vinaya » pli-tv-pvr » Parivāra

Translators: brahmali

The Compendium

21. Pañcavagga

The subchapter of five

1. Kammavagga
The subchapter on legal procedures

Cattāri kammāni.
There are four kinds of legal procedures:

Apalokanakammaṁ, ñattikammaṁ, ñattidutiyakammaṁ, ñatticatutthakammaṁ—
the legal procedure consisting of getting permission, the legal procedure consisting of one motion, the legal procedure consisting of one motion and one announcement, and the legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements.

imāni cattāri kammāni.

Katihākārehi vipajjanti?
In how many ways do they fail?

Imāni cattāri kammāni pañcahākārehi vipajjanti—
In five ways:

vatthuto vā ñattito vā anussāvanato vā sīmato vā parisato vā.
with respect to object, motion, announcement, monastery zone, or gathering.

Kathaṁ vatthuto kammāni vipajjanti?
How do legal procedures fail with respect to object?

Sammukhākaraṇīyaṁ kammaṁ asammukhā karoti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they don’t do a legal procedure face-to-face that should be done face-to-face, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

paṭipucchākaraṇīyaṁ kammaṁ appaṭipucchā karoti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they do a legal procedure without questioning that should be done with questioning, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

paṭiññāya karaṇīyaṁ kammaṁ appaṭiññāya karoti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they do a legal procedure without admission that should be done by admission, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

sativinayārahassa amūḷhavinayaṁ deti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they apply resolution because of past insanity to one deserving resolution through recollection, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

amūḷhavinayārahassa tassapāpiyasikākammaṁ karoti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they do a legal procedure of further penalty against one deserving resolution because of past insanity, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

tassapāpiyasikākammārahassa tajjanīyakammaṁ karoti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they do a legal procedure of condemnation against one deserving a procedure of further penalty, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

tajjanīyakammārahassa niyassakammaṁ karoti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they do a legal procedure of demotion against one deserving a procedure of condemnation, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

niyassakammārahassa pabbājanīyakammaṁ karoti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they do a procedure of banishment against one deserving a procedure of demotion, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

pabbājanīyakammārahassa paṭisāraṇīyakammaṁ karoti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they do a procedure of reconciliation against one deserving a procedure of banishment, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

paṭisāraṇīyakammārahassa ukkhepanīyakammaṁ karoti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they do a legal procedure of ejection against one deserving a procedure of reconciliation, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

ukkhepanīyakammārahassa parivāsaṁ deti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they give probation to one deserving a procedure of ejection, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

parivāsārahaṁ mūlāya paṭikassati, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they send back to the beginning one deserving probation, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

mūlāyapaṭikassanārahassa mānattaṁ deti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they give the trial period to one deserving to be sent back to the beginning, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

mānattārahaṁ abbheti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they rehabilitate one deserving the trial period, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

abbhānārahaṁ upasampādeti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they give full ordination to one deserving rehabilitation, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

anuposathe uposathaṁ karoti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ;
If they do the observance-day ceremony on a non-observance day, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

apavāraṇāya pavāreti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ.
If they do the invitation ceremony on a non-invitation day, that procedure has failed with respect to object and is illegitimate.

Evaṁ vatthuto kammāni vipajjanti.

Kathaṁ ñattito kammāni vipajjanti?
How do legal procedures fail with respect to motion?

Pañcahākārehi ñattito kammāni vipajjanti—
In five ways:

vatthuṁ na parāmasati, saṅghaṁ na parāmasati, puggalaṁ na parāmasati, ñattiṁ na parāmasati, pacchā vā ñattiṁ ṭhapeti—
they do not touch on the object, the Sangha, the person, or the motion, or the motion is put forward after the announcement.

imehi pañcahākārehi ñattito kammāni vipajjanti.

Kathaṁ anussāvanato kammāni vipajjanti?
How do legal procedures fail with respect to announcement?

Pañcahākārehi anussāvanato kammāni vipajjanti—
In five ways:

vatthuṁ na parāmasati, saṅghaṁ na parāmasati, puggalaṁ na parāmasati, sāvanaṁ hāpeti, akāle vā sāveti—
they do not touch on the object, the Sangha, or the person, or an announcement is omitted, or the announcement is made at the wrong time.

imehi pañcahākārehi anussāvanato kammāni vipajjanti.

Kathaṁ sīmato kammāni vipajjanti?
How do legal procedures fail with respect to monastery zone?

Ekādasahi ākārehi sīmato kammāni vipajjanti—
In eleven ways:

atikhuddakaṁ sīmaṁ sammannati, atimahatiṁ sīmaṁ sammannati, khaṇḍanimittaṁ sīmaṁ sammannati, chāyānimittaṁ sīmaṁ sammannati, animittaṁ sīmaṁ sammannati, bahisīme ṭhito sīmaṁ sammannati, nadiyā sīmaṁ sammannati, samudde sīmaṁ sammannati, jātassare sīmaṁ sammannati, sīmāya sīmaṁ sambhindati, sīmāya sīmaṁ ajjhottharati—
(1) they establish a zone that is too small; (2) they establish a zone that is too large; (3) they establish an incomplete zone; (4) they establish a zone with a shadow as a zone marker; (5) they establish a zone without zone markers; (6) they establish a zone while standing outside it; (7) they establish a zone in a river; (8) they establish a zone in an ocean; (9) they establish a zone in a lake; (10) they establish a zone that merges with an existing zone; (11) they establish a zone that encloses an existing zone.

imehi ekādasahi ākārehi sīmato kammāni vipajjanti.

Kathaṁ parisato kammāni vipajjanti?
How do legal procedures fail with respect to gathering?

Dvādasahi ākārehi parisato kammāni vipajjanti—
In twelve ways:

catuvaggakaraṇe kamme yāvatikā bhikkhū kammapattā te anāgatā honti, chandārahānaṁ chando anāhaṭo hoti, sammukhībhūtā paṭikkosanti, catuvaggakaraṇe kamme yāvatikā bhikkhū kammapattā te āgatā honti, chandārahānaṁ chando anāhaṭo hoti, sammukhībhūtā paṭikkosanti, catuvaggakaraṇe kamme yāvatikā bhikkhū kammapattā te āgatā honti, chandārahānaṁ chando āhaṭo hoti, sammukhībhūtā paṭikkosanti.
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of four: (1) the monks who should take part haven’t all arrived, consent has not been brought for those who are eligible to give their consent, or someone present objects to the decision; (2) the monks who should take part have arrived, but consent has not been brought for those who are eligible to give their consent, or someone present objects to the decision; (3) the monks who should take part have arrived, and consent has been brought for those who are eligible to give their consent, but someone present objects to the decision.

Pañcavaggakaraṇe kamme …pe…
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of five: … (4-6) …

dasavaggakaraṇe kamme …pe…
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of ten … (7-9) …

vīsativaggakaraṇe kamme yāvatikā bhikkhū kammapattā te anāgatā honti, chandārahānaṁ chando anāhaṭo hoti, sammukhībhūtā paṭikkosanti, vīsativaggakaraṇe kamme yāvatikā bhikkhū kammapattā te āgatā honti, chandārahānaṁ chando anāhaṭo hoti, sammukhībhūtā paṭikkosanti, vīsativaggakaraṇe kamme yāvatikā bhikkhū kammapattā te āgatā honti, chandārahānaṁ chando āhaṭo hoti, sammukhībhūtā paṭikkosanti—
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of twenty: (10) the monks who should take part haven’t all arrived, consent has not been brought for those who are eligible to give their consent, or someone present objects to the decision; (11) the monks who should take part have arrived, but consent has not been brought for those who are eligible to give their consent, or someone present objects to the decision; (12) the monks who should take part have arrived, and consent has been brought for those who are eligible to give their consent, but someone present objects to the decision.

imehi dvādasahi ākārehi parisato kammāni vipajjanti.

Catuvaggakaraṇe kamme cattāro bhikkhū pakatattā kammapattā, avasesā pakatattā chandārahā.
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of four, four regular monks should take part, while the remainder of regular monks are entitled to give their consent.

Yassa saṅgho kammaṁ karoti so neva kammapatto nāpi chandāraho, api ca kammāraho.
The one who is subject to the legal procedure should neither take part in the decision nor give his consent, but is deserving of the legal procedure.

Pañcavaggakaraṇe kamme pañca bhikkhū pakatattā kammapattā, avasesā pakatattā chandārahā.
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of five, five regular monks should take part, while the remainder of regular monks are entitled to give their consent.

Yassa saṅgho kammaṁ karoti so neva kammapatto nāpi chandāraho, api ca kammāraho.
The one who is subject to the legal procedure should neither take part in the decision nor give his consent, but is deserving of the legal procedure.

Dasavaggakaraṇe kamme dasa bhikkhū pakatattā kammapattā, avasesā pakatattā chandārahā.
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of ten, ten regular monks should take part, while the remainder of regular monks are entitled to give their consent.

Yassa saṅgho kammaṁ karoti so neva kammapatto nāpi chandāraho, api ca kammāraho.
The one who is subject to the legal procedure should neither take part in the decision nor give his consent, but is deserving of the legal procedure.

Vīsativaggakaraṇe kamme vīsati bhikkhū pakatattā kammapattā, avasesā pakatattā chandārahā.
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of twenty, twenty regular monks should take part, while the remainder of regular monks are entitled to give their consent.

Yassa saṅgho kammaṁ karoti so neva kammapatto nāpi chandāraho, api ca kammāraho.
The one who is subject to the legal procedure should neither take part in the decision nor give his consent, but is deserving of the legal procedure.

Cattāri kammāni—
There are four kinds of legal procedures:

apalokanakammaṁ, ñattikammaṁ, ñattidutiyakammaṁ, ñatticatutthakammaṁ.
the procedure consisting of getting permission, the procedure consisting of one motion, the procedure consisting of one motion and one announcement, and the procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements.

Imāni cattāri kammāni katihākārehi vipajjanti?
In how many ways do they fail?

Imāni cattāri kammāni pañcahākārehi vipajjanti—
In five ways:

vatthuto vā ñattito vā anussāvanato vā sīmato vā parisato vā.
with respect to object, motion, announcement, monastery zone, or gathering.

Kathaṁ vatthuto kammāni vipajjanti?
How do legal procedures fail with respect to object?

Paṇḍakaṁ upasampādeti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ.
If they give the full ordination to a <i lang='pi' translate='no'>paṇḍaka</i>, that procedure has failed in object and is illegitimate.

Theyyasaṁvāsakaṁ upasampādeti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ.
If they give the full ordination to a fake monk, that procedure has failed in object and is illegitimate.

Titthiyapakkantakaṁ upasampādeti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ.
If they give the full ordination to one who has previously left to join the monastics of another religion, that procedure has failed in object and is illegitimate.

Tiracchānagataṁ upasampādeti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ.
If they give the full ordination to an animal, that procedure has failed in object and is illegitimate.

Mātughātakaṁ upasampādeti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ.
If they give the full ordination to a matricide, that procedure has failed in object and is illegitimate.

Pitughātakaṁ upasampādeti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ.
If they give the full ordination to a patricide, that procedure has failed in object and is illegitimate.

Arahantaghātakaṁ upasampādeti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ.
If they give the full ordination to a murderer of a perfected one, that procedure has failed in object and is illegitimate.

Bhikkhunidūsakaṁ upasampādeti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ.
If they give the full ordination to a rapist of a nun, that procedure has failed in object and is illegitimate.

Saṅghabhedakaṁ upasampādeti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ.
If they give the full ordination to one who has caused a schism in the Sangha, that procedure has failed in object and is illegitimate.

Lohituppādakaṁ upasampādeti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ.
If they give the full ordination to one who has caused the Buddha to bleed, that procedure has failed in object and is illegitimate.

Ubhatobyañjanaṁ upasampādeti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ.
If they give the full ordination to a hermaphrodite, that procedure has failed in object and is illegitimate.

Ūnavīsativassaṁ puggalaṁ upasampādeti, vatthuvipannaṁ adhammakammaṁ.
If they give the full ordination to a person less then twenty years old, that procedure has failed in object and is illegitimate.

Evaṁ vatthuto kammāni vipajjanti.

Kathaṁ ñattito kammāni vipajjanti?
How do legal procedures fail with respect to motion?

Pañcahākārehi ñattito kammāni vipajjanti.
In five ways:

Vatthuṁ na parāmasati, saṅghaṁ na parāmasati, puggalaṁ na parāmasati, ñattiṁ na parāmasati, pacchā vā ñattiṁ ṭhapeti—
they do not touch on the object, the Sangha, the person, or the motion, or the motion is put forward after the announcement.

imehi pañcahākārehi ñattito kammāni vipajjanti.

Kathaṁ anussāvanato kammāni vipajjanti?
How do legal procedures fail with respect to announcement?

Pañcahākārehi anussāvanato kammāni vipajjanti—
In five ways:

vatthuṁ na parāmasati, saṅghaṁ na parāmasati, puggalaṁ na parāmasati, sāvanaṁ hāpeti, akāle vā sāveti—
they do not touch on the object, the Sangha, or the person, or an announcement is omitted, or the announcement is made at the wrong time.

imehi pañcahākārehi anussāvanato kammāni vipajjanti.

Kathaṁ sīmato kammāni vipajjanti?
How do legal procedures fail with respect to the monastery zone?

Ekādasahi ākārehi sīmato kammāni vipajjanti.
In eleven ways:

Atikhuddakaṁ sīmaṁ sammannati, atimahatiṁ sīmaṁ sammannati, khaṇḍanimittaṁ sīmaṁ sammannati, chāyānimittaṁ sīmaṁ sammannati, animittaṁ sīmaṁ sammannati, bahisīme ṭhito sīmaṁ sammannati, nadiyā sīmaṁ sammannati, samudde sīmaṁ sammannati, jātassare sīmaṁ sammannati, sīmāya sīmaṁ sambhindati, sīmāya sīmaṁ ajjhottharati—
(1) they establish a zone that is too small; (2) they establish a zone that is too large; (3) they establish an incomplete zone; (4) they establish a zone with a shadow as a zone marker; (5) they establish a zone without zone markers; (6) they establish a zone while standing outside it; (7) they establish a zone in a river; (8) they establish a zone in an ocean; (9) they establish a zone in a lake; (10) they establish a zone that merges with an existing zone; (11) they establish a zone that encloses an existing zone.

imehi ekādasahi ākārehi sīmato kammāni vipajjanti.

Kathaṁ parisato kammāni vipajjanti?
How do legal procedures fail with respect to gathering?

Dvādasahi ākārehi parisato kammāni vipajjanti—
In twelve ways:

catuvaggakaraṇe kamme yāvatikā bhikkhū kammapattā te anāgatā honti, chandārahānaṁ chando anāhaṭo hoti, sammukhībhūtā paṭikkosanti, catuvaggakaraṇe kamme yāvatikā bhikkhū kammapattā te āgatā honti, chandārahānaṁ chando anāhaṭo hoti, sammukhībhūtā paṭikkosanti. Catuvaggakaraṇe kamme yāvatikā bhikkhū kammapattā te āgatā honti, chandārahānaṁ chando āhaṭo hoti, sammukhībhūtā paṭikkosanti.
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of four: (1) the monks who should take part haven’t all arrived, consent has not been brought for those who are eligible to give their consent, or someone present objects to the decision; (2) the monks who should take part have arrived, but consent has not been brought for those who are eligible to give their consent, or someone present objects to the decision; (3) the monks who should take part have arrived, and consent has been brought for those who are eligible to give their consent, but someone present objects to the decision.

Pañcavaggakaraṇe kamme …pe…
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of five: … (4-6) …

dasavaggakaraṇe kamme …pe…
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of ten: … (7-9) …

vīsativaggakaraṇe kamme yāvatikā bhikkhū kammapattā te anāgatā honti, chandārahānaṁ chando anāhaṭo hoti, sammukhībhūtā paṭikkosanti.
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of twenty: (10) the monks who should take part haven’t all arrived, consent has not been brought for those who are eligible to give their consent, or someone present objects to the decision; (11) the monks who should take part have arrived, but consent has not been brought for those who are eligible to give their consent, or someone present objects to the decision; (12) the monks who should take part have arrived, and consent has been brought for those who are eligible to give their consent, but someone present objects to the decision.

Vīsativaggakaraṇe kamme yāvatikā bhikkhū kammapattā te āgatā honti, chandārahānaṁ chando anāhaṭo hoti, sammukhībhūtā paṭikkosanti. Vīsativaggakaraṇe kamme yāvatikā bhikkhū kammapattā te āgatā honti, chandārahānaṁ chando āhaṭo hoti, sammukhībhūtā paṭikkosanti—imehi dvādasahi ākārehi parisato kammāni vipajjanti.

Apalokanakammaṁ kati ṭhānāni gacchati?
In how many situations does the legal procedure consisting of getting permission apply?

Ñattikammaṁ kati ṭhānāni gacchati?
In how many situations does the legal procedure consisting of one motion apply?

Ñattidutiyakammaṁ kati ṭhānāni gacchati?
In how many situations does the legal procedure consisting of one motion and one announcement apply?

Ñatticatutthakammaṁ kati ṭhānāni gacchati?
In how many situations does the legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements apply?

Apalokanakammaṁ pañca ṭhānāni gacchati.
A legal procedure consisting of getting permission applies in five situations.

Ñattikammaṁ nava ṭhānāni gacchati.
A legal procedure consisting of one motion applies in nine situations.

Ñattidutiyakammaṁ satta ṭhānāni gacchati.
A legal procedure consisting of one motion and one announcement applies in seven situations.

Ñatticatutthakammaṁ satta ṭhānāni gacchati.
A legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements applies in seven situations.

Apalokanakammaṁ katamāni pañca ṭhānāni gacchati?
In which five situations does the legal procedure consisting of getting permission apply?

Osāraṇaṁ, nissāraṇaṁ, bhaṇḍukammaṁ, brahmadaṇḍaṁ, kammalakkhaṇaññeva pañcamaṁ—
Admittance, sending away, shaving, the supreme penalty, and any legal procedure with similar characteristics.

apalokanakammaṁ imāni pañca ṭhānāni gacchati.

Ñattikammaṁ katamāni nava ṭhānāni gacchati?
In which nine situations does the legal procedure consisting of one motion apply?

Osāraṇaṁ, nissāraṇaṁ, uposathaṁ, pavāraṇaṁ, sammutiṁ, dānaṁ, paṭiggahaṁ, paccukkaḍḍhanaṁ, kammalakkhaṇaññeva navamaṁ—
Admittance, sending away, the observance day, the invitation ceremony, agreements, giving, receiving, postponement, and any legal procedure with similar characteristics.

ñattikammaṁ imāni nava ṭhānāni gacchati.

Ñattidutiyakammaṁ katamāni satta ṭhānāni gacchati?
In which seven situations does the legal procedure consisting of one motion and one announcement apply?

Osāraṇaṁ, nissāraṇaṁ, sammutiṁ, dānaṁ, uddharaṇaṁ, desanaṁ, kammalakkhaṇaññeva sattamaṁ—
Admittance, sending away, agreements, giving, ending of the robe season, approval, and any legal procedure with similar characteristics.

ñattidutiyakammaṁ imāni satta ṭhānāni gacchati.

Ñatticatutthakammaṁ katamāni satta ṭhānāni gacchati?
In which seven situations does the legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements apply?

Osāraṇaṁ, nissāraṇaṁ, sammutiṁ, dānaṁ, niggahaṁ, samanubhāsanaṁ, kammalakkhaṇaññeva sattamaṁ—
Admittance, sending away, agreements, giving, restraining, pressing, and any legal procedure with similar characteristics.

ñatticatutthakammaṁ imāni satta ṭhānāni gacchati.

Catuvaggakaraṇe kamme cattāro bhikkhū pakatattā kammapattā, avasesā pakatattā chandārahā.
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of four, four regular monks should take part, while the remainder of regular monks are entitled to give their consent.

Yassa saṅgho kammaṁ karoti so neva kammapatto nāpi chandāraho, api ca kammāraho.
The one who is subject to the legal procedure should neither take part in the decision nor give his consent, but is deserving of the legal procedure.

Pañcavaggakaraṇe kamme pañca bhikkhū pakatattā kammapattā, avasesā pakatattā chandārahā.
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of five, five regular monks should take part, while the remainder of regular monks are entitled to give their consent.

Yassa saṅgho kammaṁ karoti so neva kammapatto nāpi chandāraho, api ca kammāraho.
The one who is subject to the legal procedure should neither take part in the decision nor give his consent, but is deserving of the legal procedure.

Dasavaggakaraṇe kamme dasa bhikkhū pakatattā kammapattā, avasesā pakatattā chandārahā.
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of ten, ten regular monks should take part, while the remainder of regular monks are entitled to give their consent.

Yassa saṅgho kammaṁ karoti so neva kammapatto nāpi chandāraho, api ca kammāraho.
The one who is subject to the legal procedure should neither take part in the decision nor give his consent, but is deserving of the legal procedure.

Vīsativaggakaraṇe kamme vīsati bhikkhū pakatattā kammapattā, avasesā pakatattā chandārahā.
In regard to legal procedures that require a group of twenty, twenty regular monks should take part, while the remainder of regular monks are entitled to give their consent.

Yassa saṅgho kammaṁ karoti so neva kammapatto nāpi chandāraho, api ca kammāraho.
The one who is subject to the legal procedure should neither take part in the decision nor give his consent, but is deserving of the legal procedure.

Kammavaggo niṭṭhito paṭhamo.
The first subchapter on legal procedures is finished.

2. Atthavasavagga
2. The subchapter on reasons

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.
The Buddha laid down the training rules for his disciples for two reasons:

Saṅghasuṭṭhutāya, saṅghaphāsutāya—
for the well-being of the Sangha and for the comfort of the Sangha.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.
The Buddha laid down the training rules for his disciples for two reasons:

Dummaṅkūnaṁ puggalānaṁ niggahāya, pesalānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ phāsuvihārāya—
for the restraint of bad people and for the ease of good monks.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.
The Buddha laid down the training rules for his disciples for two reasons:

Diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ āsavānaṁ saṁvarāya, samparāyikānaṁ āsavānaṁ paṭighātāya—
for the restraint of the corruptions relating to the present life and for the restraint of the corruptions relating to future lives.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.
The Buddha laid down the training rules for his disciples for two reasons:

Diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ verānaṁ saṁvarāya, samparāyikānaṁ verānaṁ paṭighātāya—
for the restraint of threats relating to the present life and for avoiding threats relating to future lives.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.
The Buddha laid down the training rules for his disciples for two reasons:

Diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ vajjānaṁ saṁvarāya, samparāyikānaṁ vajjānaṁ paṭighātāya—
for the restraint of faults relating to the present life and for avoiding faults relating to future lives.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.
The Buddha laid down the training rules for his disciples for two reasons:

Diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ bhayānaṁ saṁvarāya, samparāyikānaṁ bhayānaṁ paṭighātāya—
for the restraint of dangers relating to the present life and for avoiding dangers relating to future lives.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.
The Buddha laid down the training rules for his disciples for two reasons:

Diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ saṁvarāya, samparāyikānaṁ akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ paṭighātāya—
for the restraint of unwholesome qualities relating to the present life and for avoiding unwholesome qualities relating to future lives.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.
The Buddha laid down the training rules for his disciples for two reasons:

Gihīnaṁ anukampāya, pāpicchānaṁ pakkhupacchedāya—
out of compassion for householders and for breaking up the factions of those with bad desires.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.
The Buddha laid down the training rules for his disciples for two reasons:

Appasannānaṁ pasādāya, pasannānaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya—
to give rise to confidence in those without it and to increase the confidence of those who have it.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.
The Buddha laid down the training rules for his disciples for two reasons:

Saddhammaṭṭhitiyā, vinayānuggahāya—
for the longevity of the true Teaching and for supporting the training.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ.

Atthavasavaggo niṭṭhito dutiyo.
The second subchapter on reasons is finished.

3. Paññattavagga
3. The subchapter on laying down

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ pātimokkhaṁ paññattaṁ …pe…
The Buddha laid down the Monastic Code for his disciples for two reasons: …

pātimokkhuddeso paññatto …
laid down the recitation of the Monastic Code …

pātimokkhaṭṭhapanaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the canceling of the Monastic Code …

pavāraṇā paññattā …
laid down the invitation ceremony …

pavāraṇāṭhapanaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the canceling of the invitation ceremony …

tajjanīyakammaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the legal procedure of condemnation …

niyassakammaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the legal procedure of demotion …

pabbājanīyakammaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the legal procedure of banishment …

paṭisāraṇīyakammaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the legal procedure of reconciliation …

ukkhepanīyakammaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the legal procedure of ejection …

parivāsadānaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the giving of probation …

mūlāyapaṭikassanā paññattā …
laid down the sending back to the beginning …

mānattadānaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the giving of the trial period …

abbhānaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the rehabilitation …

osāraṇīyaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the admittance …

nissāraṇīyaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the sending away …

upasampadaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the full ordination …

apalokanakammaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the legal procedure consisting of getting permission …

ñattikammaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the legal procedure consisting of one motion …

ñattidutiyakammaṁ paññattaṁ …
laid down the legal procedure consisting of one motion and one announcement …

ñatticatutthakammaṁ paññattaṁ …pe….
laid down the legal procedure consisting of one motion and three announcements …

Paññattavaggo niṭṭhito tatiyo.
The third subchapter on laying down is finished.

4. Apaññattepaññattavagga
4. The subchapter on “laid down a rule when there was no existing rule”


Apaññatte paññattaṁ, paññatte anupaññattaṁ …pe…
laid down a rule when there was no existing rule, and laid down an addition to an existing rule …

sammukhāvinayo paññatto …pe…
laid down resolution face-to-face …

sativinayo paññatto …pe…
laid down resolution by recollection …

amūḷhavinayo paññatto …pe…
laid down resolution because of past insanity …

paṭiññātakaraṇaṁ paññattaṁ …pe…
laid down acting according to what has been admitted …

yebhuyyasikā paññattā …pe…
laid down the majority decision …

tassapāpiyasikā paññattā …pe…
laid down the further penalty …

tiṇavatthārako paññatto saṅghasuṭṭhutāya, saṅghaphāsutāya—
laid down the covering over as if with grass for the well-being of the Sangha and for the comfort of the Sangha.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.
The Buddha laid down the covering over as if with grass for his disciples for two reasons:

Dummaṅkūnaṁ puggalānaṁ niggahāya, pesalānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ phāsuvihārāya—
for the restraint of bad people and for the ease of good monks.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.
The Buddha laid down the covering over as if with grass for his disciples for two reasons:

Diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ āsavānaṁ saṁvarāya, samparāyikānaṁ āsavānaṁ paṭighātāya—
for the restraint of the corruptions relating to the present life and for the restraint of the corruptions relating to future lives.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.
The Buddha laid down the covering over as if with grass for his disciples for two reasons:

Diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ verānaṁ saṁvarāya, samparāyikānaṁ verānaṁ paṭighātāya—
for the restraint of threats relating to the present life and for avoiding threats relating to future lives.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.
The Buddha laid down the covering over as if with grass for his disciples for two reasons:

Diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ vajjānaṁ saṁvarāya, samparāyikānaṁ vajjānaṁ paṭighātāya—
for the restraint of faults relating to the present life and for avoiding faults relating to future lives.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.
The Buddha laid down the covering over as if with grass for his disciples for two reasons:

Diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ bhayānaṁ saṁvarāya, samparāyikānaṁ bhayānaṁ paṭighātāya—
for the restraint of dangers relating to the present life and for avoiding dangers relating to future lives.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.
The Buddha laid down the covering over as if with grass for his disciples for two reasons:

Diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ saṁvarāya, samparāyikānaṁ akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ paṭighātāya—
for the restraint of unwholesome qualities relating to the present life and for avoiding unwholesome qualities relating to future lives.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.
The Buddha laid down the covering over as if with grass for his disciples for two reasons:

Gihīnaṁ anukampāya, pāpicchānaṁ pakkhupacchedāya—
out of compassion for householders and for breaking up the factions of those with bad desires.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.
The Buddha laid down the covering over as if with grass for his disciples for two reasons:

Appasannānaṁ pasādāya, pasannānaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya—
to give rise to confidence in those without it and to increase the confidence of those who have it.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.

Dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.
The Buddha laid down the covering over as if with grass for his disciples for two reasons:

Saddhammaṭṭhitiyā, vinayānuggahāya—
for the longevity of the true Teaching and for supporting the training.

ime dve atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ tiṇavatthārako paññatto.

Apaññatte paññattavaggo niṭṭhito catuttho.
The fourth subchapter on “laid down a rule when there was no existing rule” is finished.

5. Navasaṅgahavagga
5. The subchapter on nine kinds of “being found among”

“There are nine kinds of ‘being found among’:

vatthusaṅgaho, vipattisaṅgaho āpattisaṅgaho, nidānasaṅgaho, puggalasaṅgaho, khandhasaṅgaho, samuṭṭhānasaṅgaho, adhikaraṇasaṅgaho, samathasaṅgahoti.
being found among the actions that are the bases for offenses, being found among the failures, being found among the offenses, being found among the origin stories, being found among persons, being found among the classes, being found among the originations, being found among the legal issues, and being found among the settling of legal issues.

Adhikaraṇe samuppanne sace ubho atthapaccatthikā āgacchanti ubhinnampi vatthu ārocāpetabbaṁ.
When a legal issue has arisen, if the two opponents come, they should be told to inform about the action that was the basis for the disagreement.

Ubhinnampi vatthuṁ ārocāpetvā ubhinnampi paṭiññā sotabbā.
After hearing the testimony of both,

Ubhinnampi paṭiññaṁ sutvā ubhopi vattabbā—
they should be told,

“amhākaṁ imasmiṁ adhikaraṇe vūpasamite ubhopi tuṭṭhā bhavissathā”ti.
‘When we’ve resolved this legal issue, you should both be satisfied.’

Sace āhaṁsu—
If they say,

“ubhopi tuṭṭhā bhavissāmā”ti, saṅghena taṁ adhikaraṇaṁ sampaṭicchitabbaṁ.
‘We’ll both be satisfied,’ then the Sangha should take on that legal issue.

Sace alajjussannā hoti, parisā ubbāhikāya vūpasametabbaṁ.
If there are many shameless people in the gathering, then the issue should be resolved by means of a committee.

Sace bālussannā hoti, parisā vinayadharo pariyesitabbo yena dhammena yena vinayena yena satthusāsanena taṁ adhikaraṇaṁ vūpasammati.
If there are many ignorant people in the gathering, they should search for an expert on the Monastic Law to resolve that legal issue in accordance with the Teaching, the Monastic Law, and the Teacher’s instruction.

Tathā taṁ adhikaraṇaṁ vūpasametabbaṁ.
That legal issue should be resolved in this way.

Vatthu jānitabbaṁ, gottaṁ jānitabbaṁ, nāmaṁ jānitabbaṁ, āpatti jānitabbā.
One should know the basis for an offense, one should know the category, one should know the name, and one should know the offense.

Methunadhammoti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Sexual intercourse’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

pārājikanti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing expulsion’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Adinnādānanti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Stealing’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

pārājikanti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing expulsion’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Manussaviggahoti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Human being’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

pārājikanti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing expulsion’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Uttarimanussadhammoti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Superhuman quality’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

pārājikanti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing expulsion’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Sukkavissaṭṭhīti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Emission of semen’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

saṅghādisesoti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing suspension’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Kāyasaṁsaggoti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Physical contact’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

saṅghādisesoti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing suspension’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Duṭṭhullavācāti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Indecent speech’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

saṅghādisesoti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing suspension’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Attakāmanti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘One’s own desires’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

saṅghādisesoti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing suspension’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Sañcarittanti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Matchmaking’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

saṅghādisesoti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing suspension’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Saññācikāya kuṭiṁ kārāpananti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Building a hut by means of begging’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

saṅghādisesoti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing suspension’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Mahallakaṁ vihāraṁ kārāpananti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Building a large dwelling’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

saṅghādisesoti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing suspension’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Bhikkhuṁ amūlakena pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṁsananti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Groundlessly charging a monk with an offense entailing expulsion’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

saṅghādisesoti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing suspension’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Bhikkhuṁ aññabhāgiyassa adhikaraṇassa kiñci desaṁ lesamattaṁ upādāya pārājikena dhammena anuddhaṁsananti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Charging a monk with an offense entailing expulsion, using an unrelated legal issue as a pretext’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

saṅghādisesoti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing suspension’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Saṅghabhedakassa bhikkhuno yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjananti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘A monk not stopping with pursuing schism in the Sangha when pressed for the third time’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

saṅghādisesoti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing suspension’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Bhedakānuvattakānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjananti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Monks not stopping siding with one who is pursuing schism in the Sangha when pressed for the third time’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

saṅghādisesoti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing suspension’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Dubbacassa bhikkhuno yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjananti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘A monk not stopping with being difficult to correct when pressed for the third time’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

saṅghādisesoti nāmañceva āpatti ca.
‘Offense entailing suspension’ is the name, as well as the offense.

Kuladūsakassa bhikkhuno yāvatatiyaṁ samanubhāsanāya na paṭinissajjananti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘A monk not stopping with being a corrupter of families when pressed for the third time’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

saṅghādisesoti nāmañceva āpatti ca …pe….
‘Offense entailing suspension’ is the name, as well as the offense. …

Anādariyaṁ paṭicca udake uccāraṁ vā passāvaṁ vā kheḷaṁ vā karaṇanti vatthu ceva gottañca—
‘Out of disrespect, defecating, urinating, or spitting in water’ is the basis for an offense, as well as a category;

dukkaṭanti nāmañceva āpatti cāti.
‘Offense of wrong conduct’ is the name, as well as the offense.”

Navasaṅgahavaggo niṭṭhito pañcamo.
The fifth subchapter on nine kinds of “being found among” is finished.

This is the summary:

Apalokanaṁ ñatti ca,
“Getting permission, and motion,

dutiyaṁ catutthena ca;
One motion and one announcement, and with one motion and three announcements;

Vatthu ñatti anussāvanaṁ,
Object, motion, announcement,

sīmā parisameva ca.
Monastery zone, and gathering.

Sammukhā paṭipucchā ca,
Face-to-face, and questioning,

paṭiññā vinayāraho;
Admission, resolution, deserving;

Vatthu saṅghapuggalañca,
Object, Sangha, and person,

ñattiṁ na pacchā ñatti ca.
Motions, and not the motion afterwards.

Vatthuṁ saṅghapuggalañca,
Object, Sangha, and person,

sāvanaṁ akālena ca;
Announcement, and at the wrong time;

Atikhuddakā mahantā ca,
Too small, and large,

khaṇḍacchāyā nimittakā.
Incomplete, shadow, without zone markers.

Bahinadī samudde ca,
Outside, river, and in an ocean,

jātassare ca bhindati;
And in a lake, merges;

Ajjhottharati sīmāya,
It encloses a zone,

catu pañca ca vaggikā.
A group of four, and of five.

Dasa vīsativaggā ca,
A group of ten, and of twenty,

anāhaṭā ca āhaṭā;
Not brought and brought;

Kammapattā chandārahā,
Who should take part, eligible to give their consent,

kammārahā ca puggalā.
And person deserving of the legal procedure.

Apalokanaṁ pañcaṭṭhānaṁ,
Five situations for getting permission,

ñatti ca navaṭhānikā;
And nine situations for one motion;

Ñatti dutiyaṁ sattaṭṭhānaṁ,
Seven situations for one motion and one announcement,

catutthā sattaṭhānikā.
Seven situations for one motion and three announcements.

Suṭṭhu phāsu ca dummaṅku,
Well-being, and comfort, bad,

pesalā cāpi āsavā;
And good, corruptions;

Threats, faults, and dangers,

akusalaṁ gihīnañca.
Unwholesome, and for householders.

Pāpicchā appasannānaṁ,
Those with bad desires, those without confidence,

pasannā dhammaṭṭhapanā;
Confidence, the longevity of the Teaching;

Vinayānuggahā ceva,
And supporting the training,

pātimokkhuddesena ca.
The Monastic Code, and with the recitation.

Pātimokkhañca ṭhapanā,
And the canceling of the Monastic Code,

Pavāraṇañca ṭhapanaṁ;
And the invitation ceremony, its suspension;

Tajjanīyā niyassañca,
Condemnation, and demotion,

Pabbājanīya paṭisāraṇī.
Banishment, reconciliation.

Ukkhepana parivāsaṁ,
Ejection, probation,

Beginning, trial period, rehabilitation;

Osāraṇaṁ nissāraṇaṁ,
Admittance, sending away,

tatheva upasampadā.
And so the full ordination.

Apalokanañatti ca,
Getting permission, and motion,

dutiyañca catutthakaṁ;
One motion and one announcement, one motion and three announcements;

When there was no existing rule, laid down an addition,

sammukhāvinayo sati.
Resolution face-to-face, recollection.

Past insanity, admitted, majority,

pāpiya tiṇavatthārakaṁ;
Further penalty, covering over as if with grass;

Vatthu vipatti āpatti,
Basis, failure, offense,

nidānaṁ puggalena ca.
Origin story, and with person.

Khandhā ceva samuṭṭhānā,
And classes, originations,

adhikaraṇameva ca;
And legal issue;

Samathā saṅgahā ceva,
And found among the settling,

nāmaāpattikā tathāti.
Name, and so offense.”

Parivāro niṭṭhito.
The Compendium is finished.

Parivārapāḷi niṭṭhitā.
The canonical text of the Compendium is finished.

Concluding verses:

“Having asked this and that

pucchitvā ca tahiṁ tahiṁ;
About the practice of past teachers—

Dīpanāmo mahāpañño,
Dīpanāma, who had great wisdom,

sutadhāriṁ vicakkhaṇo.
Superb memory, clarity of sight.

Imaṁ vitthārasaṅkhepaṁ,
This contraction of the detail,

sajjhāmaggena majjhime;
With a path for study, in the middle;

Cintayitvā likhāpesi,
Having thought it out, he had it written down,

sissakānaṁ sukhāvahaṁ.
Bringing happiness to disciples.

Parivāranti yaṁ vuttaṁ,
That which is called the ‘Compendium’,

sabbaṁ vatthuṁ salakkhaṇaṁ;
With all bases for offenses with their characteristics,

Atthaṁ atthena saddhamme,
Meaning in accord with the meaning in the true Teaching,

dhammaṁ dhammena paññatte.
Rule in accord with the rule in what is laid down.

Sāsanaṁ parivāresi,
It encompasses the Instruction,

jambudīpaṁva sāgaro;
Like the ocean encompasses India;

Parivāraṁ ajānanto,
Not knowing the Compendium,

kuto dhammavinicchayaṁ.
How does one decide on the rules?

Vipatti vatthu paññatti,
How does one decide on failures, bases, rules,

anupaññatti puggalo;
Additions to the rules, persons;

Ekato ubhato ceva,
Whether on each side and on both sides,

lokapaṇṇatti vajjato.
A rule by convention from a moral fault?

Yassa jāyati vimati,
When anyone gives rise to doubt,

parivārena chijjati;
It is cut off by the Compendium;

Cakkavatti mahāsene,
Like a universal monarch in the midst of his great army,

migamajjheva kesari.
Like a lion in a herd of deer;

Ravi raṁsiparikkiṇṇo,
Like the sun surrounded by its rays,

cando tāragaṇe yathā;
Like the moon in the starry sky;

Brahmā brahmaparisāya,
Like the Supreme Being in his assembly,

gaṇamajjheva nāyako;
Like a leader with his retinue—

Evaṁ saddhammavinayo,
In this way, the true Teaching and the Monastic Law

parivārena sobhatīti.
Shine through the Compendium.”