sutta » sn » sn12 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 12.21

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 12.21

3. Dasabalavagga
3. The Ten Powers


The Ten Powers

Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati.
At Sāvatthī.

“Dasabalasamannāgato, bhikkhave, tathāgato catūhi ca vesārajjehi samannāgato āsabhaṁ ṭhānaṁ paṭijānāti, parisāsu sīhanādaṁ nadati, brahmacakkaṁ pavatteti—
“Mendicants, a Realized One has ten powers and four kinds of self-assurance. With these he claims the bull’s place, roars his lion’s roar in the assemblies, and turns the divine wheel.

iti rūpaṁ iti rūpassa samudayo iti rūpassa atthaṅgamo,
Such is form, such is the origin of form, such is the ending of form.

iti vedanā iti vedanāya samudayo iti vedanāya atthaṅgamo,
Such is feeling, such is the origin of feeling, such is the ending of feeling.

iti saññā iti saññāya samudayo iti saññāya atthaṅgamo,
Such is perception, such is the origin of perception, such is the ending of perception.

iti saṅkhārā iti saṅkhārānaṁ samudayo iti saṅkhārānaṁ atthaṅgamo,
Such are choices, such is the origin of choices, such is the ending of choices.

iti viññāṇaṁ iti viññāṇassa samudayo iti viññāṇassa atthaṅgamo.
Such is consciousness, such is the origin of consciousness, such is the ending of consciousness.

Iti imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati.
When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises.

Imasmiṁ asati idaṁ na hoti, imassa nirodhā idaṁ nirujjhati.
When this doesn’t exist, that is not; due to the cessation of this, that ceases. That is:

Yadidaṁ avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā;
Ignorance is a condition for choices.

saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṁ …pe…
Choices are a condition for consciousness. …

evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti.
That is how this entire mass of suffering originates.

Avijjāya tveva asesavirāganirodhā saṅkhāranirodho;
When ignorance fades away and ceases with nothing left over, choices cease.

saṅkhāranirodhā viññāṇanirodho …pe…
When choices cease, consciousness ceases. …

evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa nirodho hotī”ti.
That is how this entire mass of suffering ceases.”
