sutta » sn » sn4 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 4.18

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 4.18

2. Dutiyavagga
2. Rule


Alms Alms Food

Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā magadhesu viharati pañcasālāyaṁ brāhmaṇagāme.
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling among the Magadhans at the brahmin village of Pañcasālā.
At one time the Buddha was staying in the land of the Magadhans near the brahmin village of Pañcasālā.

Tena kho pana samayena pañcasālāyaṁ brāhmaṇagāme kumārikānaṁ pāhunakāni bhavanti.
Now on that occasion the gift-festival of the young people was being held at the brahmin village of Pañcasālā.
Now at that time in Pañcasālā the young women were taking care of guests.

Atha kho bhagavā pubbaṇhasamayaṁ nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya pañcasālaṁ brāhmaṇagāmaṁ piṇḍāya pāvisi.
Then, in the morning, the Blessed One dressed and, taking bowl and robe, entered Pañcasālā for alms.
Then the Buddha robed up in the morning and, taking his bowl and robe, entered Pañcasālā for alms.

Tena kho pana samayena pañcasāleyyakā brāhmaṇagahapatikā mārena pāpimatā anvāviṭṭhā bhavanti:
Now on that occasion Māra the Evil One had taken possession of the brahmin householders of Pañcasālā,
Now at that time Māra had possessed the brahmins and householders of Pañcasālā, so that they thought,

“mā samaṇo gotamo piṇḍamalatthā”ti.
[inciting in them the thought, ] “Don’t let the ascetic Gotama get alms. ”
“Don’t let the ascetic Gotama get any alms!”

Atha kho bhagavā yathādhotena pattena pañcasālaṁ brāhmaṇagāmaṁ piṇḍāya pāvisi tathādhotena pattena paṭikkami.
Then the Blessed One left Pañcasālā with his bowl just as cleanly washed as it was when he entered it for alms.
Then the Buddha left the village with his bowl as clean-washed as it was when he entered for alms.

Atha kho māro pāpimā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
Then Māra the Evil One approached the Blessed One and said to him:
Then Māra the Wicked went up to the Buddha and said to him,

“api tvaṁ, samaṇa, piṇḍamalatthā”ti?
“Maybe you got alms, ascetic?”
“Well, ascetic, did you get any alms?”

“Tathā nu tvaṁ, pāpima, akāsi yathāhaṁ piṇḍaṁ na labheyyan”ti.
“Was it you, Evil One, who saw to it that I didn’t get alms?”
“Wicked One, did you make sure I didn’t get any alms?”

“Tena hi, bhante, bhagavā dutiyampi pañcasālaṁ brāhmaṇagāmaṁ piṇḍāya pavisatu.
“Then, venerable sir, let the Blessed One enter Pañcasālā a second time for alms.
“Well then, sir, let the Buddha enter Pañcasālā a second time for alms.

Tathāhaṁ karissāmi yathā bhagavā piṇḍaṁ lacchatī”ti.
I will see to it that the Blessed One gets alms. ”.
I’ll make sure you get alms.”

“Apuññaṁ pasavi māro,
“You have produced demerit, Māra,
“Māra has produced wickedness

āsajja naṁ tathāgataṁ;
Having assailed the Tathāgata.
in attacking the Realized One.

Kiṁ nu maññasi pāpima,
Do you really think, O Evil One,
Wicked One, do you imagine that

na me pāpaṁ vipaccati.
‘My evil does not ripen’?
your wickedness won’t bear fruit?

Susukhaṁ vata jīvāma,
“Happily indeed we live,
Let us live so very happily,

yesaṁ no natthi kiñcanaṁ;
We who own nothing at all.
we who have nothing.

Pītibhakkhā bhavissāma,
We shall dwell feeding on rapture
We shall feed on rapture,

devā ābhassarā yathā”ti.
Like the devas of Streaming Radiance. ”
like the gods of streaming radiance.”

Atha kho māro pāpimā “jānāti maṁ bhagavā, jānāti maṁ sugato”ti dukkhī dummano tatthevantaradhāyīti.
Then Māra the Evil One … disappeared right there.
Then Māra the Wicked, thinking, “The Buddha knows me! The Holy One knows me!” miserable and sad, vanished right there.