sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.63

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.63

7. Addhavagga
7. Oppressed


Craving Craving

“Kenassu nīyati loko,
“By what is the world led around?
“What leads the world on?

kenassu parikassati;
By what is it dragged here and there?
What drags it around?

Kissassu ekadhammassa,
What is the one thing that has
What is the one thing

sabbeva vasamanvagū”ti.
All under its control?”
that has everything under its sway?”

“Taṇhāya nīyati loko,
“The world is led around by craving;
“Craving leads the world on.

taṇhāya parikassati;
By craving it‘s dragged here and there.
Craving drags it around.

Taṇhāya ekadhammassa,
Craving is the one thing that has
Craving is the one thing

sabbeva vasamanvagū”ti.
All under its control.
that has everything under its sway.”