sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.76

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.76

8. Chetvāvagga
8. Incinerated


Does Not Decay Getting Old

“Kiṁ jīrati kiṁ na jīrati,
“What decays, what does not decay?
“What gets old, what doesn’t grow old?

kiṁsu uppathoti vuccati;
What is declared the deviant path?
What’s called a deviation?

Kiṁsu dhammānaṁ paripantho,
What is the impediment to wholesome states?
What’s a roadblock for skillful qualities?

kiṁsu rattindivakkhayo;
What undergoes destruction night and day?
What is ending day and night?

Kiṁ malaṁ brahmacariyassa,
What is the stain of the holy life?
What’s the stain of celibacy?

kiṁ sinānamanodakaṁ.
What is the bath without water?
What’s the waterless bath?

Kati lokasmiṁ chiddāni,
“How many fissures are there in the world
How many holes are there in the world,

yattha vittaṁ na tiṭṭhati;
Wherein the mind does not stand firm?
where one’s wealth leaks out?

Bhagavantaṁ puṭṭhumāgamma,
We’ve come to ask the Blessed One this:
We’ve come to ask the Buddha;

kathaṁ jānemu taṁ mayan”ti.
How are we to understand it?”
how are we to understand this?”

“Rūpaṁ jīrati maccānaṁ,
“The physical form of mortals decays,
“The physical form of mortals gets old,

nāmagottaṁ na jīrati;
Their name and clan does not decay.
but their name and clan don’t.

Rāgo uppathoti vuccati.
Lust is declared the deviant path,
Lust is called a deviation,

Lobho dhammānaṁ paripantho,
Greed the impediment to wholesome states.
and greed obstructs skillful qualities.

Vayo rattindivakkhayo;
“Life undergoes destruction night and day;
Youth is ending day and night.

Itthī malaṁ brahmacariyassa,
Women are the stain of the holy life:
Women are the stain of celibacy,

Etthāyaṁ sajjate pajā;
Here’s where menfolk are enmeshed.
to which this generation clings.

Tapo ca brahmacariyañca,
Austerity and the holy life—
Fervor and celibacy

Taṁ sinānamanodakaṁ.
That is the bath without water.
are the waterless bath.

Cha lokasmiṁ chiddāni,
“There are six fissures in the world
There are six holes in the world,

yattha vittaṁ na tiṭṭhati;
Wherein the mind does not stand firm:
where one’s wealth leaks out:

Ālasyañca pamādo ca,
Laziness and negligence,
laziness and negligence,

anuṭṭhānaṁ asaṁyamo;
Indolence, lack of self-control,
lack of initiative and lack of restraint,

Niddā tandī ca te chidde,
Drowsiness and lethargy—
sleepiness and sloth.

sabbaso taṁ vivajjaye”ti.
Avoid these fissures completely. ”
You should completely get rid of these holes!”