sutta » sn » sn11 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 11.8

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 11.8

1. Paṭhamavagga
Chapter One


Verocana, Lord of the Asuras Verocana, Lord of Titans

Sāvatthiyaṁ jetavane.
At Savatthi in Jeta's Grove.
Near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove.

Tena kho pana samayena bhagavā divāvihāragato hoti paṭisallīno.
Now on that occasion the Blessed One had gone for his day's abiding and was in seclusion.
Now at that time the Buddha had gone into retreat for the day’s meditation.

Atha kho sakko ca devānamindo verocano ca asurindo yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā paccekaṁ dvārabāhaṁ nissāya aṭṭhaṁsu.
Then Sakka, lord of the devas, and Verocana, lord of the asuras, approached the Blessed One and stood one at each door post.
Then Sakka, lord of gods, and Verocana, lord of titans, approached the Buddha and stationed themselves one by each door-post.

Atha kho verocano asurindo bhagavato santike imaṁ gāthaṁ abhāsi:
Then Verocana, lord of the asuras, recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:
Then Verocana recited this verse in the Buddha’s presence:

“Vāyametheva puriso,
“A man should make an effort
“A man should make an effort

yāva atthassa nipphadā;
Until his goal has been achieved.
until his goal is accomplished.

Nipphannasobhano attho,
Goals shine when achieved:
When goals are accomplished they shine:

verocanavaco idan”ti.
This is the word of Verocana.”
this is the word of Verocana!”

“Vāyametheva puriso,
“A man should make an effort
“A man should make an effort

yāva atthassa nipphadā;
Until his goal has been achieved.
until his goal is accomplished.

Nipphannasobhano attho,
Of goals that shine when achieved,
Of goals that shine when accomplished,

khantyā bhiyyo na vijjatī”ti.
None is found better than patience.”
none better than patience is found.”

“Sabbe sattā atthajātā,
“All beings are bent on a goal
“All beings are goal-orientated,

tattha tattha yathārahaṁ;
Here or there as fits the case,
as befits them in each case.

Saṁyogaparamā tveva,
But for all creatures association
But connection is the ultimate

sambhogā sabbapāṇinaṁ;
Ils supreme among enjoyments.
of pleasures for all living creatures.

Nipphannasobhano attho,
Goals shine when achieved:
When goals are accomplished they shine:

verocanavaco idan”ti.
This is the word of Verocana.”
this is the word of Verocana!”

“Sabbe sattā atthajātā,
“All beings are bent upon a goal
“All beings are goal-orientated,

tattha tattha yathārahaṁ;
Here or there as fits the case,
as befits them in each case.

Saṁyogaparamā tveva,
But for all creatures association
But connection is the ultimate

sambhogā sabbapāṇinaṁ;
Is supreme among enjoyments.
of pleasures for all living creatures.

Nipphannasobhano attho,
Of goals that shine when achieved,
Of goals that shine when accomplished,

khantyā bhiyyo na vijjatī”ti.
None is found better than patience.”
none better than patience is found.”