sutta » sn » sn12 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 12.3

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 12.3

1. Buddhavagga
1. The Buddhas


The Two Ways Practice

Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati …pe…
At Sāvatthı̄.
At Sāvatthī.

“micchāpaṭipadañca vo, bhikkhave, desessāmi sammāpaṭipadañca.
“Bhikkhus, I will teach you the wrong way and the right way.
“Mendicants, I will teach you the wrong practice and the right practice.

Taṁ suṇātha, sādhukaṁ manasi karotha, bhāsissāmī”ti.
Listen to that and attend closely, I will speak.”
Listen and apply your mind well, I will speak.”

“Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṁ.
“Yes, venerable sir,” those bhikkhus replied.
“Yes, sir,” they replied.

Bhagavā etadavoca:
The Blessed One said this:
The Buddha said this:

“Katamā ca, bhikkhave, micchāpaṭipadā?
“And what, bhikkhus, is the wrong way?
“And what’s the wrong practice?

Avijjāpaccayā, bhikkhave, saṅkhārā;
With ignorance as condition, volitional formations [come to be];
Ignorance is a condition for choices.

saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṁ …pe…
with volitional formations as condition, consciousness….
Choices are a condition for consciousness. …

evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti.
Such is the origin of this whole mass of suffering.
That is how this entire mass of suffering originates.

Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, micchāpaṭipadā.
This, bhikkhus, is called the wrong way.
This is called the wrong practice.

Katamā ca, bhikkhave, sammāpaṭipadā?
And what, bhikkhus, is the right way?
And what’s the right practice?

Avijjāya tveva asesavirāganirodhā saṅkhāranirodho;
With the remainderless fading away and cessation of ignorance comes cessation of volitional formations;
When ignorance fades away and ceases with nothing left over, choices cease.

saṅkhāranirodhā viññāṇanirodho …pe…
with the cessation of volitional formations, cessation of consciousness. …
When choices cease, consciousness ceases. …

evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa nirodho hoti.
Such is the cessation of this whole mass of suffering.
That is how this entire mass of suffering ceases.

Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, sammāpaṭipadā”ti.
This, bhikkhus, is called the right way.”
This is called the right practice.”
