sutta » sn » sn7 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 7.11

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 7.11

2. Upāsakavagga
2. Lay Followers


With Bhāradvāja the Farmer Kasi Bhāradvāja

Evaṁ me sutaṁ—
So I have heard.
Thus have I heard.

ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā magadhesu viharati dakkhiṇāgirismiṁ ekanāḷāyaṁ brāhmaṇagāme.
At one time the Buddha was staying in the land of the Magadhans in the Southern Hills near the brahmin village of Ekanāḷa.
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling among the Magadhans at Dakkhiṇāgiri near the brahmin village of Ekanāḷa.

Tena kho pana samayena kasibhāradvājassa brāhmaṇassa pañcamattāni naṅgalasatāni payuttāni honti vappakāle.
Now at that time the brahmin Bhāradvāja the Farmer had harnessed around five hundred plows, it being the season for sowing.
Now on that occasion the brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja, Bhāradvāja the Ploughman, had five hundred ploughs fastened to their yokes at the time of sowing.

Atha kho bhagavā pubbaṇhasamayaṁ nivāsetvā pattacīvaramādāya yena kasibhāradvājassa brāhmaṇassa kammanto tenupasaṅkami.
Then the Buddha robed up in the morning and, taking his bowl and robe, went to where Bhāradvāja the Farmer was working.
Then, in the morning, the Blessed One dressed and, taking bowl and robe, went to the place where the brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja was at work.

Tena kho pana samayena kasibhāradvājassa brāhmaṇassa parivesanā vattati.
Now at that time Bhāradvāja the Farmer was distributing food.
Now on that occasion the brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja’s food distribution was taking place.

Atha kho bhagavā yena parivesanā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi.
Then the Buddha went to where the distribution was taking place and stood to one side.
Then the Blessed One approached the place of the food distribution and stood to one side.

Addasā kho kasibhāradvājo brāhmaṇo bhagavantaṁ piṇḍāya ṭhitaṁ.
Bhāradvāja the Farmer saw him standing for alms
The brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja saw the Blessed One standing for alms

Disvā bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
and said to him,
and said to him:

“ahaṁ kho, samaṇa, kasāmi ca vapāmi ca, kasitvā ca vapitvā ca bhuñjāmi.
“I plough and sow, ascetic, and then I eat.
“Recluse, I plough and sow, and when I have ploughed and sown I eat.

Tvampi, samaṇa, kasassu ca vapassu ca, kasitvā ca vapitvā ca bhuñjassū”ti.
You too should plough and sow, then you may eat.”
You too, ascetic, ought to plough and sow; then, when you have ploughed and sown, you will eat. ”

“Ahampi kho, brāhmaṇa, kasāmi ca vapāmi ca, kasitvā ca vapitvā ca bhuñjāmī”ti.
“I too plough and sow, brahmin, and then I eat.”
“I too, brahmin, plough and sow, and when I have ploughed and sown I eat. ”

“Na kho mayaṁ passāma bhoto gotamassa yugaṁ vā naṅgalaṁ vā phālaṁ vā pācanaṁ vā balībadde vā, atha ca pana bhavaṁ gotamo evamāha:
“I don’t see Mister Gotama with a yoke or plow or plowshare or goad or oxen, yet he says:
“But we do not see Master Gotama’s yoke or plough or ploughshare or goad or oxen; yet Master Gotama says, ‘I too, brahmin, plough and sow, and when I have ploughed and sown I eat. ’”

‘ahampi kho, brāhmaṇa, kasāmi ca vapāmi ca, kasitvā ca vapitvā ca bhuñjāmī’”ti.
‘I too plough and sow, brahmin, and then I eat.’”

Atha kho kasibhāradvājo brāhmaṇo bhagavantaṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi:
Then Bhāradvāja the Farmer addressed the Buddha in verse:
Then the brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja addressed the Blessed One in verse:

“Kassako paṭijānāsi,
“You claim to be a farmer,
“You claim to be a man who works the plough,

na ca passāmi te kasiṁ;
but I don’t see you farming.
But I do not see your ploughing.

Kassako pucchito brūhi,
Tell me how you’re a farmer when asked:
If you’re a ploughman, answer me:

kathaṁ jānemu taṁ kasin”ti.
how am I to recognize your farming?”
How should we understand your ploughing?”

“Saddhā bījaṁ tapo vuṭṭhi,
“Faith is my seed, fervor my rain,
[The Blessed One: ] “Faith is the seed, austerity the rain,

paññā me yuganaṅgalaṁ;
and wisdom is my yoke and plough.
Wisdom my yoke and plough;

Hirī īsā mano yottaṁ,
Conscience is my pole, mind my strap,
Shame is the pole, mind the yoke-tie,

sati me phālapācanaṁ.
mindfulness my plowshare and goad.
Mindfulness my ploughshare and goad.

Kāyagutto vacīgutto,
Guarded in body and speech,
“Guarded in body, guarded in speech,

āhāre udare yato;
I restrict my intake of food.
Controlled in my appetite for food,

Saccaṁ karomi niddānaṁ,
I use truth as my scythe,
I use truth as my weeding-hook,

soraccaṁ me pamocanaṁ.
and sweetness is my release.
And gentleness as my unyoking.

Vīriyaṁ me dhuradhorayhaṁ,
Energy is my beast of burden,
“Energy is my beast of burden,

transporting me to sanctuary from the yoke.
Carrying me to security from bondage.

Gacchati anivattantaṁ,
It goes without turning back
It goes ahead without stopping

yattha gantvā na socati.
to where there is no sorrow.
To where, having gone, one does not sorrow .

Evamesā kasī kaṭṭhā,
That’s how to do the farming
“In such a way this ploughing is done

sā hoti amatapphalā;
that has freedom from death as its fruit.
Which has the Deathless as its fruit.

Etaṁ kasiṁ kasitvāna,
When you finish this farming
Having finished this work of ploughing,

sabbadukkhā pamuccatī”ti.
you’re released from all suffering.”
One is released from all suffering. ”

“Bhuñjatu bhavaṁ gotamo.
“Eat, Mister Gotama,
“Let Master Gotama eat!

Kassako bhavaṁ.
you are truly a farmer.
The worthy is a ploughman,

Yañhi bhavaṁ gotamo amatapphalampi kasiṁ kasatī”ti.
For Mister Gotama does the farming that has freedom from death as its fruit.”
since Master Gotama does ploughing that has even the Deathless as its fruit. ”

“Gāthābhigītaṁ me abhojaneyyaṁ,
“Food enchanted by a verse isn’t fit for me to eat.
“Food over which verses have been sung

Sampassataṁ brāhmaṇa nesa dhammo;
That’s not the principle of those who see, brahmin.

Gāthābhigītaṁ panudanti buddhā,
The Buddhas reject things enchanted with verses.

Dhamme sati brāhmaṇa vuttiresā.
Since there is such a principle, brahmin, <j>that’s how they live.

Aññena ca kevalinaṁ mahesiṁ,
Serve with other food and drink

Khīṇāsavaṁ kukkuccavūpasantaṁ;
the consummate one, the great seer,

Annena pānena upaṭṭhahassu,
with defilements ended and remorse stilled.

Khettañhi taṁ puññapekkhassa hotī”ti.
For he is the field for the seeker of merit.”
For he is the field for one seeking merit. ”

Evaṁ vutte, kasibhāradvājo brāhmaṇo bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
When he had spoken, the brahmin Bhāradvāja the Farmer said to the Buddha,
Having said this, the brahmin Kasi Bhāradvāja said to the Blessed One:

“abhikkantaṁ, bho gotama …pe…
“Excellent, Mister Gotama …
“Magnificent, Master Gotama!

ajjatagge pāṇupetaṁ saraṇaṁ gatan”ti.
From this day forth, may Mister Gotama remember me as a lay follower who has gone for refuge for life.”
remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life. ”