vinaya » pli-tv-pvr » Parivāra

Translators: brahmali

The Compendium

The Nuns’ Analysis

Part one

2.1 Katthapaññattivāra

The section on “where was it laid down?”

1. Pārājikakaṇḍa
The chapter on offenses entailing expulsion

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena bhikkhunīnaṁ pañcamaṁ pārājikaṁ kattha paññattaṁ?
“The nuns’ fifth offense entailing expulsion was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?

Kaṁ ārabbha?
Whom is it about?

Kismiṁ vatthusmiṁ?
What is it about?

Atthi tattha paññatti, anupaññatti, anuppannapaññatti?
Is there a rule, an addition to the rule, an unprompted rule?

Sabbatthapaññatti, padesapaññatti?
Is it a rule that applies everywhere or in a particular place?

Sādhāraṇapaññatti, asādhāraṇapaññatti?
Is it a rule that the monks and nuns have in common or not in common?

Ekatopaññatti, ubhatopaññatti?
Is it a rule for one Sangha or for both?

Catunnaṁ pātimokkhuddesānaṁ katthogadhaṁ kattha pariyāpannaṁ?
In which of the four ways of reciting the Monastic Code is it contained and included?

Katamena uddesena uddesaṁ āgacchati?
In which recitation is it included?

Catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ katamā vipatti?
To which of the four kinds of failure does it belong?

Sattannaṁ āpattikkhandhānaṁ katamo āpattikkhandho?
To which of the seven classes of offenses does it belong?

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ katihi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti?
Through how many of the six kinds of originations of offenses does it originate?

Catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ?
To which of the four kinds of legal issues does it belong?

Sattannaṁ samathānaṁ katihi samathehi sammati?
Through how many of the seven principles for settling legal issues is it settled?

Ko tattha vinayo?
What is the Monastic Law there?

Ko tattha abhivinayo?
What is concerned with the Monastic Law there?

Kiṁ tattha pātimokkhaṁ?
What is the Monastic Code there?

Kiṁ tattha adhipātimokkhaṁ?
What is concerned with the Monastic Code there?

Kā vipatti?
What is failure?

Kā sampatti?
What is success?

Kā paṭipatti?
What is the practice?

Kati atthavase paṭicca bhagavatā bhikkhunīnaṁ pañcamaṁ pārājikaṁ paññattaṁ?
For how many reasons did the Buddha lay down the nun’s fifth offense entailing expulsion?

Kā sikkhanti?
Who are those who train?

Kā sikkhitasikkhā?
Who have finished the training?

Kattha ṭhitaṁ?
Established in what?

Kā dhārenti?
Who master it?

Kassa vacanaṁ?
Whose pronouncement was it?

Who handed it down?”

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena bhikkhunīnaṁ pañcamaṁ pārājikaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“The nuns’ fifth offense entailing expulsion was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sundarīnandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Sundarīnandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sundarīnandā bhikkhunī avassutā avassutassa purisapuggalassa kāyasaṁsaggaṁ sādiyi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The lustful nun Sundarīnandā consenting to a lustful man making physical contact with her.

Atthi tattha paññatti anupaññatti anuppannapaññattīti?
“Is there a rule, an addition to the rule, an unprompted rule?”

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Anupaññatti anuppannapaññatti tasmiṁ natthi.
There is no addition to the rule. There is no unprompted rule.

Sabbatthapaññatti, padesapaññattīti?
“Is it a rule that applies everywhere or in a particular place?”


Sādhāraṇapaññatti, asādhāraṇapaññattīti?
“Is it a rule that the monks and nuns have in common or not in common?”

Not in common.

Ekatopaññatti, ubhatopaññattīti?
“Is it a rule for one Sangha or for both?”

For one.

Catunnaṁ pātimokkhuddesānaṁ katthogadhaṁ kattha pariyāpannanti?
“In which of the four ways of reciting the Monastic Code is it contained and included?”

Nidānogadhaṁ nidānapariyāpannaṁ.
In the introduction.

Katamena uddesena uddesaṁ āgacchatīti?
“In which recitation is it included?”

Dutiyena uddesena uddesaṁ āgacchati.
In the second recitation.

Catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ katamā vipattīti?
“To which of the four kinds of failure does it belong?”

Failure in morality.

Sattannaṁ āpattikkhandhānaṁ katamo āpattikkhandhoti?
“To which of the seven classes of offenses does it belong?”

The class of offenses entailing expulsion.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ katihi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhātīti?
“Through how many of the six kinds of originations of offenses does it originate?”

Ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
It originates in one way:

kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato.
from body and mind, not from speech.

Catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ katamaṁ adhikaraṇanti?
“To which of the four kinds of legal issues does it belong?”

Legal issues arising from an offense.

Sattannaṁ samathānaṁ katihi samathehi sammatīti?
“Through how many of the seven principles for settling legal issues is it settled?”

Dvīhi samathehi sammati—
Through two of them:

sammukhāvinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca.
by resolution face-to-face and by acting according to what has been admitted.

Ko tattha vinayo, ko tattha abhivinayoti?
“What is the Monastic Law there? What is concerned with the Monastic Law there?”

Paññatti vinayo, vibhatti abhivinayo.
The rules are the Monastic Law. Their analysis is concerned with the Monastic Law.

Kiṁ tattha pātimokkhaṁ, kiṁ tattha adhipātimokkhanti?
“What is the Monastic Code there? What is concerned with the Monastic Code there?”

Paññatti pātimokkhaṁ, vibhatti adhipātimokkhaṁ.
The rules are the Monastic Code. Their analysis is concerned with the Monastic Code.

Kā vipattīti?
“What is failure?”

Asaṁvaro vipatti.
Lack of restraint.

Kā sampattīti?
“What is success?”

Saṁvaro sampatti.

Kā paṭipattīti?
“What is the practice?”

“Na evarūpaṁ karissāmī”ti yāvajīvaṁ āpāṇakoṭikaṁ samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesu.
Thinking, “I won’t do such a thing,” one undertakes to train in the training rules for life.

Kati atthavase paṭicca bhagavatā bhikkhunīnaṁ pañcamaṁ pārājikaṁ paññattanti?
“For how many reasons did the Buddha lay down the nun’s fifth offense entailing expulsion?”

Dasa atthavase paṭicca bhagavatā bhikkhunīnaṁ pañcamaṁ pārājikaṁ paññattaṁ—
He laid it down for the following ten reasons:

saṅghasuṭṭhutāya, saṅghaphāsutāya, dummaṅkūnaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ niggahāya, pesalānaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ phāsuvihārāya, diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ āsavānaṁ saṁvarāya, samparāyikānaṁ āsavānaṁ paṭighātāya, appasannānaṁ pasādāya, pasannānaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya, saddhammaṭṭhitiyā, vinayānuggahāya.
for the well-being of the Sangha, for the comfort of the Sangha, for the restraint of bad nuns, for the ease of good nuns, for the restraint of the corruptions relating to the present life, for the restraint of the corruptions relating to future lives, to give rise to confidence in those without it, to increase the confidence of those who have it, for the longevity of the true Teaching, and for supporting the training.

Kā sikkhantīti?
“Who are those who train?”

Sekkhā ca puthujjanakalyāṇikā ca sikkhanti.
They are the trainees and the good ordinary people.

Kā sikkhitasikkhāti?
“Who have finished the training?”

Arahantiyo sikkhitasikkhā.
The perfected ones.

Kattha ṭhitanti?
“Established in what?”

Sikkhākāmāsu ṭhitaṁ.
In fondness for the training.

Kā dhārentīti?
“Who master it?”

Yāsaṁ vattati tā dhārenti.
Those who learn it.

Kassa vacananti?
“Whose pronouncement was it?”

Bhagavato vacanaṁ arahato sammāsambuddhassa.
It was the pronouncement of the Buddha, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One.

“Who handed it down?”

The lineage:

Upāli dāsako ceva,
“Upāli and Dāsaka,

soṇako siggavo tathā;
Soṇaka and so Siggava;

Moggaliputtena pañcamā,
With Moggaliputta as the fifth—

ete jambusirivhaye.
These were in India, the land named after the glorious rose apple.

Tato mahindo iṭṭiyo,
Then Mahinda, Iṭṭiya,

uttiyo sambalo tathā;
Uttiya and so Sambala;

Bhaddanāmo ca paṇḍito.
And the wise one named Bhadda:

Ete nāgā mahāpaññā,
These mighty beings of great wisdom,

jambudīpā idhāgatā;
Came here from India;

Vinayaṁ te vācayiṁsu,
They taught the Collection on Monastic Law,

piṭakaṁ tambapaṇṇiyā.
In Sri Lanka.

Nikāye pañca vācesuṁ,
And the five Collections of Discourses,

satta ceva pakaraṇe;
And the seven works of philosophy;

Tato ariṭṭho medhāvī,
Then Ariṭṭha the discerning,

tissadatto ca paṇḍito.
And the wise Tissadatta.

Visārado kāḷasumano,
The confident Kālasumana,

thero ca dīghanāmako;
And the senior monk named Dīgha;

Dīghasumano ca paṇḍito.
And the wise Dīghasumana.

Punadeva kāḷasumano,
Another Kālasumana,

Nāgatthero ca buddharakkhito;
And the senior monk Nāga, Buddharakkhita;

Tissatthero ca medhāvī,
And the discerning senior monk Tissa,

Devatthero ca paṇḍito.
And the wise senior monk Deva.

Punadeva sumano medhāvī,
Another discerning Sumana,

Vinaye ca visārado;
Confident in the Monastic Law;

Bahussuto cūḷanāgo,
The learned Cūlanāga,

Gajova duppadhaṁsiyo.
Invincible, like an elephant.

Dhammapālitanāmo ca,
And the one named Dhammapālita,

rohaṇe sādhupūjito;
Rohaṇa, venerated as a saint;

Tassa sisso mahāpañño,
His student Khema of great wisdom,

khemanāmo tipeṭako.
A master of the three Collections.

Dīpe tārakarājāva,
Like the king of the stars on the island,

paññāya atirocatha;
He outshone others in his wisdom;

Upatisso ca medhāvī,
And the discerning Upatissa,

phussadevo mahākathī.
Phussadeva the great speaker.

Punadeva sumano medhāvī,
Another discerning Sumana,

Pupphanāmo bahussuto;
The learned one named Puppha;

Mahākathī mahāsivo,
Mahāsīva the great speaker,

Piṭake sabbattha kovido.
Skilled in the entire Collection.

Punadeva upāli medhāvī,
Another discerning Upāli,

Vinaye ca visārado;
Confident in the Monastic Law;

Mahānāgo mahāpañño,
Mahānāga of great wisdom,

Skilled in the tradition of the true Teaching.

Punadeva abhayo medhāvī,
Another discerning Abhaya,

Piṭake sabbattha kovido;
Skilled in the entire Collection;

Tissatthero ca medhāvī,
And the discerning senior monk Tissa,

Vinaye ca visārado.
Confident in the Monastic Law.

Tassa sisso mahāpañño,
His student of great wisdom,

pupphanāmo bahussuto;
The learned one named Puppha;

Sāsanaṁ anurakkhanto,
Guarding Buddhism,

jambudīpe patiṭṭhito.
He established himself in India.

Cūḷābhayo ca medhāvī,
And the discerning Cūlābhaya,

vinaye ca visārado;
Confident in the Monastic Law;

Tissatthero ca medhāvī,
And the discerning senior monk Tissa,

Skilled in the tradition of the true Teaching.

Cūḷadevo ca medhāvī,
And the discerning Cūladeva,

vinaye ca visārado;
Confident in the Monastic Law;

Sivatthero ca medhāvī,
And the discerning senior monk Siva,

vinaye sabbattha kovido.
Skilled in the entire Monastic Law—

Ete nāgā mahāpaññā,
These mighty beings of great wisdom,

Vinayaññū maggakovidā;
Knowers of the Monastic Law and skilled in the path;

Vinayaṁ dīpe pakāsesuṁ,
Proclaimed the Collection of Monastic Law,

Piṭakaṁ tambapaṇṇiyāti.
On the island of Sri Lanka.”

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena bhikkhunīnaṁ chaṭṭhaṁ pārājikaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“The nuns’ sixth offense entailing expulsion was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī jānaṁ pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ ajjhāpannaṁ bhikkhuniṁ nevattanā paṭicodesi na gaṇassa ārocesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā, knowing that a nun had committed an offense entailing expulsion, neither confronting her herself nor telling the community.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind. …

Bhikkhunīnaṁ sattamaṁ pārājikaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is the nun’s seventh offense entailing expulsion. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī samaggena saṅghena ukkhittaṁ ariṭṭhaṁ bhikkhuṁ gaddhabādhipubbaṁ anuvatti, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā taking sides with the monk Ariṭṭha, an ex-vulture-killer, who had been ejected by a unanimous Sangha.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Bhikkhunīnaṁ aṭṭhamaṁ pārājikaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is the nun’s eighth offense entailing expulsion. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo aṭṭhamaṁ vatthuṁ paripūresuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six fulfilling the eight parts.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Aṭṭha pārājikā niṭṭhitā.
The eight offenses entailing expulsion are finished.

This is the summary:

“Sexual intercourse, and stealing,

Person, super;

Kāyasaṁsaggaṁ chādeti,
Physical contact, conceals,

ukkhittā aṭṭha vatthukā;
Ejected, eight parts—

Paññāpesi mahāvīro,
The Great Hero laid down,

chejjavatthū asaṁsayāti.
The definitive grounds for cutting off.”

2. Saṅghādisesakaṇḍa
2. The chapter on offenses entailing suspension

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena ussayavādikāya bhikkhuniyā aḍḍaṁ karontiyā saṅghādiseso kattha paññatto?
“The offense entailing suspension for a litigious nun initiating a lawsuit was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?

Kaṁ ārabbha?
Whom is it about?

Kismiṁ vatthusmiṁ …pe…
What is it about? …

Who handed it down?”

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena ussayavādikāya bhikkhuniyā aḍḍaṁ karontiyā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“The offense entailing suspension for a litigious nun initiating a lawsuit was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī ussayavādikā vihari, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā taking legal action.

Atthi tattha paññatti, anupaññatti, anuppannapaññattīti?
“Is there a rule, an addition to the rule, an unprompted rule?”

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Anupaññatti anuppannapaññatti tasmiṁ natthi.
There is no addition to the rule. There is no unprompted rule.

Sabbatthapaññatti, padesapaññattīti?
“Is it a rule that applies everywhere or in a particular place?”


Sādhāraṇapaññatti, asādhāraṇapaññattīti?
“Is it a rule that the monks and nuns have in common or not in common?”

Not in common.

Ekatopaññatti, ubhatopaññattīti?
“Is it a rule for one Sangha or for both?”

For one.

Catunnaṁ pātimokkhuddesānaṁ katthogadhaṁ kattha pariyāpannanti?
“In which of the four ways of reciting the Monastic Code is it contained and included?”

Nidānogadhaṁ nidānapariyāpannaṁ.
In the introduction.

Katamena uddesena uddesaṁ āgacchatīti?
“In which recitation is it included?”

Tatiyena uddesena uddesaṁ āgacchati.
In the third recitation.

Catunnaṁ vipattīnaṁ katamā vipattīti?
“To which of the four kinds of failure does it belong?”

Failure in morality.

Sattannaṁ āpattikkhandhānaṁ katamo āpattikkhandhoti?
“To which of the seven classes of offenses does it belong?”

The class of offenses entailing suspension.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ katihi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhātīti?
“Through how many of the six kinds of originations of offenses does it originate?”

Dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
It originates in two ways:

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca samuṭṭhāti, na cittato;
from body and speech, not from mind; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe…
from body, speech, and mind. …

“Who handed it down?”

The lineage:

Upāli dāsako ceva,
“Upāli and Dāsaka,

soṇako siggavo tathā;
Soṇaka and so Siggava;

Moggaliputtena pañcamā,
With Moggaliputta as the fifth—

ete jambusirivhaye.
These were in India, the land named after the glorious rose apple.


Ete nāgā mahāpaññā,
These mighty beings of great wisdom,

Vinayaññū maggakovidā;
Knowers of the Monastic Law and skilled in the path;

Vinayaṁ dīpe pakāsesuṁ,
Proclaimed the Collection of Monastic Law,

Piṭakaṁ tambapaṇṇiyāti.
On the island of Sri Lanka.”

Coriṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension for giving the full admission to a female criminal. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī coriṁ vuṭṭhāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā giving the full admission to a female criminal.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

siyā vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na kāyato;
from speech and mind, not from body; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind. …

Ekāya gāmantaraṁ gacchantiyā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension for walking to the next village by oneself. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī ekā gāmantaraṁ gacchi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun walking to the next village by herself.

Ekā paññatti, tisso anupaññattiyo.
There is one rule. There are three additions to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

paṭhamapārājike …pe….
… (as in the first offense entailing expulsion) …

Samaggena saṅghena ukkhittaṁ bhikkhuniṁ dhammena vinayena satthusāsanena anapaloketvā kārakasaṅghaṁ anaññāya gaṇassa chandaṁ osārentiyā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension for readmitting a nun who had been ejected by a unanimous Sangha in accordance with the Teaching, the Monastic Law, and the Teacher’s instruction, without first getting permission from the Sangha that did the legal procedure and without the consent of the community. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī samaggena saṅghena ukkhittaṁ bhikkhuniṁ dhammena vinayena satthusāsanena anapaloketvā kārakasaṅghaṁ anaññāya gaṇassa chandaṁ osāresi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā readmitting a nun who had been ejected by a unanimous Sangha in accordance with the Teaching, the Monastic Law, and the Teacher’s instruction, without first getting permission from the Sangha that did the legal procedure and without the consent of the community.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Avassutāya bhikkhuniyā avassutassa purisapuggalassa hatthato khādanīyaṁ vā bhojanīyaṁ vā sahatthā paṭiggahetvā bhuñjantiyā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension for a lustful nun eating fresh or cooked food after receiving it directly from a lustful man. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sundarīnandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Sundarīnandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sundarīnandā bhikkhunī avassutā avassutassa purisapuggalassa hatthato āmisaṁ paṭiggahesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Sundarīnandā, being lustful, receiving food directly from a lustful man.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

paṭhamapārājike …pe….
… (as in the first offense entailing expulsion) …

“Kiṁ te, ayye, eso purisapuggalo karissati avassuto vā anavassuto vā, yato tvaṁ anavassutā.
“There is an offense entailing suspension for urging a nun on, saying, ‘Venerable, what can this man do to you, whether he has lust or not, if you’re without? Go on, Venerable, receive it with your own hands and then eat whatever fresh or cooked food he gives to you.’ Where was it laid down?”

Iṅgha, ayye, yaṁ te eso purisapuggalo deti khādanīyaṁ vā bhojanīyaṁ vā, taṁ tvaṁ sahatthā paṭiggahetvā khāda vā bhuñja vā”ti uyyojentiyā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ arabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī—“kiṁ te, ayye, eso purisapuggalo karissati avassuto vā anavassuto vā, yato tvaṁ anavassutā. Iṅgha, ayye, yaṁ te eso purisapuggalo deti khādanīyaṁ vā bhojanīyaṁ vā, taṁ tvaṁ sahatthā paṭiggahetvā khāda vā bhuñja vā”ti uyyojesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun urging a nun on, saying, “Venerable, what can this man do to you, whether he has lust or not, if you’re without? Go on, Venerable, receive it with your own hands and then eat whatever fresh or cooked food he gives to you.”

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Kupitāya anattamanāya bhikkhuniyā yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjantiyā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension for an angry nun not to stop when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷiṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Caṇḍakālī.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷī bhikkhunī kupitā anattamanā evaṁ avaca—“buddhaṁ paccācikkhāmi, dhammaṁ paccācikkhāmi, saṅghaṁ paccācikkhāmi, sikkhaṁ paccācikkhāmī”ti, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Caṇḍakālī saying in anger, “I renounce the Buddha, I renounce the Teaching, I renounce the Sangha, I renounce the training!”

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Kismiñcideva adhikaraṇe paccākatāya bhikkhuniyā yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjantiyā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension for a nun who has lost a legal case not to stop when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷiṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Caṇḍakālī.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷī bhikkhunī kismiñcideva adhikaraṇe paccākatā kupitā anattamanā evaṁ avaca—“chandagāminiyo ca bhikkhuniyo, dosagāminiyo ca bhikkhuniyo, mohagāminiyo ca bhikkhuniyo, bhayagāminiyo ca bhikkhuniyo”ti, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Caṇḍakālī, who had lost a legal case, saying in anger, “The nuns are acting out of favoritism, ill will, confusion, and fear.”

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Saṁsaṭṭhānaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjantīnaṁ saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?
“There is an offense entailing suspension for nuns who are socializing not to stop when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo saṁsaṭṭhā vihariṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns socializing.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

“Saṁsaṭṭhāva, ayye, tumhe viharatha.
“There is an offense entailing suspension for urging nuns in this way: ‘Venerables, you should socialize. Don’t live separately,’ and then not stopping when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Mā tumhe nānā viharitthā”ti uyyojentiyā yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjantiyā saṅghādiseso kattha paññattoti?

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññatto.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī—“saṁsaṭṭhāva, ayye, tumhe viharatha, mā tumhe nānā viharitthā”ti uyyojesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā urging the nuns on, saying, “Venerables, you should socialize. Don’t live separately.”

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Dasa saṅghādisesā niṭṭhitā.
The ten rules entailing suspension are finished.

This is the summary:

Ussayacori gāmantaṁ,
“Litigious, a criminal, the next village,

ukkhittaṁ khādanena ca;
Ejected, and with fresh food;

Kiṁ te kupitā kismiñci,
What to you, angry, a legal issue,

saṁsaṭṭhā ñāyate dasāti.
Socializing, the same method: those are the ten.”

3. Nissaggiyakaṇḍa
3. The chapter on relinquishment

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena pattasannicayaṁ karontiyā nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“The offense entailing relinquishment and confession for collecting almsbowls was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo pattasannicayaṁ akaṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six collecting almsbowls.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

kathinake …pe….
… (as in the subchapter on the robe season) …

Akālacīvaraṁ “kālacīvaran”ti adhiṭṭhahitvā bhājāpentiyā nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing relinquishment and confession for determining out-of-season robe-cloth as ‘in-season’, and then distributing it. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī akālacīvaraṁ “kālacīvaran”ti adhiṭṭhahitvā bhājāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā determining out-of-season robe-cloth as “in-season”, and then distributing it.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Bhikkhuniyā saddhiṁ cīvaraṁ parivattetvā acchindantiyā nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing relinquishment and confession for trading robes with a nun and then taking it back. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī bhikkhuniyā saddhiṁ cīvaraṁ parivattetvā acchindi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā trading a robe with a nun and then taking it back.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Aññaṁ viññāpetvā aññaṁ viññāpentiyā nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing relinquishment and confession for asking for one thing and then for something else. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī aññaṁ viññāpetvā aññaṁ viññāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā asking for one thing and then for something else

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Aññaṁ cetāpetvā aññaṁ cetāpentiyā nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing relinquishment and confession for getting one thing in exchange and then something else. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī aññaṁ cetāpetvā aññaṁ cetāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā getting one thing in exchange and then something else.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena saṅghikena aññaṁ cetāpentiyā nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ katthaṁ paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing relinquishment and confession for exchanging for something else a requisite belonging to the Sangha that is designated for a specific purpose. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena saṅghikena aññaṁ cetāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns exchanging for something else a requisite belonging to the Sangha that was designated for a specific purpose.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena saṅghikena saññācikena aññaṁ cetāpentiyā nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing relinquishment and confession for exchanging for something else a requisite belonging to the Sangha that is designated for a specific purpose and was asked for. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena saṅghikena saññācikena aññaṁ cetāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns exchanging for something else a requisite belonging to the Sangha that was designated for a specific purpose and was asked for.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena mahājanikena aññaṁ cetāpentiyā nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing relinquishment and confession for exchanging for something else a collective requisite that is designated for a specific purpose. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena mahājanikena aññaṁ cetāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns exchanging for something else a collective requisite that was designated for a specific purpose.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena mahājanikena saññācikena aññaṁ cetāpentiyā nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing relinquishment and confession for exchanging for something else a collective requisite that is designated for a specific purpose and was asked for. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena mahājanikena saññācikena aññaṁ cetāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns exchanging for something else a collective requisite that was designated for a specific purpose and was asked for.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena puggalikena saññācikena aññaṁ cetāpentiyā nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing relinquishment and confession for exchanging for something else a personal requisite that is designated for a specific purpose and was asked for. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena puggalikena saññācikena aññaṁ cetāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā exchanging for something else a personal requisite that was designated for a specific purpose and was asked for.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Atirekacatukkaṁsaparamaṁ garupāvuraṇaṁ cetāpentiyā nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing relinquishment and confession for getting in exchange a heavy cloak worth more than four <i lang='pi' translate='no'>kaṁsa</i> coins. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī rājānaṁ kambalaṁ viññāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā asking the king for a woolen cloak.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Atirekaaḍḍhateyyakaṁsaparamaṁ lahupāvuraṇaṁ cetāpentiyā nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing relinquishment and confession for getting in exchange a light cloak worth more than two-and-a-half <i lang='pi' translate='no'>kaṁsa</i> coins. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī rājānaṁ khomaṁ viññāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā asking the king for a linen cloak.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Dvādasa nissaggiyā pācittiyā niṭṭhitā.
The twelve rules on relinquishment and confession are finished.

This is the summary:

Pattaṁ akālaṁ kālañca,
“Bowl, out-of-season as in-season,

parivatte ca viññāpe;
And should trade, should ask;

Cetāpetvā aññadatthi,
Getting in exchange, a specific purpose,

saṅghikañca mahājanikaṁ;
And belonging to the Sangha, collective;

Saññācikā puggalikā,
Asked for, personal,

Four <i lang='pi' translate='no'>kaṁsa</i> coins, two-and-a-half.”

4. Pācittiyakaṇḍa
4. The chapter on offenses entailing confession

4.1. Lasuṇavagga
4.1 The subchapter on garlic

Yaṁ tena bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammāsambuddhena lasuṇaṁ khādantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“The offense entailing confession for eating garlic was laid down by the Buddha who knows and sees, the Perfected One, the fully Awakened One. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī na mattaṁ jānitvā lasuṇaṁ harāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā taking garlic without any sense of moderation.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti eḷakalomake …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways: … (as in the rule on wool) …

Sambādhe lomaṁ saṁharāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for removing hair from the private parts. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo sambādhe lomaṁ saṁharāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six removing hair from their private parts.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ catūhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in four ways: …

Talaghātake pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for slapping the genitals with the palm of the hand. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Dve bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
Two nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Dve bhikkhuniyo talaghātakaṁ akaṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
Two nuns slapping their genitals with the palms of their hands.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

paṭhamapārājike …pe….
… (as in the first offense entailing expulsion) …

Jatumaṭṭhake pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for using a dildo. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī jatumaṭṭhakaṁ ādiyi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun using a dildo.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

paṭhamapārājike …pe….
… (as in the first offense entailing expulsion) …

Atirekadvaṅgulapabbaparamaṁ udakasuddhikaṁ ādiyantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for cleaning oneself with water by inserting more than two finger joints. Where was it laid down?”

Sakkesu paññattaṁ.
In the Sakyan country.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī atigambhīraṁ udakasuddhikaṁ ādiyi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun cleaning herself too deeply with water.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

paṭhamapārājike …pe….
… (as in the first offense entailing expulsion) …

Bhikkhussa bhuñjantassa pānīyena vā vidhūpanena vā upatiṭṭhantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for attending on a monk who is eating with drinking water or a fan. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī bhikkhussa bhuñjantassa pānīyena ca vidhūpanena ca upatiṭṭhi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun attending on a monk who is eating with drinking water or a fan.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Āmakadhaññaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for asking for raw grain and then eating it. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo āmakadhaññaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns asking for raw grain and then eating it.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ catūhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in four ways: …

Uccāraṁ vā passāvaṁ vā saṅkāraṁ vā vighāsaṁ vā tirokuṭṭe chaḍḍentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for disposing of feces, urine, trash, or food scraps over a wall. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī uccāraṁ tirokuṭṭe chaḍḍesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun disposing of feces over a wall.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Uccāraṁ vā passāvaṁ vā saṅkāraṁ vā vighāsaṁ vā harite chaḍḍentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for disposing of feces, urine, trash, or food scraps on cultivated plants. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo uccārampi passāvampi saṅkārampi vighāsampi harite chaḍḍesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns disposing of feces, urine, trash, and food scraps on cultivated plants.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Naccaṁ vā gītaṁ vā vāditaṁ vā dassanāya gacchantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for going to see dancing, singing, or music. Where was it laid down?”

Rājagahe paññattaṁ.
At Rājagaha.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo naccampi gītampi vāditampi dassanāya agamaṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six going to see dancing, singing, and music.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Lasuṇavaggo paṭhamo.
The first subchapter on garlic is finished.

4.2. Rattandhakāravagga
4.2 The subchapter on the dark of the night

Rattandhakāre appadīpe purisena saddhiṁ ekenekāya santiṭṭhantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for standing alone with a man in the dark of the night without a lamp. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī rattandhakāre appadīpe purisena saddhiṁ ekenekā santiṭṭhi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun standing alone with a man in the dark of the night without a lamp.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

theyyasatthake …pe….
… (as in the rule on a group of traveling thieves) …

Paṭicchanne okāse purisena saddhiṁ ekenekāya santiṭṭhantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for standing alone with a man in a concealed place. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī paṭicchanne okāse purisena saddhiṁ ekenekā santiṭṭhi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun standing alone with a man in a concealed place.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

theyyasatthake …pe….
… (as in the rule on a group of traveling thieves) …

Ajjhokāse purisena saddhiṁ ekenekāya santiṭṭhantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for standing alone with a man out in the open. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī ajjhokāse purisena saddhiṁ ekenekā santiṭṭhi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun standing alone with a man out in the open.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

theyyasatthake …pe….
… (as in the rule on a group of traveling thieves) …

Rathikāya vā byūhe vā siṅghāṭake vā purisena saddhiṁ ekenekāya santiṭṭhantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for standing alone with a man on a street, in a cul-de-sac, or at an intersection. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī rathikāyapi byūhepi siṅghāṭakepi purisena saddhiṁ ekenekā santiṭṭhi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā standing alone with a man on a street, in a cul-de-sac, and at an intersection.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

theyyasatthake …pe….
… (as in the rule on a group of traveling thieves) …

Purebhattaṁ kulāni upasaṅkamitvā āsane nisīditvā sāmike anāpucchā pakkamantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for visiting families before the meal, sitting down on a seat, and then departing without informing the owners. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī purebhattaṁ kulāni upasaṅkamitvā āsane nisīditvā sāmike anāpucchā pakkāmi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun visiting families before the meal, sitting down on a seat, and then departing without informing the owners.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

kathinake …pe….
… (as in the subchapter on the robe season) …

Pacchābhattaṁ kulāni upasaṅkamitvā sāmike anāpucchā āsane abhinisīdantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for visiting families after the meal and then sitting down on a seat without asking permission of the owners. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī pacchābhattaṁ kulāni upasaṅkamitvā sāmike anāpucchā āsane abhinisīdi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā visiting families after the meal and then sitting down on a seat without asking permission of the owners.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

kathinake …pe….
… (as in the subchapter on the robe season) …

Vikāle kulāni upasaṅkamitvā sāmike anāpucchā seyyaṁ santharitvā vā santharāpetvā vā abhinisīdantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for visiting families at the wrong time, putting out bedding without asking permission of the owners, or having it put out, and then sitting down. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo vikāle kulāni upasaṅkamitvā sāmike anāpucchā seyyaṁ santharitvā abhinisīdiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns visiting families at the wrong time, putting out bedding without asking permission of the owners, and then sitting down.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

kathinake …pe….
… (as in the subchapter on the robe season) …

Duggahitena dūpadhāritena paraṁ ujjhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for complaining about someone because of a misunderstanding and a lack of proper reflection. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī duggahitena dūpadhāritena paraṁ ujjhāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun complaining about someone because of a misunderstanding and a lack of proper reflection.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Attānaṁ vā paraṁ vā nirayena vā brahmacariyena vā abhisapantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for referring to hell or the spiritual life to curse oneself or someone else. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷiṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Caṇḍakālī.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷī bhikkhunī attānampi parampi nirayenapi brahmacariyenapi abhisapi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Caṇḍakālī referring to hell and the spiritual life to curse herself and someone else.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Attānaṁ vadhitvā vadhitvā rodantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for crying after repeatedly beating oneself. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷiṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Caṇḍakālī.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷī bhikkhunī attānaṁ vadhitvā vadhitvā rodi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Caṇḍakālī crying after repeatedly beating herself.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Rattandhakāravaggo dutiyo.
The second subchapter on the dark of the night is finished.

4.3 Nahānavagga
4.3 The subchapter on bathing

Naggāya nahāyantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for bathing naked. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo naggā nahāyiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns bathing naked.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Pamāṇātikkantaṁ udakasāṭikaṁ kārāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for making a bathing robe that exceeds the right size. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo appamāṇikāyo udakasāṭikāyo dhāresuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six wearing bathing robes that exceeded the right size.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Bhikkhuniyā cīvaraṁ visibbetvā vā visibbāpetvā vā neva sibbentiyā na sibbāpanāya ussukkaṁ karontiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for unstitching a nun’s robe, or having it unstitched, and then neither sewing it oneself nor making any effort to have someone else sew it. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī bhikkhuniyā cīvaraṁ visibbāpetvā neva sibbesi na sibbāpanāya ussukkaṁ akāsi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā unstitching a nun’s robe and then neither sewing it herself nor making any effort to have someone else sew it.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Pañcāhikaṁ saṅghāṭicāraṁ atikkāmentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for not moving one’s robes for more than five days. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo bhikkhunīnaṁ hatthe cīvaraṁ nikkhipitvā santaruttarena janapadacārikaṁ pakkamiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns stored a robe with other nuns and then left to wander the country in a sarong and an upper robe.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti kathinake …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways: … (as in the subchapter on the robe season) …

Cīvarasaṅkamanīyaṁ dhārentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for wearing a robe taken on loan. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī aññatarāya bhikkhuniyā cīvaraṁ anāpucchā pārupi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun putting on another nun’s robe without asking permission.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

kathinake …pe….
… (as in the subchapter on the robe season) …

Gaṇassa cīvaralābhaṁ antarāyaṁ karontiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for creating an obstacle for the community to get robe-cloth. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī gaṇassa cīvaralābhaṁ antarāyaṁ akāsi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā creating an obstacle for a group to get robe-cloth.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Dhammikaṁ cīvaravibhaṅgaṁ paṭibāhantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti.
“There is an offense entailing confession for blocking a legitimate distribution of robe-cloth. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī dhammikaṁ cīvaravibhaṅgaṁ paṭibāhi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā blocking a legitimate distribution of robe-cloth.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Agārikassa vā paribbājakassa vā paribbājikāya vā samaṇacīvaraṁ dentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving a monastic robe to a householder, a male wanderer, or a female wanderer. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī agārikassa samaṇacīvaraṁ adāsi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā giving a monastic robe to a householder.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ chahi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in six ways: …

Dubbalacīvarapaccāsāya cīvarakālasamayaṁ atikkāmentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for letting the robe season expire because of an uncertain expectation of robe-cloth. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī dubbalacīvarapaccāsāya cīvarakālasamayaṁ atikkāmesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā letting the robe season expire because of an uncertain expectation of robe-cloth.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Dhammikaṁ kathinuddhāraṁ paṭibāhantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for blocking a legitimate ending of the robe season. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī dhammikaṁ kathinuddhāraṁ paṭibāhi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā blocking a legitimate ending of the robe season.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Nahānavaggo tatiyo.
The third subchapter on bathing is finished.

4.4. Tuvaṭṭavagga
4.4 The subchapter on lying down

Dvinnaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ ekamañce tuvaṭṭentīnaṁ pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for two nuns to lie down on the same bed. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo dve ekamañce tuvaṭṭesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns lying down in pairs on the same bed.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Dvinnaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ ekattharaṇapāvuraṇe tuvaṭṭentīnaṁ pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for two nuns to lie down on the same sheet and under the same cover. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo dve ekattharaṇapāvuraṇā tuvaṭṭesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns lying down in pairs on the same sheet and under the same cover.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Bhikkhuniyā sañcicca aphāsuṁ karontiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for intentionally making a nun ill at ease. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī bhikkhuniyā sañcicca aphāsuṁ akāsi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā intentionally making a nun ill at ease.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Dukkhitaṁ sahajīviniṁ neva upaṭṭhentiyā na upaṭṭhāpanāya ussukkaṁ karontiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for not nursing a suffering disciple, nor making any effort to have someone else nurse her. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī dukkhitaṁ sahajīviniṁ neva upaṭṭhesi na upaṭṭhāpanāya ussukkaṁ akāsi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā not nursing a suffering disciple, nor making any effort to have someone else nurse her.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Bhikkhuniyā upassayaṁ datvā kupitāya anattamanāya nikkaḍḍhantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving a dwelling place to a nun, and then, in anger, throwing her out. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī bhikkhuniyā upassayaṁ datvā kupitā anattamanā nikkaḍḍhi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā giving a dwelling place to a nun, and then, in anger, throwing her out.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Saṁsaṭṭhāya bhikkhuniyā yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for a socializing nun not to stop when pressed for the third time. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷiṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Caṇḍakālī.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷī bhikkhunī saṁsaṭṭhā vihari, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Caṇḍakālī socializing.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Antoraṭṭhe sāsaṅkasammate sappaṭibhaye asatthikāya cārikaṁ carantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for wandering without a group of travelers where it is considered risky and dangerous within one’s own country. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo antoraṭṭhe sāsaṅkasammate sappaṭibhaye asatthikāyo cārikaṁ cariṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns wandering without a group of travelers where it was considered risky and dangerous within their own country.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Tiroraṭṭhe sāsaṅkasammate sappaṭibhaye asatthikāya cārikaṁ carantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for wandering without a group of travelers where it is considered risky and dangerous outside one’s own country. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo tiroraṭṭhe sāsaṅkasammate sappaṭibhaye asatthikāyo cārikaṁ cariṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns wandering without a group of travelers where it was considered risky and dangerous outside their own country.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Antovassaṁ cārikaṁ carantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for wandering during the rainy season. Where was it laid down?”

Rājagahe paññattaṁ.
At Rājagaha.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo antovassaṁ cārikaṁ cariṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns wandering during the rainy season.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Vassaṁvuṭṭhāya bhikkhuniyā cārikaṁ na pakkamantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for a nun who has completed the rainy-season residence not to go wandering. Where was it laid down?”

Rājagahe paññattaṁ.
At Rājagaha.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo vassaṁvuṭṭhā cārikaṁ na pakkamiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns who did not go wandering after completing the rainy-season residence.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

paṭhamapārājike …pe….
… (as in the first offense entailing expulsion) …

Tuvaṭṭavaggo catuttho.
The fourth subchapter on lying down is finished.

4.5. Cittāgāravagga
4.5 The subchapter on pleasure houses

Rājāgāraṁ vā cittāgāraṁ vā ārāmaṁ vā uyyānaṁ vā pokkharaṇiṁ vā dassanāya gacchantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for visiting a royal house, a pleasure house, a park, a garden, or a lotus pond. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo rājāgārampi cittāgārampi dassanāya agamaṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six visiting a royal house and a pleasure house.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Āsandiṁ vā pallaṅkaṁ vā paribhuñjantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for using a high or luxurious couch. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo āsandimpi pallaṅkampi paribhuñjiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns using high and luxurious couches.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Suttaṁ kantantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for spinning yarn. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo suttaṁ kantiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six spinning yarn.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Gihiveyyāvaccaṁ karontiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for providing services for a householder. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo gihiveyyāvaccaṁ akaṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns providing services for householders.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Bhikkhuniyā “ehāyye, imaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ vūpasamehī”ti vuccamānāya “sādhū”ti paṭissuṇitvā neva vūpasamentiyā na vūpasamāya ussukkaṁ karontiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for agreeing, when requested by a nun, to resolve a legal issue, but then neither resolving it nor making any effort to resolve it. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī bhikkhuniyā—“ehāyye, imaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ vūpasamehī”ti vuccamānā “sādhū”ti paṭissuṇitvā neva vūpasamesi na vūpasamāya ussukkaṁ akāsi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā agreeing, when asked by a nun, to resolve a legal issue, but then neither resolving it nor making any effort to resolve it.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Agārikassa vā paribbājakassa vā paribbājikāya vā sahatthā khādanīyaṁ vā bhojanīyaṁ vā dentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for personally giving fresh or cooked food to a householder, a male wanderer, or a female wanderer. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī agārikassa sahatthā khādanīyampi bhojanīyampi adāsi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā personally giving fresh and cooked food to a householder.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Āvasathacīvaraṁ anissajjitvā paribhuñjantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for not relinquishing but continuing to use a communal robe. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī āvasathacīvaraṁ anissajjitvā paribhuñji, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā not relinquishing but continuing to use a communal robe.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

kathinake …pe….
… (as in the subchapter on the robe season) …

Āvasathaṁ anissajjitvā cārikaṁ pakkamantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for going wandering without relinquishing one’s lodging. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī āvasathaṁ anissajjitvā cārikaṁ pakkāmi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā going wandering without relinquishing her lodging.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

kathinake …pe….
… (as in the subchapter on the robe season) …

Tiracchānavijjaṁ pariyāpuṇantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for studying worldly subjects. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo tiracchānavijjaṁ pariyāpuṇiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six studying worldly subjects.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

padasodhamme …pe….
… (as in the rule on memorizing the Teaching) …

Tiracchānavijjaṁ vācentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for teaching worldly subjects. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti.
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo tiracchānavijjaṁ vācesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six teaching worldly subjects.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

padasodhamme …pe….
… (as in the rule on memorizing the Teaching) …

Cittāgāravaggo pañcamo.
The fifth subchapter on pleasure houses is finished.

4.6. Ārāmavagga
4.6 The subchapter on monasteries

Jānaṁ sabhikkhukaṁ ārāmaṁ anāpucchā pavisantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for entering a monastery without asking permission, yet knowing that there are monks there. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārāmaṁ anāpucchā pavisiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns entering a monastery without asking permission.

Ekā paññatti, dve anupaññattiyo.
There is one rule. There are two additions to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Bhikkhuṁ akkosantiyā paribhāsantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for abusing or reviling a monk. Where was it laid down?”

Vesāliyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Vesālī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo āyasmantaṁ upāliṁ akkosiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six abusing Venerable Upāli.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Caṇḍīkatāya gaṇaṁ paribhāsantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for furiously reviling the community. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī caṇḍīkatāya gaṇaṁ paribhāsi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā furiously reviling the community.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Nimantitāya vā pavāritāya vā khādanīyaṁ vā bhojanīyaṁ vā aññatra bhuñjantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession, when invited to a meal, for refusing an invitation to eat more, and then eating fresh or cooked food elsewhere. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo bhuttāviniyo pavāritā aññatra bhuñjiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns eating elsewhere after finishing their meal and refusing an invitation to eat more.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ catūhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in four ways: …

Kulaṁ maccharāyantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for keeping a family to oneself. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī kulaṁ maccharāyi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun keeping a family to herself.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Abhikkhuke āvāse vassaṁ vasantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for spending the rainy-season residence in a monastery without monks. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo abhikkhuke āvāse vassaṁ vasiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns spending the rainy-season residence in a monastery without monks.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Vassaṁvuṭṭhāya bhikkhuniyā ubhatosaṅghe tīhi ṭhānehi na pavārentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for a nun who has completed the rainy-season residence not to invite correction from both Sanghas in regard to three things. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo vassaṁvuṭṭhā bhikkhusaṅghaṁ na pavāresuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns who had completed the rainy-season residence not inviting the Sangha of monks for correction.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Ovādāya vā saṁvāsāya vā na gacchantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for not going to the instruction or to a formal meeting of the community. Where was it laid down?”

Sakkesu paññattaṁ.
In the Sakyan country.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ovādaṁ na gacchiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six not going to the instruction.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

paṭhamapārājike …pe….
… (as in the first offense entailing expulsion) …

Uposathampi na pucchantiyā ovādampi na yācantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for not enquiring about the observance day nor asking for the instruction. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo uposathampi na pucchiṁsu ovādampi na yāciṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns not enquiring about the observance day nor asking for the instruction.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Pasākhe jātaṁ gaṇḍaṁ vā rudhitaṁ vā anapaloketvā saṅghaṁ vā gaṇaṁ vā purisena saddhiṁ ekenekāya bhedāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for being alone with a man and having him rupture an abscess or a wound situated on the lower part of one’s body, without getting permission from the Sangha or a group. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī pasākhe jātaṁ gaṇḍaṁ purisena saddhiṁ ekenekā bhedāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun being alone with a man and having him rupture an abscess situated on the lower part of her body.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

kathinake …pe….
… (as in the subchapter on the robe season) …

Ārāmavaggo chaṭṭho.
The sixth subchapter on monasteries is finished.

4.7. Gabbhinivagga
4.7 The subchapter on pregnant women

Gabbhiniṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to a pregnant woman. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo gabbhiniṁ vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns giving the full admission to a pregnant woman.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Pāyantiṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to a woman who is breastfeeding. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo pāyantiṁ vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns giving the full admission to a woman who was breastfeeding.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Dve vassāni chasu dhammesu asikkhitasikkhaṁ sikkhamānaṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to a trainee nun who has not trained in the six rules for two years. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo dve vassāni chasu dhammesu asikkhitasikkhaṁ sikkhamānaṁ vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns giving the full admission to a trainee nun who had not trained in the six rules for two years.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Dve vassāni chasu dhammesu sikkhitasikkhaṁ sikkhamānaṁ saṅghena asammataṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to a trainee nun who has trained in the six rules for two years, but who has not been approved by the Sangha. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo dve vassāni chasu dhammesu sikkhitasikkhaṁ sikkhamānaṁ saṅghena asammataṁ vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns giving the full admission to a trainee nun who had trained in the six rules for two years, but who had not been approved by the Sangha.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Ūnadvādasavassaṁ gihigataṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to a married girl who is less than twelve years old. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ūnadvādasavassaṁ gihigataṁ vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns giving the full admission to a married girl who was less than twelve years old.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Paripuṇṇadvādasavassaṁ gihigataṁ dve vassāni chasu dhammesu asikkhitasikkhaṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to a married girl who is more than twelve years old, but who has not trained in the six rules for two years. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo paripuṇṇadvādasavassaṁ gihigataṁ dve vassāni chasu dhammesu asikkhitasikkhaṁ vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns giving the full admission to a married girl who was more than twelve years old, but who had not trained in the six rules for two years.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Paripuṇṇadvādasavassaṁ gihigataṁ dve vassāni chasu dhammesu sikkhitasikkhaṁ saṅghena asammataṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to a married girl who is more than twelve years old and who has trained for two years in the six rules, but who has not been approved by the Sangha. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo paripuṇṇadvādasavassaṁ gihigataṁ dve vassāni chasu dhammesu sikkhitasikkhaṁ saṅghena asammataṁ vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns giving the full admission to a married girl who was more than twelve years old and who had trained for two years in the six rules, but who had not been approved by the Sangha.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Sahajīviniṁ vuṭṭhāpetvā dve vassāni neva anuggaṇhantiyā na anuggaṇhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to a disciple, and then, for the next two years, neither guiding her nor having her guided. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī sahajīviniṁ vuṭṭhāpetvā dve vassāni neva anuggahesi na anuggaṇhāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā giving the full admission to a disciple, and then, for the next two years, neither guiding her nor having her guided.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Vuṭṭhāpitaṁ pavattiniṁ dve vassāni nānubandhantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for not following the mentor who gave one the full admission for two years. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo vuṭṭhāpitaṁ pavattiniṁ dve vassāni nānubandhiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns not following the mentor who gave them the full admission for two years.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

paṭhamapārājike …pe….
… (as in the first offense entailing expulsion) …

Sahajīviniṁ vuṭṭhāpetvā neva vūpakāsentiyā na vūpakāsāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to a disciple, and then neither taking her away nor having her taken away. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī sahajīviniṁ vuṭṭhāpetvā neva vūpakāsesi na vūpakāsāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā giving the full admission to a disciple, and then neither taking her away nor having her taken away.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Gabbhinivaggo sattamo.
The seventh subchapter on pregnant women is finished.

4.8. Kumāribhūtavagga
4.8 The subchapter on unmarried girls

Ūnavīsativassaṁ kumāribhūtaṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to an unmarried girl who is less than twenty years old. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ūnavīsativassaṁ kumāribhūtaṁ vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns giving the full admission to an unmarried girl who was less than twenty years old.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Paripuṇṇavīsativassaṁ kumāribhūtaṁ dve vassāni chasu dhammesu asikkhitasikkhaṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to an unmarried girl who is more than twenty years old, but who has not trained in the six rules for two years. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo paripuṇṇavīsativassaṁ kumāribhūtaṁ dve vassāni chasu dhammesu asikkhitasikkhaṁ vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns giving the full admission to an unmarried girl who was more than twenty years old, but who had not trained in the six rules for two years.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Paripuṇṇavīsativassaṁ kumāribhūtaṁ dve vassāni chasu dhammesu sikkhitasikkhaṁ saṅghena asammataṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to an unmarried girl who is more than twenty years old and who has trained for two years in the six rules, but who has not been approved by the Sangha. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo paripuṇṇavīsativassaṁ kumāribhūtaṁ dve vassāni chasu dhammesu sikkhitasikkhaṁ saṅghena asammataṁ vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns giving the full admission to an unmarried girl who was more than twenty years old and who had trained for two years in the six rules, but who had not been approved by the Sangha.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Ūnadvādasavassāya vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for one who has less than twelve years of seniority giving the full admission. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ūnadvādasavassā vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns who had less than twelve years of seniority giving the full admission.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Paripuṇṇadvādasavassāya saṅghena asammatāya vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for one who has twelve years of seniority giving the full admission without approval from the Sangha. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo paripuṇṇadvādasavassā saṅghena asammatā vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns who had twelve years of seniority giving the full admission without approval from the Sangha.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

dutiyapārājike …pe….
… (as in the second offense entailing expulsion) …

“Alaṁ tāva te, ayye, vuṭṭhāpitenā”ti vuccamānāya “sādhū”ti paṭissuṇitvā pacchā khīyanadhammaṁ āpajjantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for verbally consenting when being told, ‘Venerable, you’ve given enough full admissions for now,’ but then criticizing it afterwards. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷiṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Caṇḍakālī.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Caṇḍakāḷī bhikkhunī “alaṁ tāva te, ayye, vuṭṭhāpitenā”ti vuccamānā “sādhū”ti paṭissuṇitvā pacchā khīyanadhammaṁ āpajji, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Caṇḍakālī verbally consenting when being told, “Venerable, you’ve given enough full admissions for now,” but then criticizing it afterwards.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Sikkhamānaṁ—“sace me tvaṁ, ayye, cīvaraṁ dassasi, evāhaṁ taṁ vuṭṭhāpessāmī”ti vatvā neva vuṭṭhāpentiyā na vuṭṭhāpanāya ussukkaṁ karontiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for telling a trainee nun, ‘If you give me a robe, Venerable, I’ll give you the full admission,’ but then neither giving her the full admission nor making any effort to have her fully admitted. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī sikkhamānaṁ—“sace me tvaṁ, ayye, cīvaraṁ dassasi, evāhaṁ taṁ vuṭṭhāpessāmī”ti vatvā neva vuṭṭhāpesi na vuṭṭhāpanāya ussukkaṁ akāsi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā telling a trainee nun, “If you give me a robe, Venerable, I’ll give you the full admission,” but then neither giving her the full admission nor making any effort to have her fully admitted.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Sikkhamānaṁ—“sace maṁ tvaṁ, ayye, dve vassāni anubandhissasi, evāhaṁ taṁ vuṭṭhāpessāmī”ti vatvā neva vuṭṭhāpentiyā na vuṭṭhāpanāya ussukkaṁ karontiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for telling a trainee nun, ‘If you follow me for two years, Venerable, I’ll give you the full admission,’ but then neither giving her the full admission nor making any effort to have her fully admitted. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī sikkhamānaṁ—“sace maṁ tvaṁ, ayye, dve vassāni anubandhissasi, evāhaṁ taṁ vuṭṭhāpessāmī”ti vatvā neva vuṭṭhāpesi na vuṭṭhāpanāya ussukkaṁ akāsi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā telling a trainee nun, “If you follow me for two years, Venerable, I’ll give you the full admission,” but then neither giving her the full admission nor making any effort to have her fully admitted.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ ekena samuṭṭhānena samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in one way:

dhuranikkhepe …pe….
through abandoning one’s duty. …

Purisasaṁsaṭṭhaṁ kumārakasaṁsaṭṭhaṁ caṇḍiṁ sokāvāsaṁ sikkhamānaṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to a trainee nun who is socializing with men and boys and who is temperamental and difficult to live with. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī purisasaṁsaṭṭhaṁ kumārakasaṁsaṭṭhaṁ caṇḍiṁ sokāvāsaṁ sikkhamānaṁ vuṭṭhāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā giving the full admission to a trainee nun who was socializing with men and boys and who was temperamental and difficult to live with.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Mātāpitūhi vā sāmikena vā ananuññātaṁ sikkhamānaṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to a trainee nun who has not been given permission by her parents or her husband. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī mātāpitūhipi sāmikenāpi ananuññātaṁ sikkhamānaṁ vuṭṭhāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā giving the full admission to a trainee nun who had not been given permission by her parents and her husband.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ catūhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in four ways: …

siyā vācato samuṭṭhāti, na kāyato na cittato;
from speech, not from body or mind; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca samuṭṭhāti, na cittato;
from body and speech, not from mind; or

siyā vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na kāyato;
from speech and mind, not from body; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind.

Pārivāsikachandadānena sikkhamānaṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to a trainee nun after a given consent has expired. Where was it laid down?”

Rājagahe paññattaṁ.
At Rājagaha.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Thullanandaṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
The nun Thullanandā.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Thullanandā bhikkhunī pārivāsikachandadānena sikkhamānaṁ vuṭṭhāpesi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nun Thullanandā giving the full admission to a trainee nun after the given consent had expired.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Anuvassaṁ vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving full admission every year. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo anuvassaṁ vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns giving full admission every year.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Ekaṁ vassaṁ dve vuṭṭhāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for giving the full admission to two women in one year. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ekaṁ vassaṁ dve vuṭṭhāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns giving the full admission to two women in one year.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ tīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in three ways: …

Kumāribhūtavaggo aṭṭhamo.
The eighth subchapter on unmarried girls is finished.

4.9. Chattupāhanavagga
4.9 The subchapter on sunshades and sandals

Chattupāhanaṁ dhārentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for using a sunshade and sandals. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo chattupāhanaṁ dhāresuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six using sunshades and sandals.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Yānena yāyantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for traveling in a vehicle. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo yānena yāyiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six traveling in a vehicle.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Saṅghāṇiṁ dhārentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for wearing a hip ornament. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī saṅghāṇiṁ dhāresi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun wearing a hip ornament.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Itthālaṅkāraṁ dhārentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for wearing jewellery. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo itthālaṅkāraṁ dhāresuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six wearing jewellery.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Gandhavaṇṇakena nahāyantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for bathing with scents and colors. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo gandhavaṇṇakena nahāyiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six bathing with scents and colors.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Vāsitakena piññākena nahāyantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for bathing with scents and oilseed flour. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo vāsitakena piññākena nahāyiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six bathing with scents and oilseed flour.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Bhikkhuniyā ummaddāpentiyā parimaddāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for having a nun massage or rub oneself. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo bhikkhuniyā ummaddāpesuṁ parimaddāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns having a nun massage and rub them.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Sikkhamānāya ummaddāpentiyā parimaddāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for having a trainee nun massage or rub oneself. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo sikkhamānāya ummaddāpesuṁ parimaddāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns having a trainee nun massage and rub them.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Sāmaṇeriyā ummaddāpentiyā parimaddāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for having a novice nun massage or rub oneself. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo sāmaṇeriyā ummaddāpesuṁ parimaddāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns having a novice nun massage and rub them.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Gihiniyā ummaddāpentiyā parimaddāpentiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for having a female householder massage or rub oneself. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo gihiniyā ummaddāpesuṁ parimaddāpesuṁ, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns having a female householder massage and rub them.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

eḷakalomake …pe….
… (as in the rule on wool) …

Bhikkhussa purato anāpucchā āsane nisīdantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for sitting down on a seat in front of a monk without asking permission. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo bhikkhussa purato anāpucchā āsane nisīdiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns sitting down on seats in front of a monk without asking permission.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

kathinake …pe….
… (as in the subchapter on the robe season) …

Anokāsakataṁ bhikkhuṁ pañhaṁ pucchantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for asking a question of a monk who has not given permission. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
A number of nuns.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Sambahulā bhikkhuniyo anokāsakataṁ bhikkhuṁ pañhaṁ pucchiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A number of nuns asking a question of a monk who had not given them permission.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

padasodhamme …pe….
… (as in the rule on memorizing the Teaching) …

Asaṅkaccikāya gāmaṁ pavisantiyā pācittiyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing confession for entering an inhabited area without wearing one’s chest wrap. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Aññataraṁ bhikkhuniṁ ārabbha.
A certain nun.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Aññatarā bhikkhunī asaṅkaccikā gāmaṁ pāvisi, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
A certain nun entering an inhabited area without wearing her chest wrap.

Ekā paññatti.
There is one rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ dvīhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in two ways:

siyā kāyato samuṭṭhāti, na vācato na cittato;
from body, not from speech or mind; or

siyā kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato …pe….
from body and mind, not from speech. …

Chattupāhanavaggo navamo.
The ninth subchapter on sunshades and sandals is finished.

Navavaggakhuddakā niṭṭhitā.
The section on minor rules in nine subchapters is finished.

This is the summary:

Lasuṇaṁ saṁhare lomaṁ,
“Garlic, hair on the private parts,

talamaṭṭhañca suddhikaṁ;
And palm, dildo, cleaning;

Eating, of raw grains,

dve vighāsena dassanā.
Two with food scraps, seeing.

Andhakāre paṭicchanne,
In the dark, concealed,

ajjhokāse rathikāya ca;
Out in the open, and on a street;

Pure pacchā vikāle ca,
Before, after, and at the wrong time,

duggahi niraye vadhi.
Misunderstanding, hell, she beat.

Naggodakā visibbetvā,
Naked, water, having unstitched,

pañcāhikaṁ saṅkamanīyaṁ;
Five days, taken on loan;

Gaṇaṁ vibhaṅgasamaṇaṁ,
The community, distribution, monastic,

dubbalaṁ kathinena ca.
Uncertain, and with the robe season.

With the same bed, and with the same sheet,

sañcicca sahajīvinī;
Intentionally, disciple;

Datvā saṁsaṭṭhaanto ca,
Gives, and socializing, within,

tirovassaṁ na pakkame.
Outside, rainy season, should she not go.

Rājā āsandi suttañca,
Royal, high couch, and yarn,

gihi vūpasamena ca;
Householder, and with resolving;

Dade cīvarāvasathaṁ,
Should she give, robe, lodging,

pariyāpuṇañca vācaye.
And learning, should she teach.

Ārāmakkosacaṇḍī ca,
Monastery, abusing, and furious,

bhuñjeyya kulamaccharī;
Should she eat, keeps a family to herself;

Vāse pavāraṇovādaṁ,
Should she spend, inviting correction, instruction,

dve dhammā pasākhena ca.
Two things, and with the lower part of the body.

Gabbhī pāyantī cha dhamme,
A pregnant woman, a breastfeeding woman, six rules,

One who has not been approved, less than twelve;

Paripuṇṇañca saṅghena,
And more than twelve, by the Sangha,

saha vuṭṭhā cha pañca ca.
Disciple, admission, and five to six.

Kumārī dve ca saṅghena,
An unmarried girl, and two, by the Sangha,

dvādasa sammatena ca;
Twelve, and with one who has not been approved;

Alaṁ sace ca dvevassaṁ,
Enough, and if, for two years,

saṁsaṭṭhā sāmikena ca.
Socializing, and by the husband.

Expired, every year,

duve vuṭṭhāpanena ca;
And with the admission of two;

Chattayānena saṅghāṇi,
Sunshade, in a vehicle, hip ornament,

Jewellery, with colors.

Piññākabhikkhunī ceva,
Oilseed flour, and a nun,

sikkhā ca sāmaṇerikā;
And a trainee nun, a novice nun;

Gihi bhikkhussa purato,
A female householder, in front of a monk,

anokāsaṁ saṅkaccikāti.
Not permission, a chest wrap.”

Tesaṁ vaggānaṁ uddānaṁ
This is the summary of the subchapters:

Lasuṇandhakārā nhānā,
“Garlic, the dark, bathing,

tuvaṭṭā cittagārakā;
Lying down, pleasure house;

Ārāmaṁ gabbhinī ceva,
Monastery, and pregnant women,

kumārī chattupāhanāti.
Unmarried girls, sunshades and sandals.”

5. Pāṭidesanīyakaṇḍa
5. The chapter on offenses entailing acknowledgment

Sappiṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantiyā pāṭidesanīyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing acknowledgment for asking for ghee and then eating it. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo sappiṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six asking for ghee and then eating it.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ catūhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in four ways: …

Telaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantiyā pāṭidesanīyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing acknowledgment for asking for oil and then eating it. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo telaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six asking for oil and then eating it.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ catūhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in four ways: …

Madhuṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantiyā pāṭidesanīyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing acknowledgment for asking for honey and then eating it. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo madhuṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six asking for honey and then eating it.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ catūhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in four ways: …

Phāṇitaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantiyā pāṭidesanīyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing acknowledgment for asking for syrup and then eating it. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo phāṇitaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six asking for syrup and then eating it.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ catūhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in four ways: …

Macchaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantiyā pāṭidesanīyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing acknowledgment for asking for fish and then eating it. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo macchaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six asking for fish and then eating it.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ catūhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in four ways: …

Maṁsaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantiyā pāṭidesanīyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing acknowledgment for asking for meat and then eating it. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo maṁsaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six asking for meat and then eating it.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ catūhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in four ways: …

Khīraṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantiyā pāṭidesanīyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing acknowledgment for asking for milk and then drinking it. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo khīraṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six asking for milk and then drinking it.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ catūhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti …pe….
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in four ways: …

Dadhiṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantiyā pāṭidesanīyaṁ kattha paññattanti?
“There is an offense entailing acknowledgment for asking for curd and then eating it. Where was it laid down?”

Sāvatthiyaṁ paññattaṁ.
At Sāvatthī.

Kaṁ ārabbhāti?
“Whom is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo ārabbha.
The nuns from the group of six.

Kismiṁ vatthusminti?
“What is it about?”

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo dadhiṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjiṁsu, tasmiṁ vatthusmiṁ.
The nuns from the group of six asking for curd and then eating it.

Ekā paññatti, ekā anupaññatti.
There is one rule. There is one addition to the rule.

Channaṁ āpattisamuṭṭhānānaṁ catūhi samuṭṭhānehi samuṭṭhāti—
Of the six kinds of originations of offenses, it originates in four ways:

siyā kāyato samuṭṭhāti, na vācato na cittato;
from body, not from speech or mind; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca samuṭṭhāti, na cittato;
from body and speech, not from mind; or

siyā kāyato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti, na vācato;
from body and mind, not from speech; or

siyā kāyato ca vācato ca cittato ca samuṭṭhāti …pe….
from body, speech, and mind. …

Aṭṭha pāṭidesanīyā niṭṭhitā.
The eight offenses entailing acknowledgment are finished.

This is the summary:

Sappiṁ telaṁ madhuñceva,
“Ghee, oil, and honey,

phāṇitaṁ macchameva ca;
Syrup, and fish;

Maṁsaṁ khīraṁ dadhiñcāpi,
Meat, milk, and curd:

viññāpetvāna bhikkhunī;
A nun asked for—

Pāṭidesanīyā aṭṭha,
The eight offenses entailing acknowledgment,

sayaṁ buddhena desitāti.
Taught by the Buddha himself.”

Ye sikkhāpadā bhikkhuvibhaṅge vitthāritā te saṅkhittā bhikkhunivibhaṅge.
The training rules given in full in the Monks’ Analysis are contracted in the Nuns’ Analysis.

Katthapaññattivāro niṭṭhito paṭhamo.
The first section on “where was it laid down?” is finished.