sutta » sn » sn7 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 7.15

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 7.15

2. Upāsakavagga
2. Lay Followers



At Sāvatthī.
At Sāvatthī.

Tena kho pana samayena mānatthaddho nāma brāhmaṇo sāvatthiyaṁ paṭivasati.
Now on that occasion a brahmin named Mānatthaddha, Stiff with Conceit, was residing at Sāvatthī.
Now at that time a brahmin named Stuck-Up was residing in Sāvatthī.

So neva mātaraṁ abhivādeti, na pitaraṁ abhivādeti, na ācariyaṁ abhivādeti, na jeṭṭhabhātaraṁ abhivādeti.
He did not pay homage to his mother or father, nor to his teacher or eldest brother.
He didn’t bow to his mother or father, his teacher, or his oldest brother.

Tena kho pana samayena bhagavā mahatiyā parisāya parivuto dhammaṁ deseti.
Now on that occasion the Blessed One was teaching the Dhamma surrounded by a large assembly.
Now, at that time the Buddha was teaching Dhamma, surrounded by a large assembly.

Atha kho mānatthaddhassa brāhmaṇassa etadahosi:
Then it occurred to the brahmin Mānatthaddha:
Then Stuck-Up thought,

“ayaṁ kho samaṇo gotamo mahatiyā parisāya parivuto dhammaṁ deseti.
“This ascetic Gotama is teaching the Dhamma surrounded by a large assembly.
“The ascetic Gotama is teaching Dhamma, surrounded by a large assembly.

Yannūnāhaṁ yena samaṇo gotamo tenupasaṅkameyyaṁ.
Let me approach him.
Why don’t I approach him?

Sace maṁ samaṇo gotamo ālapissati, ahampi taṁ ālapissāmi.
If the ascetic Gotama addresses me, then I will address him in turn.
If he speaks to me, I’ll speak to him.

No ce maṁ samaṇo gotamo ālapissati, ahampi nālapissāmī”ti.
But if he does not address me, neither will I address him.”
But if he doesn’t speak, neither will I.”

Atha kho mānatthaddho brāhmaṇo yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā tuṇhībhūto ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi.
Then the brahmin Mānatthaddha approached the Blessed One and stood silently to one side,
Then the brahmin Stuck-Up went up to the Buddha, and stood silently to one side.

Atha kho bhagavā taṁ nālapi.
but the Blessed One did not address him.
But the Buddha didn’t speak to him.

Atha kho mānatthaddho brāhmaṇo:
Then the brahmin Mānatthaddha, thinking,
Then Stuck-Up thought,

“nāyaṁ samaṇo gotamo kiñci jānātī”ti tatova puna nivattitukāmo ahosi.
“This ascetic Gotama doesn’t know anything,”
“This ascetic Gotama knows nothing!” And he wanted to go back from there right away.

Atha kho bhagavā mānatthaddhassa brāhmaṇassa cetasā cetoparivitakkamaññāya mānatthaddhaṁ brāhmaṇaṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi:
having known with his own mind the reflection in the brahmin’s mind, addressed the brahmin Mānatthaddha in verse:
Then the Buddha, knowing Stuck-Up’s train of thought, addressed him in verse:

“Na mānaṁ brāhmaṇa sādhu,
“The fostering of conceit is never good
“It’s not good to foster conceit

atthikassīdha brāhmaṇa;
For one keen on his welfare, brahmin.
if you want what’s good for you, brahmin.

Yena atthena āgacchi,
You should instead foster that purpose
You should foster the goal

Because of which you’ve come here.”
which brought you here.”

Atha kho mānatthaddho brāhmaṇo:
Then the brahmin Mānatthaddha, thinking,
Then Stuck-Up thought,

“cittaṁ me samaṇo gotamo jānātī”ti tattheva bhagavato pādesu sirasā nipatitvā bhagavato pādāni mukhena ca paricumbati pāṇīhi ca parisambāhati, nāmañca sāveti:
“The ascetic Gotama knows my mind,”
“The ascetic Gotama knows my mind!” He bowed with his head at the Buddha’s feet, caressing them and covering them with kisses, and pronounced his name:

“mānatthaddhāhaṁ, bho gotama, mānatthaddhāhaṁ, bho gotamā”ti.
prostrated himself right there with his head at the Blessed One’s feet.
“Mister Gotama, I am Stuck-Up! I am Stuck-Up!”

Atha kho sā parisā abbhutavittajātā ahosi:
Then that assembly was struck with amazement and the people said:
Then that assembly was stunned:

“acchariyaṁ vata bho, abbhutaṁ vata bho.
“It is wonderful indeed,
“Oh, how incredible, how amazing!

Ayañhi mānatthaddho brāhmaṇo neva mātaraṁ abhivādeti, na pitaraṁ abhivādeti, na ācariyaṁ abhivādeti, na jeṭṭhabhātaraṁ abhivādeti;
This brahmin Mānatthaddha does not pay homage to his mother and father,
This brahmin Stuck-Up doesn’t bow to his mother or father, his teacher, or his oldest brother.

atha ca pana samaṇe gotame evarūpaṁ paramanipaccakāraṁ karotī”ti.
yet he shows such supreme honour towards the ascetic Gotama.”
Yet he shows such utmost devotion to the ascetic Gotama!”

Atha kho bhagavā mānatthaddhaṁ brāhmaṇaṁ etadavoca:
Then the Blessed One said to the brahmin Mānatthaddha:
Then the Buddha said to the brahmin Stuck-Up,

“alaṁ, brāhmaṇa, uṭṭhehi, sake āsane nisīda.
“Enough, brahmin! Get up and sit in your own seat,
“Enough, brahmin. Get up, and take your own seat.

Yato te mayi cittaṁ pasannan”ti.
as your mind has confidence in me.”
For your mind has confidence in me.”

Atha kho mānatthaddho brāhmaṇo sake āsane nisīditvā bhagavantaṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi:
Then the brahmin Mānatthaddha sat down in his own seat and addressed the Blessed One in verse:
Then Stuck-Up took his seat and said to the Buddha:

“Kesu na mānaṁ kayirātha,
“Towards whom should one avoid conceit?
“Regarding whom should you not be conceited?

kesu cassa sagāravo;
Towards whom should one show reverence?
Who should you respect?

Kyassa apacitā assu,
To whom should one be ever respectful?
Who should you esteem?

kyassu sādhu supūjitā”ti.
Whom is it proper to venerate deeply?”
Who is it good to venerate properly?”

“Mātari pitari cāpi,
“First one’s own mother and father,
“Your mother and father,

atho jeṭṭhamhi bhātari;
Then one’s eldest family brother,
and also your oldest brother,

Ācariye catutthamhi,
Then one’s teacher as the fourth:
with teacher as fourth.

tesu na mānaṁ kayirātha;
Towards these one should avoid conceit;
Regarding these you should not be conceited.

Tesu assa sagāravo,
Towards these one should be reverential;
They are who you should respect.

tyassa apacitā assu;
These should be well respected;
They are who you should esteem.

Tyassu sādhu supūjitā.
These it is good to venerate deeply.
And they’re who it’s good to venerate properly.

Arahante sītībhūte,
“Having struck down conceit, humble,
And when you’ve humbled conceit, <j>and aren’t stuck-up,

katakicce anāsave;
One should pay homage to the arahants,
show supreme reverence for

Nihacca mānaṁ athaddho,
Those cool of heart, their tasks done,
the perfected ones, cooled,

te namasse anuttare”ti.
The taintless ones, unsurpassed.”
their task complete, free of defilements.”

Evaṁ vutte, mānatthaddho brāhmaṇo bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
When this was said, the brahmin Mānatthaddha said to the Blessed One:
When he had spoken, the brahmin Stuck-Up said to the Buddha,

“abhikkantaṁ, bho gotama …pe…
“Magnificent, Master Gotama!
“Excellent, Mister Gotama …

upāsakaṁ maṁ bhavaṁ gotamo dhāretu ajjatagge pāṇupetaṁ saraṇaṁ gatan”ti.
Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.”
From this day forth, may Mister Gotama remember me as a lay follower who has gone for refuge for life.”