sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.15

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.15

2. Nandanavagga
2. The Garden of Delight


Murmuring Whispering

“Ṭhite majjhanhike kāle,
“When the noon hour sets in
“In the still of high noon,

sannisīvesu pakkhisu;
And the birds have settled down,
when the birds have settled down,

Saṇateva brahāraññaṁ,
The mighty forest itself murmurs:
the formidable jungle whispers to itself:

taṁ bhayaṁ paṭibhāti man”ti.
How fearful that appears to me!”
that seems so scary to me!”

“Ṭhite majjhanhike kāle,
“When the noon hour sets in
“In the still of high noon,

sannisīvesu pakkhisu;
And the birds have settled down,
when the birds have settled down,

Saṇateva brahāraññaṁ,
The mighty forest itself murmurs:
the formidable jungle whispers to itself:

sā rati paṭibhāti man”ti.
How delightful that appears to me!”
that seems so delightful to me!”