Translators: brahmali
The Compendium
5. Samathabheda
Subdivision on settling
1. Adhikaraṇapariyāyavāra
The section with a succession on legal issues
In regard to legal issues arising from disputes:
kiṁ pubbaṅgamaṁ?
What is the forerunner?
Kati ṭhānāni?
How many reasons are there?
Kati vatthūni?
How many grounds?
Kati bhūmiyo?
How many foundations?
Kati hetū?
How many causes?
Kati mūlāni?
How many roots?
Katihākārehi vivadati?
Through how many motives does one dispute?
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammati?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from a dispute settled?
In regard to legal issues arising from accusations:
kiṁ pubbaṅgamaṁ?
What is the forerunner?
Kati ṭhānāni?
How many reasons are there?
Kati vatthūni?
How many grounds?
Kati bhūmiyo?
How many foundations?
Kati hetū?
How many causes?
Kati mūlāni?
How many roots?
Katihākārehi anuvadati?
Through how many motives does one accuse?
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammati?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from an accusation settled?
In regard to legal issues arising from offenses:
kiṁ pubbaṅgamaṁ?
What is the forerunner?
Kati ṭhānāni?
How many reasons are there?
Kati vatthūni?
How many grounds?
Kati bhūmiyo?
How many foundations?
Kati hetū?
How many causes?
Kati mūlāni?
How many roots?
Katihākārehi āpattiṁ āpajjati?
Through how many motives does one commit an offense?
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammati?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from an offense settled?
In regard to legal issues arising from business:
kiṁ pubbaṅgamaṁ?
What is the forerunner?
Kati ṭhānāni?
How many reasons are there?
Kati vatthūni?
How many grounds?
Kati bhūmiyo?
How many foundations?
Kati hetū?
How many causes?
Kati mūlāni?
How many roots?
Katihākārehi kiccaṁ jāyati?
Through how many motives does one give rise to business?
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammati?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from business settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇassa kiṁ pubbaṅgamanti?
“What is the forerunner of legal issues arising from disputes?”
Lobho pubbaṅgamo, doso pubbaṅgamo, moho pubbaṅgamo, alobho pubbaṅgamo, adoso pubbaṅgamo, amoho pubbaṅgamo.
Desire is a forerunner, ill will is a forerunner, confusion is a forerunner, non-desire is a forerunner, non-ill will is a forerunner, non-confusion is a forerunner.
Kati ṭhānānīti?
“How many reasons are there?”
Aṭṭhārasa bhedakaravatthūni ṭhānāni.
The eighteen grounds for schism.
Kati vatthūnīti?
“How many grounds are there?”
Aṭṭhārasa bhedakaravatthūni.
The eighteen grounds for schism.
Kati bhūmiyoti?
“How many foundations are there?”
Aṭṭhārasa bhedakaravatthūni bhūmiyo.
The eighteen grounds for schism.
Kati hetūti?
“How many causes are there?”
Nava hetū—
tayo kusalahetū, tayo akusalahetū, tayo abyākatahetū.
there are three wholesome causes, three unwholesome causes, and three indeterminate causes.
Kati mūlānīti?
“How many roots are there?”
Dvādasa mūlāni.
Katihākārehi vivadatīti?
“Through how many motives does one dispute?”
Dvīhākārehi vivadati—
Through two:
dhammadiṭṭhi vā adhammadiṭṭhi vā.
through a view that accords with the Teaching, or through a view that is contrary to the Teaching.
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammatīti?
“Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from a dispute settled?”
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ dvīhi samathehi sammati—
Through two of them:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face and through a majority decision.
Anuvādādhikaraṇassa kiṁ pubbaṅgamanti?
“What is the forerunner of legal issues arising from accusations?”
Lobho pubbaṅgamo, doso pubbaṅgamo, moho pubbaṅgamo, alobho pubbaṅgamo, adoso pubbaṅgamo, amoho pubbaṅgamo.
Desire is a forerunner, ill will is a forerunner, confusion is a forerunner, non-desire is a forerunner, non-ill will is a forerunner, non-confusion is a forerunner.
Kati ṭhānānīti?
“How many reasons are there?”
Catasso vipattiyo ṭhānāni.
The four failures.
Kati vatthūnīti?
“How many grounds are there?”
Catasso vipattiyo vatthūni.
The four failures.
Kati bhūmiyoti?
“How many foundations are there?”
Catasso vipattiyo bhūmiyo.
The four failures.
Kati hetūti?
“How many causes are there?”
Nava hetū—
tayo kusalahetū, tayo akusalahetū, tayo abyākatahetū.
there are three wholesome causes, three unwholesome causes, and three indeterminate causes.
Kati mūlānīti?
“How many roots are there?”
Cuddasa mūlāni.
Katihākārehi anuvadatīti?
“Through how many motives does one accuse?”
Dvīhākārehi anuvadati—
Through two:
vatthuto vā āpattito vā.
Through action or through offense.
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammatīti?
“Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from an accusation settled?”
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ catūhi samathehi sammati—
Through four of them:
sammukhāvinayena ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, and through a further penalty.
Āpattādhikaraṇassa kiṁ pubbaṅgamanti?
“What is the forerunner of legal issues arising from offenses?”
Lobho pubbaṅgamo, doso pubbaṅgamo, moho pubbaṅgamo, alobho pubbaṅgamo, adoso pubbaṅgamo, amoho pubbaṅgamo.
Desire is a forerunner, ill will is a forerunner, confusion is a forerunner, non-desire is a forerunner, non-ill will is a forerunner, non-confusion is a forerunner.
Kati ṭhānānīti?
“How many reasons are there?”
Satta āpattikkhandhā ṭhānāni.
The seven classes of offenses.
Kati vatthūnīti?
“How many grounds are there?”
Satta āpattikkhandhā vatthūni.
The seven classes of offenses.
Kati bhūmiyoti?
“How many foundations are there?”
Satta āpattikkhandhā bhūmiyo.
The seven classes of offenses.
Kati hetūti?
“How many causes are there?”
Cha hetū—
tayo akusalahetū, tayo abyākatahetū.
three unwholesome causes and three indeterminate causes.
Kati mūlānīti?
“How many roots are there?”
Cha āpattisamuṭṭhānāni mūlāni.
The six originations of offenses.
Katihākārehi āpattiṁ āpajjatīti?
“Through how many motives does one commit an offense?”
Chahākārehi āpattiṁ āpajjati—
Through six:
alajjitā, aññāṇatā, kukkuccapakatatā, akappiye kappiyasaññitā, kappiye akappiyasaññitā, satisammosā.
through shamelessness, through ignorance, through being overcome by anxiety, through perceiving what is unallowable as allowable, through perceiving what is allowable as unallowable, through absentmindedness.
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammatīti?
“Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from an offense settled?”
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ tīhi samathehi sammati—
Through three of them:
sammukhāvinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca, sammukhāvinayena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face and through acting according to what has been admitted, and through resolution face-to-face and through covering over as if with grass.
Kiccādhikaraṇassa kiṁ pubbaṅgamanti?
“What is the forerunner of legal issues arising from business?”
Lobho pubbaṅgamo, doso pubbaṅgamo, moho pubbaṅgamo, alobho pubbaṅgamo, adoso pubbaṅgamo, amoho pubbaṅgamo.
Desire is a forerunner, ill will is a forerunner, confusion is a forerunner, non-desire is a forerunner, non-ill will is a forerunner, non-confusion is a forerunner.
Kati ṭhānānīti?
“How many reasons are there?”
Cattāri kammāni ṭhānāni.
The four legal procedures.
Kati vatthūnīti?
“How many grounds are there?”
Cattāri kammāni vatthūni.
The four legal procedures.
Kati bhūmiyoti?
“How many foundations are there?”
Cattāri kammāni bhūmiyo.
The four legal procedures.
Kati hetūti?
“How many causes are there?”
Nava hetū—
tayo kusalahetū, tayo akusalahetū, tayo abyākatahetū.
there are three wholesome causes, three unwholesome causes, and three indeterminate causes.
Kati mūlānīti?
“How many roots are there?”
Ekaṁ mūlaṁ—
The Sangha.
Katihākārehi kiccaṁ jāyatīti?
“Through how many motives does one give rise to business?”
Dvīhākārehi kiccaṁ jāyati—
Through two:
ñattito vā apalokanato vā.
through a motion or though getting permission.
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammatīti?
“Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from business settled?”
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ ekena samathena sammati—
Through one:
through resolution face-to-face.
Kati samathā?
How many principles for settling are there?
Satta samathā.
Sammukhāvinayo, sativinayo, amūḷhavinayo, paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, yebhuyyasikā, tassapāpiyasikā, tiṇavatthārako—
resolution face-to-face, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a majority decision, a further penalty, and covering over as if with grass.
ime satta samathā.
Siyā ime satta samathā dasa samathā honti, dasa samathā satta samathā honti vatthuvasena pariyāyena?
With a different presentation, might the seven principles for settling become ten, and the ten become seven?
They might.
Kathañca siyā?
Vivādādhikaraṇassa dve samathā, anuvādādhikaraṇassa cattāro samathā, āpattādhikaraṇassa tayo samathā, kiccādhikaraṇassa eko samatho.
A legal issue arising from a dispute is settled through two principles, a legal issue arising from an accusation is settled through four principles, a legal issue arising from an offense is settled through three principles, a legal issue arising from business is settled through one principles.
Evaṁ ime satta samathā dasa samathā honti, dasa samathā satta samathā honti vatthuvasena pariyāyena.
In this way, the seven principles for settling become ten, and the ten become seven.
Pariyāyavāro niṭṭhito chaṭṭho.
The sixth section on “a different presentation” is finished.
2. Sādhāraṇavāra
2. The section on “in common”
Kati samathā vivādādhikaraṇassa sādhāraṇā?
How many of the principles for settling legal issues arising from disputes do the monks and the nuns have in common?
Kati samathā vivādādhikaraṇassa asādhāraṇā?
How many do they not have in common?
Kati samathā anuvādādhikaraṇassa sādhāraṇā?
How many of the principles for settling legal issues arising from accusations do the monks and the nuns have in common?
Kati samathā anuvādādhikaraṇassa asādhāraṇā?
How many do they not have in common?
Kati samathā āpattādhikaraṇassa sādhāraṇā?
How many of the principles for settling legal issues arising from offenses do the monks and the nuns have in common?
Kati samathā āpattādhikaraṇassa asādhāraṇā?
How many do they not have in common?
Kati samathā kiccādhikaraṇassa sādhāraṇā?
How many of the principles for settling legal issue arising from business do the monks and the nuns have in common?
Kati samathā kiccādhikaraṇassa asādhāraṇā?
How many do they not have in common?
Dve samathā vivādādhikaraṇassa sādhāraṇā—
They have two principles for settling legal issues arising from disputes in common:
sammukhāvinayo, yebhuyyasikā.
resolution face-to-face and a majority decision.
Pañca samathā vivādādhikaraṇassa asādhāraṇā—
And they have five not in common:
sativinayo, amūḷhavinayo, paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, tassapāpiyasikā, tiṇavatthārako.
resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, and covering over as if with grass.
Cattāro samathā anuvādādhikaraṇassa sādhāraṇā—
They have four principles for settling legal issues arising from accusations in common:
sammukhāvinayo, sativinayo, amūḷhavinayo, tassapāpiyasikā.
resolution face-to-face, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, and a further penalty.
Tayo samathā anuvādādhikaraṇassa asādhāraṇā—
And they have three not in common:
yebhuyyasikā, paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, tiṇavatthārako.
a majority decision, acting according to what has been admitted, and covering over as if with grass.
Tayo samathā āpattādhikaraṇassa sādhāraṇā—
They have three principles for settling legal issues arising from offenses in common:
sammukhāvinayo, paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, tiṇavatthārako.
resolution face-to-face, acting according to what has been admitted, and covering over as if with grass.
Cattāro samathā āpattādhikaraṇassa asādhāraṇā—
And they have four not in common:
yebhuyyasikā, sativinayo, amūḷhavinayo, tassapāpiyasikā.
a majority decision, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, and a further penalty.
Eko samatho kiccādhikaraṇassa sādhāraṇo—
They have one principle for settling legal issues arising from business in common:
resolution face-to-face.
Cha samathā kiccādhikaraṇassa asādhāraṇā—
And they have six not in common:
yebhuyyasikā, sativinayo, amūḷhavinayo, paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, tassapāpiyasikā, tiṇavatthārako.
a majority decision, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, and covering over as if with grass.
Sādhāraṇavāro niṭṭhito sattamo.
The seventh section on “in common” is finished.
3. Tabbhāgiyavāra
3. The section on “belonging to that”
Kati samathā vivādādhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyā?
How many principles for settling are there that belong to legal issues arising from disputes?
Kati samathā vivādādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyā?
How many belong to something else?
Kati samathā anuvādādhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyā?
How many principles for settling are there that belong to legal issues arising from accusations?
Kati samathā anuvādādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyā?
How many belong to something else?
Kati samathā āpattādhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyā?
How many principles for settling are there that belong to legal issues arising from offenses?
Kati samathā āpattādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyā?
How many belong to something else?
Kati samathā kiccādhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyā?
How many principles for settling are there that belong to legal issues arising from business?
Kati samathā kiccādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyā?
How many belong to something else?
Dve samathā vivādādhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyā—
There are two principles for settling that belong to legal issues arising from disputes:
sammukhāvinayo, yebhuyyasikā.
resolution face-to-face and a majority decision.
Pañca samathā vivādādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyā—
And there are five that belong to something else:
sativinayo, amūḷhavinayo, paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, tassapāpiyasikā, tiṇavatthārako.
resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, and covering over as if with grass.
Cattāro samathā anuvādādhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyā—
There are four principles for settling that belong to legal issues arising from accusations:
sammukhāvinayo, sativinayo, amūḷhavinayo, tassapāpiyasikā.
resolution face-to-face, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, and a further penalty.
Tayo samathā anuvādādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyā—
And there are three that belong to something else:
yebhuyyasikā, paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, tiṇavatthārako.
a majority decision, acting according to what has been admitted, and covering over as if with grass.
Tayo samathā āpattādhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyā—
There are three principles for settling that belong to legal issues arising from offenses:
sammukhāvinayo, paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, tiṇavatthārako.
resolution face-to-face, acting according to what has been admitted, and covering over as if with grass.
Cattāro samathā āpattādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyā—
And there are four that belong to something else:
yebhuyyasikā, sativinayo, amūḷhavinayo, tassapāpiyasikā.
a majority decision, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, and a further penalty.
Eko samatho kiccādhikaraṇassa tabbhāgiyo—
There is one principle for settling that belongs to legal issues arising from business:
resolution face-to-face.
Cha samathā kiccādhikaraṇassa aññabhāgiyā—
And there are six that belong to something else:
yebhuyyasikā, sativinayo, amūḷhavinayo, paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, tassapāpiyasikā, tiṇavatthārako.
a majority decision, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, and covering over as if with grass.
Tabbhāgiyavāro niṭṭhito aṭṭhamo.
The eighth section on “belonging to that” is finished
4. Samathāsamathassasādhāraṇavāra
4. The section on different principles for settling used in common
Samathā samathassa sādhāraṇā, samathā samathassa asādhāraṇā.
One principle for settling is used in common with another principle for settling, and one principle for settling is not used in common with another principle for settling.
Siyā samathā samathassa sādhāraṇā, siyā samathā samathassa asādhāraṇā.
It may be that one principle for settling is used in common with another principle for settling, and it may be that one principle for settling is not used in common with another principle for settling.
Kathaṁ siyā samathā samathassa sādhāraṇā?
How may it be that one principle for settling is used in common with another principle for settling?
Kathaṁ siyā samathā samathassa asādhāraṇā?
How may it be that one principle for settling is not used in common with another principle for settling?
Yebhuyyasikā sammukhāvinayassa sādhāraṇā, sativinayassa amūḷhavinayassa paṭiññātakaraṇassa tassapāpiyasikāya tiṇavatthārakassa asādhāraṇā.
A majority decision is used in common with resolution face-to-face. It is not used in common with resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, or covering over as if with grass.
Sativinayo sammukhāvinayassa sādhāraṇo, amūḷhavinayassa paṭiññātakaraṇassa tassapāpiyasikāya tiṇavatthārakassa yebhuyyasikāya asādhāraṇo.
Resolution through recollection is used in common with resolution face-to-face. It is not used in common with resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, or a majority decision.
Amūḷhavinayo sammukhāvinayassa sādhāraṇo, paṭiññātakaraṇassa tassapāpiyasikāya tiṇavatthārakassa yebhuyyasikāya sativinayassa asādhāraṇo.
Resolution because of past insanity is used in common with resolution face-to-face. It is not used in common with acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, a majority decision, or resolution through recollection.
Paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ sammukhāvinayassa sādhāraṇaṁ, tassapāpiyasikāya tiṇavatthārakassa yebhuyyasikāya sativinayassa amūḷhavinayassa asādhāraṇaṁ.
Acting according to what has been admitted is used in common with resolution face-to-face. It is not used in common with a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, a majority decision, resolution through recollection, or resolution because of past insanity.
Tassapāpiyasikā sammukhāvinayassa sādhāraṇā, tiṇavatthārakassa yebhuyyasikāya sativinayassa amūḷhavinayassa paṭiññātakaraṇassa asādhāraṇā.
A further penalty is used in common with resolution face-to-face. It is not used in common with covering over as if with grass, a majority decision, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, or acting according to what has been admitted.
Tiṇavatthārako sammukhāvinayassa sādhāraṇo, yebhuyyasikāya sativinayassa amūḷhavinayassa paṭiññātakaraṇassa tassapāpiyasikāya asādhāraṇo.
Covering over as if with grass is used in common with resolution face-to-face. It is not used in common with a majority decision, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, or a further penalty.
Evaṁ siyā samathā samathassa sādhāraṇā;
evaṁ siyā samathā samathassa asādhāraṇā.
Samathā samathassa sādhāraṇavāro niṭṭhito navamo.
The ninth section on different principles for settling used in common is finished.
5. Samathāsamathassatabbhāgiyavāra
5. The section on different principles for settling belonging with each other
Samathā samathassa tabbhāgiyā, samathā samathassa aññabhāgiyā.
One principle for settling belongs with another principle for settling, and one principle for settling does not belong with another principle for settling.
Siyā samathā samathassa tabbhāgiyā, siyā samathā samathassa aññabhāgiyā.
It may be that one principle for settling belongs with another principle for settling, and it may be that one principle for settling does not belong with another principle for settling.
Kathaṁ siyā samathā samathassa tabbhāgiyā?
How may it be that one principle for settling belongs with another principle for settling?
Kathaṁ siyā samathā samathassa aññabhāgiyā?
How may it be that one principle for settling does not belong with another principle for settling?
Yebhuyyasikā sammukhāvinayassa tabbhāgiyā, sativinayassa amūḷhavinayassa paṭiññātakaraṇassa tassapāpiyasikāya tiṇavatthārakassa aññabhāgiyā.
A majority decision belongs with resolution face-to-face. It does not belong with resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, or covering over as if with grass.
Sativinayo sammukhāvinayassa tabbhāgiyo, amūḷhavinayassa paṭiññātakaraṇassa tassapāpiyasikāya tiṇavatthārakassa yebhuyyasikāya aññabhāgiyo.
Resolution through recollection belongs with resolution face-to-face. It does not belong with resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, or a majority decision.
Amūḷhavinayo sammukhāvinayassa tabbhāgiyo, paṭiññātakaraṇassa tassapāpiyasikāya tiṇavatthārakassa yebhuyyasikāya sativinayassa aññabhāgiyo.
Resolution because of past insanity belongs with resolution face-to-face. It does not belong with acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, a majority decision, or resolution through recollection.
Paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ sammukhāvinayassa tabbhāgiyaṁ, tassapāpiyasikāya tiṇavatthārakassa yebhuyyasikāya sativinayassa amūḷhavinayassa aññabhāgiyaṁ.
Acting according to what has been admitted belongs with resolution face-to-face. It does not belong with a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, a majority decision, resolution through recollection, or resolution because of past insanity.
Tassapāpiyasikā sammukhāvinayassa tabbhāgiyā, tiṇavatthārakassa yebhuyyasikāya sativinayassa amūḷhavinayassa paṭiññātakaraṇassa aññabhāgiyā.
A further penalty belongs with resolution face-to-face. It does not belong with covering over as if with grass, a majority decision, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, or acting according to what has been admitted.
Tiṇavatthārako sammukhāvinayassa tabbhāgiyo, yebhuyyasikāya sativinayassa amūḷhavinayassa paṭiññātakaraṇassa tassapāpiyasikāya aññabhāgiyo.
Covering over as if with grass belongs with resolution face-to-face. It does not belong with a majority decision, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, or a further penalty.
Evaṁ siyā samathā samathassa tabbhāgiyā, evaṁ siyā samathā samathassa aññabhāgiyā.
Samathā samathassa tabbhāgiyavāro niṭṭhito dasamo.
The tenth section on different principles for settling belonging with each other is finished.
6. Samathasammukhāvinayavāra
6. The section on “is a principle for settling also resolution face-to-face?”
Samatho sammukhāvinayo, sammukhāvinayo samatho?
Is a principle for settling also resolution face-to-face, and is resolution face-to-face also a principle for settling?
Samatho yebhuyyasikā, yebhuyyasikā samatho?
Is a principle for settling also a majority decision, and is a majority decision also a principle for settling?
Samatho sativinayo, sativinayo samatho?
Is a principle for settling also resolution through recollection, and is resolution through recollection also a principle for settling?
Samatho amūḷhavinayo, amūḷhavinayo samatho?
Is a principle for settling also resolution because of past insanity, and is resolution because of past insanity also a principle for settling?
Samatho paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ samatho?
Is a principle for settling also acting according to what has been admitted, and is acting according to what has been admitted also a principle for settling?
Samatho tassapāpiyasikā, tassapāpiyasikā samatho?
Is a principle for settling also a further penalty, and is a further penalty also a principle for settling?
Samatho tiṇavatthārako, tiṇavatthārako samatho?
Is a principle for settling also covering over as if with grass, and is covering over as if with grass also a principle for settling?
Yebhuyyasikā sativinayo amūḷhavinayo paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ tassapāpiyasikā tiṇavatthārako—
A majority decision, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, and covering over as if with grass:
ime samathā samathā, no sammukhāvinayo.
these principles for settling are principles for settling, but they are not resolution face-to-face.
Sammukhāvinayo samatho ceva sammukhāvinayo ca.
Resolution face-to-face is both a principle for settling and also resolution face-to-face.
Sativinayo amūḷhavinayo paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ tassapāpiyasikā tiṇavatthārako sammukhāvinayo—
Resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, and resolution face-to-face:
ime samathā samathā, no yebhuyyasikā.
these principles for settling are principles for settling, but they are not a majority decision.
Yebhuyyasikā samatho ceva yebhuyyasikā ca.
A majority decision is both a principle for settling and also a majority decision.
Amūḷhavinayo paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ tassapāpiyasikā tiṇavatthārako sammukhāvinayo yebhuyyasikā—
Resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, resolution face-to-face, and a majority decision:
ime samathā samathā, no sativinayo.
these principles for settling are principles for settling, but they are not resolution through recollection.
Sativinayo samatho ceva sativinayo ca.
Resolution through recollection is both a principle for settling and also resolution through recollection.
Paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ tassapāpiyasikā tiṇavatthārako sammukhāvinayo yebhuyyasikā sativinayo—
Acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, resolution face-to-face, a majority decision, and resolution through recollection:
ime samathā samathā, no amūḷhavinayo.
these principles for settling are principles for settling, but they are not resolution because of past insanity.
Amūḷhavinayo samatho ceva amūḷhavinayo ca.
Resolution because of past insanity is both a principle for settling and also resolution because of past insanity.
Tassapāpiyasikā tiṇavatthārako sammukhāvinayo yebhuyyasikā sativinayo amūḷhavinayo—
A further penalty, covering over as if with grass, resolution face-to-face, a majority decision, resolution through recollection, and resolution because of past insanity:
ime samathā samathā, no paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ.
these principles for settling are principles for settling, but they are not acting according to what has been admitted.
Paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ samatho ceva paṭiññātakaraṇañca.
Acting according to what has been admitted is both a principle for settling and also acting according to what has been admitted.
Tiṇavatthārako sammukhāvinayo yebhuyyasikā sativinayo amūḷhavinayo paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ—
Covering over as if with grass, resolution face-to-face, a majority decision, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, and acting according to what has been admitted:
ime samathā samathā, no tassapāpiyasikā.
these principles for settling are principles for settling, but they are not a further penalty.
Tassapāpiyasikā samatho ceva tassapāpiyasikā ca.
A further penalty is both a principle for settling and also a further penalty.
Sammukhāvinayo yebhuyyasikā sativinayo amūḷhavinayo paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ tassapāpiyasikā—
Resolution face-to-face, a majority decision, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, and a further penalty:
ime samathā samathā, no tiṇavatthārako.
these principles for settling are principles for settling, but they are not covering over as if with grass.
Tiṇavatthārako samatho ceva tiṇavatthārako ca.
Covering over as if with grass is both a principle for settling and also covering over as if with grass.
Samathasammukhāvinayavāro niṭṭhito ekādasamo.
The eleventh section on “is a principle for settling also resolution face-to-face?” is finished.
7. Vinayavāra
7. The section on resolution
Vinayo sammukhāvinayo, sammukhāvinayo vinayo?
Is a resolution also resolution face-to-face, and is resolution face-to-face also a resolution?
Vinayo yebhuyyasikā, yebhuyyasikā vinayo?
Is a resolution also a majority decision, and is a majority decision also a resolution?
Vinayo sativinayo, sativinayo vinayo?
Is a resolution also resolution through recollection, and is resolution through recollection also a resolution?
Vinayo amūḷhavinayo, amūḷhavinayo vinayo?
Is a resolution also resolution because of past insanity, and is resolution because of past insanity also a resolution?
Vinayo paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ vinayo?
Is a resolution also acting according to what has been admitted, and is acting according to what has been admitted also a resolution?
Vinayo tassapāpiyasikā, tassapāpiyasikā vinayo?
Is a resolution also a further penalty, and is a further penalty also a resolution?
Vinayo tiṇavatthārako, tiṇavatthārako vinayo?
Is a resolution also covering over as if with grass, and is covering over as if with grass also a resolution?
Vinayo siyā sammukhāvinayo siyā na sammukhāvinayo.
A resolution may be resolution face-to-face, or it may not be resolution face-to-face.
Sammukhāvinayo vinayo ceva sammukhāvinayo ca.
Resolution face-to-face is both a resolution and also resolution face-to-face.
Vinayo siyā yebhuyyasikā, siyā na yebhuyyasikā.
A resolution may be a majority decision, or it may not be a majority decision.
Yebhuyyasikā vinayo ceva yebhuyyasikā ca.
A majority decision is both a resolution and also a majority decision.
Vinayo siyā sativinayo, siyā na sativinayo.
A resolution may be resolution through recollection, or it may not be resolution through recollection.
Sativinayo vinayo ceva sativinayo ca.
Resolution through recollection is both a resolution and also resolution through recollection.
Vinayo siyā amūḷhavinayo, siyā na amūḷhavinayo.
A resolution may be resolution because of past insanity, or it may not be resolution because of past insanity.
Amūḷhavinayo vinayo ceva amūḷhavinayo ca.
Resolution because of past insanity is both a resolution and also resolution because of past insanity.
Vinayo siyā paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, siyā na paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ.
A resolution may be acting according to what has been admitted, or it may not be acting according to what has been admitted.
Paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ vinayo ceva paṭiññātakaraṇañca.
Acting according to what has been admitted is both a resolution and also acting according to what has been admitted.
Vinayo siyā tassapāpiyasikā, siyā na tassapāpiyasikā.
A resolution may be a further penalty, or it may not be a further penalty.
Tassapāpiyasikā vinayo ceva tassapāpiyasikā ca.
A further penalty is both a resolution and also a further penalty.
Vinayo siyā tiṇavatthārako, siyā na tiṇavatthārako.
A resolution may be covering over as if with grass, or it may not be covering over as if with grass.
Tiṇavatthārako vinayo ceva tiṇavatthārako ca.
Covering over as if with grass is both a resolution and also covering over as if with grass.
Vinayavāro niṭṭhito dvādasamo.
The twelfth section on resolution is finished.
8. Kusalavāra
8. The section on the wholesome
Sammukhāvinayo kusalo akusalo abyākato?
Is resolution face-to-face wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate?
Yebhuyyasikā kusalā akusalā abyākatā?
Is a majority decision wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate?
Sativinayo kusalo akusalo abyākato?
Is resolution through recollection wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate?
Amūḷhavinayo kusalo akusalo abyākato?
Is resolution because of past insanity wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate?
Paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ kusalaṁ akusalaṁ abyākataṁ?
Is acting according to what has been admitted wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate?
Tassapāpiyasikā kusalā akusalā abyākatā?
Is a further penalty wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate?
Tiṇavatthārako kusalo akusalo abyākato?
Is covering over as if with grass wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate?
Sammukhāvinayo siyā kusalo, siyā abyākato.
Resolution face-to-face may be wholesome or indeterminate; resolution face-to-face is never unwholesome. A majority decision may be wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate. Resolution through recollection may be wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate. Resolution because of past insanity may be wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate. Acting according to what has been admitted may be wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate. A further penalty may be wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate. Covering over as if with grass, may be wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate.
Natthi sammukhāvinayo akusalo.
Yebhuyyasikā siyā kusalā, siyā akusalā, siyā abyākatā.
Sativinayo siyā kusalo, siyā akusalo, siyā abyākato.
Amūḷhavinayo siyā kusalo, siyā akusalo, siyā abyākato.
Paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ siyā kusalaṁ, siyā akusalaṁ, siyā abyākataṁ.
Tassapāpiyasikā siyā kusalā, siyā akusalā siyā abyākatā.
Tiṇavatthārako siyā kusalo, siyā akusalo, siyā abyākato.
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ kusalaṁ akusalaṁ abyākataṁ.
Is a legal issue arising from a dispute wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate?
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ kusalaṁ akusalaṁ abyākataṁ.
Is a legal issue arising from an accusation wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate?
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ kusalaṁ akusalaṁ abyākataṁ.
Is a legal issue arising from an offense wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate?
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ kusalaṁ akusalaṁ abyākataṁ.
Is a legal issues arising from business wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate?
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ siyā kusalaṁ, siyā akusalaṁ, siyā abyākataṁ.
A legal issue arising from a dispute may be wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate. A legal issue arising from an accusation may be wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate. A legal issue arising from an offense may be unwholesome or indeterminate; a legal issue arising from an offense is never wholesome. A legal issue arising from business may be wholesome, unwholesome, or indeterminate.
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ siyā kusalaṁ, siyā akusalaṁ, siyā abyākataṁ.
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ siyā akusalaṁ, siyā abyākataṁ.
Natthi āpattādhikaraṇaṁ kusalaṁ.
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ siyā kusalaṁ, siyā akusalaṁ, siyā abyākataṁ.
Kusalavāro niṭṭhito terasamo.
The thirteenth section on the wholesome is finished.
9. Yatthavāra, pucchāvāra
9. The section on “where”, the section on questioning
Yattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati, tattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati;
Resolution face-to-face is appropriate where a majority decision is appropriate.
yattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati, tattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati.
A majority decision is appropriate where resolution face-to-face is appropriate.
Na tattha sativinayo labbhati, na tattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati, na tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati, na tattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati, na tattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati.
But there, resolution through recollection is not appropriate, nor is resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, or covering over as if with grass.
Yattha sativinayo labbhati, tattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati;
Resolution face-to-face is appropriate where resolution through recollection is appropriate.
yattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati, tattha sativinayo labbhati.
Resolution through recollection is appropriate where resolution face-to-face is appropriate.
Na tattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati, na tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati, na tattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati, na tattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati, na tattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati.
But there, resolution because of past insanity is not appropriate, nor is acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, or a majority decision.
Yattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati, tattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati;
Resolution face-to-face is appropriate where resolution because of past insanity is appropriate.
yattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati, tattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati.
Resolution because of past insanity is appropriate where resolution face-to-face is appropriate.
Na tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati, na tattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati, na tattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati, na tattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati, na tattha sativinayo labbhati.
But there, acting according to what has been admitted is not appropriate, nor a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, a majority decision, or resolution through recollection.
Yattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati, tattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati;
Resolution face-to-face is appropriate where acting according to what has been admitted is appropriate.
yattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati, tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati.
Acting according to what has been admitted is appropriate where resolution face-to-face is appropriate.
Na tattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati, na tattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati, na tattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati, na tattha sativinayo labbhati, na tattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati.
But there, a further penalty is not appropriate, nor is covering over as if with grass, a majority decision, resolution through recollection, or resolution because of past insanity.
Yattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati, tattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati;
Resolution face-to-face is appropriate where a further penalty is appropriate.
yattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati, tattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati.
A further penalty is appropriate where resolution face-to-face is appropriate.
Na tattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati, na tattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati, na tattha sativinayo labbhati, na tattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati, na tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati.
But there, covering over as if with grass is not appropriate, nor is a majority decision, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, or acting according to what has been admitted.
Yattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati, tattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati;
Resolution face-to-face is appropriate where covering over as if with grass is appropriate.
yattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati, tattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati.
Covering over as if with grass is appropriate where resolution face-to-face is appropriate.
Na tattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati, na tattha sativinayo labbhati, na tattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati, na tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati, na tattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati.
But there, a majority decision is not appropriate, nor is resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, or a further penalty.
Yattha yebhuyyasikā tattha sammukhāvinayo;
Where there is a majority decision, there is resolution face-to-face.
yattha sammukhāvinayo tattha yebhuyyasikā.
Where there is resolution face-to-face, there is a majority decision.
Na tattha sativinayo, na tattha amūḷhavinayo, na tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, na tattha tassapāpiyasikā, na tattha tiṇavatthārako.
But there is no resolution through recollection there, nor resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, or covering over as if with grass.
Yattha sativinayo tattha sammukhāvinayo;
Where there is resolution through recollection, there is resolution face-to-face.
yattha sammukhāvinayo tattha sativinayo.
Where there is resolution face-to-face, there is resolution through recollection.
Na tattha amūḷhavinayo, na tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, na tattha tassapāpiyasikā, na tattha tiṇavatthārako, na tattha yebhuyyasikā.
But there is no resolution because of past insanity there, nor acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, or a majority decision.
Sammukhāvinayaṁ kātuna mūlaṁ …pe….
Resolution face-to-face to be done as the basis …
Yattha tiṇavatthārako tattha sammukhāvinayo;
Where there is covering over as if with grass, there is resolution face-to-face.
yattha sammukhāvinayo tattha tiṇavatthārako.
Where there is resolution face-to-face, there is covering over as if with grass.
Na tattha yebhuyyasikā, na tattha sativinayo, na tattha amūḷhavinayo, na tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ, na tattha tassapāpiyasikā.
But there is no majority decision there, nor resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, or a further penalty.
The successive permutation series.
Yatthavāro niṭṭhito cuddasamo.
The fourteenth section on “where” is finished.
10. Samathavāra, vissajjanāvāra
10. The section on settling, the section on responding
Yasmiṁ samaye sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca adhikaraṇaṁ vūpasammati, yattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati tattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati, yattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati tattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati.
On an occasion when a legal issue is being resolved through resolution face-to-face and a majority decision, then, where a majority decision is appropriate, there resolution face-to-face is appropriate, and where resolution face-to-face is appropriate, there a majority decision is appropriate.
Na tattha sativinayo labbhati, na tattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati, na tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati, na tattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati, na tattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati.
But there resolution through recollection is not appropriate, nor is resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, or covering over as if with grass.
Yasmiṁ samaye sammukhāvinayena ca sativinayena ca adhikaraṇaṁ vūpasammati, yattha sativinayo labbhati tattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati, yattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati tattha sativinayo labbhati.
On an occasion when a legal issue is being resolved through resolution face-to-face and resolution through recollection, then, where resolution through recollection is appropriate, there resolution face-to-face is appropriate, and where resolution face-to-face is appropriate, there resolution through recollection is appropriate.
Na tattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati, na tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati, na tattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati, na tattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati, na tattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati.
But there resolution because of past insanity is not appropriate, nor is acting according to what has been admitted, a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, or a majority decision.
Yasmiṁ samaye sammukhāvinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca adhikaraṇaṁ vūpasammati, yattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati tattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati, yattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati tattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati.
On an occasion when a legal issue is being resolved through resolution face-to-face and resolution because of past insanity, then, where resolution because of past insanity is appropriate, there resolution face-to-face is appropriate, and where resolution face-to-face is appropriate, there resolution because of past insanity is appropriate.
Na tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati, na tattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati, na tattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati, na tattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati, na tattha sativinayo labbhati.
But there acting according to what has been admitted is not appropriate, nor is a further penalty, covering over as if with grass, a majority decision, or resolution through recollection.
Yasmiṁ samaye sammukhāvinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca adhikaraṇaṁ vūpasammati, yattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati tattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati, yattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati.
On an occasion when a legal issue is being resolved through resolution face-to-face and acting according to what has been admitted, then, where acting according to what has been admitted is appropriate, there resolution face-to-face is appropriate, and where resolution face-to-face is appropriate, there acting according to what has been admitted is appropriate.
Na tattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati, na tattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati, na tattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati, na tattha sativinayo labbhati, na tattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati.
But there a further penalty is not appropriate, nor is covering over as if with grass, a majority decision, resolution through recollection, or resolution because of past insanity.
Yasmiṁ samaye sammukhāvinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca adhikaraṇaṁ vūpasammati, yattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati tattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati, yattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati tattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati.
On an occasion when a legal issue is being resolved through resolution face-to-face and a further penalty, then, where a further penalty is appropriate, there resolution face-to-face is appropriate, and where resolution face-to-face is appropriate, there a further penalty is appropriate.
Na tattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati, na tattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati, na tattha sativinayo labbhati, na tattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati, na tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati.
But there covering over as if with grass is not appropriate, nor is a majority decision, resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, or acting according to what has been admitted.
Yasmiṁ samaye sammukhāvinayena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca adhikaraṇaṁ vūpasammati, yattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati tattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati, yattha sammukhāvinayo labbhati tattha tiṇavatthārako labbhati.
On an occasion when a legal issue is being resolved through resolution face-to-face and covering over as if with grass, then, where covering over as if with grass is appropriate, there resolution face-to-face is appropriate, and where resolution face-to-face is appropriate, there covering over as if with grass is appropriate.
Na tattha yebhuyyasikā labbhati, na tattha sativinayo labbhati, na tattha amūḷhavinayo labbhati, na tattha paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ labbhati, na tattha tassapāpiyasikā labbhati.
But there a majority decision is not appropriate, nor is resolution through recollection, resolution because of past insanity, acting according to what has been admitted, or a further penalty.
Samathavāro niṭṭhito pannarasamo.
The fifteenth section on settling is finished.
11. Saṁsaṭṭhavāra
11. The section on connection
Adhikaraṇanti vā samathāti vā ime dhammā saṁsaṭṭhā udāhu visaṁsaṭṭhā?
“Are ‘legal issue’ and ‘principle for settling’ connected or disconnected?
Labbhā ca panimesaṁ dhammānaṁ vinibbhujitvā vinibbhujitvā nānākaraṇaṁ paññāpetunti?
Is it possible to completely separate them and point to their difference?”
Adhikaraṇanti vā samathāti vā ime dhammā visaṁsaṭṭhā, no saṁsaṭṭhā.
“‘Legal issue’ and ‘principle for settling’ are disconnected, not connected,
Labbhā ca panimesaṁ dhammānaṁ vinibbhujitvā vinibbhujitvā nānākaraṇaṁ paññāpetunti.
and it’s possible to completely separate them and point to their difference”:
So—“mā hevan”tissa vacanīyo.
they should be told not to say this.
Adhikaraṇanti vā samathāti vā ime dhammā saṁsaṭṭhā, no visaṁsaṭṭhā.
“‘Legal issue’ and ‘principle for settling’ are connected, not disconnected,
No ca labbhā imesaṁ dhammānaṁ vinibbhujitvā vinibbhujitvā nānākaraṇaṁ paññāpetuṁ.
and it’s impossible to completely separate them and point to their difference.
Taṁ kissa hetu?
Why’s that?
Nanu vuttaṁ bhagavatā—
Didn’t the Buddha say that
“cattārimāni, bhikkhave, adhikaraṇāni, satta samathā.
there are four kinds of legal issues and seven principles for settling?
Adhikaraṇā samathehi sammanti, samathā adhikaraṇehi sammanti.
Legal issues are settled through the principles for settling; the principles for settling are settled through legal issues.
Evaṁ, ime dhammā saṁsaṭṭhā no visaṁsaṭṭhā;
In this way they are connected, not disconnected,
no ca labbhā imesaṁ dhammānaṁ vinibbhujitvā vinibbhujitvā nānākaraṇaṁ paññāpetun”ti.
and it’s impossible to completely separate them and point to their difference.”
Saṁsaṭṭhavāro niṭṭhito soḷasamo.
The sixteenth section on connection is finished.
12. Sammativāra
12. The section on settling
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammati?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from a dispute settled?
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammati?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from an accusation settled?
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammati?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from an offense settled?
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammati?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from business settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ dvīhi samathehi sammati—
A legal issue arising from a dispute is settled through two principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face and through a majority decision.
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ catūhi samathehi sammati—
A legal issue arising from an accusation is settled through four principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, and through a further penalty.
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ tīhi samathehi sammati—
A legal issue arising from an offense is settled through three principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through acting according to what has been admitted, and through covering over as if with grass.
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ ekena samathena sammati—
A legal issue arising from business is settled through one principle:
through resolution face-to-face.
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from a dispute and a legal issue arising from an accusation settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca pañcahi samathehi sammanti—
Through five:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, and through a further penalty.
Vivādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from a dispute and a legal issue arising from an offense settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca catūhi samathehi sammanti—
Through four:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through a majority decision, through acting according to what has been admitted, and through covering over as if with grass.
Vivādādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from a dispute and a legal issue arising from business settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca dvīhi samathehi sammanti—
Through two:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face, and through a majority decision.
Anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from an accusation and a legal issue arising from an offense settled?
Anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca chahi samathehi sammanti—
Through six:
sammukhāvinayena ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, and through covering over as if with grass.
Anuvādādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from an accusation and a legal issue arising from business settled?
Anuvādādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca catūhi samathehi sammanti—
Through four:
sammukhāvinayena ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, and through a further penalty.
Āpattādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from an offense and a legal issue arising from business settled?
Āpattādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca tīhi samathehi sammanti—
Through three:
sammukhāvinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through acting according to what has been admitted, and through covering over as if with grass.
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, and a legal issue arising from an offense settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca sattahi samathehi sammanti—
Through seven:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, and through covering over as if with grass.
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, and a legal issue arising from business settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca pañcahi samathehi sammanti—
Through five:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, and through a further penalty.
Anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from an accusation, a legal issue arising from an offense, and a legal issue arising from business settled?
Anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca chahi samathehi sammanti—
Through six:
sammukhāvinayena ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, and through covering over as if with grass.
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, a legal issue arising from an offense, and a legal issue arising from business settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca sattahi samathehi sammanti—
Through seven:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, and through covering over as if with grass.
Sammativāro niṭṭhito sattarasamo.
The seventeenth section on settling is finished.
13. Sammantinasammantivāra
13. The section on settling and not settling
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammati, katihi samathehi na sammati?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from a dispute settled, and through how many principles is it not settled?
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammati, katihi samathehi na sammati?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from an accusation settled, and through how many principles is it not settled?
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammati, katihi samathehi na sammati?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from an offense settled, and through how many principles is it not settled?
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ katihi samathehi sammati, katihi samathehi na sammati?
Through how many principles for settling is a legal issue arising from business settled, and through how many principles is it not settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ dvīhi samathehi sammati—
A legal issue arising from a dispute is settled through two principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face, and through a majority decision.
Pañcahi samathehi na sammati—
It is not settled through five principles:
sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting through according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, and through covering over as if with grass.
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ catūhi samathehi sammati—
A legal issue arising from an accusation is settled through four principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, and through a further penalty.
Tīhi samathehi na sammati—
It is not settled through three principles:
yebhuyyasikāya ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through a majority decision, through acting according to what has been admitted, and through covering over as if with grass.
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ tīhi samathehi sammati—
A legal issue arising from an offense is settled through three principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through acting according to what has been admitted, and through covering over as if with grass.
Catūhi samathehi na sammati—
It is not settled through four principles:
yebhuyyasikāya ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca.
through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, and through a further penalty.
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ ekena samathena sammati—
A legal issue arising from business is settled through one principle:
through resolution face-to-face.
Chahi samathehi na sammati—
It is not settled through six principles:
yebhuyyasikāya ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, and through covering over as if with grass.
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling are a legal issue arising from a dispute and a legal issue arising from an accusation settled?
Katihi samathehi na sammanti?
Through how many principles are they not settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca pañcahi samathehi sammanti—
They are settled through five principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, and through a further penalty.
Dvīhi samathehi na sammanti—
They are not settled through two principles:
paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through acting according to what has been admitted, and through covering over as if with grass.
Vivādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling are a legal issue arising from a dispute and a legal issue arising from an offense settled?
Katihi samathehi na sammanti?
Through how many principles are they not settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca catūhi samathehi sammanti—
They are settled through four principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through a majority decision, through acting according to what has been admitted, and through covering over as if with grass.
Tīhi samathehi na sammanti—
They are not settled through three principles:
sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca.
through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, and through a further penalty.
Vivādādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling are a legal issue arising from a dispute and a legal issue arising from business settled?
Katihi samathehi na sammanti?
Through how many principles are they not settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca dvīhi samathehi sammanti—
They are settled through two principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face, and through a majority decision.
Pañcahi samathehi na sammanti—
They are not settled through five principles:
sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, and through covering over as if with grass.
Anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling are a legal issue arising from an accusation and a legal issue arising from an offense settled?
Katihi samathehi na sammanti?
Through how many principles are they not settled?
Anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca chahi samathehi sammanti—
They are settled through six principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, and through covering over as if with grass.
Ekena samathena na sammanti—
They are not settled through one principle:
through a majority decision.
Anuvādādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling are a legal issue arising from an accusation and a legal issue arising from business settled?
Katihi samathehi na sammanti?
Through how many principles are they not settled?
Anuvādādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca catūhi samathehi sammanti—
They are settled through four principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, and through a further penalty.
Tīhi samathehi na sammanti—
They are not settled through three principles:
yebhuyyasikāya ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through a majority decision, through acting according to what has been admitted, and through covering over as if with grass.
Āpattādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling are a legal issue arising from an offense and a legal issue arising from business settled?
Katihi samathehi na sammanti?
Through how many principles are they not settled?
Āpattādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca tīhi samathehi sammanti—
They are settled through three principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through acting according to what has been admitted, and through covering over as if with grass.
Catūhi samathehi na sammanti—
They are not settled through four principles:
yebhuyyasikāya ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca.
through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, and through a further penalty.
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling are a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, and a legal issue arising from an offense settled?
Katihi samathehi na sammanti?
Through how many principles are they not settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca sattahi samathehi sammanti—
They are settled through seven principles:
ammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, and through covering over as if with grass.
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling are a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, and a legal issue arising from business settled?
Katihi samathehi na sammanti?
Through how many principles are they not settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca pañcahi samathehi sammanti—
They are settled through five principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, and through a further penalty.
Dvīhi samathehi na sammanti—
They are not settled through two principles:
paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through acting according to what has been admitted, and through covering over as if with grass.
Anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling are a legal issue arising from an accusation, a legal issue arising from an offense, and a legal issue arising from business settled?
Katihi samathehi na sammanti?
Through how many principles are they not settled?
Anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca chahi samathehi sammanti—
They are settled through six principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, and through covering over as if with grass.
Ekena samathena na sammanti—
They are not settled through one principle:
through a majority decision.
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca katihi samathehi sammanti?
Through how many principles for settling are a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, a legal issue arising from an offense, and a legal issue arising from business settled?
Katihi samathehi na sammanti?
Through how many principles are they not settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇañca anuvādādhikaraṇañca āpattādhikaraṇañca kiccādhikaraṇañca sattahi samathehi sammanti—
They are settled through seven principles:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, and through covering over as if with grass.
Sammanti na sammantivāro niṭṭhito aṭṭhārasamo.
The eighteenth section on settling and not settling is finished.
14. Samathādhikaraṇavāra
14. The section on principles for settling and legal issues
Samathā samathehi sammanti?
Are principles for settling settled through principles for settling?
Samathā adhikaraṇehi sammanti?
Are principles for settling settled through legal issues?
Adhikaraṇā samathehi sammanti?
Are legal issues settled through principles for settling?
Adhikaraṇā adhikaraṇehi sammanti?
Are legal issues settled through legal issues?
Siyā samathā samathehi sammanti, siyā samathā samathehi na sammanti.
It may be that principles for settling are settled through principles for settling; it may be that principles for settling are not settled through principles for settling.
Siyā samathā adhikaraṇehi sammanti, siyā samathā adhikaraṇehi na sammanti.
It may be that principles for settling are settled through legal issues; it may be that principles for settling are not settled through legal issues.
Siyā adhikaraṇā samathehi sammanti, siyā adhikaraṇā samathehi na sammanti.
It may be that legal issues are settled through principles for settling; it may be that legal issues are not settled through principles for settling.
Siyā adhikaraṇā adhikaraṇehi sammanti, siyā adhikaraṇā adhikaraṇehi na sammanti.
It may be that legal issues are settled through legal issues; it may be that legal issues are not settled through legal issues.
Kathaṁ siyā samathā samathehi sammanti, kathaṁ siyā samathā samathehi na sammanti?
How may it be that principles for settling are settled through principles for settling? And how may it be that principles for settling are not settled through principles for settling?
Yebhuyyasikā sammukhāvinayena sammati;
A majority decision is settled through resolution face-to-face.
sativinayena na sammati, amūḷhavinayena na sammati, paṭiññātakaraṇena na sammati, tassapāpiyasikāya na sammati, tiṇavatthārakena na sammati.
It is not settled through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, or through covering over as if with grass.
Sativinayo sammukhāvinayena sammati;
Resolution through recollection is settled through resolution face-to-face.
amūḷhavinayena na sammati, paṭiññātakaraṇena na sammāti, tassapāpiyasikāya na sammati, tiṇavatthārakena na sammati, yebhuyyasikāya na sammati.
It is not settled through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, through covering over as if with grass, or through a majority decision.
Amūḷhavinayo sammukhāvinayena sammati;
Resolution because of past insanity is settled through resolution face-to-face.
paṭiññātakaraṇena na sammati, tassapāpiyasikāya na sammati, tiṇavatthārakena na sammati, yebhuyyasikāya na sammati, sativinayena na sammati.
It is not settled through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, through covering over as if with grass, through a majority decision, or through resolution through recollection.
Paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ sammukhāvinayena sammati;
Acting according to what has been admitted is settled through resolution face-to-face.
tassapāpiyasikāya na sammati, tiṇavatthārakena na sammati, yebhuyyasikāya na sammati, sativinayena na sammati, amūḷhavinayena na sammati.
It is not settled through a further penalty, through covering over as if with grass, through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, or through resolution because of past insanity.
Tassapāpiyasikā sammukhāvinayena sammati;
A further penalty is settled through resolution face-to-face.
tiṇavatthārakena na sammati, yebhuyyasikāya na sammati, sativinayena na sammati, amūḷhavinayena na sammati, paṭiññātakaraṇena na sammati.
It is not settled through covering over as if with grass, through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, or through acting according to what has been admitted.
Tiṇavatthārako sammukhāvinayena sammati;
Covering over as if with grass is settled through resolution face-to-face.
yebhuyyasikāya na sammati, sativinayena na sammati, amūḷhavinayena na sammati, paṭiññātakaraṇena na sammati, tassapāpiyasikāya na sammati.
It is not settled through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, or through a further penalty.
Evaṁ siyā samathā samathehi sammanti.
Evaṁ siyā samathā samathehi na sammanti.
Kathaṁ siyā samathā adhikaraṇehi sammanti, kathaṁ siyā samathā adhikaraṇehi na sammanti?
How may it be that principles for settling are settled through legal issues? How may it be that principles for settling are not settled through legal issues?
Sammukhāvinayo vivādādhikaraṇena na sammati, anuvādādhikaraṇena na sammati, āpattādhikaraṇena na sammati;
Resolution face-to-face is not settled through a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, or a legal issue arising from an offense.
kiccādhikaraṇena sammati.
It is settled through a legal issue arising from business.
Yebhuyyasikā vivādādhikaraṇena na sammati, anuvādādhikaraṇena na sammati, āpattādhikaraṇena na sammati;
A majority decision is not settled through a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, or a legal issue arising from an offense.
kiccādhikaraṇena sammati.
It is settled through a legal issue arising from business.
Sativinayo vivādādhikaraṇena na sammati, anuvādādhikaraṇena na sammati, āpattādhikaraṇena na sammati;
Resolution through recollection is not settled through a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, or a legal issue arising from an offense.
kiccādhikaraṇena sammati.
It is settled through a legal issue arising from business.
Amūḷhavinayo vivādādhikaraṇena na sammati, anuvādādhikaraṇena na sammati, āpattādhikaraṇena na sammati;
Resolution because of past insanity is not settled through a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, or a legal issue arising from an offense.
kiccādhikaraṇena sammati.
It is settled through a legal issue arising from business.
Paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ vivādādhikaraṇena na sammati, anuvādādhikaraṇena na sammati, āpattādhikaraṇena na sammati;
Acting according to what has been admitted is not settled through a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, or a legal issue arising from an offense.
kiccādhikaraṇena sammati.
It is settled through a legal issue arising from business.
Tassapāpiyasikā vivādādhikaraṇena na sammati, anuvādādhikaraṇena na sammati, āpattādhikaraṇena na sammati;
A further penalty is not settled through a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, or a legal issue arising from an offense.
kiccādhikaraṇena sammati.
It is settled through a legal issue arising from business.
Tiṇavatthārako vivādādhikaraṇena na sammati, anuvādādhikaraṇena na sammati, āpattādhikaraṇena na sammati;
Covering over as if with grass is not settled through a legal issue arising from a dispute, a legal issue arising from an accusation, or a legal issue arising from an offense.
kiccādhikaraṇena sammati.
It is settled through a legal issue arising from business.
Evaṁ siyā samathā adhikaraṇehi sammanti.
Evaṁ siyā samathā adhikaraṇehi na sammanti.
Kathaṁ siyā adhikaraṇā samathehi sammanti, kathaṁ siyā adhikaraṇā samathehi na sammanti?
How may it be that legal issues are settled through principles for settling? How may it be that legal issues are not settled through principles for settling?
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca sammati;
A legal issue arising from a dispute is settled though resolution face-to-face and through a majority decision.
sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca tiṇavatthārakena ca na sammati.
It is not settled through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, or through covering over as if with grass.
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ sammukhāvinayena ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca sammati;
A legal issue arising from an accusation is settled though resolution face-to-face, though resolution through recollection, though resolution because of past insanity, and though a further penalty.
yebhuyyasikāya ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca na sammati.
It is not settled through a majority decision, through acting according to what has been admitted, or through covering over as if with grass.
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ sammukhāvinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca sammati;
A legal issue arising from an offense is settled though resolution face-to-face, through acting according to what has been admitted, and through covering over as if with grass.
yebhuyyasikāya ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca na sammati.
It is not settled through a majority decision, though resolution through recollection, though resolution because of past insanity, or though a further penalty.
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ sammukhāvinayena sammati;
A legal issue arising from business is settled though resolution face-to-face.
yebhuyyasikāya ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca tiṇavatthārakena ca na sammati.
It is not settled through a majority decision, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, through acting according to what has been admitted, through a further penalty, or through covering over as if with grass.
Evaṁ siyā adhikaraṇā samathehi sammanti.
Evaṁ siyā adhikaraṇā samathehi na sammanti.
Kathaṁ siyā adhikaraṇā adhikaraṇehi sammanti? Kathaṁ siyā adhikaraṇā adhikaraṇehi na sammanti?
How may it be that legal issues are settled through legal issues? How may it be that legal issues are not settled through legal issues?
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ vivādādhikaraṇena na sammati, anuvādādhikaraṇena na sammati, āpattādhikaraṇena na sammati;
A legal issue arising from a dispute is not settled through a legal issue arising from a dispute, through a legal issue arising from an accusation, or through a legal issue arising from an offense.
kiccādhikaraṇena sammati.
It is settled through a legal issue arising from business.
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ vivādādhikaraṇena na sammati, anuvādādhikaraṇena na sammati, āpattādhikaraṇena na sammati;
A legal issue arising from an accusation is not settled through a legal issue arising from a dispute, through a legal issue arising from an accusation, or through a legal issue arising from an offense.
kiccādhikaraṇena sammati.
It is settled through a legal issue arising from business.
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ vivādādhikaraṇena na sammati, anuvādādhikaraṇena na sammati, āpattādhikaraṇena na sammati;
A legal issue arising from an offense is not settled through a legal issue arising from a dispute, through a legal issue arising from an accusation, or through a legal issue arising from an offense.
kiccādhikaraṇena sammati.
It is settled through a legal issue arising from business.
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ vivādādhikaraṇena na sammati, anuvādādhikaraṇena na sammati, āpattādhikaraṇena na sammati;
A legal issue arising from business is not settled through a legal issue arising from a dispute, through a legal issue arising from an accusation, or through a legal issue arising from an offense.
kiccādhikaraṇena sammati.
It is settled through a legal issue arising from business.
Evaṁ siyā adhikaraṇā adhikaraṇehi sammanti.
Evaṁ siyā adhikaraṇā adhikaraṇehi na sammanti.
Chāpi samathā cattāropi adhikaraṇā sammukhāvinayena sammanti;
The six principles for settling and the four legal issues are settled through resolution face-to-face.
sammukhāvinayo na kenaci sammati.
Resolution face-to-face is not settled through anything.
Samathādhikaraṇavāro niṭṭhito ekūnavīsatimo.
The nineteenth section on principles for settling and legal issues is finished.
15. Samuṭṭhāpanavāra
15. The section on causing to originate
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ samuṭṭhāpeti?
Which of the four legal issues causes a legal issue arising from a dispute to originate?
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ na katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ samuṭṭhāpeti;
None of them.
api ca vivādādhikaraṇapaccayā cattāro adhikaraṇā jāyanti.
Nevertheless, the four legal issues are produced from a legal issue arising from a dispute.
Yathā kathaṁ viya?
How is that?
Idha bhikkhū vivadanti—
It may be that monks are disputing, saying,
“dhammo”ti vā, “adhammo”ti vā, “vinayo”ti vā, “avinayo”ti vā, “abhāsitaṁ alapitaṁ tathāgatenā”ti vā, “bhāsitaṁ lapitaṁ tathāgatenā”ti vā, “anāciṇṇaṁ tathāgatenā”ti vā, “āciṇṇaṁ tathāgatenā”ti vā, “apaññattaṁ tathāgatenā”ti vā, “paññattaṁ tathāgatenā”ti vā, “āpattī”ti vā, “anāpattī”ti vā, “lahukā āpattī”ti vā, “garukā āpattī”ti vā, “sāvasesā āpattī”ti vā, “anavasesā āpattī”ti vā, “duṭṭhullā āpattī”ti vā “aduṭṭhullā āpattī”ti vā.
“This is the Teaching”, “This is contrary to the Teaching”, “This is the Monastic Law”, “This is contrary to the Monastic Law”, “This was spoken by the Buddha”, “This was not spoken by the Buddha”, “This was practiced by the Buddha”, “This was not practiced by the Buddha”, “This was laid down by the Buddha”, “This was not laid down by the Buddha”, “This is an offense”, “This is not an offense”, “This is a light offense”, “This is a heavy offense”, “This is a curable offense”, “This is an incurable offense”, “This is a grave offense”, or “This is a minor offense.”
Yaṁ tattha bhaṇḍanaṁ kalaho viggaho vivādo nānāvādo aññathāvādo vipaccatāya vohāro medhakaṁ, idaṁ vuccati vivādādhikaraṇaṁ.
In regard to this, whatever there is of quarreling, arguing, conflict, disputing, variety in opinion, difference in opinion, heated speech, or strife—this called a legal issue arising from a dispute.
Vivādādhikaraṇe saṅgho vivadati.
When, during a legal issue arising from a dispute, the Sangha disputes, there is a legal issue arising from a dispute.
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ vivadamāno anuvadati.
When one who is disputing makes an accusation, there is a legal issue arising from an accusation.
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ anuvadamāno āpattiṁ āpajjati āpattādhikaraṇaṁ.
When one who is accusing commits an offense, there is a legal issue arising from an offense.
Tāya āpattiyā saṅgho kammaṁ karoti kiccādhikaraṇaṁ.
When the Sangha does a legal procedure because of that offense, there is a legal issue arising from business.
Evaṁ vivādādhikaraṇapaccayā cattāro adhikaraṇā jāyanti.
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ samuṭṭhāpeti?
Which of the four legal issues causes a legal issue arising from an accusation to originate?
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ na katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ samuṭṭhāpeti;
None of them.
api ca anuvādādhikaraṇapaccayā cattāro adhikaraṇā jāyanti.
Nevertheless, the four legal issues are produced from a legal issue arising from an accusation.
Yathā kathaṁ viya?
How is that?
Idha bhikkhū bhikkhuṁ anuvadanti sīlavipattiyā vā ācāravipattiyā vā diṭṭhivipattiyā vā ājīvavipattiyā vā.
It may be that the monks accuse a monk of failure in morality, failure in conduct, failure in view, or failure in livelihood.
Yo tattha anuvādo anuvadanā anullapanā anubhaṇanā anusampavaṅkatā abbhussahanatā anubalappadānaṁ, idaṁ vuccati anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ.
In regard to this, whatever there is of accusations, accusing, allegations, blame, taking sides because of friendship, taking part in the accusation, or supporting the accusation—this is called a legal issue arising from an accusation.
Anuvādādhikaraṇe saṅgho vivadati.
When, during a legal issue arising from an accusation, the Sangha disputes, there is a legal issue arising from a dispute.
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ vivadamāno anuvadati.
When one who is disputing makes an accusation, there is a legal issue arising from an accusation.
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ anuvadamāno āpattiṁ āpajjati āpattādhikaraṇaṁ.
When one who is accusing commits an offense, there is a legal issue arising from an offense.
Tāya āpattiyā saṅgho kammaṁ karoti kiccādhikaraṇaṁ.
When the Sangha does a legal procedure because of that offense, there is a legal issue arising from business.
Evaṁ anuvādādhikaraṇapaccayā cattāro adhikaraṇā jāyanti.
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ samuṭṭhāpeti?
Which of the four legal issues causes a legal issue arising from an offense to originate?
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ na katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ samuṭṭhāpeti;
None of them.
api ca āpattādhikaraṇapaccayā cattāro adhikaraṇā jāyanti.
Nevertheless, the four legal issues are produced from a legal issue arising from an offense.
Yathā kathaṁ viya?
How is that?
Pañcapi āpattikkhandhā āpattādhikaraṇaṁ, sattapi āpattikkhandhā āpattādhikaraṇaṁ, idaṁ vuccati āpattādhikaraṇaṁ.
There are legal issues arising from offenses because of the five classes of offenses, and there are legal issues arising from offenses because of the seven classes of offenses—these are called legal issues arising from offenses.
Āpattādhikaraṇe saṅgho vivadati.
When, during a legal issue arising from an offense, the Sangha disputes, there is a legal issue arising from a dispute.
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ vivadamāno anuvadati.
When one who is disputing makes an accusation, there is a legal issue arising from an accusation.
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ anuvadamāno āpattiṁ āpajjati āpattādhikaraṇaṁ.
When one who is accusing commits an offense, there is a legal issue arising from an offense.
Tāya āpattiyā saṅgho kammaṁ karoti kiccādhikaraṇaṁ.
When the Sangha does a legal procedure because of that offense, there is a legal issue arising from business.
Evaṁ āpattādhikaraṇapaccayā cattāro adhikaraṇā jāyanti.
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ samuṭṭhāpeti?
Which of the four legal issues causes a legal issue arising from business to originate?
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ na katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ samuṭṭhāpeti,
None of them.
api ca kiccādhikaraṇapaccayā cattāro adhikaraṇā jāyanti.
Nevertheless, the four legal issues are produced from a legal issue arising from business.
Yathā kathaṁ viya?
How is that?
Yā saṅghassa kiccayatā karaṇīyatā apalokanakammaṁ ñattikammaṁ ñattidutiyakammaṁ ñatticatutthakammaṁ, idaṁ vuccati kiccādhikaraṇaṁ.
Whatever is the duty or the business of the Sangha—a legal procedure consisting of getting permission, a legal procedure consisting of one motion, a legal procedure consisting of one motion and one announcement, a legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements—this is called a legal issue arising from business.
Kiccādhikaraṇe saṅgho vivadati.
When, during a legal issue arising from business, the Sangha disputes, there is a legal issue arising from a dispute.
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ vivadamāno anuvadati.
When one who is disputing makes an accusation, there is a legal issue arising from an accusation.
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ anuvadamāno āpattiṁ āpajjati āpattādhikaraṇaṁ.
When one who is accusing commits an offense, there is a legal issue arising from an offense.
Tāya āpattiyā saṅgho kammaṁ karoti kiccādhikaraṇaṁ.
When the Sangha does a legal procedure because of that offense, there is a legal issue arising from business.
Evaṁ kiccādhikaraṇapaccayā cattāro adhikaraṇā jāyanti.
Samuṭṭhāpanavāro niṭṭhito vīsatimo.
The twentieth section on causing to originate is finished.
16. Bhajativāra
16. The section on “belonging to”
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ bhajati?
“To which of the four legal issues does a legal issue arising from a dispute belong?
Katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ upanissitaṁ?
Which legal issue does it depend on?
Katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ pariyāpannaṁ?
Which legal issue is it included in?
Katamena adhikaraṇena saṅgahitaṁ?
Which legal issue is it grouped with?
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ bhajati?
To which of the four legal issues does a legal issue arising from an accusation belong?
Katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ upanissitaṁ?
Which legal issue does it depend on?
Katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ pariyāpannaṁ?
Which legal issue is it included in?
Katamena adhikaraṇena saṅgahitaṁ?
Which legal issue is it grouped with?
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ bhajati?
To which of the four legal issues does a legal issue arising from an offense belong?
Katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ upanissitaṁ?
Which legal issue does it depend on?
Katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ pariyāpannaṁ?
Which legal issue is it included in?
Katamena adhikaraṇena saṅgahitaṁ?
Which legal issue is it grouped with?
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ bhajati?
To which of the four legal issues does a legal issue arising from business belong?
Katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ upanissitaṁ?
Which legal issue does it depend on?
Katamaṁ adhikaraṇaṁ pariyāpannaṁ?
Which legal issue is it included in?
Katamena adhikaraṇena saṅgahitaṁ?
Which legal issue is it grouped with?
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ vivādādhikaraṇaṁ bhajati, vivādādhikaraṇaṁ upanissitaṁ, vivādādhikaraṇaṁ pariyāpannaṁ, vivādādhikaraṇena saṅgahitaṁ.
A legal issue arising from a dispute belongs to legal issues arising from disputes; it depends on legal issues arising from disputes; it is included in legal issues arising from disputes; it is grouped with legal issues arising from disputes.
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ bhajati, anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ upanissitaṁ, anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ pariyāpannaṁ, anuvādādhikaraṇena saṅgahitaṁ.
A legal issue arising from an accusation belongs to legal issues arising from accusations; it depends on legal issues arising from accusations; it is included in legal issues arising from accusations; it is grouped with legal issues arising from accusations.
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ āpattādhikaraṇaṁ bhajati, āpattādhikaraṇaṁ upanissitaṁ, āpattādhikaraṇaṁ pariyāpannaṁ, āpattādhikaraṇena saṅgahitaṁ.
A legal issue arising from an offense belongs to legal issues arising from offenses; it depends on legal issues arising from offenses; it is included in legal issues arising from offenses; it is grouped with legal issues arising from offenses.
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ catunnaṁ adhikaraṇānaṁ kiccādhikaraṇaṁ bhajati, kiccādhikaraṇaṁ upanissitaṁ, kiccādhikaraṇaṁ pariyāpannaṁ, kiccādhikaraṇena saṅgahitaṁ.
A legal issue arising from business belongs to legal issues arising from business; it depends on legal issues arising from business; it is included in legal issues arising from business; it is grouped with legal issues arising from business.
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ sattannaṁ samathānaṁ kati samathe bhajati, kati samathe upanissitaṁ, kati samathe pariyāpannaṁ, katihi samathehi saṅgahitaṁ, katihi samathehi sammati?
To how many of the seven principles for settling does a legal issue arising from a dispute belong? On how many principles for settling does it depend? In how many principles for settling is it included? With how many principles for settling is it grouped? Through how many principles for settling is it settled?
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ sattannaṁ samathānaṁ kati samathe bhajati, kati samathe upanissitaṁ, kati samathe pariyāpannaṁ, katihi samathehi saṅgahitaṁ, katihi samathehi sammati?
To how many of the seven principles for settling does a legal issue arising from an accusation belong? On how many principles for settling does it depend? In how many principles for settling is it included? With how many principles for settling is it grouped? Through how many principles for settling is it settled?
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ sattannaṁ samathānaṁ kati samathe bhajati, kati samathe upanissitaṁ, kati samathe pariyāpannaṁ, katihi samathehi saṅgahitaṁ, katihi samathehi sammati?
To how many of the seven principles for settling does a legal issue arising from an offense belong? On how many principles for settling does it depend? In how many principles for settling is it included? With how many principles for settling is it grouped? Through how many principles for settling is it settled?
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ sattannaṁ samathānaṁ kati samathe bhajati, kati samathe upanissitaṁ, kati samathe pariyāpannaṁ, katihi samathehi saṅgahitaṁ, katihi samathehi sammati?
To how many of the seven principles for settling does a legal issue arising from business belong? On how many principles for settling does it depend? In how many principles for settling is it included? With how many principles for settling is it grouped? Through how many principles for settling is it settled?
Vivādādhikaraṇaṁ sattannaṁ samathānaṁ dve samathe bhajati, dve samathe upanissitaṁ, dve samathe pariyāpannaṁ, dvīhi samathehi saṅgahitaṁ, dvīhi samathehi sammati—
A legal issue arising from a dispute belongs to two principles for settling; it depends on two principles for settling; it is included in two principles for settling; it is grouped with two principles for settling; it is settled through two principles for settling:
sammukhāvinayena ca yebhuyyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face and through a majority decision.
Anuvādādhikaraṇaṁ sattannaṁ samathānaṁ cattāro samathe bhajati, cattāro samathe upanissitaṁ, cattāro samathe pariyāpannaṁ, catūhi samathehi saṅgahitaṁ, catūhi samathehi sammati—
A legal issue arising from an accusation belongs to four principles for settling; it depends on four principles for settling; it is included in four principles for settling; it is grouped with four principles for settling; it is settled through four principles for settling:
sammukhāvinayena ca sativinayena ca amūḷhavinayena ca tassapāpiyasikāya ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through resolution through recollection, through resolution because of past insanity, and through a further penalty.
Āpattādhikaraṇaṁ sattannaṁ samathānaṁ tayo samathe bhajati, tayo samathe upanissitaṁ, tayo samathe pariyāpannaṁ, tīhi samathehi saṅgahitaṁ tīhi samathehi sammati—
A legal issue arising from an offense belongs to three principles for settling; it depends on three principles for settling; it is included in three principles for settling; it is grouped with three principles for settling; it is settled through three principles for settling:
sammukhāvinayena ca paṭiññātakaraṇena ca tiṇavatthārakena ca.
through resolution face-to-face, through acting according to what has been admitted, and through covering over as if with grass.
Kiccādhikaraṇaṁ sattannaṁ samathānaṁ ekaṁ samathaṁ bhajati, ekaṁ samathaṁ upanissitaṁ, ekaṁ samathaṁ pariyāpannaṁ, ekena samathena saṅgahitaṁ, ekena samathena sammati—
A legal issue arising from business belongs to one principle for settling; it depends on one principle for settling; it is included in one principle for settling; it is grouped with one principle for settling; it is settled through one principle for settling:
through resolution face-to-face.”
Bhajativāro niṭṭhito ekavīsatimo.
The twenty-first section on “belonging to” is finished.
Samathabhedo niṭṭhito.
The subdivision on settling is finished.
This is the summary:
Adhikaraṇaṁ pariyāyaṁ,
“Legal issue, a different presentation,
sādhāraṇā ca bhāgiyā;
And in common, belonging to;
Samathā sādhāraṇikā,
Principles for settling used in common,
samathassa tabbhāgiyā.
Principles for settling that belong with that.
Samathā sammukhā ceva,
Principle for settling is also resolution face-to-face,
vinayena kusalena ca;
On resolution, and on the wholesome;
Yattha samathasaṁsaṭṭhā,
Where, on settling, on connection,
sammanti na sammanti ca;
On settling, and on not settling;
And on principles for settling and legal issues,
samuṭṭhānaṁ bhajanti cāti.
Origination, and belonging to.”