sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.68

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.68

7. Addhavagga
7. Oppressed


Shut In Fastened Shut

“Kenassu pihito loko,
“By what is the world shut in?
“What has the world fastened shut?

kismiṁ loko patiṭṭhito;
On what is the world established?
On what is the world grounded?

Kenassu uḍḍito loko,
By what is the world ensnared?
What has trapped the world?

kenassu parivārito”ti.
By what is it enveloped?”
By what is it surrounded?”

“Maccunā pihito loko,
“The world is shut in by death;
“Mortality has the world fastened shut.

dukkhe loko patiṭṭhito;
The world is established on suffering;
The world is grounded on suffering.

Taṇhāya uḍḍito loko,
The world is ensnared by craving;
Craving has trapped the world.

jarāya parivārito”ti.
It is enveloped by old age. ”
It’s surrounded by old age.”