vinaya » pli-tv-pvr » Parivāra

Translators: brahmali

The Compendium

The Nuns’ Analysis

Part one

2.2 Katāpattivāra

The section on “how many offenses?”

1. Pārājikakaṇḍa
The chapter on offenses entailing expulsion

Avassutā bhikkhunī avassutassa purisapuggalassa kāyasaṁsaggaṁ sādiyantī kati āpattiyo āpajjati?
When a lustful nun consents to a lustful man making physical contact with her, how many kinds of offenses does she commit?

Avassutā bhikkhunī avassutassa purisapuggalassa kāyasaṁsaggaṁ sādiyantī tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.
She commits three kinds of offenses:

Adhakkhakaṁ ubbhajāṇumaṇḍalaṁ gahaṇaṁ sādiyati, āpatti pārājikassa;
when she consents to him taking hold of her anywhere below the collar bone but above the knees, she commits an offense entailing expulsion;

ubbhakkhakaṁ adhojāṇumaṇḍalaṁ gahaṇaṁ sādiyati, āpatti thullaccayassa;
when she consents to him taking hold of her above the collar bone or below the knees, she commits a serious offense;

kāyapaṭibaddhaṁ gahaṇaṁ sādiyati, āpatti dukkaṭassa—
when she consents to him taking hold of something connected to her body, she commits an offense of wrong conduct.

avassutā bhikkhunī avassutassa purisapuggalassa kāyasaṁsaggaṁ sādiyantī imā tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.

Vajjappaṭicchādikā bhikkhunī vajjaṁ paṭicchādentī kati āpattiyo āpajjati?
When a nun conceals an offense, how many kinds of offenses does she commit?

Vajjappaṭicchādikā bhikkhunī vajjaṁ paṭicchādentī tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.
She commits three kinds of offenses:

Jānaṁ pārājikaṁ dhammaṁ paṭicchādeti, āpatti pārājikassa;
when she knowingly conceals an offense entailing expulsion, she commits an offense entailing expulsion;

vematikā paṭicchādeti, āpatti thullaccayassa;
when, being unsure, she conceals it, she commits a serious offense;

ācāravipattiṁ paṭicchādeti, āpatti dukkaṭassa—
when she conceals a failure in conduct, she commits an offense of wrong conduct.

vajjappaṭicchādikā bhikkhunī vajjaṁ paṭicchādentī imā tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.

Ukkhittānuvattikā bhikkhunī yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjantī kati āpattiyo āpajjati?
When a nun takes sides with one who has been ejected and does not stop when pressed for the third time, how many kinds of offenses does she commit?

Ukkhittānuvattikā bhikkhunī yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjantī tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.
She commits three kinds of offenses:

Ñattiyā dukkaṭaṁ;
after the motion, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

dvīhi kammavācāhi thullaccayā;
after each of the first two announcements, she commits a serious offense;

kammavācāpariyosāne āpatti pārājikassa—
when the last announcement is finished, she commits an offense entailing expulsion.

ukkhittānuvattikā bhikkhunī yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjantī imā tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.

Aṭṭhamaṁ vatthuṁ paripūrentī kati āpattiyo āpajjati?
When fulfilling the eight parts, how many kinds of offenses does she commit?

Aṭṭhamaṁ vatthuṁ paripūrentī tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.
She commits three kinds of offenses:

Purisena—“itthannāmaṁ okāsaṁ āgacchā”ti vuttā gacchati, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she goes to such-and-such a place when told by a man to do so, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

purisassa hatthapāsaṁ okkantamatte āpatti thullaccayassa;
when she enters within arm’s reach of the man, she commits a serious offense;

aṭṭhamaṁ vatthuṁ paripūreti, āpatti pārājikassa—
when she fulfills the eight parts, she commits an offense entailing expulsion.

aṭṭhamaṁ vatthuṁ paripūrentī imā tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.

Pārājikā niṭṭhitā.
The offenses entailing expulsion are finished.

2. Saṅghādisesakaṇḍa
2. The chapter on offenses entailing suspension

Ussayavādikā bhikkhunī aḍḍaṁ karontī tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.
When a litigious nun initiates a lawsuit, she commits three kinds of offenses:

Ekassa āroceti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she tells one other person, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

dutiyassa āroceti, āpatti thullaccayassa;
when she tells a second person, she commits a serious offense;

aḍḍapariyosāne āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
when the lawsuit is finished, she commits an offense entailing suspension.

Coriṁ vuṭṭhāpentī tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to a female criminal, she commits three kinds of offenses:

Ñattiyā dukkaṭaṁ;
after the motion, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

dvīhi kammavācāhi thullaccayā;
after each of the first two announcements, she commits a serious offense;

kammavācāpariyosāne āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
when the last announcement is finished, she commits an offense entailing suspension.

Ekā gāmantaraṁ gacchantī tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.
When walking by herself to the next village, she commits three kinds of offenses:

Gacchati, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she is in the process of going, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

paṭhamaṁ pādaṁ parikkhepaṁ atikkāmeti, āpatti thullaccayassa;
when she crosses the boundary with her first foot, she commits a serious offense;

dutiyaṁ pādaṁ atikkāmeti, āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
when she crosses with her second foot, she commits an offense entailing suspension.

Samaggena saṅghena ukkhittaṁ bhikkhuniṁ dhammena vinayena satthusāsanena anapaloketvā kārakasaṅghaṁ anaññāya gaṇassa chandaṁ osārentī tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.
When readmitting a nun who had been ejected by a unanimous Sangha in accordance with the Teaching, the Monastic Law, and the Teacher’s instruction, without first getting permission from the Sangha that did the legal procedure and without the consent of the community, she commits three kinds of offenses:

Ñattiyā dukkaṭaṁ;
after the motion, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

dvīhi kammavācāhi thullaccayā;
after each of the first two announcements, she commits a serious offense;

kammavācāpariyosāne āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
when the last announcement is finished, she commits an offense entailing suspension.

Avassutā bhikkhunī avassutassa purisapuggalassa hatthato khādanīyaṁ vā bhojanīyaṁ vā sahatthā paṭiggahetvā bhuñjantī tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.
When a lustful nun eats fresh or cooked food after receiving it directly from a lustful man, she commits three kinds of offenses:

“Khādissāmi bhuñjissāmī”ti paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti thullaccayassa;
when she receives fresh or cooked food with the intention of eating it, she commits a serious offense;

ajjhohāre ajjhohāre āpatti saṅghādisesassa;
for every mouthful, she commits an offense entailing suspension;

udakadantaponaṁ paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
if she receives water or a tooth cleaner, she commits an offense of wrong conduct.

“Kiṁ te, ayye, eso purisapuggalo karissati avassuto vā anavassuto vā, yato tvaṁ anavassutā. Iṅgha, ayye, yaṁ te eso purisapuggalo deti khādanīyaṁ vā bhojanīyaṁ vā, taṁ tvaṁ sahatthā paṭiggahetvā khāda vā bhuñja vā”ti uyyojentī tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.
When urging a nun on, saying, “Venerable, what can this man do to you, whether he has lust or not, if you’re without? Go on, Venerable, receive it with your own hands and then eat whatever fresh or cooked food he gives to you,” she commits three kinds of offenses:

Tassā vacanena khādissāmi bhuñjissāmīti paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when, because of her statement, the other nun receives it with the intention of eating it, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

ajjhohāre ajjhohāre āpatti thullaccayassa;
for every mouthful, she commits a serious offense;

bhojanapariyosāne āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
when the meal is finished, she commits an offense entailing suspension.

Kupitā bhikkhunī yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjantī tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.
When an angry nun does not stop when pressed for the third time, she commits three kinds of offenses:

Ñattiyā dukkaṭaṁ;
after the motion, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

dvīhi kammavācāhi thullaccayā;
after each of the first two announcements, she commits a serious offense;

kammavācāpariyosāne āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
when the last announcement is finished, she commits an offense entailing suspension.

Kismiñcideva adhikaraṇe paccākatā bhikkhunī yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjantī tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.
When a nun who has lost a legal case does not stop when pressed for the third time, she commits three kinds of offenses:

Ñattiyā dukkaṭaṁ;
after the motion, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

dvīhi kammavācāhi thullaccayā;
after each of the first two announcements, she commits a serious offense;

kammavācāpariyosāne āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
when the last announcement is finished, she commits an offense entailing suspension.

Saṁsaṭṭhā bhikkhuniyo yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjantiyo tisso āpattiyo āpajjanti.
When socializing nuns do not stop when pressed for the third time, they commit three kinds of offenses:

Ñattiyā dukkaṭaṁ;
after the motion, they commit an offense of wrong conduct;

dvīhi kammavācāhi thullaccayā;
after each of the first two announcements, they commit a serious offense;

kammavācāpariyosāne āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
when the last announcement is finished, they commit an offense entailing suspension.

“Saṁsaṭṭhāva, ayye, tumhe viharatha. Mā tumhe nānā viharitthā”ti uyyojentī yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjantī tisso āpattiyo āpajjati.
When urging the nuns on, saying, “Venerables, you should socialize. Don’t live separately,” and not stopping when pressed for the third time, she commits three kinds of offenses:

Ñattiyā dukkaṭaṁ;
after the motion, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

dvīhi kammavācāhi thullaccayā;
after each of the first two announcements, she commits a serious offense;

kammavācāpariyosāne āpatti saṅghādisesassa.
when the last announcement is finished, she commits an offense entailing suspension.

Saṅghādisesā niṭṭhitā.
The offenses entailing suspension are finished.

3. Nissaggiyakaṇḍa
3. The chapter on relinquishment

Pattasannicayaṁ karontī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When collecting almsbowls, she commits one kind of offense:

Nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Akālacīvaraṁ “kālacīvaran”ti adhiṭṭhahitvā bhājāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When determining out-of-season robe-cloth as “in-season”, and then distributing it, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Bhājāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of distributing it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

bhājāpite nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
when she has distributed it, she commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Bhikkhuniyā saddhiṁ cīvaraṁ parivattetvā acchindantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When trading robes with a nun and then taking it back, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Acchindati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of taking it back, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

acchinne nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
when she has taken it back, she commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Aññaṁ viññāpetvā aññaṁ viññāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When asking for one thing and then for something else, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Viññāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of asking, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

viññāpite nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
when she has asked, she commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Aññaṁ cetāpetvā aññaṁ cetāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When getting one thing in exchange and then something else, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Cetāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of getting it in exchange, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

cetāpite nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
when she has received it in exchange, she commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena saṅghikena aññaṁ cetāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When exchanging for something else a requisite belonging to the Sangha that is designated for a specific purpose, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Cetāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of getting it in exchange, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

cetāpite nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
when she has received it in exchange, she commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena saṅghikena saṁyācikena aññaṁ cetāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When exchanging for something else a requisite belonging to the Sangha that is designated for a specific purpose and was asked for, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Cetāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of getting it in exchange, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

cetāpite nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
when she has received it in exchange, she commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena mahājanikena aññaṁ cetāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When exchanging for something else a collective requisite that is designated for a specific purpose, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Cetāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of getting it in exchange, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

cetāpite nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
when she has received it in exchange, she commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena mahājanikena saṁyācikena aññaṁ cetāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When exchanging for something else a collective requisite that is designated for a specific purpose and was asked for, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Cetāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of getting it in exchange, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

cetāpite nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
when she has received it in exchange, she commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Aññadatthikena parikkhārena aññuddisikena puggalikena saṁyācikena aññaṁ cetāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When exchanging for something else a personal requisite that is designated for a specific purpose and was asked for, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Cetāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of getting it in exchange, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

cetāpite nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
when she has received it in exchange, she commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Atirekacatukkaṁsaparamaṁ garupāvuraṇaṁ cetāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When getting in exchange a heavy cloak worth more than four <i lang='pi' translate='no'>kaṁsa</i> coins, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Cetāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of getting it in exchange, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

cetāpite nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
when she has received it in exchange, she commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Atirekaaḍḍhateyyakaṁsaparamaṁ lahupāvuraṇaṁ cetāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When getting in exchange a light cloak worth more than two-and-a-half <i lang='pi' translate='no'>kaṁsa</i> coins, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Cetāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of getting it in exchange, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

cetāpite nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ.
when she has received it in exchange, she commits an offense entailing relinquishment and confession.

Nissaggiyā pācittiyā niṭṭhitā.
The rules on relinquishment and confession are finished.

4. Pācittiyakaṇḍa
4. The chapter on offenses entailing confession

4.1. Lasuṇavagga
4.1 The subchapter on garlic

Lasuṇaṁ khādantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When eating garlic, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Khādissāmīti paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she receives it with the intention of eating it, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

ajjhohāre ajjhohāre āpatti pācittiyassa.
for every mouthful, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Sambādhe lomaṁ saṁharāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When removing hair from the private parts, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Saṁharāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of removing it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

saṁharāpite āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has removed it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Talaghātakaṁ karontī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When slapping her genitals with the palm of her hand, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Karoti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of slapping, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

kate āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she is done, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Jatumaṭṭhakaṁ ādiyantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When using a dildo, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Ādiyati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is using it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

ādinne āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she is done, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Atirekadvaṅgulapabbaparamaṁ udakasuddhikaṁ ādiyantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When cleaning herself with water by inserting more than two finger joints, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Ādiyati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of cleaning, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

ādinne āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she is done, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Bhikkhussa bhuñjantassa pānīyena vā vidhūpanena vā upatiṭṭhantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When attending on a monk who is eating with drinking water or a fan, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Hatthapāse tiṭṭhati, āpatti pācittiyassa;
when standing within arm’s reach, she commits an offense entailing confession;

hatthapāsaṁ vijahitvā tiṭṭhati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
when standing beyond arm’s reach, she commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Āmakadhaññaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When asking for raw grain and then eating it, she commits two kinds of offenses:

“Bhuñjissāmī”ti paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she receives with the intention to eat, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

ajjhohāre ajjhohāre āpatti pācittiyassa.
for every mouthful, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Uccāraṁ vā passāvaṁ vā saṅkāraṁ vā vighāsaṁ vā tirokuṭṭe vā tiropākāre vā chaḍḍentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When disposing of feces, urine, trash, or food scraps over a wall or over an encircling wall, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Chaḍḍeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of discarding it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

chaḍḍite āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has discarded it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Uccāraṁ vā passāvaṁ vā saṅkāraṁ vā vighāsaṁ vā harite chaḍḍentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When disposing of feces, urine, trash, or food scraps on cultivated plants, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Chaḍḍeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of discarding it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

chaḍḍite āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has discarded it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Naccaṁ vā gītaṁ vā vāditaṁ vā dassanāya gacchantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When going to see dancing, singing, or music, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Gacchati, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she is in the process of going, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

yattha ṭhitā passati vā suṇāti vā, āpatti pācittiyassa.
wherever she stands to see it or hear it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Lasuṇavaggo paṭhamo.
The first subchapter on garlic is finished.

4.2. Rattandhakāravagga
4.2 The subchapter on the dark of the night

Rattandhakāre appadīpe purisena saddhiṁ ekenekā santiṭṭhantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When standing alone with a man in the dark of the night without a lamp, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Hatthapāse tiṭṭhati, āpatti pācittiyassa;
when she stands within arm’s reach, she commits an offense entailing confession;

hatthapāsaṁ vijahitvā tiṭṭhati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
when she stands beyond arm’s reach, she commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Paṭicchanne okāse purisena saddhiṁ ekenekā santiṭṭhantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When standing alone with a man in a concealed place, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Hatthapāse tiṭṭhati, āpatti pācittiyassa;
when she stands within arm’s reach, she commits an offense entailing confession;

hatthapāsaṁ vijahitvā tiṭṭhati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
when she stands beyond arm’s reach, she commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Ajjhokāse purisena saddhiṁ ekenekā santiṭṭhantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When standing alone with a man out in the open, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Hatthapāse tiṭṭhati, āpatti pācittiyassa;
when she stands within arm’s reach, she commits an offense entailing confession;

hatthapāsaṁ vijahitvā tiṭṭhati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
when she stands beyond arm’s reach, she commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Rathikāya vā byūhe vā siṅghāṭake vā purisena saddhiṁ ekenekā santiṭṭhantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When standing alone with a man on a street, in a cul-de-sac, or at an intersection, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Hatthapāse tiṭṭhati, āpatti pācittiyassa;
when she stands within arm’s reach, she commits an offense entailing confession;

hatthapāsaṁ vijahitvā tiṭṭhati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
when she stands beyond arm’s reach, she commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Purebhattaṁ kulāni upasaṅkamitvā āsane nisīditvā sāmike anāpucchā pakkamantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When visiting families before the meal, sitting down on a seat, and then departing without informing the owners, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Paṭhamaṁ pādaṁ anovassakaṁ atikkāmeti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she goes beyond the roof cover of the house with the first foot, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

dutiyaṁ pādaṁ atikkāmeti, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she goes beyond with the second foot, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Pacchābhattaṁ kulāni upasaṅkamitvā sāmike anāpucchā āsane nisīdantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When visiting families after the meal and then sitting down on a seat without asking permission of the owners, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Nisīdati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of sitting down, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

nisinne āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she is seated, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Vikāle kulāni upasaṅkamitvā sāmike anāpucchā seyyaṁ santharitvā vā santharāpetvā vā abhinisīdantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When visiting families at the wrong time, putting out bedding without asking permission of the owners, or having it put out, and then sitting down, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Abhinisīdati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of sitting down, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

abhinisinne āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she is seated, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Duggahitena dūpadhāritena paraṁ ujjhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When complaining about someone because of a misunderstanding and a lack of proper reflection, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Ujjhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of complaining, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

ujjhāpite āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has complained, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Attānaṁ vā paraṁ vā nirayena vā brahmacariyena vā abhisapantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When referring to hell or the spiritual life to curse oneself or someone else, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Abhisapati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of cursing, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

abhisapite āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has finished cursing, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Attānaṁ vadhitvā vadhitvā rodantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When crying after repeatedly beating herself, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vadhati rodati, āpatti pācittiyassa;
when beating herself and crying, she commits an offense entailing confession;

vadhati na rodati, āpatti dukkaṭassa.
when beating herself but not crying, she commits an offense of wrong conduct.

Rattandhakāravaggo dutiyo.
The second subchapter on the dark of the night is finished.

4.3. Nahānavagga
4.3 The subchapter on bathing

Naggā nahāyantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When bathing naked, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Nahāyati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is bathing, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

nahānapariyosāne āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she is finished bathing, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Pamāṇātikkantaṁ udakasāṭikaṁ kārāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When making a bathing robe that exceeds the right size, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Kārāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of making it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

kārāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has made it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Bhikkhuniyā cīvaraṁ visibbetvā vā visibbāpetvā vā neva sibbentī na sibbāpanāya ussukkaṁ karontī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When unstitching a nun’s robe, or having it unstitched, and then neither sewing it herself nor making any effort to have someone else sew it, she commits one kind of offense:

an offense entailing confession.

Pañcāhikaṁ saṅghāṭicāraṁ atikkāmentī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When not moving her robes for more than five days, she commits one kind of offense:

an offense entailing confession.

Cīvarasaṅkamanīyaṁ dhārentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When wearing a robe taken on loan, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Dhāreti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is wearing it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

dhārite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has worn it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Gaṇassa cīvaralābhaṁ antarāyaṁ karontī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When creating an obstacle for the community to get robe-cloth, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Karoti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of creating it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

kate, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has created it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Dhammikaṁ cīvaravibhaṅgaṁ paṭibāhantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When blocking a legitimate distribution of robe-cloth, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Paṭibāhati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of blocking it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

paṭibāhite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has blocked it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Agārikassa vā paribbājakassa vā paribbājikāya vā samaṇacīvaraṁ dentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving a monastic robe to a householder, a male wanderer, or a female wanderer, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Deti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

dinne, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Dubbalacīvarapaccāsāya cīvarakālasamayaṁ atikkāmentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When letting the robe season expire because of an uncertain expectation of robe-cloth, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Atikkāmeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of letting it expire, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

atikkāmite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has let it expire, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Dhammikaṁ kathinuddhāraṁ paṭibāhantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When blocking a legitimate ending of the robe season, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Paṭibāhati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of blocking it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

paṭibāhite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has blocked it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Nahānavaggo tatiyo.
The third subchapter on bathing is finished.

4.4. Tuvaṭṭavagga
4.4 The subchapter on lying down

Dve bhikkhuniyo ekamañce tuvaṭṭentiyo dve āpattiyo āpajjanti.
When two nuns lie down on the same bed, they commit two kinds of offenses:

Nipajjanti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when they are in the process of lying down, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

nipanne, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when they are lying down, they commit an offense entailing confession.

Dve bhikkhuniyo ekattharaṇapāvuraṇā tuvaṭṭentiyo dve āpattiyo āpajjanti.
When two nuns lie down on the same sheet and under the same cover, they commit two kinds of offenses:

Nipajjanti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when they are in the process of lying down, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

nipanne, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when they are lying down, they commit an offense entailing confession.

Bhikkhuniyā sañcicca aphāsuṁ karontī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When intentionally making a nun ill at ease, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Karoti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is doing it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

kate, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has done it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Dukkhitaṁ sahajīviniṁ neva upaṭṭhentī na upaṭṭhāpanāya ussukkaṁ karontī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When not nursing a suffering disciple, nor making any effort to have someone nurse her, she commits one kind of offense:

an offense entailing confession.

Bhikkhuniyā upassayaṁ datvā kupitā anattamanā nikkaḍḍhantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving a dwelling place to a nun, and then, in anger, throwing her out, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Nikkaḍḍhati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of throwing her out, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

nikkaḍḍhite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has thrown her out, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Saṁsaṭṭhā bhikkhunī yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When a socializing nun does not stop when pressed for the third time, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Ñattiyā dukkaṭaṁ;
after the motion, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

kammavācāpariyosāne āpatti pācittiyassa.
when the last announcement is finished, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Antoraṭṭhe sāsaṅkasammate sappaṭibhaye asatthikā cārikaṁ carantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When wandering without a group of travelers where it is considered risky and dangerous within her own country, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Paṭipajjati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is traveling, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

paṭipanne, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has traveled, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Tiroraṭṭhe sāsaṅkasammate sappaṭibhaye asatthikā cārikaṁ carantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When wandering without a group of travelers where it is considered risky and dangerous outside her own country, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Paṭipajjati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is traveling, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

paṭipanne, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has traveled, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Antovassaṁ cārikaṁ carantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When wandering during the rainy season, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Paṭipajjati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is traveling, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

paṭipanne, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has traveled, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Vassaṁvuṭṭhā bhikkhunī cārikaṁ na pakkamantī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When a nun who has completed the rainy-season residence does not go wandering, she commits one kind of offense:

an offense entailing confession.

Tuvaṭṭavaggo catuttho.
The fourth subchapter on lying down is finished.

4.5. Cittāgāravagga
4.5 The subchapter on pleasure houses

Rājāgāraṁ vā cittāgāraṁ vā ārāmaṁ vā uyyānaṁ vā pokkharaṇiṁ vā dassanāya gacchantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When visiting a royal house, a pleasure house, a park, a garden, or a lotus pond, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Gacchati, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she is in the process of going there, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

yattha ṭhitā passati, āpatti pācittiyassa.
wherever she stands to see them, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Āsandiṁ vā pallaṅkaṁ vā paribhuñjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When using a high or luxurious couch, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Paribhuñjati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is using it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

paribhutte, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has used it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Suttaṁ kantantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When spinning yarn, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Kantati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is spinning, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

ujjavujjave, āpatti pācittiyassa.
for every pull, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Gihiveyyāvaccaṁ karontī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When providing services for a householder, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Karoti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of providing them, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

kate, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has provided them, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Bhikkhuniyā—“ehāyye, imaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ vūpasamehī”ti vuccamānā—“sādhū”ti paṭissuṇitvā neva vūpasamentī na vūpasamāya ussukkaṁ karontī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When agreeing, when requested by a nun, to resolve a legal issue, but then neither resolving it nor making any effort to resolve it, she commits one kind of offense:

an offense entailing confession.

Agārikassa vā paribbājakassa vā paribbājikāya vā sahatthā khādanīyaṁ vā bhojanīyaṁ vā dentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When personally giving fresh or cooked food to a householder, a male wanderer, or a female wanderer, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Deti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

dinne, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Āvasathacīvaraṁ anissajjitvā paribhuñjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When not relinquishing but continuing to use a communal robe, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Paribhuñjati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is using it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

paribhutte, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has used it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Āvasathaṁ anissajjitvā cārikaṁ pakkamantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When going wandering without relinquishing her lodging, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Paṭhamaṁ pādaṁ parikkhepaṁ atikkāmeti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she crosses the boundary with her first foot, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

dutiyaṁ pādaṁ atikkāmeti, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she crosses with her second foot, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Tiracchānavijjaṁ pariyāpuṇantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When studying worldly subjects, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Pariyāpuṇāti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is studying, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

pade pade āpatti pācittiyassa.
for every line, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Tiracchānavijjaṁ vācentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When teaching worldly subjects, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vāceti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is teaching, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

pade pade āpatti pācittiyassa.
for every line, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Cittāgāravaggo pañcamo.
The fifth subchapter on pleasure houses is finished.

4.6. Ārāmavagga
4.6 The subchapter on monasteries

Jānaṁ sabhikkhukaṁ ārāmaṁ anāpucchā pavisantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When entering a monastery without asking permission, yet knowing that there are monks there, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Paṭhamaṁ pādaṁ parikkhepaṁ atikkāmeti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she crosses the boundary with her first foot, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

dutiyaṁ pādaṁ atikkāmeti, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she crosses with her second foot, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Bhikkhuṁ akkosantī paribhāsantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When abusing or reviling a monk, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Akkosati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of abusing, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

akkosite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she is finished abusing, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Caṇḍīkatā gaṇaṁ paribhāsantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When furiously reviling the community, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Paribhāsati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of reviling, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

paribhāsite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she is finished reviling, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Nimantitā vā pavāritā vā khādanīyaṁ vā bhojanīyaṁ vā bhuñjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When invited to a meal, refusing an invitation to eat more, and then eating fresh or cooked food, she commits two kinds of offenses:

“Khādissāmi bhuñjissāmī”ti paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when receiving with the intention to eat, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

ajjhohāre ajjhohāre āpatti pācittiyassa.
for every mouthful, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Kulaṁ maccharāyantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When keeping a family to herself, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Maccharāyati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of keeping it for herself, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

maccharite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has kept it for herself, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Abhikkhuke āvāse vassaṁ vasantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When spending the rainy-season residence in a monastery without monks, she commits two kinds of offenses:

“Vassaṁ vasissāmī”ti senāsanaṁ paññapeti pānīyaṁ paribhojanīyaṁ upaṭṭhapeti pariveṇaṁ sammajjati, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she thinks, “I’ll stay here for the rainy-season residence,” and she prepares a dwelling, sets out water for drinking and water for washing, and sweeps the yard, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

saha aruṇuggamanā āpatti pācittiyassa.
at dawn, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Vassaṁvuṭṭhā bhikkhunī ubhatosaṅghe tīhi ṭhānehi na pavārentī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When a nun who has completed the rainy-season residence does not invite correction from both Sanghas in regard to three things, she commits one kind of offense:

an offense entailing confession.

Ovādāya vā saṁvāsāya vā na gacchantī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When not going to the instruction or to a formal meeting of the community, she commits one kind of offense:

an offense entailing confession.

Uposathampi na pucchantī ovādampi na yācantī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When not enquiring about the observance day and not asking for the instruction, she commits one kind of offense:

an offense entailing confession.

Pasākhe jātaṁ gaṇḍaṁ vā rudhitaṁ vā anapaloketvā saṅghaṁ vā gaṇaṁ vā purisena saddhiṁ ekenekā bhedāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When being alone with a man and having him rupture an abscess or a wound situated on the lower part of her body, without getting permission from the Sangha or a group, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Bhedāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of having it ruptured, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

bhinne, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has had it ruptured, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Ārāmavaggo chaṭṭho.
The sixth subchapter on monasteries is finished.

4.7. Gabbhinivagga
4.7 The subchapter on pregnant women

Gabbhiniṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to a pregnant woman, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Pāyantiṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to a woman who is breastfeeding, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Dve vassāni chasu dhammesu asikkhitasikkhaṁ sikkhamānaṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to a trainee nun who has not trained in the six rules for two years, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Dve vassāni chasu dhammesu sikkhitasikkhaṁ sikkhamānaṁ saṅghena asammataṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to a trainee nun who has trained in the six rules for two years, but who has not been approved by the Sangha, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Ūnadvādasavassaṁ gihigataṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to a married girl who is less than twelve years old, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Paripuṇṇadvādasavassaṁ gihigataṁ dve vassāni chasu dhammesu asikkhitasikkhaṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to a married girl who is more than twelve years old, but who has not trained in the six rules for two years, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Paripuṇṇadvādasavassaṁ gihigataṁ dve vassāni chasu dhammesu sikkhitasikkhaṁ saṅghena asammataṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to a married girl who is more than twelve years old and who has trained for two years in the six rules, but who has not been approved by the Sangha, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Sahajīviniṁ vuṭṭhāpetvā dve vassāni neva anuggaṇhantī nānuggaṇhāpentī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to a disciple, and then, for the next two years, neither guiding her nor having her guided, she commits one kind of offense:

an offense entailing confession.

Vuṭṭhāpitaṁ pavattiniṁ dve vassāni nānubandhantī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When not following the mentor who gave her the full admission for two years, she commits one kind of offense:

an offense entailing confession.

Sahajīviniṁ vuṭṭhāpetvā neva vūpakāsentī na vūpakāsāpentī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to a disciple, and then neither taking her away nor having her taken away, she commits one kind of offense:

an offense entailing confession.

Gabbhinivaggo sattamo.
The seventh subchapter on pregnant women is finished.

4.8. Kumāribhūtavagga
4.8 The subchapter on unmarried girls

Ūnavīsativassaṁ kumāribhūtaṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to an unmarried girl who is less than twenty years old, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Paripuṇṇavīsativassaṁ kumāribhūtaṁ dve vassāni chasu dhammesu asikkhitasikkhaṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to an unmarried girl who is more than twenty years old, but who has not trained in the six rules for two years, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Paripuṇṇavīsativassaṁ kumāribhūtaṁ dve vassāni chasu dhammesu sikkhitasikkhaṁ saṅghena asammataṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to an unmarried girl who is more than twenty years old and who has trained for two years in the six rules, but who has not been approved by the Sangha, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Ūnadvādasavassā vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When one who has less than twelve years of seniority gives the full admission, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Paripuṇṇadvādasavassā saṅghena asammatā vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When one who has twelve years of seniority gives the full admission without approval from the Sangha, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

“Alaṁ tāva te, ayye, vuṭṭhāpitenā”ti vuccamānā “sādhū”ti paṭissuṇitvā pacchā khīyanadhammaṁ āpajjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When verbally consenting when being told, “Venerable, you’ve given enough full admissions for now,” but then criticizing it afterwards, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Khiyyati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is criticizing, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

khiyyite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has criticized, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Sikkhamānaṁ—“sace me tvaṁ, ayye, cīvaraṁ dassasi, evāhaṁ taṁ vuṭṭhāpessāmī”ti vatvā neva vuṭṭhāpentī na vuṭṭhāpanāya ussukkaṁ karontī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When telling a trainee nun, “If you give me a robe, Venerable, I’ll give you the full admission,” but then neither giving her the full admission nor making any effort to have her fully admitted, she commits one kind of offense:

an offense entailing confession.

Sikkhamānaṁ—“sace maṁ tvaṁ, ayye, dve vassāni anubandhissasi, evāhaṁ taṁ vuṭṭhāpessāmī”ti vatvā neva vuṭṭhāpentī na vuṭṭhāpanāya ussukkaṁ karontī ekaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati.
When telling a trainee nun, “If you follow me for two years, Venerable, I’ll give you the full admission,” but then neither giving her the full admission nor making any effort to have her fully admitted, she commits one kind of offense:

an offense entailing confession.

Purisasaṁsaṭṭhaṁ kumārakasaṁsaṭṭhaṁ caṇḍiṁ sokāvāsaṁ sikkhamānaṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to a trainee nun who is socializing with men and boys and who is temperamental and difficult to live with, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Mātāpitūhi vā sāmikena vā ananuññātaṁ sikkhamānaṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to a trainee nun who has not been given permission by her parents or her husband, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Pārivāsikachandadānena sikkhamānaṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to a trainee nun after a given consent has expired, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Anuvassaṁ vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving full admission every year, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Ekaṁ vassaṁ dve vuṭṭhāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When giving the full admission to two women in one year, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Vuṭṭhāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of giving the full admission, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

vuṭṭhāpite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has given the full admission, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Kumāribhūtavaggo aṭṭhamo.
The eighth subchapter on unmarried girls is finished.

4.9. Chattupāhanavagga
4.9 The subchapter on sunshades and sandals

Chattupāhanaṁ dhārentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When using a sunshade and sandals, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Dhāreti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is using them, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

dhārite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has used them, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Yānena yāyantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When traveling in a vehicle, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Yāyati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is traveling, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

yāyite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has traveled, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Saṅghāṇiṁ dhārentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When wearing a hip ornament, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Dhāreti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is wearing it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

dhārite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has worn it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Itthālaṅkāraṁ dhārentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When wearing jewellery, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Dhāreti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is wearing it, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

dhārite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has worn it, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Gandhavaṇṇakena nahāyantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When bathing with scents and colors, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Nahāyati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is bathing, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

nahānapariyosāne, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has bathed, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Vāsitakena piññākena nahāyantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When bathing with scents and oilseed flour, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Nahāyati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is bathing, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

nahānapariyosāne, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has bathed, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Bhikkhuniyā ummaddāpentī parimaddāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When having a nun massage or rub her, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Ummaddāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is getting rubbed, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

ummaddite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has gotten rubbed, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Sikkhamānāya ummaddāpentī parimaddāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When having a trainee nun massage or rub her, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Ummaddāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is getting rubbed, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

ummaddite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has gotten rubbed, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Sāmaṇeriyā ummaddāpentī parimaddāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When having a novice nun massage or rub her, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Ummaddāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is getting rubbed, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

ummaddite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has gotten rubbed, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Gihiniyā ummaddāpentī parimaddāpentī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When having a female householder massage or rub her, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Ummaddāpeti, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is getting rubbed, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

ummaddite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has gotten rubbed, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Bhikkhussa purato anāpucchā āsane nisīdantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When sitting down on a seat in front of a monk without asking permission, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Nisīdati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is in the process of sitting down, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

nisinne, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she is seated, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Anokāsakataṁ bhikkhuṁ pañhaṁ pucchantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When asking a question of a monk who has not given her permission, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Pucchati, payoge dukkaṭaṁ;
when she is asking, then for the effort there is an offense of wrong conduct;

pucchite, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she has asked, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Asaṅkaccikā gāmaṁ pavisantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When entering an inhabited area without wearing her chest wrap, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Paṭhamaṁ pādaṁ parikkhepaṁ atikkāmeti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she crosses the boundary with her first foot, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

dutiyaṁ pādaṁ atikkāmeti, āpatti pācittiyassa.
when she crosses with her second foot, she commits an offense entailing confession.

Chattupāhanavaggo navamo.
The ninth subchapter on sunshades and sandals is finished.

Khuddakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.
The section on minor rules is finished.

5. Pāṭidesanīyakaṇḍa
5. The chapter on offenses entailing acknowledgment

Sappiṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When asking for ghee and then eating it, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Bhuñjissāmīti paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she receives it with the intention of eating it, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

ajjhohāre ajjhohāre āpatti pāṭidesanīyassa.
for every mouthful, she commits an offense entailing acknowledgment.

Telaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When asking for oil and then eating it, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Bhuñjissāmīti paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she receives it with the intention of eating it, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

ajjhohāre ajjhohāre āpatti pāṭidesanīyassa.
for every mouthful, she commits an offense entailing acknowledgment.

Madhuṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When asking for honey and then eating it, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Bhuñjissāmīti paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she receives it with the intention of eating it, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

ajjhohāre ajjhohāre āpatti pāṭidesanīyassa.
for every mouthful, she commits an offense entailing acknowledgment.

Phāṇitaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When asking for syrup and then eating it, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Bhuñjissāmīti paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she receives it with the intention of eating it, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

ajjhohāre ajjhohāre āpatti pāṭidesanīyassa.
for every mouthful, she commits an offense entailing acknowledgment.

Macchaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When asking for fish and then eating it, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Bhuñjissāmīti paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she receives it with the intention of eating it, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

ajjhohāre ajjhohāre āpatti pāṭidesanīyassa.
for every mouthful, she commits an offense entailing acknowledgment.

Maṁsaṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When asking for meat and then eating it, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Bhuñjissāmīti paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she receives it with the intention of eating it, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

ajjhohāre ajjhohāre āpatti pāṭidesanīyassa.
for every mouthful, she commits an offense entailing acknowledgment.

Khīraṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When asking for milk and then drinking it, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Bhuñjissāmīti paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she receives it with the intention of drinking it, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

ajjhohāre ajjhohāre āpatti pāṭidesanīyassa.
for every mouthful, she commits an offense entailing acknowledgment.

Dadhiṁ viññāpetvā bhuñjantī dve āpattiyo āpajjati.
When asking for curd and then eating it, she commits two kinds of offenses:

Bhuñjissāmīti paṭiggaṇhāti, āpatti dukkaṭassa;
when she receives it with the intention of eating it, she commits an offense of wrong conduct;

ajjhohāre ajjhohāre āpatti pāṭidesanīyassa.
for every mouthful, she commits an offense entailing acknowledgment.

Aṭṭha pāṭidesanīyā niṭṭhitā.
The eight offenses entailing acknowledgment are finished.

Katāpattivāro niṭṭhito dutiyo.
The second section on “how many offenses?” is finished.