sutta » sn » sn3 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 3.20

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 3.20

2. Dutiyavagga
2. Childless


Childless Childless (2nd)

Atha kho rājā pasenadi kosalo divā divassa yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā ekamantaṁ nisinnaṁ kho rājānaṁ pasenadiṁ kosalaṁ bhagavā etadavoca:
Then King Pasenadi of Kosala went up to the Buddha in the middle of the day … The Buddha said to him,

“handa kuto nu tvaṁ, mahārāja, āgacchasi divā divassā”ti?
“So, great king, where are you coming from in the middle of the day?”

“Idha, bhante, sāvatthiyaṁ seṭṭhi gahapati kālaṅkato.
“Sir, here in Sāvatthī a financier householder has passed away.

Tamahaṁ aputtakaṁ sāpateyyaṁ rājantepuraṁ atiharitvā āgacchāmi.
Since he died childless, I have come after transferring his fortune to the royal compound.

Sataṁ, bhante, satasahassāni hiraññasseva, ko pana vādo rūpiyassa.
There was ten million in gold, not to mention the silver.

Tassa kho pana, bhante, seṭṭhissa gahapatissa evarūpo bhattabhogo ahosi—
And yet that financier ate meals of

kaṇājakaṁ bhuñjati bilaṅgadutiyaṁ.
rough gruel with pickles.

Evarūpo vatthabhogo ahosi—
He wore clothes consisting of

sāṇaṁ dhāreti tipakkhavasanaṁ.
three pieces of sunn hemp.

Evarūpo yānabhogo ahosi—
He traveled around in a vehicle that was

jajjararathakena yāti paṇṇachattakena dhāriyamānenā”ti.
a dilapidated little cart, holding a leaf as sunshade.”

“Evametaṁ, mahārāja, evametaṁ, mahārāja.
“So it is, great king! So it is, great king!
“That’s so true, great king! That’s so true!

Bhūtapubbaṁ so, mahārāja, seṭṭhi gahapati taggarasikhiṁ nāma paccekasambuddhaṁ piṇḍapātena paṭipādesi.
Once in the past, great king, that financier householder provided a paccekabuddha named Tagarasikhī with almsfood.
Once upon a time, great king, that financier householder provided almsfood on behalf of an independent Buddha named Tagarasikhī.

‘Detha samaṇassa piṇḍan’ti vatvā uṭṭhāyāsanā pakkāmi.
Having said, ‘Give alms to the ascetic, ’ he rose from his seat and departed.
He instructed: ‘Give alms to that ascetic,’ before getting up from his seat and leaving.

Datvā ca pana pacchā vippaṭisārī ahosi:
But after giving, he later felt regret and thought:
But after giving he regretted it:

‘varametaṁ piṇḍapātaṁ dāsā vā kammakarā vā bhuñjeyyun’ti.
‘It would have been better if the slaves or workers had eaten that almsfood!’ Moreover,
‘It would have been better to feed the bondservants or workers with that almsfood.’

Bhātu ca pana ekaputtakaṁ sāpateyyassa kāraṇā jīvitā voropesi.
he murdered his brother’s only son for the sake of his fortune.
What’s more, he murdered his brother’s only child for the sake of his fortune.

Yaṁ kho so, mahārāja, seṭṭhi gahapati taggarasikhiṁ paccekasambuddhaṁ piṇḍapātena paṭipādesi, tassa kammassa vipākena sattakkhattuṁ sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajji.
“Because that financier householder provided the paccekabuddha Tagarasikhī with almsfood, as a result of that kamma he was reborn seven times in a good destination, in the heavenly world.
Because that financier provided Tagarasikhī with almsfood, as a result of that deed he was reborn seven times in a good place, a heavenly realm.

Tasseva kammassa vipākāvasesena imissāyeva sāvatthiyā sattakkhattuṁ seṭṭhittaṁ kāresi.
As a residual result of that same kamma, he obtained the position of financier seven times in this same city of Sāvatthī.
And as a residual result of that same deed he held the position of financier seven times right here in Sāvatthī.

Yaṁ kho so, mahārāja, seṭṭhi gahapati datvā pacchā vippaṭisārī ahosi:
But because that financier householder later felt regret about giving,
But because that financier regretted giving alms,

‘varametaṁ piṇḍapātaṁ dāsā vā kammakarā vā bhuñjeyyun’ti, tassa kammassa vipākena nāssuḷārāya bhattabhogāya cittaṁ namati, nāssuḷārāya vatthabhogāya cittaṁ namati, nāssuḷārāya yānabhogāya cittaṁ namati, nāssuḷārānaṁ pañcannaṁ kāmaguṇānaṁ bhogāya cittaṁ namati.
as a result of that kamma his mind did not incline to the enjoyment of excellent food, excellent clothing, and excellent vehicles, nor to the enjoyment of excellent items among the five cords of sensual pleasure.
as a result of that deed his mind didn’t tend to enjoy nice food, clothes, vehicles, or the five refined kinds of sensual stimulation.

Yaṁ kho so, mahārāja, seṭṭhi gahapati bhātu ca pana ekaputtakaṁ sāpateyyassa kāraṇā jīvitā voropesi, tassa kammassa vipākena bahūni vassāni bahūni vassasatāni bahūni vassasahassāni bahūni vassasatasahassāni niraye paccittha.
And because that financier householder murdered his brother’s only son for the sake of his fortune, as a result of that kamma he was tormented in hell for many years, for many hundreds of years, for many thousands of years, for many hundreds of thousands of years.
And because that financier murdered his brother’s only child for the sake of his fortune, as a result of that deed he burned in hell for many years, for many hundreds, many thousands, many hundreds of thousands of years.

Tasseva kammassa vipākāvasesena idaṁ sattamaṁ aputtakaṁ sāpateyyaṁ rājakosaṁ paveseti.
As a residual result of that same kamma, he has furnished the royal treasury with this seventh heirless fortune.
And as a residual result of that same deed, he is childless for the seventh time, his fortune ending up in the royal treasury.

Tassa kho, mahārāja, seṭṭhissa gahapatissa purāṇañca puññaṁ parikkhīṇaṁ, navañca puññaṁ anupacitaṁ.
“The old merit of that financier householder has been utterly exhausted, and he had not accumulated any fresh merit.
Now the old merit of that financier has been used up, and he hasn’t accumulated new merit.

Ajja pana, mahārāja, seṭṭhi gahapati mahāroruve niraye paccatī”ti.
But today, great king, the financier householder is being roasted in the Great Roruva Hell. ”
Today, great king, that financier burns in the Great Hell of Screams.”

“Evaṁ, bhante, seṭṭhi gahapati mahāroruvaṁ nirayaṁ upapanno”ti.
“So, venerable sir, that financier householder has been reborn in the Great Roruva Hell?”
“Really, sir, that financier has been reborn in the Great Hell of Screams?”

“Evaṁ, mahārāja, seṭṭhi gahapati mahāroruvaṁ nirayaṁ upapanno”ti.
“Yes, great king, that financier householder has been reborn in the Great Roruva Hell.
“Yes he has, great king.”

Idamavoca …pe….
That is what the Buddha said. …

“Dhaññaṁ dhanaṁ rajataṁ jātarūpaṁ,
“Grain, wealth, silver, gold,
“Grain, wealth, silver, and gold,

Pariggahaṁ vāpi yadatthi kiñci;
Or whatever other possessions there are,
or whatever other possessions there are;

Dāsā kammakarā pessā,
Slaves, workers, messengers,
bondservants, workers, servants,

Ye cassa anujīvino.
And those who live as one’s dependants:
and those dependent for their livelihood:

Sabbaṁ nādāya gantabbaṁ,
Without taking anything one must go,
you must go on without taking these;

sabbaṁ nikkhippagāminaṁ;
Everything must be left behind.
all of them are left behind.

Yañca karoti kāyena,
“But what one has done by body,
But the deeds you do

vācāya uda cetasā.
Or by speech or mind:
by body, speech, and mind—

Tañhi tassa sakaṁ hoti,
This is what is truly one’s own,
that’s what you can call your own.

taṁva ādāya gacchati;
This one takes when one goes;
That’s what you take when you go.

Taṁvassa anugaṁ hoti,
This is what follows one along
That’s what goes with you,

chāyāva anapāyinī.
Like a shadow that never departs.
like a shadow that never leaves.

Tasmā kareyya kalyāṇaṁ,
“Therefore one should do what is good
That’s why you should do good,

nicayaṁ samparāyikaṁ;
As a collection for the future life.
investing in the future life.

Puññāni paralokasmiṁ,
Merits are the support for living beings
The good deeds of sentient beings

patiṭṭhā honti pāṇinan”ti.
[When they arise] in the other world. ”
support them in the next world.”

Dutiyo vaggo.


Jaṭilā pañca rājāno,

Doṇapākakurena ca;

Saṅgāmena dve vuttāni,

Mallikā dve appamādena ca;

Aputtakena dve vuttā,

Vaggo tena pavuccatīti.