgantuko bhikkhu navako abhivādāpetabbo.
If the newly arrived monk is junior to the resident monk, he should bow down to him.

Senāsanaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ—
The resident monk should tell him

‘etaṁ te senāsanaṁ pāpuṇātī’ti.
which dwelling he may stay in

Ajjhāvuṭṭhaṁ vā anajjhāvuṭṭhaṁ vā ācikkhitabbaṁ.
and whether it’s occupied or not.

Gocaro ācikkhitabbo.
He should tell him where to go for alms

Agocaro ācikkhitabbo.
and where not to go,

Sekkhasammatāni kulāni ācikkhitabbāni.
and about any families designated as ‘in training’.

Vaccaṭṭhānaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ.
He should point out the place for defecating

Passāvaṭṭhānaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ.
and the place for urinating,

Pānīyaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ.
the water for drinking

Paribhojanīyaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ.
and the water for washing,

Kattaradaṇḍo ācikkhitabbo.
and the walking sticks.

Saṅghassa katikasaṇṭhānaṁ ācikkhitabbaṁ—
He should tell him about the Sangha’s agreements

‘imaṁ kālaṁ pavisitabbaṁ, imaṁ kālaṁ nikkhamitabban’ti.
concerning the right time to enter and the right time to leave.

Idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, āvāsikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ yathā āvāsikehi bhikkhūhi sammā vattitabban”ti.
This is the proper conduct for resident monks.”

3. Gamikavattakathā
3. Discussion of the proper conduct for departing monks

Tena kho pana samayena gamikā bhikkhū dārubhaṇḍaṁ mattikābhaṇḍaṁ appaṭisāmetvā dvāravātapānaṁ vivaritvā senāsanaṁ anāpucchā pakkamanti.
At that time there were monks who departed without putting the wooden and ceramic goods in order, without closing the door and the windows, and without informing anyone.

Dārubhaṇḍaṁ mattikābhaṇḍaṁ nassati.
The wooden and ceramic goods were lost

Senāsanaṁ aguttaṁ hoti.
and the dwelling was unprotected.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma gamikā bhikkhū dārubhaṇḍaṁ mattikābhaṇḍaṁ appaṭisāmetvā dvāravātapānaṁ vivaritvā senāsanaṁ anāpucchā pakkamissanti.
“How can the departing monks act like this?”

Dārubhaṇḍaṁ mattikābhaṇḍaṁ nassati.

Senāsanaṁ aguttaṁ hotī”ti.

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave …pe…
“Is it true, monks, that the departing monks are acting like this?”

“saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti …pe…
“It’s true, Sir.” …

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, gamikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā gamikehi bhikkhūhi sammā vattitabbaṁ.
“Well then, I’ll lay down the proper conduct for departing monks.

Gamikena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā dārubhaṇḍaṁ mattikābhaṇḍaṁ paṭisāmetvā dvāravātapānaṁ thaketvā senāsanaṁ āpucchā pakkamitabbaṁ.
Before a monk departs, he should put the wooden and ceramic goods in order, close the door and the windows, and inform someone.

Sace bhikkhu na hoti, sāmaṇero āpucchitabbo.
If there are no monks, he should inform a novice monk;

Sace sāmaṇero na hoti, ārāmiko āpucchitabbo.
if there are no novice monks, he should inform a monastery worker;

Sace ārāmiko na hoti, upāsako āpucchitabbo.
if there are no monastery workers, he should inform a lay follower.

Sace na hoti bhikkhu vā sāmaṇero vā ārāmiko vā upāsako vā, catūsu pāsāṇesu mañcaṁ paññapetvā mañce mañcaṁ āropetvā pīṭhe pīṭhaṁ āropetvā senāsanaṁ upari puñjaṁ karitvā dārubhaṇḍaṁ mattikābhaṇḍaṁ paṭisāmetvā dvāravātapānaṁ thaketvā pakkamitabbaṁ.
If there are no monks, novice monks, monastery workers, or lay followers, he should place the bed on four rocks. He should then stack the beds and benches on top of one another, with the other furniture piled on top, and put away the wooden and ceramic goods. He should close the door and the windows, and then depart.

Sace vihāro ovassati, sace ussahati, chādetabbo, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If rain enters the dwelling, he should cover it if he’s able, or he should make an effort

‘kinti nu kho vihāro chādiyethā’ti.
to have it covered.

Evañcetaṁ labhetha, iccetaṁ kusalaṁ.
If this works out, all is well.

No ce labhetha, yo deso anovassako hoti, tattha catūsu pāsāṇesu mañcaṁ paññapetvā mañce mañcaṁ āropetvā pīṭhe pīṭhaṁ āropetvā senāsanaṁ upari puñjaṁ karitvā dārubhaṇḍaṁ mattikābhaṇḍaṁ paṭisāmetvā dvāravātapānaṁ thaketvā pakkamitabbaṁ.
If not, he should place the bed on four rocks in a dry spot. He should then stack the beds and benches on top of one another, with the other furniture piled on top, and put away the wooden and ceramic goods. He should close the door and the windows, and then depart.

Sace sabbo vihāro ovassati, sace ussahati, senāsanaṁ gāmaṁ atiharitabbaṁ, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the whole dwelling is getting wet, he should carry the furniture to the village if he’s able, or he should make an effort

‘kinti nu kho senāsanaṁ gāmaṁ atihariyethā’ti.
to have it carried to the village.

Evañcetaṁ labhetha, iccetaṁ kusalaṁ.
If this works out, all is well.

No ce labhetha, ajjhokāse catūsu pāsāṇesu mañcaṁ paññapetvā mañce mañcaṁ āropetvā pīṭhe pīṭhaṁ āropetvā senāsanaṁ upari puñjaṁ karitvā dārubhaṇḍaṁ mattikābhaṇḍaṁ paṭisāmetvā tiṇena vā paṇṇena vā paṭicchādetvā pakkamitabbaṁ—
If not, he should place the bed on four rocks outside. He should then stack the beds and benches on top of one another, with the other furniture piled on top, and he should put away the wooden and ceramic goods. He should cover it all with grass and leaves and then depart,

appeva nāma aṅgānipi seseyyunti.
thinking, ‘Hopefully the requisites will be okay.’

Idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, gamikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ yathā gamikehi bhikkhūhi sammā vattitabban”ti.
This is the proper conduct for departing monks.”

4. Anumodanavattakathā
4. Discussion of the proper conduct in connection with the expression of appreciation

Tena kho pana samayena bhikkhū bhattagge na anumodanti.
At that time there were monks who did not express their appreciation in the dining hall.

Manussā ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
People complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma samaṇā sakyaputtiyā bhattagge na anumodissantī”ti.
“How can the Sakyan monastics not express their appreciation in the dining hall?”

Assosuṁ kho bhikkhū tesaṁ manussānaṁ ujjhāyantānaṁ khiyyantānaṁ vipācentānaṁ.
The monks heard the complaints of those people

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
and they told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
The Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“anujānāmi, bhikkhave, bhattagge anumoditun”ti.
“You should express your appreciation in the dining hall.”

Atha kho tesaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ etadahosi—
The monks thought,

“kena nu kho bhattagge anumoditabban”ti?
“Who should give the expression of appreciation?”

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
He gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“anujānāmi, bhikkhave, therena bhikkhunā bhattagge anumoditun”ti.
“The most senior monk should give the expression of appreciation in the dining hall.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa pūgassa saṅghabhattaṁ hoti.
Soon afterwards a certain association was offering a meal to the Sangha.

Āyasmā sāriputto saṅghatthero hoti.
Venerable Sāriputta was the most senior monk.


“bhagavatā anuññātaṁ therena bhikkhunā bhattagge anumoditun”ti—
Because the Buddha had said the most senior monk should give the expression of appreciation,

āyasmantaṁ sāriputtaṁ ekakaṁ ohāya pakkamiṁsu.
the other monks left, leaving Sāriputta behind by himself.

Atha kho āyasmā sāriputto te manusse paṭisammoditvā pacchā ekako agamāsi.
After giving the expression of appreciation, he left by himself.

Addasā kho bhagavā āyasmantaṁ sāriputtaṁ dūratova ekakaṁ āgacchantaṁ.
The Buddha saw him coming

Disvāna āyasmantaṁ sāriputtaṁ etadavoca—
and asked,

“kacci, sāriputta, bhattaṁ iddhaṁ ahosī”ti?
“Did the meal go well?”

“Iddhaṁ kho, bhante, bhattaṁ ahosi;
“The meal went well, Sir,

api ca maṁ bhikkhū ekakaṁ ohāya pakkantā”ti.
but the monks all left, leaving me behind by myself.”

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
Soon afterwards the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“anujānāmi, bhikkhave, bhattagge catūhi pañcahi therānutherehi bhikkhūhi āgametun”ti.
“The four or five most senior monks should wait in the dining hall.”

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro thero bhattagge vaccito āgamesi.
On one occasion a senior monk who needed to defecate was waiting in the dining hall.

So vaccaṁ sandhāretuṁ asakkonto mucchito papati.
Being unable to hold out, he fainted and fell over.

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

“Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, sati karaṇīye ānantarikaṁ bhikkhuṁ āpucchitvā gantun”ti.
“When there’s something to be done, I allow you to go after informing the monk next to you.”

5. Bhattaggavattakathā
5. Discussion of the proper conduct in relation to dining halls

Tena kho pana samayena chabbaggiyā bhikkhū dunnivatthā duppārutā anākappasampannā bhattaggaṁ gacchanti, vokkammapi therānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ purato purato gacchanti, therepi bhikkhū anupakhajja nisīdanti, navepi bhikkhū āsanena paṭibāhanti, saṅghāṭimpi ottharitvā antaraghare nisīdanti.
At that time the monks from the group of six walked to the dining hall shabbily dressed and improper in appearance. Taking a short cut, they walked in front of the senior monks. They sat down encroaching on the senior monks and blocked the junior monks from getting a seat. And they spread out their upper robes and sat on them in inhabited areas.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma chabbaggiyā bhikkhū dunnivatthā duppārutā anākappasampannā bhattaggaṁ gacchissanti, vokkammapi therānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ purato purato gacchissanti, therepi bhikkhū anupakhajja nisīdissanti, navepi bhikkhū āsanenapi paṭibāhissanti, saṅghāṭimpi ottharitvā antaraghare nisīdissantī”ti.
“How can the monks from the group of six act like this?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, chabbaggiyā bhikkhū dunnivatthā duppārutā anākappasampannā bhattaggaṁ gacchanti, vokkammapi therānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ purato purato gacchanti, therepi bhikkhū anupakhajja nisīdanti, navepi bhikkhū āsanena paṭibāhanti, saṅghāṭimpi ottharitvā antaraghare nisīdantī”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that the monks from the group of six are acting like this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti …pe…
“It’s true, Sir.” …

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, bhikkhūnaṁ bhattaggavattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā bhikkhūhi bhattagge sammā vattitabbaṁ.
“Well then, I’ll lay down the proper conduct in relation to dining halls.

Sace ārāme kālo ārocito hoti, timaṇḍalaṁ paṭicchādentena parimaṇḍalaṁ nivāsetvā kāyabandhanaṁ bandhitvā saguṇaṁ katvā saṅghāṭiyo pārupitvā gaṇṭhikaṁ paṭimuñcitvā dhovitvā pattaṁ gahetvā sādhukaṁ ataramānena gāmo pavisitabbo.
In a monastery where the time for departure gets announced, a monk should put on his sarong evenly all around, covering the navel and the knees. He should put on a belt. Putting the upper robes together, overlapping each other edge-to-edge, he should put them on and fasten the toggle. He should rinse his bowl, bring it along, and enter the village carefully and without hurry.

Na vokkamma therānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ purato purato gantabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t take a short cut and walk in front of the senior monks.

Suppaṭicchannena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
He should be well-covered while walking in inhabited areas;

Susaṁvutena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he should be well-restrained while walking in inhabited areas;

Okkhittacakkhunā antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he should lower his eyes while walking in inhabited areas;

Na ukkhittakāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t lift his robe while walking in inhabited areas;

Na ujjagghikāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t laugh loudly while walking in inhabited areas;

Appasaddena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t be noisy while walking in inhabited areas;

Na kāyappacālakaṁ antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t sway his body while walking in inhabited areas;

Na bāhuppacālakaṁ antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t swing his arms while walking in inhabited areas;

Na sīsappacālakaṁ antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t sway his head while walking in inhabited areas;

Na khambhakatena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t have his hands on his hips while walking in inhabited areas;

Na oguṇṭhitena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t cover his head while walking in inhabited areas;

Na ukkuṭikāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t move about while squatting on his heels in inhabited areas.

Suppaṭicchannena antaraghare nisīditabbaṁ.
He should be well-covered while sitting in inhabited areas;

Susaṁvutena antaraghare nisīditabbaṁ.
he should be well-restrained while sitting in inhabited areas;

Okkhittacakkhunā antaraghare nisīditabbaṁ.
he should lower his eyes while sitting in inhabited areas;

Na ukkhittakāya antaraghare nisīditabbaṁ
he shouldn’t lift his robe while sitting in inhabited areas;

na ujjagghikāya antaraghare nisīditabbaṁ,
he shouldn’t laugh loudly while sitting in inhabited areas;

appasaddena antaraghare nisīditabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t be noisy while sitting in inhabited areas;

Na kāyappacālakaṁ antaraghare nisīditabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t sway his body while sitting in inhabited areas;

Na bāhuppacālakaṁ antaraghare nisīditabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t swing his arms while sitting in inhabited areas;

Na sīsappacālakaṁ antaraghare nisīditabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t sway his head while sitting in inhabited areas;

Na khambhakatena antaraghare nisīditabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t have his hands on his hips while sitting in inhabited areas;

Na oguṇṭhitena antaraghare nisīditabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t cover his head while sitting in inhabited areas;

Na pallatthikāya antaraghare nisīditabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t clasp his knees while sitting in inhabited areas.

Na there bhikkhū anupakhajja nisīditabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t sit encroaching on the senior monks

Na navā bhikkhū āsanena paṭibāhitabbā.
or block the junior monks from getting a seat.

Na saṅghāṭiṁ ottharitvā antaraghare nisīditabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t spread out his upper robe and sit on it in inhabited areas.

Udake diyyamāne ubhohi hatthehi pattaṁ paṭiggahetvā udakaṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ.
When given water, he should receive it while holding his bowl with both hands.

Nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena patto dhovitabbo.
Holding the bowl low, he should rinse it carefully without scratching it.

Sace udakappaṭiggāhako hoti, nīcaṁ katvā udakappaṭiggahe udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ—
If there’s someone to receive the water, he should hold his bowl low and pour the water into the container,

mā udakappaṭiggāhako udakena osiñci, mā sāmantā bhikkhū udakena osiñciṁsu, mā saṅghāṭi udakena osiñcīti.
trying to avoid splashing the person receiving the water, the monks sitting nearby, and his upper robe.

Sace udakappaṭiggāhako na hoti, nīcaṁ katvā chamāya udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ—
If there’s no one to receive the water, he should hold his bowl low and pour the water on the ground,

mā sāmantā bhikkhū udakena osiñciṁsu, mā saṅghāṭi udakena osiñcīti.
trying to avoid splashing the monks sitting nearby and his upper robe.

Odane diyyamāne ubhohi hatthehi pattaṁ paṭiggahetvā odano paṭiggahetabbo, sūpassa okāso kātabbo.
When given rice, he should receive it while holding his bowl with both hands, leaving room for the curry.

Sace hoti sappi vā telaṁ vā uttaribhaṅgaṁ vā, therena vattabbo—
If there’s ghee, oil, or special curry, the senior monk should say,

‘sabbesaṁ samakaṁ sampādehī’ti.
‘Everyone gets an equal share.’

Sakkaccaṁ piṇḍapāto paṭiggahetabbo.
He should receive the almsfood respectfully;

Pattasaññinā piṇḍapāto paṭiggahetabbo.
he should receive the almsfood with attention on the bowl;

Samasūpako piṇḍapāto paṭiggahetabbo.
he should receive the almsfood with the right proportion of bean curry;

Samatittiko piṇḍapāto paṭiggahetabbo.
he should receive an even level of almsfood.

Na tāva therena bhuñjitabbaṁ yāva na sabbesaṁ odano sampatto hoti.
The senior monk shouldn’t start eating until everyone has received rice.

Sakkaccaṁ piṇḍapāto bhuñjitabbo.
A monk should eat almsfood respectfully;

Pattasaññinā piṇḍapāto bhuñjitabbo.
he should eat almsfood with attention on the bowl;

Sapadānaṁ piṇḍapāto bhuñjitabbo.
he should eat almsfood in order;

Samasūpako piṇḍapāto bhuñjitabbo.
he should eat almsfood with the right proportion of bean curry;

Na thūpakato omadditvā piṇḍapāto bhuñjitabbo.
he shouldn’t eat almsfood after making a heap;

Na sūpaṁ vā byañjanaṁ vā odanena paṭicchādetabbaṁ bhiyyokamyataṁ upādāya.
he shouldn’t cover his curries with rice because he wants more;

Na sūpaṁ vā odanaṁ vā agilānena attano atthāya viññāpetvā bhuñjitabbaṁ.
when not sick, he shouldn’t request bean curry and rice for himself and then eat it;

Na ujjhānasaññinā paresaṁ patto oloketabbo.
he shouldn’t look at another’s almsbowl finding fault;

Nātimahanto kabaḷo kātabbo.
he shouldn’t make mouthfuls that are too large;

Parimaṇḍalo ālopo kātabbo.
he should make rounded mouthfuls;

Na anāhaṭe kabaḷe mukhadvāraṁ vivaritabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t open his mouth without bringing a mouthful to it;

Na bhuñjamānena sabbo hattho mukhe pakkhipitabbo.
he shouldn’t put his whole hand in his mouth while eating;

Na sakabaḷena mukhena byāharitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t speak with food in his mouth;

Na piṇḍukkhepakaṁ bhuñjitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t eat from a lifted ball of food;

Na kabaḷāvacchedakaṁ bhuñjitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t eat breaking up mouthfuls;

Na avagaṇḍakārakaṁ bhuñjitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t eat stuffing his cheeks;

Na hatthaniddhunakaṁ bhuñjitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t eat shaking his hand;

Na sitthāvakārakaṁ bhuñjitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t eat scattering rice;

Na jivhānicchārakaṁ bhuñjitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t eat sticking out his tongue;

Na capucapukārakaṁ bhuñjitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t make a chomping sound while eating;

Na surusurukārakaṁ bhuñjitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t slurp while eating;

Na hatthanillehakaṁ bhuñjitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t lick his hands while eating;

Na pattanillehakaṁ bhuñjitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t lick his almsbowl while eating;

Na oṭṭhanillehakaṁ bhuñjitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t lick his lips while eating;

Na sāmisena hatthena pānīyathālako paṭiggahetabbo.
he shouldn’t receive the drinking-water vessel with a hand soiled with food.

Na tāva therena udakaṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ yāva na sabbeva bhuttāvino honti.
The senior monk shouldn’t receive water for washing until all the monks are finished eating.

Udake diyyamāne ubhohi hatthehi pattaṁ paṭiggahetvā udakaṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ.
When given water, a monk should receive it while holding his bowl with both hands.

Nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena patto dhovitabbo.
Holding the bowl low, he should rinse it carefully without scratching it.

Sace udakappaṭiggāhako hoti, nīcaṁ katvā udakappaṭiggahe udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ—
If there’s someone to receive the water, he should hold his bowl low and pour the water into the container,

mā udakappaṭiggāhako udakena osiñci, mā sāmantā bhikkhū udakena osiñciṁsu, mā saṅghāṭi udakena osiñcīti.
trying to avoid splashing the person receiving the water, the monks sitting nearby, and his upper robe.

Sace udakappaṭiggāhako na hoti, nīcaṁ katvā chamāya udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ—
If there’s no one to receive the water, he should hold his bowl low and pour the water on the ground,

mā sāmantā bhikkhū udakena osiñciṁsu, mā saṅghāṭi udakena osiñcīti.
trying to avoid splashing the monks sitting nearby and his upper robe.

Na sasitthakaṁ pattadhovanaṁ antaraghare chaḍḍetabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t discard bowl-washing water containing rice in inhabited areas.

Nivattantena navakehi bhikkhūhi paṭhamataraṁ nivattitabbaṁ, pacchā therehi.
When returning, the junior monks should go first and then the senior monks.

Suppaṭicchannena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
A monk should be well-covered while walking in inhabited areas;

Susaṁvutena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he should be well-restrained while walking in inhabited areas;

Okkhittacakkhunā antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he should lower his eyes while walking in inhabited areas;

Na ukkhittakāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t lift his robe while walking in inhabited areas;

Na ujjagghikāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t laugh loudly while walking in inhabited areas;

Appasaddena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t be noisy while walking in inhabited areas;

Na kāyappacālakaṁ antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t sway his body while walking in inhabited areas;

Na bāhuppacālakaṁ antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t swing his arms while walking in inhabited areas;

Na sīsappacālakaṁ antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t sway his head while walking in inhabited areas;

Na khambhakatena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t have his hands on his hips while walking in inhabited areas;

Na oguṇṭhitena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t cover his head while walking in inhabited areas;

Na ukkuṭikāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t move about while squatting on his heels in inhabited areas.

Idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhūnaṁ bhattaggavattaṁ yathā bhikkhūhi bhattagge sammā vattitabban”ti.
This is the proper conduct in relation to dining halls.”

Paṭhamabhāṇavāro niṭṭhito.
The first section for recitation is finished.

6. Piṇḍacārikavattakathā
6. Discussion of the proper conduct for alms collectors

Tena kho pana samayena piṇḍacārikā bhikkhū dunnivatthā duppārutā anākappasampannā piṇḍāya caranti, asallakkhetvāpi nivesanaṁ pavisanti, asallakkhetvāpi nikkhamanti, atisahasāpi pavisanti, atisahasāpi nikkhamanti, atidūrepi tiṭṭhanti, accāsannepi tiṭṭhanti, aticirampi tiṭṭhanti, atilahumpi nivattanti.
At that time there were alms-collecting monks who were shabbily dressed and improper in appearance. They entered and left houses without being attentive, entered and left too hastily, stood too far away or too close, and waited too long or left too soon.

Aññataropi piṇḍacāriko bhikkhu asallakkhetvā nivesanaṁ pāvisi.
On one occasion a certain monk entered a house without being attentive.

So ca dvāraṁ maññamāno aññataraṁ ovarakaṁ pāvisi.
Thinking it was the main door, he entered a room

Tasmimpi ovarake itthī naggā uttānā nipannā hoti.
where a woman was lying naked.

Addasā kho so bhikkhu taṁ itthiṁ naggaṁ uttānaṁ nipannaṁ.
When he saw her,


“nayidaṁ dvāraṁ, ovarakaṁ idan”ti tamhā ovarakā nikkhami.
he left the room.

Addasā kho tassā itthiyā sāmiko taṁ itthiṁ naggaṁ uttānaṁ nipannaṁ.
But when her husband saw her there,


“iminā me bhikkhunā pajāpatī dūsitā”ti taṁ bhikkhuṁ gahetvā ākoṭesi.
he thought, “My wife has been raped by this monk,” and he took hold of that monk and gave him a beating.

Atha kho sā itthī tena saddena paṭibujjhitvā taṁ purisaṁ etadavoca—
The woman woke up from the commotion and asked her husband,

“kissa tvaṁ, ayya, imaṁ bhikkhuṁ ākoṭesī”ti?
“Why are you beating this monk?”

“Imināsi tvaṁ bhikkhunā dūsitā”ti?
“Didn’t he rape you?”

“Nāhaṁ, ayya, iminā bhikkhunā dūsitā;
“No he didn’t.

akārako so bhikkhū”ti taṁ bhikkhuṁ muñcāpesi.
He’s innocent.” And she had him release that monk.

Atha kho so bhikkhu ārāmaṁ gantvā bhikkhūnaṁ etamatthaṁ ārocesi.
The monk then returned to the monastery and told the monks what had happened.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized him,

“kathañhi nāma piṇḍacārikā bhikkhū dunnivatthā duppārutā anākappasampannā piṇḍāya carissanti, asallakkhetvāpi nivesanaṁ pavisissanti, asallakkhetvāpi nikkhamissanti, atisahasāpi pavisissanti, atisahasāpi nikkhamissanti, atidūrepi tiṭṭhissanti, accāsannepi tiṭṭhissanti, aticirampi tiṭṭhissanti, atilahumpi nivattissantī”ti.
“How can the alms-collecting monks act like this?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave …pe…
“Is it true, monks, that the alms-collecting monks are acting like this?”

“saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti …pe…
“It’s true, Sir.” …

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, piṇḍacārikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā piṇḍacārikehi bhikkhūhi sammā vattitabbaṁ.
“Well then, I’ll lay down the proper conduct for alms-collecting monks.

Piṇḍacārikena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā—
When an alms-collecting monk is about to enter the village,

‘idāni gāmaṁ pavisissāmī’ti timaṇḍalaṁ paṭicchādentena parimaṇḍalaṁ nivāsetvā kāyabandhanaṁ bandhitvā saguṇaṁ katvā saṅghāṭiyo pārupitvā gaṇṭhikaṁ paṭimuñcitvā dhovitvā pattaṁ gahetvā sādhukaṁ ataramānena gāmo pavisitabbo.
he should put on his sarong evenly all around, covering the navel and the knees. He should put on a belt. Putting the upper robes together, overlapping each other edge-to-edge, he should put them on and fasten the toggle. He should rinse his bowl, bring it along, and enter the village carefully and without hurry.

Suppaṭicchannena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
He should be well-covered while walking in an inhabited areas;

Susaṁvutena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he should be well-restrained while walking in inhabited areas;

Okkhittacakkhunā antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he should lower his eyes while walking in inhabited areas;

Na ukkhittakāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t lift his robe while walking in inhabited areas;

Na ujjagghikāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t laugh loudly while walking in inhabited areas;

Appasaddena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t be noisy while walking in inhabited areas;

Na kāyappacālakaṁ antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t sway his body while walking in inhabited areas;

Na bāhuppacālakaṁ antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t swing his arms while walking in inhabited areas;

Na sīsappacālakaṁ antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t sway his head while walking in inhabited areas;

Na khambhakatena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t have his hands on his hips while walking in inhabited areas;

Na oguṇṭhitena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t cover his head while walking in inhabited areas;

Na ukkuṭikāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t move about while squatting on his heels in inhabited areas.

Nivesanaṁ pavisantena sallakkhetabbaṁ—
When entering a house,

‘iminā pavisissāmi, iminā nikkhamissāmī’ti.
he should be attentive to where to enter and where to leave.

Nātisahasā pavisitabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t enter

Nātisahasā nikkhamitabbaṁ.
or leave too hastily,

Nātidūre ṭhātabbaṁ.
stand too far away

Nāccāsanne ṭhātabbaṁ.
or too close,

Nāticiraṁ ṭhātabbaṁ.
or wait too long

Nātilahuṁ nivattitabbaṁ.
or leave too soon.

Ṭhitakena sallakkhetabbaṁ—
While waiting,

‘bhikkhaṁ dātukāmā vā adātukāmā vā’ti.
he should be attentive to whether they wish to give alms or not.

Sace kammaṁ vā nikkhipati, āsanā vā vuṭṭhāti, kaṭacchuṁ vā parāmasati, bhājanaṁ vā parāmasati, ṭhapeti vā—dātukāmassāti ṭhātabbaṁ.
If they put down their work, get up from their seat, take hold of a serving spoon or a vessel, or they tell him to wait, then he should assume they wish to give, and he should wait.

Bhikkhāya diyyamānāya vāmena hatthena saṅghāṭiṁ uccāretvā dakkhiṇena hatthena pattaṁ paṇāmetvā ubhohi hatthehi pattaṁ paṭiggahetvā bhikkhā paṭiggahetabbā.
When they give him almsfood, he should lift his upper robe with his left hand, stretch out his bowl with his right hand, and receive the alms while holding the bowl with both hands.

Na ca bhikkhādāyikāya mukhaṁ ulloketabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t look the donor in the face.

He should be attentive

‘sūpaṁ dātukāmā vā adātukāmā vā’ti.
to whether they wish to give curry or not.

Sace kaṭacchuṁ vā parāmasati, bhājanaṁ vā parāmasati, ṭhapeti vā—
If they take hold of a serving spoon or a vessel, or they tell him to wait,

dātukāmassāti ṭhātabbaṁ.
then he should assume they wish to give, and he should wait.

Bhikkhāya dinnāya saṅghāṭiyā pattaṁ paṭicchādetvā sādhukaṁ ataramānena nivattitabbaṁ.
When they have given alms, he should cover the bowl with his upper robe, and leave carefully and without hurry.

Suppaṭicchannena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
He should be well-covered while walking in inhabited areas;

Susaṁvutena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he should be well-restrained while walking in inhabited areas;

Okkhittacakkhunā antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he should lower his eyes while walking in inhabited areas;

Na ukkhittakāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t lift his robe while walking in inhabited areas;

Na ujjagghikāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t laugh loudly while walking in inhabited areas;

Appasaddena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t be noisy while walking in inhabited areas;

Na kāyappacālakaṁ antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t sway his body while walking in inhabited areas;

Na bāhuppacālakaṁ antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t swing his arms while walking in inhabited areas;

Na sīsappacālakaṁ antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t sway his head while walking in inhabited areas;

Na khambhakatena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t have his hands on his hips while walking in inhabited areas;

Na oguṇṭhitena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t cover his head while walking in inhabited areas;

Na ukkuṭikāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t move about while squatting on his heels in inhabited areas.

Yo paṭhamaṁ gāmato piṇḍāya paṭikkamati, tena āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipitabbaṁ, avakkārapāti dhovitvā upaṭṭhāpetabbā, pānīyaṁ paribhojanīyaṁ upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ.
Whoever returns first from alms round in the village should prepare the seats and set out a foot stool, a foot scraper, and water for washing the feet. He should wash the bowl for leftovers and put it back out, and set out water for drinking and water for washing.

Yo pacchā gāmato piṇḍāya paṭikkamati, sace hoti bhuttāvaseso, sace ākaṅkhati, bhuñjitabbaṁ.
Whoever returns last from alms round may eat whatever is left over,

No ce ākaṅkhati, appaharite vā chaḍḍetabbaṁ, appāṇake vā udake opilāpetabbaṁ.
or he should discard it where there are no cultivated plants or in water without life.

Tena āsanaṁ uddharitabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ paṭisāmetabbaṁ, avakkārapāti dhovitvā paṭisāmetabbā, pānīyaṁ paribhojanīyaṁ paṭisāmetabbaṁ, bhattaggaṁ sammajjitabbaṁ.
He should put away the seats and also the foot stool, the foot scraper, and the water for washing the feet. He should wash the bowl for leftovers and put it away, put away the water for drinking and the water for washing, and sweep the dining hall.

Yo passati pānīyaghaṭaṁ vā paribhojanīyaghaṭaṁ vā vaccaghaṭaṁ vā rittaṁ tucchaṁ tena upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ.
Whoever sees that the pot for drinking water, the pot for washing water, or the restroom pot is empty should fill it.

Sacassa hoti avisayhaṁ, hatthavikārena dutiyaṁ āmantetvā hatthavilaṅghakena upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ, na ca tappaccayā vācā bhinditabbā.
If he can’t do it by himself, he should call someone over by hand signal and they should fill it together. He shouldn’t speak because of that.

Idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, piṇḍacārikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ yathā piṇḍacārikehi bhikkhūhi sammā vattitabban”ti.
This is the proper conduct for alms collectors.”

7. Āraññikavattakathā
7. Discussion of the proper conduct for those staying in the wilderness

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulā bhikkhū araññe viharanti.
At that time there was a number of monks staying in the wilderness.

Te neva pānīyaṁ upaṭṭhāpenti, na paribhojanīyaṁ upaṭṭhāpenti, na aggiṁ upaṭṭhāpenti, na araṇisahitaṁ upaṭṭhāpenti, na nakkhattapadāni jānanti, na disābhāgaṁ jānanti.
They did not set out water for drinking or water for washing, did not light fires or provide fire-making implements, and did not know the constellations or the regions.

Corā tattha gantvā te bhikkhū etadavocuṁ—
Criminals went to that place and asked the monks,

“atthi, bhante, pānīyan”ti?
“Sir, is there any water for drinking?” —

“No, there isn’t.” —

“Atthi, bhante, paribhojanīyan”ti?
“Is there any water for washing?” —

“No.” —

“Atthi, bhante, aggī”ti?
“Is there any fire?” —

“No.” —

“Atthi, bhante, araṇisahitan”ti?
“Are there any fire-making implements?” —

“No.” —

(…) “Kenajja, bhante, yuttan”ti?
“Which constellation is the moon in today?” —

“Na kho mayaṁ, āvuso, jānāmā”ti.
“We don’t know.” —

“Katamāyaṁ, bhante, disā”ti?
“Which region is this?” —

“Na kho mayaṁ, āvuso, jānāmā”ti.
“We don’t know.”

Atha kho te corā—

“nevimesaṁ pānīyaṁ atthi, na paribhojanīyaṁ atthi, na aggi atthi, na araṇisahitaṁ atthi, na nakkhattapadāni jānanti, na disābhāgaṁ jānanti;

corā ime, nayime bhikkhū”ti—
“They’re not monks; they’re criminals,”

ākoṭetvā pakkamiṁsu.
they beat them up and left.

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhikkhūnaṁ etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
The monks told other monks what had happened

Bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
and they in turn told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
Soon afterwards the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, āraññikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā āraññikehi bhikkhūhi sammā vattitabbaṁ.
“Well then, I’ll lay down the proper conduct for monks staying in the wilderness.

Āraññikena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā kālasseva uṭṭhāya pattaṁ thavikāya pakkhipitvā aṁse ālaggetvā cīvaraṁ khandhe karitvā upāhanā ārohitvā dārubhaṇḍaṁ mattikābhaṇḍaṁ paṭisāmetvā dvāravātapānaṁ thaketvā senāsanā otaritabbaṁ—
After getting up early in the morning, a monk who is staying in the wilderness should put his bowl in its bag, hang it from his shoulder, put his robe over his shoulders, put on his sandals, put the wooden and ceramic goods in order, close the door and windows, and come down from his dwelling.

idāni gāmaṁ pavisissāmīti.
When he’s about to enter the village,

Upāhanā omuñcitvā nīcaṁ katvā papphoṭetvā thavikāya pakkhipitvā aṁse ālaggetvā timaṇḍalaṁ paṭicchādentena parimaṇḍalaṁ nivāsetvā kāyabandhanaṁ bandhitvā saguṇaṁ katvā saṅghāṭiyo pārupitvā gaṇṭhikaṁ paṭimuñcitvā dhovitvā pattaṁ gahetvā sādhukaṁ ataramānena gāmo pavisitabbo.
he should remove his sandals, hold them low and knock them together. He should put them in a bag, which he should hang from his shoulder. He should put on his sarong evenly all around, covering the navel and the knees, and he should put on a belt. Putting the upper robes together, overlapping each other edge-to-edge, he should put them on and fasten the toggle. He should rinse his bowl, bring it along, and enter the village carefully and without hurry.

Suppaṭicchannena antaraghare gantabbaṁ …pe…
He should be well-covered while walking in inhabited areas; he should be well-restrained while walking in inhabited areas; he should lower his eyes while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t lift his robe while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t laugh loudly while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t be noisy while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t sway his body while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t swing his arms while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t sway his head while walking in inhabited areas;

na khambhakatena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t have his hands on his hips while walking in inhabited areas;

Na oguṇṭhitena antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t cover his head while walking in inhabited areas;

Na ukkuṭikāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t move about while squatting on his heels in inhabited areas.

Nivesanaṁ pavisantena sallakkhetabbaṁ—
When entering a house,

‘iminā pavisissāmi, iminā nikkhamissāmī’ti.
he should be attentive to where to enter and where to leave.

Nātisahasā pavisitabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t enter

Nātisahasā nikkhamitabbaṁ.
or leave too hastily,

Nātidūre ṭhātabbaṁ.
stand too far away

Nāccāsanne ṭhātabbaṁ.
or too close,

Nāticiraṁ ṭhātabbaṁ.
or wait too long

Nātilahuṁ nivattitabbaṁ.
or leave too soon.

Ṭhitakena sallakkhetabbaṁ—
While waiting,

‘bhikkhaṁ dātukāmā vā adātukāmā vā’ti.
he should be attentive to whether they wish to give alms or not.

Sace kammaṁ vā nikkhipati, āsanā vā vuṭṭhāti, kaṭacchuṁ vā parāmasati, bhājanaṁ vā parāmasati, ṭhapeti vā—
If they put down their work, get up from their seat, take hold of a serving spoon or a vessel, or they tell him to wait,

dātukāmassāti ṭhātabbaṁ.
then he should assume they wish to give, and he should wait.

Bhikkhāya diyyamānāya vāmena hatthena saṅghāṭiṁ uccāretvā dakkhiṇena hatthena pattaṁ paṇāmetvā ubhohi hatthehi pattaṁ paṭiggahetvā bhikkhā paṭiggahetabbā.
When they give him almsfood, he should lift his upper robe with his left hand, stretch out his bowl with his right hand, and receive the alms while holding the bowl with both hands.

Na ca bhikkhādāyikāya mukhaṁ ulloketabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t look the donor in the face.

He should be attentive

‘sūpaṁ dātukāmā vā adātukāmā vā’ti.
to whether they wish to give curry or not.

Sace kaṭacchuṁ vā parāmasati, bhājanaṁ vā parāmasati, ṭhapeti vā—
If they take hold of a serving spoon or a vessel, or they tell him to wait,

dātukāmassāti ṭhātabbaṁ.
then he should assume they wish to give, and he should wait.

Bhikkhāya dinnāya saṅghāṭiyā pattaṁ paṭicchādetvā sādhukaṁ ataramānena nivattitabbaṁ.
When they have given alms, he should cover the bowl with his upper robe, and return carefully and without hurry.

Suppaṭicchannena antaraghare gantabbaṁ …pe…
He should be well-covered while walking in inhabited areas; he should be well-restrained while walking in inhabited areas; he should lower his eyes while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t lift his robe while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t laugh loudly while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t be noisy while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t sway his body while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t swing his arms while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t sway his head while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t have his hands on his hips while walking in inhabited areas; he shouldn’t cover his head while walking in inhabited areas;

na ukkuṭikāya antaraghare gantabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t move about while squatting on his heels in inhabited areas.

Gāmato nikkhamitvā pattaṁ thavikāya pakkhipitvā aṁse ālaggetvā cīvaraṁ saṅgharitvā sīse karitvā upāhanā ārohitvā gantabbaṁ.
When he has left the village, he should put his bowl in its bag and hang it from his shoulder, fold up his robe and put it on his head, and put on his sandals and go.

Āraññikena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā pānīyaṁ upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ, paribhojanīyaṁ upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ, aggi upaṭṭhāpetabbo, araṇisahitaṁ upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ, kattaradaṇḍo upaṭṭhāpetabbo, nakkhattapadāni uggahetabbāni—
A monk who is staying in the wilderness should set out water for drinking and water for washing, should light a fire and provide fire-making implements, should provide a walking stick, and should learn the constellations—

sakalāni vā ekadesāni vā, disākusalena bhavitabbaṁ.
either all of them or a portion—and become skilled in the regions.

Idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, āraññikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ vattaṁ yathā āraññikehi bhikkhūhi sammā vattitabban”ti.
This is the proper conduct for those staying in the wilderness.”

8. Senāsanavattakathā
8. Discussion of the proper conduct in regard to dwellings

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulā bhikkhū ajjhokāse cīvarakammaṁ karonti.
On one occasion when a number of monks were making robes outside,

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhū paṭivāte aṅgaṇe senāsanaṁ papphoṭesuṁ.
the monks from the group of six were beating furniture in an open space upwind from them.

Bhikkhū rajena okiriṁsu.
The robe-making monks became dusty.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma chabbaggiyā bhikkhū paṭivāte aṅgaṇe senāsanaṁ papphoṭessanti.
“How can the monks from the group of six do this?”

Bhikkhū rajena okiriṁsū”ti.

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, chabbaggiyā bhikkhū paṭivāte aṅgaṇe senāsanaṁ papphoṭenti, bhikkhū rajena okiriṁsū”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that the monks from the group of six did this?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti …pe…
“It’s true, Sir.” …

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, bhikkhūnaṁ senāsanavattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā bhikkhūhi senāsane sammā vattitabbaṁ.
“Well then, I’ll lay down the proper conduct in regard to dwellings.

Yasmiṁ vihāre viharati, sace so vihāro uklāpo hoti, sace ussahati, sodhetabbo.
If the dwelling he’s staying in is dirty, a monk should clean it if he’s able.

Vihāraṁ sodhentena paṭhamaṁ pattacīvaraṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
When he’s cleaning the dwelling, he should first take out the bowl and robe and put them aside.

nisīdanapaccattharaṇaṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
He should take out the sitting mat and the sheet and put them aside.

bhisibibbohanaṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
He should take out the mattress and the pillow and put them aside.

mañco nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbo;
Holding the bed low, he should carefully take it out without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it aside.

pīṭhaṁ nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
Holding the bench low, he should carefully take it out without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it aside.

mañcapaṭipādakā nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbā;
He should take out the bed supports and put them aside.

kheḷamallako nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbo;
He should take out the spittoon and put it aside.

apassenaphalakaṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
He should take out the leaning board and put it aside.

bhummattharaṇaṁ yathāpaññattaṁ sallakkhetvā nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
After taking note of its position, he should take out the floor cover and put it aside.

Sace vihāre santānakaṁ hoti, ullokā paṭhamaṁ ohāretabbaṁ, ālokasandhikaṇṇabhāgā pamajjitabbā.
If the dwelling has cobwebs, he should first remove them from the ceiling cloth, and he should then wipe the windows and the corners of the room.

Sace gerukaparikammakatā bhitti kaṇṇakitā hoti, coḷakaṁ temetvā pīḷetvā pamajjitabbā.
If the walls have been treated with red ocher and they’re moldy, he should moisten a cloth, wring it out, and wipe the walls.

Sace kāḷavaṇṇakatā bhūmi kaṇṇakitā hoti, coḷakaṁ temetvā pīḷetvā pamajjitabbā.
If the floor has been treated with a black finish and it’s moldy, he should moisten a cloth, wring it out, and wipe the floor.

Sace akatā hoti bhūmi, udakena paripphositvā paripphositvā sammajjitabbā—
If the floor is untreated, he should sprinkle it with water and then sweep it,

mā vihāro rajena uhaññīti.
trying to avoid stirring up dust.

Saṅkāraṁ vicinitvā ekamantaṁ chaḍḍetabbaṁ.
He should look out for any trash and discard it.

Na bhikkhusāmantā senāsanaṁ papphoṭetabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t beat the furniture near other monks,

Na vihārasāmantā senāsanaṁ papphoṭetabbaṁ.
near other dwellings,

Na pānīyasāmantā senāsanaṁ papphoṭetabbaṁ.
near water for drinking,

Na paribhojanīyasāmantā senāsanaṁ papphoṭetabbaṁ.
or near water for washing.

Na paṭivāte aṅgaṇe senāsanaṁ papphoṭetabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t beat the furniture in an open area upwind from these things,

Adhovāte senāsanaṁ papphoṭetabbaṁ.
but downwind from them.

Bhummattharaṇaṁ ekamantaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the floor cover, clean it, beat it, bring it back inside, and put it back as before.

Mañcapaṭipādakā ekamantaṁ otāpetvā pamajjitvā atiharitvā yathāṭhāne ṭhapetabbā.
He should sun the bed supports, wipe them, bring them back inside, and put them back where they were.

Mañco ekamantaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbo.
He should sun the bed, clean it, and beat it. Holding it low, he should carefully bring it back inside without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it back as before.

Pīṭhaṁ ekamantaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the bench, clean it, and beat it. Holding it low, he should carefully bring it back inside without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it back as before.

Bhisibibbohanaṁ ekamantaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the mattress and the pillow, clean them, beat them, bring them back inside, and put them back as before.

Nisīdanapaccattharaṇaṁ ekamantaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the sitting mat and the sheet, clean them, beat them, bring them back inside, and put them back as before.

Kheḷamallako ekamantaṁ otāpetvā pamajjitvā atiharitvā yathāṭhāne ṭhapetabbo.
He should sun the spittoon, wipe it, bring it back inside, and put it back where it was.

Apassenaphalakaṁ ekamantaṁ otāpetvā pamajjitvā atiharitvā yathāṭhāne ṭhapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the leaning board, wipe it, bring it back inside, and put it back where it was.

Pattacīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
He should put away the bowl and robe.

Pattaṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena pattaṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena heṭṭhāmañcaṁ vā heṭṭhāpīṭhaṁ vā parāmasitvā patto nikkhipitabbo.
When putting away the bowl, he should hold the bowl in one hand, feel under the bed or the bench with the other, and then put it away.

Na ca anantarahitāya bhūmiyā patto nikkhipitabbo.
He shouldn’t put the bowl away on the bare floor.

Cīvaraṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena cīvaraṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena cīvaravaṁsaṁ vā cīvararajjuṁ vā pamajjitvā pārato antaṁ orato bhogaṁ katvā cīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
When putting away the robe, he should hold the robe in one hand, wipe the bamboo robe rack or the clothesline with the other, and then put it away by folding the robe over it, making the ends face the wall and the fold face out.

Sace puratthimā sarajā vātā vāyanti, puratthimā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the east, he should close the windows on the eastern side.

Sace pacchimā sarajā vātā vāyanti, pacchimā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the west, he should close the windows on the western side.

Sace uttarā sarajā vātā vāyanti uttarā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the north, he should close the windows on the northern side.

Sace dakkhiṇā sarajā vātā vāyanti, dakkhiṇā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the south, he should close the windows on the southern side.

Sace sītakālo hoti, divā vātapānā vivaritabbā, rattiṁ thaketabbā.
If the weather is cold, he should open the windows during the day and close them at night.

Sace uṇhakālo hoti, divā vātapānā thaketabbā, rattiṁ vivaritabbā.
If the weather is hot, he should close the windows during the day and open them at night.

Sace pariveṇaṁ uklāpaṁ hoti, pariveṇaṁ sammajjitabbaṁ.
If the yard is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace koṭṭhako uklāpo hoti, koṭṭhako sammajjitabbo.
If the gatehouse is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace upaṭṭhānasālā uklāpā hoti, upaṭṭhānasālā sammajjitabbā.
If the assembly hall is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace aggisālā uklāpā hoti, aggisālā sammajjitabbā.
If the water-boiling shed is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace vaccakuṭi uklāpā hoti, vaccakuṭi sammajjitabbā.
If the restroom is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace pānīyaṁ na hoti, pānīyaṁ upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ.
If there’s no water for drinking, he should get some.

Sace paribhojanīyaṁ na hoti, paribhojanīyaṁ upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ.
If there’s no water for washing, he should get some.

Sace ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ na hoti, ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ.
If there’s no water in the restroom ablutions pot, he should fill it.

Sace vuḍḍhena saddhiṁ ekavihāre viharati, na vuḍḍhaṁ anāpucchā uddeso dātabbo, na paripucchā dātabbā, na sajjhāyo kātabbo, na dhammo bhāsitabbo, na padīpo kātabbo, na padīpo vijjhāpetabbo, na vātapānā vivaritabbā, na vātapānā thaketabbā.
If he’s staying in the same dwelling as a more senior monk, he shouldn’t do any of the following without asking him for permission: recite, question, rehearse, teach, turn a lamp on or off, or open or close a window.

Sace vuḍḍhena saddhiṁ ekacaṅkame caṅkamati, yena vuḍḍho tena parivattitabbaṁ, na ca vuḍḍho saṅghāṭikaṇṇena ghaṭṭetabbo.
If he’s doing walking meditation on the same walking path as a more senior monk, they should turn around according to seniority, but he shouldn’t touch the senior monk with the corner of his robe.

Idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhūnaṁ senāsanavattaṁ yathā bhikkhūhi senāsane sammā vattitabban”ti.
This is the proper conduct in regard to dwellings.”

9. Jantāgharavattakathā
9. Discussion of the proper conduct in regard to saunas

Tena kho pana samayena chabbaggiyā bhikkhū jantāghare therehi bhikkhūhi nivāriyamānā anādariyaṁ paṭicca pahūtaṁ kaṭṭhaṁ āropetvā aggiṁ datvā dvāraṁ thaketvā dvāre nisīdanti.
On one occasion the monks from the group of six were kept out of the sauna by the senior monks. Then, out of disrespect, they stacked up much firewood, lit it, closed the door, and sat down against it.

Bhikkhū uṇhābhitattā dvāraṁ alabhamānā mucchitā papatanti.
The monks overheated, but being unable to open the door, they fainted and collapsed.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma chabbaggiyā bhikkhū jantāghare therehi bhikkhūhi nivāriyamānā anādariyaṁ paṭicca pahūtaṁ kaṭṭhaṁ āropetvā aggiṁ datvā dvāraṁ thaketvā dvāre nisīdissanti.
“How can the monks from the group of six do this?”

Bhikkhū uṇhābhitattā dvāraṁ alabhamānā mucchitā papatantī”ti.

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, chabbaggiyā bhikkhū jantāghare therehi bhikkhūhi nivāriyamānā anādariyaṁ paṭicca pahūtaṁ kaṭṭhaṁ āropetvā aggiṁ datvā dvāraṁ thaketvā dvāre nisīdanti;
“Is it true, monks, that the monks from the group of six did this?”

bhikkhū uṇhābhitattā dvāraṁ alabhamānā mucchitā papatantī”ti?

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti …pe…
“It’s true, Sir.” …

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“na, bhikkhave, jantāghare therena bhikkhunā nivāriyamānena anādariyaṁ paṭicca pahūtaṁ kaṭṭhaṁ āropetvā aggi dātabbo.
“If you’re kept out of the sauna by senior monks, you shouldn’t, out of disrespect, stack up much firewood and light it.

Yo dadeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If you do, you commit an offense of wrong conduct.

Na, bhikkhave, dvāraṁ thaketvā dvāre nisīditabbaṁ.
And you shouldn’t close the door and sit down against it.

Yo nisīdeyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If you do, you commit an offense of wrong conduct.

Tena hi, bhikkhave, bhikkhūnaṁ jantāgharavattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā bhikkhūhi jantāghare sammā vattitabbaṁ.
Well then, I’ll lay down the proper conduct in regard to saunas.

Yo paṭhamaṁ jantāgharaṁ gacchati, sace chārikā ussannā hoti, chārikā chaḍḍetabbā.
The monk who goes first to the sauna should discard any ashes that are building up.

Sace jantāgharaṁ uklāpaṁ hoti, jantāgharaṁ sammajjitabbaṁ.
If the sauna is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace paribhaṇḍaṁ uklāpaṁ hoti, paribhaṇḍaṁ sammajjitabbaṁ.
If the area surrounding the sauna is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace pariveṇaṁ uklāpaṁ hoti, pariveṇaṁ sammajjitabbaṁ.
If the yard is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace koṭṭhako uklāpo hoti, koṭṭhako sammajjitabbo.
If the gatehouse is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace jantāgharasālā uklāpā hoti, jantāgharasālā sammajjitabbā.
If the sauna shed is dirty, he should sweep it.

Cuṇṇaṁ sannetabbaṁ, mattikā temetabbā, udakadoṇikāya udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ.
He should knead bath powder, moisten the clay, and fill the water trough with water.

Jantāgharaṁ pavisantena mattikāya mukhaṁ makkhetvā purato ca pacchato ca paṭicchādetvā jantāgharaṁ pavisitabbaṁ.
When entering the sauna, he should smear his face with clay, cover himself front and back, and then enter.

Na there bhikkhū anupakhajja nisīditabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t sit encroaching on the senior monks,

Na navā bhikkhū āsanena paṭibāhitabbā.
or block the junior monks from getting a seat.

Sace ussahati, jantāghare therānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ parikammaṁ kātabbaṁ.
If he’s able, he should provide assistance to the senior monks in the sauna.

Jantāgharā nikkhamantena jantāgharapīṭhaṁ ādāya purato ca pacchato ca paṭicchādetvā jantāgharā nikkhamitabbaṁ.
When leaving the sauna, he should take the sauna bench, cover himself front and back, and then leave.

Sace ussahati, udakepi therānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ parikammaṁ kātabbaṁ.
If he’s able, he should also provide assistance to the senior monks in the water.

Na therānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ puratopi nahāyitabbaṁ, na uparitopi nahāyitabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t bathe in front of the senior monks or upstream from them.

Nahātena uttarantena otarantānaṁ maggo dātabbo.
When he’s coming out of the water after bathing, he should give way to those who are entering the water.

Yo pacchā jantāgharā nikkhamati, sace jantāgharaṁ cikkhallaṁ hoti, dhovitabbaṁ.
If the sauna is muddy, the last monk to leave it should clean it.

Mattikādoṇikaṁ dhovitvā jantāgharapīṭhaṁ paṭisāmetvā aggiṁ vijjhāpetvā dvāraṁ thaketvā pakkamitabbaṁ.
He should wash the clay trough, put away the sauna bench, extinguish the fire, close the door, and then leave.

Idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhūnaṁ jantāgharavattaṁ yathā bhikkhūhi jantāghare sammā vattitabban”ti.
This is the proper conduct in regard to saunas.”

10. Vaccakuṭivattakathā
10. Discussion of the proper conduct in regard to restrooms

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu brāhmaṇajātiko vaccaṁ katvā na icchati ācametuṁ—
At that time a monk who had been born as a brahmin did not want to wash after defecating, thinking,

“ko imaṁ vasalaṁ duggandhaṁ āmasissatī”ti.
“Who would touch this foul, stinking stuff?”

Tassa vaccamagge kimi saṇṭhāti.
As a result, a worm settled in his rectum.

Atha kho so bhikkhu bhikkhūnaṁ etamatthaṁ ārocesi.
He told the monks, who said,

“Kiṁ pana tvaṁ, āvuso, vaccaṁ katvā na ācamesī”ti?
“So you don’t wash after defecating?”

“That’s right.”

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized him,

“kathañhi nāma bhikkhu vaccaṁ katvā na ācamessatī”ti.
“How can a monk not wash after defecating?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira tvaṁ, bhikkhu, vaccaṁ katvā na ācamesī”ti?
“Is it true, monk, that you don’t wash after defecating?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti …pe…
“It’s true, Sir.” …

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“na, bhikkhave, vaccaṁ katvā sati udake nācametabbaṁ.
“When there’s water available, you should wash after defecating.

Yo nācameyya, āpatti dukkaṭassā”ti.
If you don’t, you commit an offense of wrong conduct.”

Tena kho pana samayena bhikkhū vaccakuṭiyā yathāvuḍḍhaṁ vaccaṁ karonti.
At that time the monks used the restrooms according to seniority.

Navakā bhikkhū paṭhamataraṁ āgantvā vaccitā āgamenti.
Junior monks who had arrived first had to wait to defecate.

Te vaccaṁ sandhārentā mucchitā papatanti.
Unable to hold out, they fainted and collapsed.

Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They told the Buddha. …

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave …pe…
“Is it true, monks, that this is happening?”

“saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti …pe…
“It’s true, Sir.” …

“na, bhikkhave, vaccakuṭiyā yathāvuḍḍhaṁ vacco kātabbo.
“The restrooms shouldn’t be used according to seniority.

Yo kareyya, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
If you do, you commit an offense of wrong conduct.

Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, āgatapaṭipāṭiyā vaccaṁ kātun”ti.
You should use the restroom according to the order of arrival.”

Tena kho pana samayena chabbaggiyā bhikkhū atisahasāpi vaccakuṭiṁ pavisanti, ubbhajitvāpi pavisanti, nitthunantāpi vaccaṁ karonti, dantakaṭṭhaṁ khādantāpi vaccaṁ karonti, bahiddhāpi vaccadoṇikāya vaccaṁ karonti, bahiddhāpi passāvadoṇikāya passāvaṁ karonti, passāvadoṇikāyapi kheḷaṁ karonti, pharusenapi kaṭṭhena avalekhanti, avalekhanakaṭṭhampi vaccakūpamhi pātenti, atisahasāpi nikkhamanti, ubbhajitvāpi nikkhamanti, capucapukārakampi ācamenti, ācamanasarāvakepi udakaṁ sesenti.
At that time the monks from the group of six entered the restrooms too hastily, pulled up their robes before entering, groaned while defecating, cleaned their teeth while defecating, defecated outside the toilet, urinated outside the urinal, spat in the urinal, used coarse wiping sticks, threw the wiping sticks in the cesspit, left the restroom too hastily, came out with their robes still pulled up, made a chomping sound while washing, and they left water in the ablutions scoop.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma chabbaggiyā bhikkhū atisahasāpi vaccakuṭiṁ pavisissanti, ubbhajitvāpi pavisissanti, nitthunantāpi vaccaṁ karissanti, dantakaṭṭhaṁ khādantāpi vaccaṁ karissanti, bahiddhāpi vaccadoṇikāya vaccaṁ karissanti, bahiddhāpi passāvadoṇikāya passāvaṁ karissanti, passāvadoṇikāyapi kheḷaṁ karissanti, pharusenapi kaṭṭhena avalekhissanti, avalekhanakaṭṭhampi vaccakūpamhi pātessanti, atisahasāpi nikkhamissanti, ubbhajitvāpi nikkhamissanti, capucapukārakampi ācamessanti, ācamanasarāvakepi udakaṁ sesessantī”ti.
“How can the monks from the group of six act like this?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They told the Buddha. …

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave …pe…
“Is it true, monks, that the monks from the group of six are acting like this?”

“saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti …pe…
“It’s true, Sir.” …

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, bhikkhūnaṁ vaccakuṭivattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā bhikkhūhi vaccakuṭiyā sammā vattitabbaṁ.
“Well then, I’ll lay down the proper conduct in regard to restrooms.

Yo vaccakuṭiṁ gacchati tena bahi ṭhitena ukkāsitabbaṁ.
When a monk goes to the restroom, he should stand outside and clear his throat.

Anto nisinnenapi ukkāsitabbaṁ.
Anyone sitting inside should also clear his throat.

Cīvaravaṁse vā cīvararajjuyā vā cīvaraṁ nikkhipitvā sādhukaṁ ataramānena vaccakuṭi pavisitabbā.
After hanging his robe on a bamboo robe rack or a clothesline, he should enter the restroom carefully and without hurry.

Nātisahasā pavisitabbā.
He shouldn’t enter the restroom too hastily;

Na ubbhajitvā pavisitabbā.
he shouldn’t pull up his robe before he has entered;

Vaccapādukāya ṭhitena ubbhajitabbaṁ.
he should pull up his robe when he’s standing on the foot-stands for defecating;

Na nitthunantena vacco kātabbo.
he shouldn’t groan while defecating;

Na dantakaṭṭhaṁ khādantena vacco kātabbo.
he shouldn’t clean his teeth while defecating;

Na bahiddhā vaccadoṇikāya vacco kātabbo.
he shouldn’t defecate outside the toilet;

Na bahiddhā passāvadoṇikāya passāvo kātabbo.
he shouldn’t urinate outside the urinal;

Na passāvadoṇikāya kheḷo kātabbo.
he shouldn’t spit in the urinal;

Na pharusena kaṭṭhena avalekhitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t use coarse wiping sticks;

Na avalekhanakaṭṭhaṁ vaccakūpamhi pātetabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t throw the wiping sticks in the cesspit;

Vaccapādukāya ṭhitena paṭicchādetabbaṁ.
he should cover himself while still standing on the foot-stands for defecating;

Nātisahasā nikkhamitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t leave the restroom too hastily;

Na ubbhajitvā nikkhamitabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t come out with his robe still pulled up;

Ācamanapādukāya ṭhitena ubbhajitabbaṁ.
he should pull up his robe when standing on the ablutions foot-stands;

Na capucapukārakaṁ ācametabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t make a chomping sound while washing;

Na ācamanasarāvake udakaṁ sesetabbaṁ.
he shouldn’t leave water in the ablutions scoop;

Ācamanapādukāya ṭhitena paṭicchādetabbaṁ.
he should cover himself while still standing on the ablutions foot-stands.

Sace vaccakuṭi uhatā hoti, dhovitabbā.
If the restroom is dirty, he should clean it.

Sace avalekhanapidharo pūro hoti, avalekhanakaṭṭhaṁ chaḍḍetabbaṁ.
If the wiping-stick container is full, he should discard the wiping sticks.

Sace vaccakuṭi uklāpā hoti, vaccakuṭi sammajjitabbā.
If the restroom is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace paribhaṇḍaṁ uklāpaṁ hoti, paribhaṇḍaṁ sammajjitabbaṁ.
If the area surrounding the restroom is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace pariveṇaṁ uklāpaṁ hoti, pariveṇaṁ sammajjitabbaṁ.
If the yard is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace koṭṭhako uklāpo hoti, koṭṭhako sammajjitabbo.
If the gatehouse is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ na hoti, ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ.
If there’s no water in the restroom ablutions pot, he should fill it.

Idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhūnaṁ vaccakuṭivattaṁ yathā bhikkhūhi vaccakuṭiyā sammā vattitabban”ti.
This is the proper conduct in regard to restrooms.”

11. Upajjhāyavattakathā
11. Discussion of the proper conduct toward a preceptor

Tena kho pana samayena saddhivihārikā upajjhāyesu na sammā vattanti.
At that time the students were not conducting themselves properly toward their preceptors.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma saddhivihārikā upajjhāyesu na sammā vattissantī”ti.
“How can the students not conduct themselves properly toward their preceptors?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, saddhivihārikā upajjhāyesu na sammā vattantī”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that the students are not conducting themselves properly toward their preceptors?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti
“It’s true, Sir.” …

vigarahi buddho bhagavā …pe…
The Buddha rebuked them …

kathañhi nāma, bhikkhave, saddhivihārikā upajjhāyesu na sammā vattissanti.
“How can they act like this?

Netaṁ, bhikkhave, appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya …pe…
This will affect people’s confidence …”

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, saddhivihārikānaṁ upajjhāyesu vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā saddhivihārikehi upajjhāyesu sammā vattitabbaṁ.
“Well then, I’ll lay down the proper conduct for a student toward his preceptor.

Saddhivihārikena, bhikkhave, upajjhāyamhi sammā vattitabbaṁ.
A student should conduct himself properly toward his preceptor.

Tatrāyaṁ sammāvattanā—
This is the proper conduct:

Kālasseva uṭṭhāya upāhanā omuñcitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā dantakaṭṭhaṁ dātabbaṁ, mukhodakaṁ dātabbaṁ, āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
Having gotten up at the appropriate time, the student should remove his sandals and arrange his upper robe over one shoulder. He should then give his preceptor a tooth cleaner and water for rinsing the mouth, and he should prepare a seat for him.

Sace yāgu hoti, bhājanaṁ dhovitvā yāgu upanāmetabbā.
If there’s congee, he should rinse a vessel and bring the congee to his preceptor.

Yāguṁ pītassa udakaṁ datvā bhājanaṁ paṭiggahetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena dhovitvā paṭisāmetabbaṁ.
When he has drunk the congee, the student should give him water and receive the vessel. Holding it low, he should wash it carefully without scratching it and then put it away.

Upajjhāyamhi vuṭṭhite āsanaṁ uddharitabbaṁ.
When the preceptor has gotten up, the student should put away the seat.

Sace so deso uklāpo hoti, so deso sammajjitabbo.
If the place is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace upajjhāyo gāmaṁ pavisitukāmo hoti, nivāsanaṁ dātabbaṁ, paṭinivāsanaṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ, kāyabandhanaṁ dātabbaṁ, saguṇaṁ katvā saṅghāṭiyo dātabbā, dhovitvā patto sodako dātabbo.
If the preceptor wants to enter the village, the student should give him a sarong and receive the one he’s wearing in return. He should give him a belt. He should put the upper robes together, overlapping each other edge-to-edge, and then give them to him. He should rinse his preceptor’s bowl and give it to him while wet.

Sace upajjhāyo pacchāsamaṇaṁ ākaṅkhati, timaṇḍalaṁ paṭicchādentena parimaṇḍalaṁ nivāsetvā kāyabandhanaṁ bandhitvā saguṇaṁ katvā saṅghāṭiyo pārupitvā gaṇṭhikaṁ paṭimuñcitvā dhovitvā pattaṁ gahetvā upajjhāyassa pacchāsamaṇena hotabbaṁ.
If the preceptor wants an attendant, the student should put on his sarong evenly all around, covering the navel and the knees. He should put on a belt. Putting the upper robes together, overlapping each other edge-to-edge, he should put them on and fasten the toggle. He should rinse his bowl, bring it along, and be his preceptor’s attendant.

Nātidūre gantabbaṁ, nāccāsanne gantabbaṁ, pattapariyāpannaṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t walk too far behind his preceptor or too close to him. He should receive the contents of his bowl.

Na upajjhāyassa bhaṇamānassa antarantarā kathā opātetabbā.
He shouldn’t interrupt his preceptor when he’s speaking.

Upajjhāyo āpattisāmantā bhaṇamāno nivāretabbo.
But if the preceptor’s speech is bordering on an offense, he should stop him.

Nivattantena paṭhamataraṁ āgantvā āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipitabbaṁ, paccuggantvā pattacīvaraṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ, paṭinivāsanaṁ dātabbaṁ, nivāsanaṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ.
When returning, the student should go first to prepare a seat and to set out a foot stool, a foot scraper, and water for washing the feet. He should go out to meet the preceptor and receive his bowl and robe. He should give him a sarong and receive the one he’s wearing in return.

Sace cīvaraṁ sinnaṁ hoti, muhuttaṁ uṇhe otāpetabbaṁ, na ca uṇhe cīvaraṁ nidahitabbaṁ.
If the robe is damp, he should sun it for a short while, but shouldn’t leave it in the heat.

Cīvaraṁ saṅgharitabbaṁ.
He should fold the robe,

Cīvaraṁ saṅgharantena caturaṅgulaṁ kaṇṇaṁ ussāretvā cīvaraṁ saṅgharitabbaṁ—
offsetting the edges by seven centimeters,

mā majjhe bhaṅgo ahosīti.
so that the fold doesn’t become worn.

Obhoge kāyabandhanaṁ kātabbaṁ.
He should place the belt in the fold.

Sace piṇḍapāto hoti, upajjhāyo ca bhuñjitukāmo hoti, udakaṁ datvā piṇḍapāto upanāmetabbo.
If there’s almsfood and his preceptor wants to eat, the student should give him water and then the almsfood.

Upajjhāyo pānīyena pucchitabbo.
He should ask his preceptor if he wants water to drink.

Bhuttāvissa udakaṁ datvā pattaṁ paṭiggahetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena dhovitvā vodakaṁ katvā muhuttaṁ uṇhe otāpetabbo.
When the preceptor has eaten, the student should give him water and receive his bowl. Holding it low, he should wash it carefully without scratching it. He should then dry it and sun it for a short while,

Na ca uṇhe patto nidahitabbo.
but shouldn’t leave it in the heat.

Pattacīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
The student should put away the robe and bowl.

Pattaṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena pattaṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena heṭṭhāmañcaṁ vā heṭṭhāpīṭhaṁ vā parāmasitvā patto nikkhipitabbo.
When putting away the bowl, he should hold the bowl in one hand, feel under the bed or the bench with the other, and then put it away.

Na ca anantarahitāya bhūmiyā patto nikkhipitabbo.
He shouldn’t put the bowl away on the bare floor.

Cīvaraṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena cīvaraṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena cīvaravaṁsaṁ vā cīvararajjuṁ vā pamajjitvā pārato antaṁ orato bhogaṁ katvā cīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
When putting away the robe, he should hold the robe in one hand, wipe the bamboo robe rack or the clothesline with the other, and then put it away by folding the robe over it, making the ends face the wall and the fold face out.

Upajjhāyamhi vuṭṭhite āsanaṁ uddharitabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ paṭisāmetabbaṁ.
When the preceptor has gotten up, the student should put away the seat and also the foot stool, the foot scraper, and the water for washing the feet.

Sace so deso uklāpo hoti, so deso sammajjitabbo.
If the place is dirty, he should sweep it.”

Sace upajjhāyo nahāyitukāmo hoti, nahānaṁ paṭiyādetabbaṁ.
“If the preceptor wants to bathe, the student should prepare a bath.

Sace sītena attho hoti, sītaṁ paṭiyādetabbaṁ.
If he wants a cold bath, he should prepare that;

Sace uṇhena attho hoti, uṇhaṁ paṭiyādetabbaṁ.
if he wants a hot bath, he should prepare that.

Sace upajjhāyo jantāgharaṁ pavisitukāmo hoti, cuṇṇaṁ sannetabbaṁ, mattikā temetabbā, jantāgharapīṭhaṁ ādāya upajjhāyassa piṭṭhito piṭṭhito gantvā jantāgharapīṭhaṁ datvā cīvaraṁ paṭiggahetvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ, cuṇṇaṁ dātabbaṁ, mattikā dātabbā.
If the preceptor wants to take a sauna, the student should knead bath powder, moisten the clay, take a sauna bench, and follow behind his preceptor. After giving his preceptor the sauna bench, receiving his robe, and putting it aside, he should give him the bath powder and the clay.

Sace ussahati, jantāgharaṁ pavisitabbaṁ.
If he’s able, he should enter the sauna.

Jantāgharaṁ pavisantena mattikāya mukhaṁ makkhetvā purato ca pacchato ca paṭicchādetvā jantāgharaṁ pavisitabbaṁ.
When entering the sauna, he should smear his face with clay, cover himself front and back, and then enter.

Na there bhikkhū anupakhajja nisīditabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t sit encroaching on the senior monks,

Na navā bhikkhū āsanena paṭibāhitabbā.
or block the junior monks from getting a seat.

Jantāghare upajjhāyassa parikammaṁ kātabbaṁ.
While in the sauna, he should provide assistance to his preceptor.

Jantāgharā nikkhamantena jantāgharapīṭhaṁ ādāya purato ca pacchato ca paṭicchādetvā jantāgharā nikkhamitabbaṁ.
When leaving the sauna, he should take the sauna bench, cover himself front and back, and then leave.

Udakepi upajjhāyassa parikammaṁ kātabbaṁ.
He should also provide assistance to his preceptor in the water.

Nahātena paṭhamataraṁ uttaritvā attano gattaṁ vodakaṁ katvā nivāsetvā upajjhāyassa gattato udakaṁ pamajjitabbaṁ, nivāsanaṁ dātabbaṁ, saṅghāṭi dātabbā, jantāgharapīṭhaṁ ādāya paṭhamataraṁ āgantvā āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipitabbaṁ.
When he has bathed, he should be the first to come out. He should dry himself and put on his sarong. He should then wipe the water off his preceptor’s body, and he should give him his sarong and then his upper robe. Taking the sauna bench, he should be the first to return. He should prepare a seat, and also set out a foot stool, a foot scraper, and water for washing the feet.

Upajjhāyo pānīyena pucchitabbo.
He should ask his preceptor if he wants water to drink.

Sace uddisāpetukāmo hoti, uddisitabbo.
If the preceptor wants him to recite, he should do so.

Sace paripucchitukāmo hoti, paripucchitabbo.
If the preceptor wants to question him, he should be questioned.”

Yasmiṁ vihāre upajjhāyo viharati, sace so vihāro uklāpo hoti, sace ussahati, sodhetabbo.
“If the dwelling where the preceptor is staying is dirty, the student should clean it if he’s able.

Vihāraṁ sodhentena paṭhamaṁ pattacīvaraṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
When he’s cleaning the dwelling, he should first take out the bowl and robe and put them aside.

nisīdanapaccattharaṇaṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
He should take out the sitting mat and the sheet and put them aside.

bhisibibbohanaṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
He should take out the mattress and the pillow and put them aside.

mañco nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbo;
Holding the bed low, he should carefully take it out without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it aside.

pīṭhaṁ nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
Holding the bench low, he should carefully take it out without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it aside.

mañcapaṭipādakā nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbā;
He should take out the bed supports and put them aside.

kheḷamallako nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbo;
He should take out the spittoon and put it aside.

apassenaphalakaṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
He should take out the leaning board and put it aside.

bhūmattharaṇaṁ yathāpaññattaṁ sallakkhetvā nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
After taking note of its position, he should take out the floor cover and put it aside.

Sace vihāre santānakaṁ hoti, ullokā paṭhamaṁ ohāretabbaṁ, ālokasandhikaṇṇabhāgā pamajjitabbā.
If the dwelling has cobwebs, he should first remove them from the ceiling cloth, and he should then wipe the windows and the corners of the room.

Sace gerukaparikammakatā bhitti kaṇṇakitā hoti, coḷakaṁ temetvā pīḷetvā pamajjitabbā.
If the walls have been treated with red ocher and they’re moldy, he should moisten a cloth, wring it out, and wipe the walls.

Sace kāḷavaṇṇakatā bhūmi kaṇṇakitā hoti, coḷakaṁ temetvā pīḷetvā pamajjitabbā.
If the floor has been treated with a black finish and it’s moldy, he should moisten a cloth, wring it out, and wipe the floor.

Sace akatā hoti bhūmi, udakena paripphositvā paripphositvā sammajjitabbā—
If the floor is untreated, he should sprinkle it with water and then sweep it,

mā vihāro rajena uhaññīti.
trying to avoid stirring up dust.

Saṅkāraṁ vicinitvā ekamantaṁ chaḍḍetabbaṁ.
He should look out for any trash and discard it.

Bhūmattharaṇaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the floor cover, clean it, beat it, bring it back inside, and put it back as before.

Mañcapaṭipādakā otāpetvā pamajjitvā atiharitvā yathāṭhāne ṭhapetabbā.
He should sun the bed supports, wipe them, bring them back inside, and put them back where they were.

Mañco otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbo.
He should sun the bed, clean it, and beat it. Holding it low, he should carefully bring it back inside without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it back as before.

Pīṭhaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the bench, clean it, and beat it. Holding it low, he should carefully bring it back inside without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it back as before.

Bhisibibbohanaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the mattress and the pillow, clean them, beat them, bring them back inside, and put them back as before.

Nisīdanapaccattharaṇaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the sitting mat and the sheet, clean them, beat them, bring them back inside, and put them back as before.

Kheḷamallako otāpetvā pamajjitvā atiharitvā yathāṭhāne ṭhapetabbo.
He should sun the spittoon, wipe it, bring it back inside, and put it back where it was.

Apassenaphalakaṁ otāpetvā pamajjitvā atiharitvā yathāṭhāne ṭhapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the leaning board, wipe it, bring it back inside, and put it back where it was.

Pattacīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
He should put away the bowl and robe.

Pattaṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena pattaṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena heṭṭhāmañcaṁ vā heṭṭhāpīṭhaṁ vā parāmasitvā patto nikkhipitabbo.
When putting away the bowl, he should hold the bowl in one hand, feel under the bed or the bench with the other, and then put it away.

Na ca anantarahitāya bhūmiyā patto nikkhipitabbo.
He shouldn’t put the bowl away on the bare floor.

Cīvaraṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena cīvaraṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena cīvaravaṁsaṁ vā cīvararajjuṁ vā pamajjitvā pārato antaṁ orato bhogaṁ katvā cīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
When putting away the robe, he should hold the robe in one hand, wipe the bamboo robe rack or the clothesline with the other, and then put it away by folding the robe over it, making the ends face the wall and the fold face out.

Sace puratthimā sarajā vātā vāyanti, puratthimā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the east, he should close the windows on the eastern side.

Sace pacchimā sarajā vātā vāyanti, pacchimā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the west, he should close the windows on the western side.

Sace uttarā sarajā vātā vāyanti, uttarā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the north, he should close the windows on the northern side.

Sace dakkhiṇā sarajā vātā vāyanti, dakkhiṇā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the south, he should close the windows on the southern side.

Sace sītakālo hoti, divā vātapānā vivaritabbā, rattiṁ thaketabbā.
If the weather is cold, he should open the windows during the day and close them at night.

Sace uṇhakālo hoti, divā vātapānā thaketabbā, rattiṁ vivaritabbā.
If the weather is hot, he should close the windows during the day and open them at night.

Sace pariveṇaṁ uklāpaṁ hoti, pariveṇaṁ sammajjitabbaṁ.
If the yard is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace koṭṭhako uklāpo hoti, koṭṭhako sammajjitabbo.
If the gatehouse is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace upaṭṭhānasālā uklāpā hoti, upaṭṭhānasālā sammajjitabbā.
If the assembly hall is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace aggisālā uklāpā hoti, aggisālā sammajjitabbā.
If the water-boiling shed is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace vaccakuṭi uklāpā hoti, vaccakuṭi sammajjitabbā.
If the restroom is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace pānīyaṁ na hoti, pānīyaṁ upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ.
If there’s no water for drinking, he should get some.

Sace paribhojanīyaṁ na hoti, paribhojanīyaṁ upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ.
If there’s no water for washing, he should get some.

Sace ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ na hoti, ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ.
If there’s no water in the restroom ablutions pot, he should fill it.”

Sace upajjhāyassa anabhirati uppannā hoti, saddhivihārikena vūpakāsetabbo, vūpakāsāpetabbo, dhammakathā vāssa kātabbā.
“If the preceptor becomes discontent with the spiritual life, the student should send him away or have him sent away, or he should give him a teaching.

Sace upajjhāyassa kukkuccaṁ uppannaṁ hoti, saddhivihārikena vinodetabbaṁ, vinodāpetabbaṁ, dhammakathā vāssa kātabbā.
If the preceptor becomes anxious, the student should dispel it or have it dispelled, or he should give him a teaching.

Sace upajjhāyassa diṭṭhigataṁ uppannaṁ hoti, saddhivihārikena vivecetabbaṁ, vivecāpetabbaṁ, dhammakathā vāssa kātabbā.
If the preceptor has wrong view, the student should make him give it up or have someone else do it, or he should give him a teaching.

Sace upajjhāyo garudhammaṁ ajjhāpanno hoti parivāsāraho, saddhivihārikena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the preceptor has committed a heavy offense and deserves probation,

kinti nu kho saṅgho upajjhāyassa parivāsaṁ dadeyyāti.
the student should try to get the Sangha to give it to him.

Sace upajjhāyo mūlāyapaṭikassanāraho hoti, saddhivihārikena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the preceptor has committed a heavy offense and deserves to be sent back to the beginning,

kinti nu kho saṅgho upajjhāyaṁ mūlāya paṭikasseyyāti.
the student should try to get the Sangha to do it.

Sace upajjhāyo mānattāraho hoti, saddhivihārikena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the preceptor has committed a heavy offense and deserves the trial period,

kinti nu kho saṅgho upajjhāyassa mānattaṁ dadeyyāti.
the student should try to get the Sangha to give it to him.

Sace upajjhāyo abbhānāraho hoti, saddhivihārikena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the preceptor has committed a heavy offense and deserves rehabilitation,

kinti nu kho saṅgho upajjhāyaṁ abbheyyāti.
the student should try to get the Sangha to give it to him.

Sace saṅgho upajjhāyassa kammaṁ kattukāmo hoti, tajjanīyaṁ vā niyassaṁ vā pabbājanīyaṁ vā paṭisāraṇīyaṁ vā ukkhepanīyaṁ vā, saddhivihārikena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the Sangha wants to do a legal procedure against his preceptor—whether a procedure of condemnation, demotion, banishment, reconciliation, or ejection—

kinti nu kho saṅgho upajjhāyassa kammaṁ na kareyya, lahukāya vā pariṇāmeyyāti.
the student should make an effort to stop it or to reduce the penalty.

Kataṁ vā panassa hoti saṅghena kammaṁ, tajjanīyaṁ vā niyassaṁ vā pabbājanīyaṁ vā paṭisāraṇīyaṁ vā ukkhepanīyaṁ vā, saddhivihārikena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
But if the Sangha has already done a legal procedure against his preceptor—whether a procedure of condemnation, demotion, banishment, reconciliation, or ejection—

kinti nu kho upajjhāyo sammā vatteyya, lomaṁ pāteyya, netthāraṁ vatteyya, saṅgho taṁ kammaṁ paṭippassambheyyāti.
the student should help the preceptor conduct himself properly and suitably so as to deserve to be released, and try to get the Sangha to lift that procedure.

Sace upajjhāyassa cīvaraṁ dhovitabbaṁ hoti, saddhivihārikena dhovitabbaṁ, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the preceptor’s robe needs washing, the student should do it himself,

kinti nu kho upajjhāyassa cīvaraṁ dhoviyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get it done.

Sace upajjhāyassa cīvaraṁ kātabbaṁ hoti, saddhivihārikena kātabbaṁ, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the preceptor needs a robe, the student should make one himself,

kinti nu kho upajjhāyassa cīvaraṁ kariyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get one made.

Sace upajjhāyassa rajanā pacitabbā hoti, saddhivihārikena pacitabbā, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the preceptor needs dye, the student should make it himself,

kinti nu kho upajjhāyassa rajanaṁ paciyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get it made.

Sace upajjhāyassa cīvaraṁ rajitabbaṁ hoti, saddhivihārikena rajitabbaṁ, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the preceptor’s robe needs dyeing, the student should do it himself,

kinti nu kho upajjhāyassa cīvaraṁ rajiyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get it done.

Cīvaraṁ rajantena sādhukaṁ samparivattakaṁ samparivattakaṁ rajitabbaṁ, na ca acchinne theve pakkamitabbaṁ.
When he’s dyeing the robe, he should carefully and repeatedly turn it over, and shouldn’t go away while it’s still dripping.

Na upajjhāyaṁ anāpucchā ekaccassa patto dātabbo, na ekaccassa patto paṭiggahetabbo;
Without asking his preceptor for permission, he shouldn’t do any of the following: give away or receive a bowl;

na ekaccassa cīvaraṁ dātabbaṁ, na ekaccassa cīvaraṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ;
give away or receive a robe;

na ekaccassa parikkhāro dātabbo, na ekaccassa parikkhāro paṭiggahetabbo;
give away or receive a requisite;

na ekaccassa kesā chedetabbā, na ekaccena kesā chedāpetabbā;
cut anyone’s hair or get it cut;

na ekaccassa parikammaṁ kātabbaṁ, na ekaccena parikammaṁ kārāpetabbaṁ;
provide assistance to anyone or have assistance provided by anyone;

na ekaccassa veyyāvacco kātabbo, na ekaccena veyyāvacco kārāpetabbo;
do a service for anyone or get a service done by anyone;

na ekaccassa pacchāsamaṇena hotabbaṁ, na ekacco pacchāsamaṇo ādātabbo;
be the attendant monk for anyone or take anyone as his attendant monk;

na ekaccassa piṇḍapāto nīharitabbo, na ekaccena piṇḍapāto nīharāpetabbo;
bring back almsfood for anyone or get almsfood brought back by anyone;

na upajjhāyaṁ anāpucchā gāmo pavisitabbo;
enter the village,

na susānaṁ gantabbaṁ;
go to the charnel ground,

na disā pakkamitabbā.
or leave for another region.

Sace upajjhāyo gilāno hoti, yāvajīvaṁ upaṭṭhātabbo, vuṭṭhānamassa āgametabbaṁ.
If his preceptor is sick, he should nurse him for as long as he lives or wait until he has recovered.

Idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, saddhivihārikānaṁ upajjhāyesu vattaṁ yathā saddhivihārikehi upajjhāyesu sammā vattitabban”ti.
This is the proper conduct of a student toward his preceptor.”

12. Saddhivihārikavattakathā
12. Discussion of the proper conduct toward a student

Tena kho pana samayena upajjhāyā saddhivihārikesu na sammā vattanti.
At that time the preceptors were not conducting themselves properly toward their students.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma upajjhāyā saddhivihārikesu na sammā vattissantī”ti.
“How can the preceptors not conduct themselves properly toward their students?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They told the Buddha. Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, upajjhāyā saddhivihārikesu na sammā vattantī”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that the preceptors are not conducting themselves properly toward their students?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti …pe…
“It’s true, Sir.” …

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, upajjhāyānaṁ saddhivihārikesu vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā upajjhāyehi saddhivihārikesu sammā vattitabbaṁ.
“Well then, I’ll lay down the proper conduct for preceptors toward their students.

Upajjhāyena, bhikkhave, saddhivihārikamhi sammā vattitabbaṁ.
A preceptor should conduct himself properly toward his student.

Tatrāyaṁ sammāvattanā—
This is the proper conduct:

Upajjhāyena, bhikkhave, saddhivihāriko saṅgahetabbo anuggahetabbo uddesena paripucchāya ovādena anusāsaniyā.
A preceptor should help and take care of his student through recitation, questioning, and instruction.

Sace upajjhāyassa patto hoti, saddhivihārikassa patto na hoti, upajjhāyena saddhivihārikassa patto dātabbo, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the preceptor has a bowl, but not the student, the preceptor should give it to him,

kinti nu kho saddhivihārikassa patto uppajjiyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get him one.

Sace upajjhāyassa cīvaraṁ hoti, saddhivihārikassa cīvaraṁ na hoti, upajjhāyena saddhivihārikassa cīvaraṁ dātabbaṁ, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the preceptor has a robe, but not the student, the preceptor should give it to him,

kinti nu kho saddhivihārikassa cīvaraṁ uppajjiyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get him one.

Sace upajjhāyassa parikkhāro hoti, saddhivihārikassa parikkhāro na hoti, upajjhāyena saddhivihārikassa parikkhāro dātabbo, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the preceptor has a requisite, but not the student, the preceptor should give it to him,

kinti nu kho saddhivihārikassa parikkhāro uppajjiyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get him one.”

Sace saddhivihāriko gilāno hoti, kālasseva uṭṭhāya dantakaṭṭhaṁ dātabbaṁ, mukhodakaṁ dātabbaṁ, āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
“If the student is sick, the preceptor should get up at the appropriate time and give his student a tooth cleaner and water for rinsing the mouth, and he should prepare a seat for him.

Sace yāgu hoti, bhājanaṁ dhovitvā yāgu upanāmetabbā.
If there’s congee, he should rinse a vessel and bring the congee to his student.

Yāguṁ pītassa udakaṁ datvā bhājanaṁ paṭiggahetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena dhovitvā paṭisāmetabbaṁ.
When he has drunk the congee, the preceptor should give him water and receive the vessel. Holding it low, he should wash it carefully without scratching it and then put it away.

Saddhivihārikamhi vuṭṭhite āsanaṁ uddharitabbaṁ.
When the student has gotten up, the preceptor should put away the seat.

Sace so deso uklāpo hoti, so deso sammajjitabbo.
If the place is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace saddhivihāriko gāmaṁ pavisitukāmo hoti, nivāsanaṁ dātabbaṁ, paṭinivāsanaṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ, kāyabandhanaṁ dātabbaṁ, saguṇaṁ katvā saṅghāṭiyo dātabbā, dhovitvā patto sodako dātabbo.
If the student wants to enter the village, the preceptor should give him a sarong and receive the one he’s wearing in return. He should give him a belt. He should put the upper robes together, overlapping each other edge-to-edge, and then give them to him. He should rinse his student’s bowl and give it to him while wet.

Ettāvatā nivattissatīti āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipitabbaṁ, paccuggantvā pattacīvaraṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ, paṭinivāsanaṁ dātabbaṁ, nivāsanaṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ.
Before he’s due back, the preceptor should prepare a seat and set out a foot stool, a foot scraper, and water for washing the feet. He should go out to meet the student and receive his bowl and robe. He should give him a sarong and receive the one he’s wearing in return.

Sace cīvaraṁ sinnaṁ hoti, muhuttaṁ uṇhe otāpetabbaṁ, na ca uṇhe cīvaraṁ nidahitabbaṁ.
If the robe is damp, he should sun it for a short while, but shouldn’t leave it in the heat.

Cīvaraṁ saṅgharitabbaṁ.
He should fold the robe,

Cīvaraṁ saṅgharantena caturaṅgulaṁ kaṇṇaṁ ussāretvā cīvaraṁ saṅgharitabbaṁ—
offsetting the edges by seven centimeters,

mā majjhe bhaṅgo ahosīti.
so that the fold doesn’t become worn.

Obhoge kāyabandhanaṁ kātabbaṁ.
He should place the belt in the fold.

Sace piṇḍapāto hoti, saddhivihāriko ca bhuñjitukāmo hoti, udakaṁ datvā piṇḍapāto upanāmetabbo.
If there’s almsfood and his student wants to eat, the preceptor should give him water and then the almsfood.

Saddhivihāriko pānīyena pucchitabbo.
He should ask his student if he wants water to drink.

Bhuttāvissa udakaṁ datvā pattaṁ paṭiggahetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena dhovitvā vodakaṁ katvā muhuttaṁ uṇhe otāpetabbo, na ca uṇhe patto nidahitabbo.
When the student has eaten, the preceptor should give him water and receive his bowl. Holding it low, he should wash it carefully without scratching it. He should then dry it and sun it for a short while, but shouldn’t leave it in the heat.

Pattacīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
The preceptor should put away the robe and bowl.

Pattaṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena pattaṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena heṭṭhāmañcaṁ vā heṭṭhāpīṭhaṁ vā parāmasitvā patto nikkhipitabbo.
When putting away the bowl, he should hold the bowl in one hand, feel under the bed or the bench with the other, and then put it away.

Na ca anantarahitāya bhūmiyā patto nikkhipitabbo.
He shouldn’t put the bowl away on the bare floor.

Cīvaraṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena cīvaraṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena cīvaravaṁsaṁ vā cīvararajjuṁ vā pamajjitvā pārato antaṁ orato bhogaṁ katvā cīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
When putting away the robe, he should hold the robe in one hand, wipe the bamboo robe rack or the clothesline with the other, and then put it away by folding the robe over it, making the ends face the wall and the fold face out.

Saddhivihārikamhi vuṭṭhite āsanaṁ uddharitabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ paṭisāmetabbaṁ.
When the student has gotten up, the preceptor should put away the seat and also the foot stool, the foot scraper, and the water for washing the feet.

Sace so deso uklāpo hoti, so deso sammajjitabbo.
If the place is dirty, he should sweep it.”

Sace saddhivihāriko nahāyitukāmo hoti, nahānaṁ paṭiyādetabbaṁ.
“If the student wants to bathe, the preceptor should prepare a bath.

Sace sītena attho hoti, sītaṁ paṭiyādetabbaṁ.
If he wants a cold bath, he should prepare that;

Sace uṇhena attho hoti, uṇhaṁ paṭiyādetabbaṁ.
if he wants a hot bath, he should prepare that.

Sace saddhivihāriko jantāgharaṁ pavisitukāmo hoti, cuṇṇaṁ sannetabbaṁ, mattikā temetabbā, jantāgharapīṭhaṁ ādāya gantvā jantāgharapīṭhaṁ datvā cīvaraṁ paṭiggahetvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ, cuṇṇaṁ dātabbaṁ, mattikā dātabbā.
If the student wants to take a sauna, the preceptor should knead bath powder, moisten the clay, take a sauna bench, and go to the sauna. After giving his student the sauna bench, receiving his robe, and putting it aside, he should give him the bath powder and the clay.

Sace ussahati jantāgharaṁ pavisitabbaṁ.
If he’s able, he should enter the sauna.

Jantāgharaṁ pavisantena mattikāya mukhaṁ makkhetvā purato ca pacchato ca paṭicchādetvā jantāgharaṁ pavisitabbaṁ.
When entering the sauna, he should smear his face with clay, cover himself front and back, and then enter.

Na there bhikkhū anupakhajja nisīditabbaṁ, na navā bhikkhū āsanena paṭibāhitabbā.
He shouldn’t sit encroaching on the senior monks, or block the junior monks from getting a seat.

Jantāghare saddhivihārikassa parikammaṁ kātabbaṁ.
While in the sauna, he should provide assistance to his student.

Jantāgharā nikkhamantena jantāgharapīṭhaṁ ādāya purato ca pacchato ca paṭicchādetvā jantāgharā nikkhamitabbaṁ.
When leaving the sauna, he should take the sauna bench, cover himself front and back, and then leave.

Udakepi saddhivihārikassa parikammaṁ kātabbaṁ.
The preceptor should also provide assistance to his student in the water.

Nahātena paṭhamataraṁ uttaritvā attano gattaṁ vodakaṁ katvā nivāsetvā saddhivihārikassa gattato udakaṁ pamajjitabbaṁ, nivāsanaṁ dātabbaṁ, saṅghāṭi dātabbā, jantāgharapīṭhaṁ ādāya paṭhamataraṁ āgantvā āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipitabbaṁ.
When the preceptor has bathed, he should be the first to come out. He should dry himself and put on his sarong. He should then wipe the water off his student’s body, and he should give him his sarong and then his upper robe. Taking the sauna bench, he should be the first to return. He should prepare a seat, and also set out a foot stool, a foot scraper, and water for washing the feet.

Saddhivihāriko pānīyena pucchitabbo.
He should ask his student if he wants water to drink.”

Yasmiṁ vihāre saddhivihāriko viharati, sace so vihāro uklāpo hoti, sace ussahati, sodhetabbo.
“If the dwelling where the student is staying is dirty, the preceptor should clean it if he’s able.

Vihāraṁ sodhentena paṭhamaṁ pattacīvaraṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ …pe…
When he’s cleaning the dwelling, he should first take out the bowl and robe and put them aside. He should take out the sitting mat and the sheet and put them aside. He should take out the mattress and the pillow and put them aside. Holding the bed low, he should carefully take it out without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it aside. Holding the bench low, he should carefully take it out without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it aside. He should take out the bed supports and put them aside. He should take out the spittoon and put it aside. He should take out the leaning board and put it aside. After taking note of its position, he should take out the floor cover and put it aside. If the dwelling has cobwebs, he should first remove them from the ceiling cloth, and he should then wipe the windows and the corners of the room. If the walls have been treated with red ocher and they’re moldy, he should moisten a cloth, wring it out, and wipe the walls. If the floor has been treated with a black finish and it’s moldy, he should moisten a cloth, wring it out, and wipe the floor. If the floor is untreated, he should sprinkle it with water and then sweep it, trying to avoid stirring up dust. He should look out for any trash and discard it.

sace ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ na hoti, ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ.
If there’s no water in the restroom ablutions pot, he should fill it.”

Sace saddhivihārikassa anabhirati uppannā hoti, upajjhāyena vūpakāsetabbo, vūpakāsāpetabbo, dhammakathā vāssa kātabbā.
“If the student becomes discontent with the spiritual life, the preceptor should send him away or have him sent away, or he should give him a teaching.

Sace saddhivihārikassa kukkuccaṁ uppannaṁ hoti, upajjhāyena vinodetabbaṁ, vinodāpetabbaṁ, dhammakathā vāssa kātabbā.
If the student becomes anxious, the preceptor should dispel it or have it dispelled, or he should give him a teaching.

Sace saddhivihārikassa diṭṭhigataṁ uppannaṁ hoti, upajjhāyena vivecetabbaṁ, vivecāpetabbaṁ, dhammakathā vāssa kātabbā.
If the student has wrong view, the preceptor should make him give it up or have someone else do it, or he should give him a teaching.

Sace saddhivihāriko garudhammaṁ ajjhāpanno hoti parivāsāraho, upajjhāyena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the student has committed a heavy offense and deserves probation,

kinti nu kho saṅgho saddhivihārikassa parivāsaṁ dadeyyāti.
the preceptor should try to get the Sangha to give it to him.

Sace saddhivihāriko mūlāyapaṭikassanāraho hoti, upajjhāyena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the student has committed a heavy offense and deserves to be sent back to the beginning,

kinti nu kho saṅgho saddhivihārikaṁ mūlāya paṭikasseyyāti.
the preceptor should try to get the Sangha to do it.

Sace saddhivihāriko mānattāraho hoti, upajjhāyena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the student has committed a heavy offense and deserves the trial period,

kinti nu kho saṅgho saddhivihārikassa mānattaṁ dadeyyāti.
the preceptor should try to get the Sangha to give it to him.

Sace saddhivihāriko abbhānāraho hoti, upajjhāyena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the student has committed a heavy offense and deserves rehabilitation,

kinti nu kho saṅgho saddhivihārikaṁ abbheyyāti.
the preceptor should try to get the Sangha to give it to him.

Sace saṅgho saddhivihārikassa kammaṁ kattukāmo hoti, tajjanīyaṁ vā niyassaṁ vā pabbājanīyaṁ vā paṭisāraṇīyaṁ vā ukkhepanīyaṁ vā, upajjhāyena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the Sangha wants to do a legal procedure against his student—whether a procedure of condemnation, demotion, banishment, reconciliation, or ejection—

kinti nu kho saṅgho saddhivihārikassa kammaṁ na kareyya, lahukāya vā pariṇāmeyyāti.
the preceptor should make an effort to stop it or to reduce the penalty.

Kataṁ vā panassa hoti saṅghena kammaṁ, tajjanīyaṁ vā niyassaṁ vā pabbājanīyaṁ vā paṭisāraṇīyaṁ vā, ukkhepanīyaṁ vā, upajjhāyena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
But if the Sangha has already done a legal procedure against his student—whether a procedure of condemnation, demotion, banishment, reconciliation, or ejection—

kinti nu kho saddhivihāriko sammā vatteyya lomaṁ pāteyya, netthāraṁ vatteyya, saṅgho taṁ kammaṁ paṭippassambheyyāti.
the preceptor should help the student conduct himself properly and suitably so as to deserve to be released, and try to get the Sangha to lift that procedure.

Sace saddhivihārikassa cīvaraṁ dhovitabbaṁ hoti, upajjhāyena ācikkhitabbaṁ—evaṁ dhoveyyāsīti,
If the student’s robe needs washing, the preceptor should show him how to do it,

ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—kinti nu kho saddhivihārikassa cīvaraṁ dhoviyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get it done.

Sace saddhivihārikassa cīvaraṁ kātabbaṁ hoti, upajjhāyena ācikkhitabbaṁ—evaṁ kareyyāsīti,
If the student needs a robe, the preceptor should show him how to make one,

ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—kinti nu kho saddhivihārikassa cīvaraṁ kariyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get one made.

Sace saddhivihārikassa rajanaṁ pacitabbaṁ hoti, upajjhāyena ācikkhitabbaṁ—evaṁ paceyyāsīti,
If the student needs dye, the preceptor should show him how to make it,

ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—kinti nu kho saddhivihārikassa rajanaṁ paciyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get it made.

Sace saddhivihārikassa cīvaraṁ rajitabbaṁ hoti, upajjhāyena ācikkhitabbaṁ—evaṁ rajeyyāsīti,
If the student’s robe needs dyeing, the preceptor should show him how to do it,

ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—kinti nu kho saddhivihārikassa cīvaraṁ rajiyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get it done.

Cīvaraṁ rajantena sādhukaṁ samparivattakaṁ samparivattakaṁ rajitabbaṁ, na ca acchinne theve pakkamitabbaṁ.
When he’s dyeing the robe, he should carefully and repeatedly turn it over, and shouldn’t go away while it’s still dripping.

Sace saddhivihāriko gilāno hoti, yāvajīvaṁ upaṭṭhātabbo, vuṭṭhānamassa āgametabbaṁ.
If his student is sick, he should nurse him for as long as he lives or wait until he has recovered.

Idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, upajjhāyānaṁ saddhivihārikesu vattaṁ yathā upajjhāyehi saddhivihārikesu sammā vattitabban”ti.
This is the proper conduct of a preceptor toward his student.”

Dutiyabhāṇavāro niṭṭhito.
The second section for recitation is finished.

13. Ācariyavattakathā
13. Discussion of the proper conduct toward a teacher

Tena kho pana samayena antevāsikā ācariyesu na sammā vattanti.
At that time the pupils were not conducting themselves properly toward their teachers.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma antevāsikā ācariyesu na sammā vattissantī”ti.
“How can the pupils not conduct themselves properly toward their teachers?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ …pe…
They told the Buddha. …

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, antevāsikā ācariyesu na sammā vattantī”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that the pupils are not conducting themselves properly toward their teachers?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti …pe…
“It’s true, Sir.” …

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, antevāsikānaṁ ācariyesu vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā antevāsikehi ācariyesu sammā vattitabbaṁ.
“Well then, I’ll lay down the proper conduct for a pupil toward his teacher.

Antevāsikena, bhikkhave, ācariyamhi sammā vattitabbaṁ.
A pupil should conduct himself properly toward his teacher.

Tatrāyaṁ sammāvattanā—
This is the proper conduct:

Kālasseva uṭṭhāya upāhanā omuñcitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā dantakaṭṭhaṁ dātabbaṁ, mukhodakaṁ dātabbaṁ, āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
Having gotten up at the appropriate time, the pupil should remove his sandals, and arrange his upper robe over one shoulder. He should then give his teacher a tooth cleaner and water for rinsing the mouth, and he should prepare a seat for him.

Sace yāgu hoti, bhājanaṁ dhovitvā yāgu upanāmetabbā.
If there’s congee, he should rinse a vessel and bring the congee to his teacher.

Yāguṁ pītassa udakaṁ datvā bhājanaṁ paṭiggahetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena dhovitvā paṭisāmetabbaṁ.
When he has drunk the congee, the pupil should give him water and receive the vessel. Holding it low, he should wash it carefully without scratching it and then put it away.

Ācariyamhi vuṭṭhite āsanaṁ uddharitabbaṁ.
When the teacher has gotten up, the pupil should put away the seat.

Sace so deso uklāpo hoti, so deso sammajjitabbo.
If the place is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace ācariyo gāmaṁ pavisitukāmo hoti, nivāsanaṁ dātabbaṁ, paṭinivāsanaṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ, kāyabandhanaṁ dātabbaṁ, saguṇaṁ katvā saṅghāṭiyo dātabbā, dhovitvā patto sodako dātabbo.
If the teacher wants to enter the village, the pupil should give him a sarong and receive the one he’s wearing in return. He should give him a belt. He should put the upper robes together, overlapping each other edge-to-edge, and then give them to him. He should rinse his teacher’s bowl and give it to him while wet.

Sace ācariyo pacchāsamaṇaṁ ākaṅkhati, timaṇḍalaṁ paṭicchādentena parimaṇḍalaṁ nivāsetvā kāyabandhanaṁ bandhitvā saguṇaṁ katvā saṅghāṭiyo pārupitvā gaṇṭhikaṁ paṭimuñcitvā dhovitvā pattaṁ gahetvā ācariyassa pacchāsamaṇena hotabbaṁ.
If the teacher wants an attendant, the pupil should put on his sarong evenly all around, covering the navel and the knees. He should put on a belt. Putting the upper robes together, overlapping each other edge-to-edge, he should put them on and fasten the toggle. He should rinse his bowl, bring it along, and be his teacher’s attendant.

Nātidūre gantabbaṁ, nāccāsanne gantabbaṁ, pattapariyāpannaṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t walk too far behind his teacher or too close to him. He should receive the contents of his bowl.

Na ācariyassa bhaṇamānassa antarantarā kathā opātetabbā.
He shouldn’t interrupt his teacher when he’s speaking.

Ācariyo āpattisāmantā bhaṇamāno nivāretabbo.
But if the teacher’s speech is bordering on an offense, he should stop him.

Nivattantena paṭhamataraṁ āgantvā āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipitabbaṁ, paccuggantvā pattacīvaraṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ, paṭinivāsanaṁ dātabbaṁ, nivāsanaṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ.
When returning, the pupil should go first to prepare a seat and to set out a foot stool, a foot scraper, and water for washing the feet. He should go out to meet the teacher and receive his bowl and robe. He should give him a sarong and receive the one he’s wearing in return.

Sace cīvaraṁ sinnaṁ hoti, muhuttaṁ uṇhe otāpetabbaṁ, na ca uṇhe cīvaraṁ nidahitabbaṁ.
If the robe is damp, he should sun it for a short while, but shouldn’t leave it in the heat.

Cīvaraṁ saṅgharitabbaṁ.
He should fold the robe,

Cīvaraṁ saṅgharantena caturaṅgulaṁ kaṇṇaṁ ussāretvā cīvaraṁ saṅgharitabbaṁ—
offsetting the edges by seven centimeters,

mā majjhe bhaṅgo ahosīti.
so that the fold doesn’t become worn.

Obhoge kāyabandhanaṁ kātabbaṁ.
He should place the belt in the fold.

Sace piṇḍapāto hoti, ācariyo ca bhuñjitukāmo hoti, udakaṁ datvā piṇḍapāto upanāmetabbo.
If there’s almsfood and his teacher wants to eat, the pupil should give him water and then the almsfood.

Ācariyo pānīyena pucchitabbo.
He should ask his teacher if he wants water to drink.

Bhuttāvissa udakaṁ datvā pattaṁ paṭiggahetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena dhovitvā vodakaṁ katvā muhuttaṁ uṇhe otāpetabbo, na ca uṇhe patto nidahitabbo.
When the teacher has eaten, the pupil should give him water and receive his bowl. Holding it low, he should wash it carefully without scratching it. He should then dry it and sun it for a short while, but shouldn’t leave it in the heat.

Pattacīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
The pupil should put away the robe and bowl.

Pattaṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena pattaṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena heṭṭhāmañcaṁ vā heṭṭhāpīṭhaṁ vā parāmasitvā patto nikkhipitabbo.
When putting away the bowl, he should hold the bowl in one hand, feel under the bed or the bench with the other, and then put it away.

Na ca anantarahitāya bhūmiyā patto nikkhipitabbo.
He shouldn’t put the bowl away on the bare floor.

Cīvaraṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena cīvaraṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena cīvaravaṁsaṁ vā cīvararajjuṁ vā pamajjitvā pārato antaṁ orato bhogaṁ katvā cīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
When putting away the robe, he should hold the robe in one hand, wipe the bamboo robe rack or the clothesline with the other, and then put it away by folding the robe over it, making the ends face the wall and the fold face out.

Ācariyamhi vuṭṭhite āsanaṁ uddharitabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ paṭisāmetabbaṁ.
When the teacher has gotten up, the pupil should put away the seat and also the foot stool, the foot scraper, and the water for washing the feet.

Sace so deso uklāpo hoti, so deso sammajjitabbo.
If the place is dirty, he should sweep it.”

Sace ācariyo nahāyitukāmo hoti, nahānaṁ paṭiyādetabbaṁ.
“If the teacher wants to bathe, the pupil should prepare a bath.

Sace sītena attho hoti, sītaṁ paṭiyādetabbaṁ.
If he wants a cold bath, he should prepare that;

Sace uṇhena attho hoti, uṇhaṁ paṭiyādetabbaṁ.
if he wants a hot bath, he should prepare that.

Sace ācariyo jantāgharaṁ pavisitukāmo hoti, cuṇṇaṁ sannetabbaṁ, mattikā temetabbā, jantāgharapīṭhaṁ ādāya ācariyassa piṭṭhito piṭṭhito gantvā jantāgharapīṭhaṁ datvā cīvaraṁ paṭiggahetvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ, cuṇṇaṁ dātabbaṁ, mattikā dātabbā.
If the teacher wants to take a sauna, the pupil should knead bath powder, moisten the clay, take a sauna bench, and follow behind his teacher. After giving his teacher the sauna bench, receiving his robe, and putting it aside, he should give him the bath powder and the clay.

Sace ussahati, jantāgharaṁ pavisitabbaṁ.
If he’s able, he should enter the sauna.

Jantāgharaṁ pavisantena mattikāya mukhaṁ makkhetvā purato ca pacchato ca paṭicchādetvā jantāgharaṁ pavisitabbaṁ.
When entering the sauna, he should smear his face with clay, cover himself front and back, and then enter.

Na there bhikkhū anupakhajja nisīditabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t sit encroaching on the senior monks,

Na navā bhikkhū āsanena paṭibāhitabbā.
or block the junior monks from getting a seat.

Jantāghare ācariyassa parikammaṁ kātabbaṁ.
While in the sauna, he should provide assistance to his teacher.

Jantāgharā nikkhamantena jantāgharapīṭhaṁ ādāya purato ca pacchato ca paṭicchādetvā jantāgharā nikkhamitabbaṁ.
When leaving the sauna, he should take the sauna bench, cover himself front and back, and then leave.

Udakepi ācariyassa parikammaṁ kātabbaṁ.
He should also provide assistance to his teacher in the water.

Nahātena paṭhamataraṁ uttaritvā attano gattaṁ vodakaṁ katvā nivāsetvā ācariyassa gattato udakaṁ pamajjitabbaṁ, nivāsanaṁ dātabbaṁ, saṅghāṭi dātabbā, jantāgharapīṭhaṁ ādāya paṭhamataraṁ āgantvā āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipitabbaṁ.
When he has bathed, he should be the first to come out. He should dry himself and put on his sarong. He should then wipe the water off his teacher’s body, and he should give him his sarong and then his upper robe. Taking the sauna bench, he should be the first to return. He should prepare a seat, and also set out a foot stool, a foot scraper, and water for washing the feet.

Ācariyo pānīyena pucchitabbo.
He should ask his teacher if he wants water to drink.

Sace uddisāpetukāmo hoti, uddisitabbo.
If the teacher wants him to recite, he should do so.

Sace paripucchitukāmo hoti, paripucchitabbo.
If the teacher wants to question him, he should be questioned.”

Yasmiṁ vihāre ācariyo viharati, sace so vihāro uklāpo hoti, sace ussahati, sodhetabbo.
“If the dwelling where the teacher is staying is dirty, the pupil should clean it if he’s able.

Vihāraṁ sodhentena paṭhamaṁ pattacīvaraṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
When he’s cleaning the dwelling, he should first take out the bowl and robe and put them aside.

nisīdanapaccattharaṇaṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
He should take out the sitting mat and the sheet and put them aside.

bhisibibbohanaṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
He should take out the mattress and the pillow and put them aside.

mañco nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbo;
Holding the bed low, he should carefully take it out without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it aside.

pīṭhaṁ nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
Holding the bench low, he should carefully take it out without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it aside.

mañcapaṭipādakā nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbā;
He should take out the bed supports and put them aside.

kheḷamallako nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbo;
He should take out the spittoon and put it aside.

apassenaphalakaṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ;
He should take out the leaning board and put it aside.

bhūmattharaṇaṁ yathāpaññattaṁ sallakkhetvā nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
After taking note of its position, he should take out the floor cover and put it aside.

Sace vihāre santānakaṁ hoti, ullokā paṭhamaṁ ohāretabbaṁ, ālokasandhikaṇṇabhāgā pamajjitabbā.
If the dwelling has cobwebs, he should first remove them from the ceiling cloth, and he should then wipe the windows and the corners of the room.

Sace gerukaparikammakatā bhitti kaṇṇakitā hoti, coḷakaṁ temetvā pīḷetvā pamajjitabbā.
If the walls have been treated with red ocher and they’re moldy, he should moisten a cloth, wring it out, and wipe the walls.

Sace kāḷavaṇṇakatā bhūmi kaṇṇakitā hoti, coḷakaṁ temetvā pīḷetvā pamajjitabbā.
If the floor has been treated with a black finish and it’s moldy, he should moisten a cloth, wring it out, and wipe the floor.

Sace akatā hoti bhūmi, udakena paripphositvā paripphositvā sammajjitabbā—
If the floor is untreated, he should sprinkle it with water and then sweep it,

mā vihāro rajena uhaññīti.
trying to avoid stirring up dust.

Saṅkāraṁ vicinitvā ekamantaṁ chaḍḍetabbaṁ.
He should look out for any trash and discard it.

Bhūmattharaṇaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the floor cover, clean it, beat it, bring it back inside, and put it back as before.

Mañcapaṭipādakā otāpetvā pamajjitvā atiharitvā yathāṭhāne ṭhapetabbā.
He should sun the bed supports, wipe them, bring them back inside, and put them back where they were.

Mañco otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbo.
He should sun the bed, clean it, and beat it. Holding it low, he should carefully bring it back inside without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it back as before.

Pīṭhaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena, asaṅghaṭṭentena kavāṭapiṭṭhaṁ, atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the bench, clean it, and beat it. Holding it low, he should carefully bring it back inside without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it back as before.

Bhisibibbohanaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the mattress and the pillow, clean them, beat them, bring them back inside, and put them back as before.

Nisīdanapaccattharaṇaṁ otāpetvā sodhetvā papphoṭetvā atiharitvā yathāpaññattaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the sitting mat and the sheet, clean them, beat them, bring them back inside, and put them back as before.

Kheḷamallako otāpetvā pamajjitvā atiharitvā yathāṭhāne ṭhapetabbo.
He should sun the spittoon, wipe it, bring it back inside, and put it back where it was.

Apassenaphalakaṁ otāpetvā pamajjitvā atiharitvā yathāṭhāne ṭhapetabbaṁ.
He should sun the leaning board, wipe it, bring it back inside, and put it back where it was.

Pattacīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
He should put away the bowl and robe.

Pattaṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena pattaṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena heṭṭhāmañcaṁ vā heṭṭhāpīṭhaṁ vā parāmasitvā patto nikkhipitabbo.
When putting away the bowl, he should hold the bowl in one hand, feel under the bed or the bench with the other, and then put it away.

Na ca anantarahitāya bhūmiyā patto nikkhipitabbo.
He shouldn’t put the bowl away on the bare floor.

Cīvaraṁ nikkhipantena ekena hatthena cīvaraṁ gahetvā ekena hatthena cīvaravaṁsaṁ vā cīvararajjuṁ vā pamajjitvā pārato antaṁ orato bhogaṁ katvā cīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
When putting away the robe, he should hold the robe in one hand, wipe the bamboo robe rack or the clothesline with the other, and then put it away by folding the robe over it, making the ends face the wall and the fold face out.

Sace puratthimā sarajā vātā vāyanti, puratthimā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the east, he should close the windows on the eastern side.

Sace pacchimā sarajā vātā vāyanti, pacchimā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the west, he should close the windows on the western side.

Sace uttarā sarajā vātā vāyanti, uttarā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the north, he should close the windows on the northern side.

Sace dakkhiṇā sarajā vātā vāyanti, dakkhiṇā vātapānā thaketabbā.
If dusty winds are blowing from the south, he should close the windows on the southern side.

Sace sītakālo hoti, divā vātapānā vivaritabbā, rattiṁ thaketabbā.
If the weather is cold, he should open the windows during the day and close them at night.

Sace uṇhakālo hoti, divā vātapānā thaketabbā, rattiṁ vivaritabbā.
If the weather is hot, he should close the windows during the day and open them at night.

Sace pariveṇaṁ uklāpaṁ hoti, pariveṇaṁ sammajjitabbaṁ.
If the yard is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace koṭṭhako uklāpo hoti, koṭṭhako sammajjitabbo.
If the gatehouse is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace upaṭṭhānasālā uklāpā hoti, upaṭṭhānasālā sammajjitabbā.
If the assembly hall is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace aggisālā uklāpā hoti, aggisālā sammajjitabbā.
If the water-boiling shed is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace vaccakuṭi uklāpā hoti, vaccakuṭi sammajjitabbā.
If the restroom is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace pānīyaṁ na hoti, pānīyaṁ upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ.
If there’s no water for drinking, he should get some.

Sace paribhojanīyaṁ na hoti, paribhojanīyaṁ upaṭṭhāpetabbaṁ.
If there’s no water for washing, he should get some.

Sace ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ na hoti, ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ.
If there’s no water in the restroom ablutions pot, he should fill it.”

Sace ācariyassa anabhirati uppannā hoti, antevāsikena vūpakāsetabbo, vūpakāsāpetabbo, dhammakathā vāssa kātabbā.
“If the teacher becomes discontent with the spiritual life, the pupil should send him away or have him sent away, or he should give him a teaching.

Sace ācariyassa kukkuccaṁ uppannaṁ hoti, antevāsikena vinodetabbaṁ, vinodāpetabbaṁ, dhammakathā vāssa kātabbā.
If the teacher becomes anxious, the pupil should dispel it or have it dispelled, or he should give him a teaching.

Sace ācariyassa diṭṭhigataṁ uppannaṁ hoti, antevāsikena vivecetabbaṁ, vivecāpetabbaṁ, dhammakathā vāssa kātabbā.
If the teacher has wrong view, the pupil should make him give it up or have someone else do it, or he should give him a teaching.

Sace ācariyo garudhammaṁ ajjhāpanno hoti, parivāsāraho, antevāsikena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the teacher has committed a heavy offense and deserves probation,

kinti nu kho saṅgho ācariyassa parivāsaṁ dadeyyāti.
the pupil should try to get the Sangha to give it to him.

Sace ācariyo mūlāyapaṭikassanāraho hoti, antevāsikena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the teacher has committed a heavy offense and deserves to be sent back to the beginning,

kinti nu kho saṅgho ācariyaṁ mūlāya paṭikasseyyāti.
the pupil should try to get the Sangha to do it.

Sace ācariyo mānattāraho hoti, antevāsikena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the teacher has committed a heavy offense and deserves the trial period,

kinti nu kho saṅgho ācariyassa mānattaṁ dadeyyāti.
the pupil should try to get the Sangha to give it to him.

Sace ācariyo abbhānāraho hoti, antevāsikena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the teacher has committed a heavy offense and deserves rehabilitation,

kinti nu kho saṅgho ācariyaṁ abbheyyāti.
the pupil should try to get the Sangha to give it to him.

Sace saṅgho ācariyassa kammaṁ kattukāmo hoti, tajjanīyaṁ vā niyassaṁ vā pabbājanīyaṁ vā paṭisāraṇīyaṁ vā ukkhepanīyaṁ vā, antevāsikena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the Sangha wants to do a legal procedure against his teacher—whether a procedure of condemnation, demotion, banishment, reconciliation, or ejection—

kinti nu kho saṅgho ācariyassa kammaṁ na kareyya, lahukāya vā pariṇāmeyyāti.
the pupil should make an effort to stop it or to reduce the penalty.

Kataṁ vā panassa hoti saṅghena kammaṁ, tajjanīyaṁ vā niyassaṁ vā pabbājanīyaṁ vā paṭisāraṇīyaṁ vā ukkhepanīyaṁ vā, antevāsikena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
But if the Sangha has already done a legal procedure against his teacher—whether a procedure of condemnation, demotion, banishment, reconciliation, or ejection—

kinti nu kho ācariyo sammā vatteyya, lomaṁ pāteyya, netthāraṁ vatteyya, saṅgho taṁ kammaṁ paṭippassambheyyāti.
the pupil should help the teacher conduct himself properly and suitably so as to deserve to be released, and try to get the Sangha to lift that procedure.

Sace ācariyassa cīvaraṁ dhovitabbaṁ hoti, antevāsikena dhovitabbaṁ, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the teacher’s robe needs washing, the pupil should do it himself,

kinti nu kho ācariyassa cīvaraṁ dhoviyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get it done.

Sace ācariyassa cīvaraṁ kātabbaṁ hoti, antevāsikena kātabbaṁ, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the teacher needs a robe, the pupil should make one himself,

kinti nu kho ācariyassa cīvaraṁ kariyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get one made.

Sace ācariyassa rajanaṁ pacitabbaṁ hoti, antevāsikena pacitabbaṁ, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the teacher needs dye, the pupil should make it himself,

kinti nu kho ācariyassa rajanaṁ paciyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get it made.

Sace ācariyassa cīvaraṁ rajitabbaṁ hoti, antevāsikena rajitabbaṁ, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the teacher’s robe needs dyeing, the pupil should do it himself,

kinti nu kho ācariyassa cīvaraṁ rajiyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get it done.

Cīvaraṁ rajantena sādhukaṁ samparivattakaṁ samparivattakaṁ rajitabbaṁ, na ca acchinne theve pakkamitabbaṁ.
When he’s dyeing the robe, he should carefully and repeatedly turn it over, and shouldn’t go away while it’s still dripping.

Na ācariyaṁ anāpucchā ekaccassa patto dātabbo, na ekaccassa patto paṭiggahetabbo;
Without asking his teacher for permission, he shouldn’t do any of the following: give away or receive a bowl;

na ekaccassa cīvaraṁ dātabbaṁ, na ekaccassa cīvaraṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ;
give away or receive a robe;

na ekaccassa parikkhāro dātabbo, na ekaccassa parikkhāro paṭiggahetabbo;
give away or receive a requisite;

na ekaccassa kesā cheditabbā, na ekaccena kesā chedāpetabbā;
cut anyone’s hair or get it cut;

na ekaccassa parikammaṁ kātabbaṁ, na ekaccena parikammaṁ kārāpetabbaṁ;
provide assistance to anyone or have assistance provided by anyone;

na ekaccassa veyyāvacco kātabbo, na ekaccena veyyāvacco kārāpetabbo;
do a service for anyone or get a service done by anyone;

na ekaccassa pacchāsamaṇena hotabbaṁ, na ekacco pacchāsamaṇo ādātabbo;
be the attendant monk for anyone or take anyone as his attendant monk;

na ekaccassa piṇḍapāto nīharitabbo, na ekaccena piṇḍapāto nīharāpetabbo;
bring back almsfood for anyone or get almsfood brought back by anyone;

na ācariyaṁ anāpucchā gāmo pavisitabbo;
enter the village,

na susānaṁ gantabbaṁ;
go to the charnel ground,

na disā pakkamitabbā.
or leave for another region.

Sace ācariyo gilāno hoti, yāvajīvaṁ upaṭṭhātabbo, vuṭṭhānamassa āgametabbaṁ.
If his teacher is sick, he should nurse him for as long as he lives or wait until he has recovered.

Idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, antevāsikānaṁ ācariyesu vattaṁ yathā antevāsikehi ācariyesu sammā vattitabban”ti.
This is the proper conduct of a pupil toward his teacher.”

14. Antevāsikavattakathā
14. Discussion of the proper conduct toward a pupil

Tena kho pana samayena ācariyā antevāsikesu na sammā vattanti.
At that time the teachers were not conducting themselves properly toward their pupils.

Ye te bhikkhū appicchā …pe… te ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti—
The monks of few desires complained and criticized them,

“kathañhi nāma ācariyā antevāsikesu na sammā vattissantī”ti.
“How can the teachers not conduct themselves properly toward their pupils?”

Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.
They told the Buddha.

Atha kho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe bhikkhusaṅghaṁ sannipātāpetvā bhikkhū paṭipucchi—
Soon afterwards he had the Sangha gathered and questioned the monks:

“saccaṁ kira, bhikkhave, ācariyā antevāsikesu na sammā vattantī”ti?
“Is it true, monks, that the teachers are not conducting themselves properly toward their pupils?”

“Saccaṁ, bhagavā”ti …pe…
“It’s true, Sir.” …

vigarahitvā …pe…
After rebuking them …

dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi—
the Buddha gave a teaching and addressed the monks:

“Tena hi, bhikkhave, ācariyānaṁ antevāsikesu vattaṁ paññapessāmi yathā ācariyehi antevāsikesu sammā vattitabbaṁ.
“Well then, I’ll lay down the proper conduct for a teacher toward his pupil.

Ācariyena, bhikkhave, antevāsikamhi sammā vattitabbaṁ.
A teacher should conduct himself properly toward his pupil.

Tatrāyaṁ sammāvattanā—
This is the proper conduct:

Ācariyena, bhikkhave, antevāsiko saṅgahetabbo anuggahetabbo uddesena paripucchāya ovādena anusāsaniyā.
A teacher should help and take care of his pupil through recitation, questioning, and instruction.

Sace ācariyassa patto hoti, antevāsikassa patto na hoti, ācariyena antevāsikassa patto dātabbo, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the teacher has a bowl, but not the pupil, the teacher should give it to him,

kinti nu kho antevāsikassa patto uppajjiyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get him one.

Sace ācariyassa cīvaraṁ hoti, antevāsikassa cīvaraṁ na hoti, ācariyena antevāsikassa cīvaraṁ dātabbaṁ, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the teacher has a robe, but not the pupil, the teacher should give it to him,

kinti nu kho antevāsikassa cīvaraṁ uppajjiyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get him one.

Sace ācariyassa parikkhāro hoti, antevāsikassa parikkhāro na hoti, ācariyena antevāsikassa parikkhāro dātabbo, ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—
If the teacher has a requisite, but not the pupil, the teacher should give it to him,

kinti nu kho antevāsikassa parikkhāro uppajjiyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get him one.”

Sace antevāsiko gilāno hoti, kālasseva uṭṭhāya dantakaṭṭhaṁ dātabbaṁ, mukhodakaṁ dātabbaṁ, āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ.
“If the pupil is sick, the teacher should get up at the appropriate time and give his pupil a tooth cleaner and water for rinsing the mouth, and he should prepare a seat for him.

Sace yāgu hoti, bhājanaṁ dhovitvā yāgu upanāmetabbā.
If there’s congee, he should rinse a vessel and bring the congee to his pupil.

Yāguṁ pītassa udakaṁ datvā bhājanaṁ paṭiggahetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena dhovitvā paṭisāmetabbaṁ.
When he has drunk the congee, the teacher should give him water and receive the vessel. Holding it low, he should wash it carefully without scratching it and then put it away.

Antevāsikamhi vuṭṭhite āsanaṁ uddharitabbaṁ.
When the pupil has gotten up, the teacher should put away the seat.

Sace so deso uklāpo hoti, so deso sammajjitabbo.
If the place is dirty, he should sweep it.

Sace antevāsiko gāmaṁ pavisitukāmo hoti, nivāsanaṁ dātabbaṁ, paṭinivāsanaṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ, kāyabandhanaṁ dātabbaṁ, saguṇaṁ katvā saṅghāṭiyo dātabbā, dhovitvā patto sodako dātabbo.
If the pupil wants to enter the village, the teacher should give him a sarong and receive the one he’s wearing in return. He should give him a belt. He should put the upper robes together, overlapping each other edge-to-edge, and then give them to him. He should rinse his pupil’s bowl and give it to him while wet.

Ettāvatā nivattissatīti āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipitabbaṁ, paccuggantvā pattacīvaraṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ, paṭinivāsanaṁ dātabbaṁ, nivāsanaṁ paṭiggahetabbaṁ.
Before he’s due back, the teacher should prepare a seat and set out a foot stool, a foot scraper, and water for washing the feet. He should go out to meet the pupil and receive his bowl and robe. He should give him a sarong and receive the one he’s wearing in return.

Sace cīvaraṁ sinnaṁ hoti, muhuttaṁ uṇhe otāpetabbaṁ, na ca uṇhe cīvaraṁ nidahitabbaṁ.
If the robe is damp, he should sun it for a short while, but shouldn’t leave it in the heat.

Cīvaraṁ saṅgharitabbaṁ.
He should fold the robe,

Cīvaraṁ saṅgharantena caturaṅgulaṁ kaṇṇaṁ ussāretvā cīvaraṁ saṅgharitabbaṁ—
offsetting the edges by seven centimeters,

mā majjhe bhaṅgo ahosīti.
so that the fold doesn’t become worn.

Obhoge kāyabandhanaṁ kātabbaṁ.
He should place the belt in the fold.

Sace piṇḍapāto hoti, antevāsiko ca bhuñjitukāmo hoti, udakaṁ datvā piṇḍapāto upanāmetabbo.
If there’s almsfood and his pupil wants to eat, the teacher should give him water and then the almsfood.

Antevāsiko pānīyena pucchitabbo.
He should ask his pupil if he wants water to drink.

Bhuttāvissa udakaṁ datvā pattaṁ paṭiggahetvā nīcaṁ katvā sādhukaṁ appaṭighaṁsantena dhovitvā vodakaṁ katvā muhuttaṁ uṇhe otāpetabbo, na ca uṇhe patto nidahitabbo.
When the pupil has eaten, the teacher should give him water and receive his bowl. Holding it low, he should wash it carefully without scratching it. He should then dry it and sun it for a short while, but shouldn’t leave it in the heat.

Pattacīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
The teacher should put away the robe and bowl.

Pattaṁ nikkhipantena …pe…
When putting away the bowl, he should hold the bowl in one hand, feel under the bed or the bench with the other, and then put it away. He shouldn’t put the bowl away on the bare floor.

cīvaraṁ nikkhipantena …pe…
When putting away the robe, he should hold the robe in one hand, wipe the bamboo robe rack or the clothesline with the other, and then put it away by folding the robe over it,

pārato antaṁ orato bhogaṁ katvā cīvaraṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ.
making the ends face the wall and the fold face out.

Antevāsikamhi uṭṭhite āsanaṁ uddharitabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ paṭisāmetabbaṁ.
When the pupil has gotten up, the teacher should put away the seat and also the foot stool, the foot scraper, and the water for washing the feet.

Sace so deso uklāpo hoti, so deso sammajjitabbo.
If the place is dirty, he should sweep it.”

Sace antevāsiko nahāyitukāmo hoti, nahānaṁ paṭiyādetabbaṁ.
“If the pupil wants to bathe, the teacher should prepare a bath.

Sace sītena attho hoti, sītaṁ paṭiyādetabbaṁ.
If he wants a cold bath, he should prepare that;

Sace uṇhena attho hoti, uṇhaṁ paṭiyādetabbaṁ.
if he wants a hot bath, he should prepare that.

Sace antevāsiko jantāgharaṁ pavisitukāmo hoti, cuṇṇaṁ sannetabbaṁ, mattikā temetabbā, jantāgharapīṭhaṁ ādāya gantvā jantāgharapīṭhaṁ datvā cīvaraṁ paṭiggahetvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ, cuṇṇaṁ dātabbaṁ, mattikā dātabbā.
If the pupil wants to take a sauna, the teacher should knead bath powder, moisten the clay, take a sauna bench, and go to the sauna. After giving his pupil the sauna bench, receiving his robe, and putting it aside, he should give him the bath powder and the clay.

Sace ussahati jantāgharaṁ pavisitabbaṁ.
If he’s able, he should enter the sauna.

Jantāgharaṁ pavisantena mattikāya mukhaṁ makkhetvā purato ca pacchato ca paṭicchādetvā jantāgharaṁ pavisitabbaṁ.
When entering the sauna, he should smear his face with clay, cover himself front and back, and then enter.

Na there bhikkhū anupakhajja nisīditabbaṁ.
He shouldn’t sit encroaching on the senior monks,

Na navā bhikkhū āsanena paṭibāhitabbā.
or block the junior monks from getting a seat.

Jantāghare antevāsikassa parikammaṁ kātabbaṁ.
While in the sauna, he should provide assistance to his pupil.

Jantāgharā nikkhamantena jantāgharapīṭhaṁ ādāya purato ca pacchato ca paṭicchādetvā jantāgharā nikkhamitabbaṁ.
When leaving the sauna, he should take the sauna bench, cover himself front and back, and then leave.

Udakepi antevāsikassa parikammaṁ kātabbaṁ.
The teacher should also provide assistance to his pupil in the water.

Nahātena paṭhamataraṁ uttaritvā attano gattaṁ vodakaṁ katvā nivāsetvā antevāsikassa gattato udakaṁ pamajjitabbaṁ, nivāsanaṁ dātabbaṁ, saṅghāṭi dātabbā, jantāgharapīṭhaṁ ādāya paṭhamataraṁ āgantvā āsanaṁ paññapetabbaṁ, pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipitabbaṁ, antevāsiko pānīyena pucchitabbo.
When the teacher has bathed, he should be the first to come out. He should dry himself and put on his sarong. He should then wipe the water off his pupil’s body, and he should give him his sarong and then his upper robe. Taking the sauna bench, he should be the first to return. He should prepare a seat, and also set out a foot stool, a foot scraper, and water for washing the feet. He should ask his pupil if he wants water to drink.”

Yasmiṁ vihāre antevāsiko viharati, sace so vihāro uklāpo hoti, sace ussahati, sodhetabbo.
“If the dwelling where the pupil is staying is dirty, the teacher should clean it if he’s able.

Vihāraṁ sodhentena paṭhamaṁ pattacīvaraṁ nīharitvā ekamantaṁ nikkhipitabbaṁ
When he’s cleaning the dwelling, he should first take out the bowl and robe and put them aside. He should take out the sitting mat and the sheet and put them aside. He should take out the mattress and the pillow and put them aside. Holding the bed low, he should carefully take it out without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it aside. Holding the bench low, he should carefully take it out without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it aside. He should take out the bed supports and put them aside. He should take out the spittoon and put it aside. He should take out the leaning board and put it aside. After taking note of its position, he should take out the floor cover and put it aside. If the dwelling has cobwebs, he should first remove them from the ceiling cloth, and he should then wipe the windows and the corners of the room. If the walls have been treated with red ocher and they’re moldy, he should moisten a cloth, wring it out, and wipe the walls. If the floor has been treated with a black finish and it’s moldy, he should moisten a cloth, wring it out, and wipe the floor. If the floor is untreated, he should sprinkle it with water and then sweep it, trying to avoid stirring up dust. He should look out for any trash and discard it.

He should sun the floor cover, clean it, beat it, bring it back inside, and put it back as before. He should sun the bed supports, wipe them, bring them back inside, and put them back as before. He should sun the bed, clean it, and beat it. Holding it low, he should carefully bring it back inside without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it back as before. He should sun the bench, clean it, and beat it. Holding it low, he should carefully bring it back inside without scratching it or knocking it against the door or the door frame, and he should put it back as before. He should sun the mattress and the pillow, clean them, beat them, bring them back inside, and put them back as before. He should sun the sitting mat and the sheet, clean them, beat them, bring them back inside, and put them back as before. He should sun the spittoon, wipe it, bring it back inside, and put it back where it was. He should sun the leaning board, wipe it, bring it back inside, and put it back where it was. He should put away the bowl and robe. When putting away the bowl, he should hold the bowl in one hand, feel under the bed or the bench with the other, and then put it away. He shouldn’t put the bowl away on the bare floor. When putting away the robe, he should hold the robe in one hand, wipe the bamboo robe rack or the clothesline with the other, and then put it away by folding the robe over it, making the ends face the wall and the fold face out.

If dusty winds are blowing from the east, he should close the windows on the eastern side. If dusty winds are blowing from the west, he should close the windows on the western side. If dusty winds are blowing from the north, he should close the windows on the northern side. If dusty winds are blowing from the south, he should close the windows on the southern side. If the weather is cold, he should open the windows during the day and close them at night. If the weather is hot, he should close the windows during the day and open them at night.

If the yard is dirty, he should sweep it. If the gateway is dirty, he should sweep it. If the assembly hall is dirty, he should sweep it. If the water-boiling shed is dirty, he should sweep it. If the restroom is dirty, he should sweep it. If there’s no water for drinking, he should get some. If there’s no water for washing, he should get some.

ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ na hoti, ācamanakumbhiyā udakaṁ āsiñcitabbaṁ.
If there’s no water in the restroom ablutions pot, he should fill it.”

Sace antevāsikassa anabhirati uppannā hoti, ācariyena vūpakāsetabbo, vūpakāsāpetabbo, dhammakathā vāssa kātabbā.
“If the pupil becomes discontent with the spiritual life, the teacher should send him away or have him sent away, or he should give him a teaching.

Sace antevāsikassa kukkuccaṁ uppannaṁ hoti, ācariyena vinodetabbaṁ, vinodāpetabbaṁ, dhammakathā vāssa kātabbā.
If the pupil becomes anxious, the teacher should dispel it or have it dispelled, or he should give him a teaching.

Sace antevāsikassa diṭṭhigataṁ uppannaṁ hoti, ācariyena vivecetabbaṁ, vivecāpetabbaṁ, dhammakathā vāssa kātabbā.
If the pupil has wrong view, the teacher should make him give it up or have someone else do it, or he should give him a teaching.

Sace antevāsiko garudhammaṁ ajjhāpanno hoti, parivāsāraho, ācariyena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the pupil has committed a heavy offense and deserves probation,

kinti nu kho saṅgho antevāsikassa parivāsaṁ dadeyyāti.
the teacher should try to get the Sangha to give it to him.

Sace antevāsiko mūlāyapaṭikassanāraho hoti, ācariyena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the pupil has committed a heavy offense and deserves to be sent back to the beginning,

kinti nu kho saṅgho antevāsikaṁ mūlāya paṭikasseyyāti.
the teacher should try to get the Sangha to do it.

Sace antevāsiko mānattāraho hoti, ācariyena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the pupil has committed a heavy offense and deserves the trial period,

kinti nu kho saṅgho antevāsikassa mānattaṁ dadeyyāti.
the teacher should try to get the Sangha to give it to him.

Sace antevāsiko abbhānāraho hoti, ācariyena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the pupil has committed a heavy offense and deserves rehabilitation,

kinti nu kho saṅgho antevāsikaṁ abbheyyāti.
the teacher should try to get the Sangha to give it to him.

Sace saṅgho antevāsikassa kammaṁ kattukāmo hoti, tajjanīyaṁ vā niyassaṁ vā pabbājanīyaṁ vā paṭisāraṇīyaṁ vā ukkhepanīyaṁ vā, ācariyena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
If the Sangha wants to do a legal procedure against his pupil—whether a procedure of condemnation, demotion, banishment, reconciliation, or ejection—

kinti nu kho saṅgho antevāsikassa kammaṁ na kareyya, lahukāya vā pariṇāmeyyāti.
the teacher should make an effort to stop it or to reduce the penalty.

Kataṁ vā panassa hoti, saṅghena kammaṁ, tajjanīyaṁ vā niyassaṁ vā pabbājanīyaṁ vā paṭisāraṇīyaṁ vā ukkhepanīyaṁ vā, ācariyena ussukkaṁ kātabbaṁ—
But if the Sangha has already done a legal procedure against his pupil—whether a procedure of condemnation, demotion, banishment, reconciliation, or ejection—

kinti nu kho antevāsiko sammā vatteyya, lomaṁ pāteyya, netthāraṁ vatteyya, saṅgho taṁ kammaṁ paṭippassambheyyāti.
the teacher should help the pupil conduct himself properly and suitably so as to deserve to be released, and try to get the Sangha to lift that procedure.

Sace antevāsikassa cīvaraṁ dhovitabbaṁ hoti, ācariyena ācikkhitabbaṁ—evaṁ dhoveyyāsīti,
If the pupil’s robe needs washing, the teacher should show him how to do it,

ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—kinti nu kho antevāsikassa cīvaraṁ dhoviyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get it done.

Sace antevāsikassa cīvaraṁ kātabbaṁ hoti, ācariyena ācikkhitabbaṁ—evaṁ kareyyāsīti,
If the pupil needs a robe, the teacher should show him how to make one,

ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—kinti nu kho antevāsikassa cīvaraṁ kariyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get one made.

Sace antevāsikassa rajanaṁ pacitabbaṁ hoti, ācariyena ācikkhitabbaṁ—evaṁ paceyyāsīti,
If the pupil needs dye, the teacher should show him how to make it,

ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—kinti nu kho antevāsikassa rajanaṁ paciyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get it made.

Sace antevāsikassa cīvaraṁ rajitabbaṁ hoti, ācariyena ācikkhitabbaṁ—evaṁ rajeyyāsīti,
If the pupil’s robe needs dyeing, the teacher should show him how to do it,

ussukkaṁ vā kātabbaṁ—kinti nu kho antevāsikassa cīvaraṁ rajiyethāti.
or he should make an effort to get it done.

Cīvaraṁ rajantena sādhukaṁ samparivattakaṁ samparivattakaṁ rajitabbaṁ.
When he’s dyeing the robe, he should carefully and repeatedly turn it over,

Na ca acchinne theve pakkamitabbaṁ.
and shouldn’t go away while it’s still dripping.

Sace antevāsiko gilāno hoti, yāvajīvaṁ upaṭṭhātabbo, vuṭṭhānamassa āgametabbaṁ.
If his pupil is sick, he should nurse him for as long as he lives or wait until he has recovered.

Idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, ācariyānaṁ antevāsikesu vattaṁ yathā ācariyehi antevāsikesu sammā vattitabban”ti.
This is the proper conduct of a teacher toward his pupil.”

Vattakkhandhako aṭṭhamo. Imamhi khandhake vatthū ekūnavīsati, vattā cuddasa.
The eighth chapter on proper conduct is finished. In this chapter there are nineteen topics and fourteen kinds of proper conduct.

This is the summary:

Saupāhanā chattā ca,
“With sandals, and sunshades,

oguṇṭhi sīsaṁ pānīyaṁ;
Covered, head, drinking water;

Nābhivāde na pucchanti,
Would not bow down, they did not ask,

ahi ujjhanti pesalā.
Snake, the good monks complained.

Omuñci chattaṁ khandhe ca,
Removed, sunshade, and on the shoulder,

atarañca paṭikkamaṁ;
Without hurry, gather;

Pattacīvaraṁ nikkhipā,
Put down bowl and robe,

patirūpañca pucchitā.
And suitable, asked.

Āsiñceyya dhovitena,
Should pour, with washed,

With dry, with wet, sandals;

Vuḍḍho navako puccheyya,
Senior, junior, should ask,

ajjhāvuṭṭhañca gocarā.
And occupied, where to go for alms.

Sekkhā vaccā pānī pari,
Training, excrement, drinking water, washing water,

kattaraṁ katikaṁ tato;
Walking stick, then agreement;

Kālaṁ muhuttaṁ uklāpo,
The right time, moment, dirty,

bhūmattharaṇaṁ nīhare.
Should take out the floor cover.

Paṭipādo bhisibibbo,
Bed support, mattress, pillow,

mañcapīṭhañca mallakaṁ;
Bed, and bench, spittoon;

Leaning board, ceiling cloth, corners,

gerukā kāḷa akatā.
Red ocher, black, untreated.

Saṅkārañca bhūmattharaṇaṁ,
And trash, floor cover,

paṭipādakaṁ mañcapīṭhaṁ;
Bed support, bed, bench;

Bhisi nisīdanampi,
Mattress, also sitting mat,

mallakaṁ apassena ca.
Spittoon, and leaning board.

Pattacīvaraṁ bhūmi ca,
Bowl, robe, and floor,

pārantaṁ orato bhogaṁ;
Ends far, folds near;

Puratthimā pacchimā ca,
From the east, and from the west,

uttarā atha dakkhiṇā.
From the north, then from the south.

Sītuṇhe ca divārattiṁ,
And day and night in the cold and heat,

pariveṇañca koṭṭhako;
And yard, gatehouse;

Upaṭṭhānaggi sālā ca,
Assembly, and water-boiling shed,

vattaṁ vaccakuṭīsu ca.
And conduct in the restrooms.

Pānī paribhojaniyā,
Drinking water, washing water,

kumbhi ācamanesu ca;
And pot for ablutions;

Anopamena paññattaṁ,
Laid down by the Incomparable one,

vattaṁ āgantukehime.
These make up the conduct for newly arrived monks.

Nevāsanaṁ na udakaṁ,
No seat, no water,

na paccu na ca pāniyaṁ;
No going to meet, and no drinking water;

Nābhivāde na paññape,
Would not bow down, would not assign,

ujjhāyanti ca pesalā.
And the good monks complained.

Vuḍḍhāsanañca udakaṁ,
Senior, and seat, water,

paccuggantvā ca pāniyaṁ;
And having gone to meet, drinking water;

Upāhane ekamantaṁ,
Sandals, aside,

abhivāde ca paññape.
And should bow down, should assign.

Vutthaṁ gocarasekkho ca,
Occupied, and where to go for alms, training,

ṭhānaṁ pāniyabhojanaṁ;
Place, drinking water, washing water;

Kattaraṁ katikaṁ kālaṁ,
Walking stick, agreement, right time,

navakassa nisinnake.
Remain seated for one who is junior.

Abhivādaye ācikkhe,
Should bow down, should point out,

yathā heṭṭhā tathā naye;
The same method as above;

Niddiṭṭhaṁ satthavāhena,
Declared by the Caravan Leader,

vattaṁ āvāsikehime.
These make up the conduct for resident monks.

Gamikā dārumatti ca,
Departing, and wood and ceramic,

vivaritvā na pucchiya;
Leaving open, no informing;

Nassanti ca aguttañca,
And they were lost, and unprotected,

ujjhāyanti ca pesalā.
And the good monks complained,

Paṭisāmetvā thaketvā,
Having put in order, having closed,

āpucchitvāva pakkame;
Having informed, he should depart;

Bhikkhu vā sāmaṇero vā,
A monk or a novice,

ārāmiko upāsako.
A monastery worker, a lay follower.

Pāsāṇakesu ca puñjaṁ,
And a pile on rocks,

paṭisāme thakeyya ca;
He should put away, and he should close;

Sace ussahati ussukkaṁ,
If he is able, effort,

anovasse tatheva ca.
And just so in a dry spot.

Sabbo ovassati gāmaṁ,
The whole gets wet, village,

ajjhokāse tatheva ca;
And just so in the open;

Appevaṅgāni seseyyuṁ,
Hopefully the requisites will be okay,

vattaṁ gamikabhikkhunā.
The proper conduct for a departing monk.

Nānumodanti therena,
They did not express their appreciation, by the most senior,

ohāya catupañcahi;
Left behind, by four or five;

Vaccito mucchito āsi,
Needing to defecate, he fainted,

These make up the conduct for the expression of appreciation.

Chabbaggiyā dunnivatthā,
The group of six were shabbily dressed,

athopi ca duppārutā;
And then also badly dressed;

Anākappā ca vokkamma,
And improper appearance, short cut,

there anupakhajjane.
In encroaching on the senior monks.

Nave bhikkhū ca saṅghāṭi,
And the junior monks, upper robe,

ujjhāyanti ca pesalā;
And the good monks complained;

Timaṇḍalaṁ nivāsetvā,
Putting on the sarong while covering the navel and knees,

Belt, putting together, toggle.

Na vokkamma paṭicchannaṁ,
No short cut, covered,

Well-restrained, lowered eyes;

Lifted, laugh loudly, noisy,

tayo ceva pacālanā.
And three on swaying.

Hands on hips, covering the head, squatting on the heels,

paṭicchannaṁ susaṁvuto;
Covered, well-restrained;

Lowered, lifted, laugh loudly,

appasaddo tayo calā.
Little noise, three on swaying.

Khambhoguṇṭhipallatthi ca,
And hands on hips, covering the head, clasping the knees,

anupakhajja nāsane;
Encroaching, no seat;

Ottharitvāna udake,
Spread out, water,

nīcaṁ katvāna siñciyā.
Holding low, poured.

Paṭi sāmantā saṅghāṭi,
Receiving, nearby, upper robe,

odane ca paṭiggahe;
And rice, he should receive;

Sūpaṁ uttaribhaṅgena,
Curry, with special curry,

sabbesaṁ samatitthi ca.
For everyone, and even level.

Sakkaccaṁ pattasaññī ca,
Respectfully, and attention on the bowl,

sapadānañca sūpakaṁ;
And in order, bean curry;

Na thūpato paṭicchāde,
Not from a heap, should cover,

Asking, finding fault.

Large, rounded, mouth,

sabbahattho na byāhare;
The whole hand, he should not speak;

Ukkhepo chedanāgaṇḍa,
Lifted, breaking up, cheeks,

dhunaṁ sitthāvakārakaṁ.
Shaking, scattering rice.

And sticking out his tongue,

capucapu surusuru;
Chomping, slurping;

Licking the hand, the bowl, the lips,

sāmisena paṭiggahe.
Soiled with food, should receive.

Yāva na sabbe udake,
Not until everyone, water,

nīcaṁ katvāna siñciyaṁ;
Holding low, poured;

Paṭi sāmantā saṅghāṭi,
Receiving, nearby, upper robe,

nīcaṁ katvā chamāya ca.
Holding low, and on the ground.

Sasitthakaṁ nivattante,
Containing rice, returning,

Well-covered, squatting on the heels;

Dhammarājena paññattaṁ,
Laid down by the King of the Teaching,

idaṁ bhattaggavattanaṁ.
This is the proper conduct in regard to dining halls.

Dunnivatthā anākappā,
Shabbily dressed, improper in appearance,

asallakkhetvā ca sahasā;
And non-attentive, hasty;

Dūre acca ciraṁ lahuṁ,
Far, too near, long, soon,

tatheva piṇḍacāriko.
Just so the alms collector.

Paṭicchannova gaccheyya,
He should go covered,

Well-restrained, lowered eyes;

Lifted, laugh loudly, without noise,

tayo ceva pacālanā.
And three on swaying.

Hands on hips, covering the head, squatting on the heels,

sallakkhetvā ca sahasā;
And attentive, hastily;

Dūre acca ciraṁ lahuṁ,
Far, too near, long, soon,

āsanakaṁ kaṭacchukā.
Seat, serving spoon.

Bhājanaṁ vā ṭhapeti ca,
Or a vessel, and make wait,

uccāretvā paṇāmetvā;
Having lifted up, having stretched out;

Paṭiggahe na ulloke,
He should receive, he should not look,

sūpesupi tatheva taṁ.
And just so for curry.

Bhikkhu saṅghāṭiyā chāde,
The monk should cover with the upper robe,

paṭicchanneva gacchiyaṁ;
He should go covered;

Saṁvutokkhittacakkhu ca,
And well-restrained, lowered eyes,

ukkhittojjagghikāya ca;
And lifted, laugh loudly;

Appasaddo tayo cālā,
Not noisy, three swaying,

Hands on hips, covering the head, squatting on the heels.

First, seat, leftovers,

pāniyaṁ paribhojanī;
Drinking water, washing water;

Pacchākaṅkhati bhuñjeyya,
The last may eat if he desires,

opilāpeyya uddhare.
Should discard, should put away.

Paṭisāmeyya sammajje,
Should put away, should sweep,

rittaṁ tucchaṁ upaṭṭhape;
Empty, hollow, he should fill;

Hatthavikāre bhindeyya,
Hand signal, he should not break into speech,

vattidaṁ piṇḍacārike.
This is the conduct for the alms collector.

Pānī pari aggiraṇi,
Drinking water, washing water, fire, fire-making implements,

nakkhattadisacorā ca;
Constellations, regions, and criminals;

Sabbaṁ natthīti koṭṭetvā,
“None of it is,” having beaten up,

pattaṁse cīvaraṁ tato.
Bowl, on the shoulder, so robe.

Idāni aṁse laggetvā,
Now, hanging on the shoulder,

timaṇḍalaṁ parimaṇḍalaṁ;
Covering navel and knees, evenly all around;

Yathā piṇḍacārivattaṁ,
As the conduct for the alms collector,

naye āraññakesupi.
So the method for those staying in the wilderness.

Pattaṁse cīvaraṁ sīse,
Bowl, on the shoulder, robe, on the head,

ārohitvā ca pāniyaṁ;
And having put on, drinking water;

Paribhojaniyaṁ aggi,
Washing water, fire,

araṇī cāpi kattaraṁ.
And also fire-making implements, walking stick.

Nakkhattaṁ sappadesaṁ vā,
Constellations, or a portion,

disāpi kusalo bhave;
Should be skilled also in the regions;

Sattuttamena paññattaṁ,
Laid down by the Supreme Teacher,

vattaṁ āraññakesume.
These make up the conduct for those staying in the wilderness.

Ajjhokāse okiriṁsu,
Outside, they were covered,

ujjhāyanti ca pesalā;
And the good monks complained;

Sace vihāro uklāpo,
If the dwelling is dirty,

paṭhamaṁ pattacīvaraṁ.
First the bowl and robe.

Bhisibibbohanaṁ mañcaṁ,
Mattress, pillow, bed,

pīṭhañca kheḷamallakaṁ;
Bench, spittoon;

Leaning board, ceiling cloth, corners,

gerukā kāḷa akatā.
Red ocher, black, untreated.

Saṅkāraṁ bhikkhusāmantā,
Trash, near monks,

Furniture, dwelling, drinking water;

Near washing water,

paṭivāte ca aṅgaṇe.
And in an open area upwind.

Adhovāte attharaṇaṁ,
Downwind, cover,

paṭipādakamañco ca;
And supports, bed;

Pīṭhaṁ bhisi nisīdanaṁ,
Bench, mattress, sitting mat,

mallakaṁ apassena ca.
Spittoon, and leaning board.

Pattacīvaraṁ bhūmi ca,
Bowl, robe, and floor,

pārantaṁ orato bhogaṁ;
Ends far, folds near;

Puratthimā ca pacchimā,
East, and west,

uttarā atha dakkhiṇā.
North, then south.

Sītuṇhe ca divā rattiṁ,
And day and night in the cold and heat,

pariveṇañca koṭṭhako;
And yard, gatehouse;

Upaṭṭhānaggisālā ca,
Assembly, and water-boiling shed,

vaccakuṭī ca pāniyaṁ.
And restroom, drinking water.

Ācamanakumbhi vuḍḍhe ca,
Restroom ablutions pot, and a senior monk,

uddesapucchanā sajjhā;
Recitation, question, rehearse;

Dhammo padīpaṁ vijjhāpe,
Teaching, should turn off a lamp,

na vivare napi thake.
Should not open, and also not close.

Yena vuḍḍho parivatti,
Turning around according to seniority,

kaṇṇenapi na ghaṭṭaye;
Should not touch even with a corner;

Paññapesi mahāvīro,
Laid down by the Great Hero,

vattaṁ senāsanesu taṁ.
That is the proper conduct in regard to dwellings.

Nivāriyamānā dvāraṁ,
Were being kept out, door,

mucchitujjhanti pesalā;
Fainted, the good monks complained;

Chārikaṁ chaḍḍaye jantā,
He should discard the ashes, sauna,

paribhaṇḍaṁ tatheva ca.
And just so the area outside.

Pariveṇaṁ koṭṭhako sālā,
Yard, gatehouse, sauna shed,

Bath powder, clay, trough;

Mukhaṁ purato na there,
Face, in front, not the senior monks,

na nave ussahati sace.
Not the junior monks, if he is able.

Purato uparimaggo,
In front, upstream, way,

cikkhallaṁ matti pīṭhakaṁ;
Muddy, clay, bench;

Vijjhāpetvā thaketvā ca,
Having extinguished, and having closed,

vattaṁ jantāgharesume.
These make up the conduct in regard to saunas.

Nācameti yathāvuḍḍhaṁ,
He did not wash, according to seniority,

paṭipāṭi ca sahasā;
And order, hastily;

Ubbhaji nitthuno kaṭṭhaṁ,
Pulled up, groaning, tooth cleaner,

vaccaṁ passāva kheḷakaṁ.
Feces, urine, spit.

Pharusā kūpa sahasā,
Coarse, cesspit, hastily,

ubbhaji capu sesena;
And pulled up, chomping, with remainder;

Bahi anto ca ukkāse,
Outside, and inside, should clear his throat,

rajju ataramānañca.
Clothesline, and without hurry.

Sahasā ubbhaji ṭhite,
Hastily, pulled up, when standing,

nitthune kaṭṭha vaccañca;
Groaning, tooth cleaner, and feces;

Passāva kheḷa pharusā,
Urine, spit, coarse,

kūpañca vaccapāduke.
Cesspit, foot stands for defecating.

Nātisahasā ubbhaji,
Not too hastily, pulled up,

pādukāya capucapu;
Foot stands, chomping;

Na sesaye paṭicchāde,
He should not leave, he should cover,

uhatapidharena ca.
Stained, and with container.

Vaccakuṭī paribhaṇḍaṁ,
Restroom, area outside,

pariveṇañca koṭṭhako;
And yard, gatehouse;

Ācamane ca udakaṁ,
And water for ablutions,

vattaṁ vaccakuṭīsume.
These make up the conduct in regard to restrooms.

Upāhanā dantakaṭṭhaṁ,
Sandals, tooth cleaner,

mukhodakañca āsanaṁ;
And water for rinsing the mouth, seat;

Yāgu udakaṁ dhovitvā,
Congee, water, having washed,

uddhāruklāpa gāma ca.
Put away, dirty, and village.

Nivāsanā kāyabandhā,
Sarong, belt,

saguṇaṁ pattasodakaṁ;
Putting together, wet bowl;

Pacchā timaṇḍalo ceva,
Attendant, and the navel and the knees,

parimaṇḍala bandhanaṁ.
Evenly all around, belt.

Saguṇaṁ dhovitvā pacchā,
Putting together, rinsed, attendant,

nātidūre paṭiggahe;
Not too far, he should receive;

Bhaṇamānassa āpatti,
When speaking, offense,

paṭhamāgantvāna āsanaṁ.
Go first, seat.

Udakaṁ pīṭhakathali,
Water, stool, scraper,

paccuggantvā nivāsanaṁ;
Having gone to meet, sarong;

Otāpe nidahi bhaṅgo,
He should sun, he left it, fold,

obhoge bhuñjitu name.
In the fold, to eat, should give.

Pānīyaṁ udakaṁ nīcaṁ,
Drinking water, water, low,

muhuttaṁ na ca nidahe;
A short while, and he should not leave it;

Pattacīvaraṁ bhūmi ca,
Bowl and robe, and floor,

pārantaṁ orato bhogaṁ.
Ends far, folds near.

Uddhare paṭisāme ca,
He should put away, and he should put away,

uklāpo ca nahāyituṁ;
And dirty, to bathe;

Sītaṁ uṇhaṁ jantāgharaṁ,
Cold, hot, sauna,

cuṇṇaṁ mattika piṭṭhito.
Bath powder, clay, behind.

Pīṭhañca cīvaraṁ cuṇṇaṁ,
And bench, robe, bath powder,

mattikussahati mukhaṁ;
Clay, he is able, face;

Purato there nave ca,
Front, the seniors, and the juniors,

parikammañca nikkhame.
And provide assistance, he should leave.

Purato udake nhāte,
Front, in the water, when he has bathed,

nivāsetvā upajjhāyaṁ;
Having put on the sarong, preceptor;

Nivāsanañca saṅghāṭi,
And the sarong, upper robe,

pīṭhakaṁ āsanena ca.
Bench, and with a seat.

Pādo pīṭhaṁ kathaliñca,
Foot, stool, and scraper,

Drinking water, reciting, questioning;

Uklāpaṁ susodheyya,
Dirty, he should clean it well,

paṭhamaṁ pattacīvaraṁ.
First the bowl and robe.

Sitting mat and sheet,

bhisi bibbohanāni ca;
Mattress, and pillow;

Mañco pīṭhaṁ paṭipādaṁ,
Bed, bench, support,

mallakaṁ apassena ca.
Spittoon, and leaning board.

Bhūma santāna āloka,
Floor, cobweb, window,

gerukā kāḷa akatā;
Red ocher, black, untreated;

Floor cover, supports,

mañco pīṭhaṁ bibbohanaṁ.
Bed, bench, pillow.

Nisīdattharaṇaṁ kheḷa,
Sitting mat, sheet, spittoon,

apasse pattacīvaraṁ;
Leaning board, bowl and robe;

Puratthimā pacchimā ca,
From the east, and from the west,

uttarā atha dakkhiṇā.
From the north, then from the south.

Sītuṇhañca divā rattiṁ,
And day and night in the cold and heat,

pariveṇañca koṭṭhako;
And yard, gatehouse;

Upaṭṭhānaggisālā ca,
Assembly, and water-boiling shed,

Restroom, water for drinking, water for washing.

Ācamaṁ anabhirati,
Ablutions, discontent,

kukkuccaṁ diṭṭhi ca garu;
Anxious, and view, heavy;

Beginning, trial period, rehabilitation,

tajjanīyaṁ niyassakaṁ.
Condemnation, demotion.

Pabbāja paṭisāraṇī,
Banishment, reconciliation,

ukkhepañca kataṁ yadi;
And ejection, or done;

Dhove kātabbaṁ rajañca,
He should wash, should make, and dye,

raje samparivattakaṁ.
He should dye, turning over.

Pattañca cīvarañcāpi,
And bowl, and also robe,

parikkhārañca chedanaṁ;
And requisite, cutting;

Parikammaṁ veyyāvaccaṁ,
Provide assistance, service,

pacchā piṇḍaṁ pavisanaṁ.
Attendant, alms, entering.

Na susānaṁ disā ceva,
Charnel ground, and regions,

yāvajīvaṁ upaṭṭhahe;
He should nurse for as long as he lives;

This is for a student,

These make up the conduct for a preceptor.

Instruction, teaching, recitation,

pucchā pattañca cīvaraṁ;
Questioning, and bowl, robe;

Parikkhāro gilāno ca,
Requisite, and sick,

na pacchāsamaṇo bhave.
He should not be the attendant.

Upajjhāyesu ye vattā,
This conduct toward preceptors,

evaṁ ācariyesupi;
Thus too toward teachers;

Saddhivihārike vattā,
The conduct toward a student,

tatheva antevāsike.
Just so toward a pupil.

Āgantukesu ye vattā,
The conduct concerning those newly arrived,

puna āvāsikesu ca;
And again concerning the residents;

Those departing, and those expressing appreciation,

bhattagge piṇḍacārike.
About the dining hall, about the alms collector.

Āraññakesu yaṁ vattaṁ,
The conduct for those staying in the wilderness,

yañca senāsanesupi;
And also concerning dwellings;

Jantāghare vaccakuṭī,
About the sauna, restroom,

upajjhā saddhivihārike.
Preceptors, toward a student.

Ācariyesu yaṁ vattaṁ,
The conduct toward teachers,

tatheva antevāsike;
Just so toward a pupil;

Ekūnavīsati vatthū,
Nineteen topics,

vattā cuddasa khandhake.
Fourteen on proper conduct in this chapter.

Vattaṁ aparipūrento,
If you do not fulfill the proper conduct,

na sīlaṁ paripūrati;
Then you do not fulfill your virtue;

Asuddhasīlo duppañño,
Impure in virtue, weak in wisdom,

cittekaggaṁ na vindati.
You do not know the unity of mind.

A mind distracted, not unified,

sammā dhammaṁ na passati;
Does not see the teaching rightly;

Apassamāno saddhammaṁ,
Not seeing the true teaching,

dukkhā na parimuccati.
You are not released from suffering.

Yaṁ vattaṁ paripūrento,
But if you do fulfill the proper conduct,

sīlampi paripūrati;
Then you also fulfill your virtue;

Visuddhasīlo sappañño,
Pure in virtue, possessed of wisdom,

cittekaggampi vindati.
You also know the unity of mind.

Avikkhittacitto ekaggo,
A non-distracted mind, unified,

sammā dhammaṁ vipassati;
Sees the teaching rightly;

Sampassamāno saddhammaṁ,
Seeing the true teaching,

dukkhā so parimuccati.
You are released from suffering.

Tasmā hi vattaṁ pūreyya,
So, fulfill the proper conduct,

jinaputto vicakkhaṇo;
You the Son of the Victor, possessed of insight;

Ovādaṁ buddhaseṭṭhassa,
The instruction of the Buddha, the best—

tato nibbānamehitīti.
Go from that to extinguishment, in this way.”

Vattakkhandhako niṭṭhito.
The chapter on proper conduct is finished.