sutta » sn » sn2 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 2.5

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 2.5

1. Paṭhamavagga
Chapter One


Dāmali With Dāmali

At Sāvatthī.
At Sāvatthī.

Atha kho dāmali devaputto abhikkantāya rattiyā abhikkantavaṇṇo kevalakappaṁ jetavanaṁ obhāsetvā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi.
Then, when the night had advanced, the young deva Dāmali, of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire Jeta’s Grove, approached the Blessed One.
Then, late at night, the glorious god Dāmali, lighting up the entire Jeta’s Grove, went up to the Buddha, bowed, stood to one side,

Ekamantaṁ ṭhito kho dāmali devaputto bhagavato santike imaṁ gāthaṁ abhāsi:
Having approached, he paid homage to the Blessed One, stood to one side, and recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:
and recited this verse in the Buddha’s presence:

“Karaṇīyametaṁ brāhmaṇena,
“This should be done by the brahmin:
“This is what should be done by a brahmin:

Padhānaṁ akilāsunā;
Striving without weariness,
unrelenting striving.

Kāmānaṁ vippahānena,
That by his abandoning of sensual desires
Then, with the giving up of sensual pleasures,

Na tenāsīsate bhavan”ti.
He does not yearn for existence. ”
they won’t hope to be reborn.”

“Natthi kiccaṁ brāhmaṇassa,
“For the brahmin there is no task to be done,
“The brahmin has nothing left to do,”

(dāmalīti bhagavā)
[O Dāmali, ” said the Blessed One],
said the Buddha to Dāmali,

Katakicco hi brāhmaṇo;
“For the brahmin has done what should be done.
“for they’ve completed their task.

Yāva na gādhaṁ labhati nadīsu,
While he has not gained a footing in the river,
So long as a person fails to gain a footing in the river,

Āyūhati sabbagattebhi jantu;
A man will strain with all his limbs;
they strive with every limb.

Gādhañca laddhāna thale ṭhito yo,
But a footing gained, standing on the ground,
But someone who has gained a footing <j>and stands on dry land

Nāyūhatī pāragato hi sova.
He need not strain for he has gone beyond.
need not strive, <j>for they have reached the far shore.

Esūpamā dāmali brāhmaṇassa,
“This is a simile for the brahmin, O Dāmali,
Dāmali, this is a simile for the brahmin,

Khīṇāsavassa nipakassa jhāyino;
For the taintless one, the discreet meditator.
alert, a meditator who has ended defilements.

Pappuyya jātimaraṇassa antaṁ,
Having reached the end of birth and death,
Since they’ve reached the end of rebirth and death,

Nāyūhatī pāragato hi so”ti.
He need not strain for he has gone beyond. ”
they need not strive, <j>for they have reached the far shore.”