sutta » sn » sn13 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 13.11

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 13.11

1. Abhisamayavagga
1. Comprehension


A Mountain (3rd)

Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati.
At Sāvatthī.

“Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, puriso sinerussa pabbatarājassa satta muggamattiyo pāsāṇasakkharā upanikkhipeyya.
“Mendicants, suppose a person was to place down on Sineru, the king of mountains, seven pebbles the size of mung beans.

Taṁ kiṁ maññatha, bhikkhave,
What do you think, mendicants?

katamaṁ nu kho bahutaraṁ, yā vā satta muggamattiyo pāsāṇasakkharā upanikkhittā yo vā sineru pabbatarājā”ti?
Which is more: the seven pebbles the size of mung beans, or Sineru, the king of mountains?”

“Etadeva, bhante, bahutaraṁ yadidaṁ sineru pabbatarājā;
“Sir, Sineru, the king of mountains, is certainly more.

appamattikā satta muggamattiyo pāsāṇasakkharā upanikkhittā.
The seven pebbles the size of mung beans are tiny.

Neva satimaṁ kalaṁ upenti na sahassimaṁ kalaṁ upenti na satasahassimaṁ kalaṁ upenti sineruṁ pabbatarājānaṁ upanidhāya satta muggamattiyo pāsāṇasakkharā upanikkhittā”ti.
Compared to Sineru, it’s not nearly a hundredth, a thousandth, or a hundred thousandth part.”

“Evameva kho, bhikkhave, ariyasāvakassa diṭṭhisampannassa puggalassa adhigamaṁ upanidhāya aññatitthiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇaparibbājakānaṁ adhigamo neva satimaṁ kalaṁ upeti na sahassimaṁ kalaṁ upeti na satasahassimaṁ kalaṁ upeti.
“In the same way, compared with the achievements of a noble disciple accomplished in view, the achievements of the ascetics, brahmins, and wanderers of other religions is not nearly a hundredth, a thousandth, or a hundred thousandth part.

Evaṁ mahādhigamo, bhikkhave, diṭṭhisampanno puggalo, evaṁ mahābhiñño”ti.
So great is the achievement of the person accomplished in view, so great is their direct knowledge.”


Abhisamayasaṁyuttaṁ samattaṁ.
The Linked Discourses on comprehension are complete.


Nakhasikhā pokkharaṇī,

sambhejjaudake ca dve;

Dve pathavī dve samuddā,

tayo ca pabbatūpamāti.