sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.55

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.55

6. Jarāvagga
6. Old Age


Produces (1) Gives Birth (1st)

“Kiṁsu janeti purisaṁ,
“What is it that produces a person?
“What gives birth to a person?

kiṁsu tassa vidhāvati;
What does he have that runs around?
What do they have that runs about?

Kiṁsu saṁsāramāpādi,
What enters upon saṁsara?
What enters transmigration?

kiṁsu tassa mahabbhayan”ti.
What is his greatest fear?”
What’s their greatest fear?”

“Taṇhā janeti purisaṁ,
“It is craving that produces a person;
“Craving gives birth to a person.

cittamassa vidhāvati;
His mind is what runs around;
Their mind is what runs about.

Satto saṁsāramāpādi,
A being enters upon saṁsara;
A sentient being enters transmigration.

dukkhamassa mahabbhayan”ti.
Suffering is his greatest fear. ”
Suffering is their greatest fear.”