sutta » sn » sn15 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 15.3

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 15.3

1. Paṭhamavagga
Chapter One



Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati.
At Sāvatthī.

“Anamataggoyaṁ, bhikkhave, saṁsāro.
“Mendicants, transmigration has no known beginning.

Pubbā koṭi na paññāyati avijjānīvaraṇānaṁ sattānaṁ taṇhāsaṁyojanānaṁ sandhāvataṁ saṁsarataṁ.
No first point is found of sentient beings roaming and transmigrating, shrouded by ignorance and fettered by craving.

Taṁ kiṁ maññatha, bhikkhave, katamaṁ nu kho bahutaraṁ, yaṁ vā vo iminā dīghena addhunā sandhāvataṁ saṁsarataṁ amanāpasampayogā manāpavippayogā kandantānaṁ rodantānaṁ assu passannaṁ paggharitaṁ, yaṁ vā catūsu mahāsamuddesu udakan”ti?
What do you think? Which is more: the flow of tears you’ve shed while roaming and transmigrating for such a very long time—weeping and wailing from being united with the unloved and separated from the loved—or the water in the four oceans?”

“Yathā kho mayaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā dhammaṁ desitaṁ ājānāma, etadeva, bhante, bahutaraṁ yaṁ no iminā dīghena addhunā sandhāvataṁ saṁsarataṁ amanāpasampayogā manāpavippayogā kandantānaṁ rodantānaṁ assu passannaṁ paggharitaṁ, na tveva catūsu mahāsamuddesu udakan”ti.
“As we understand the Buddha’s teaching, the flow of tears we’ve shed while roaming and transmigrating is more than the water in the four oceans.”

“Sādhu sādhu, bhikkhave, sādhu kho me tumhe, bhikkhave, evaṁ dhammaṁ desitaṁ ājānātha.
“Good, good, mendicants! It’s good that you understand my teaching like this.

Etadeva, bhikkhave, bahutaraṁ yaṁ vo iminā dīghena addhunā sandhāvataṁ saṁsarataṁ amanāpasampayogā manāpavippayogā kandantānaṁ rodantānaṁ assu passannaṁ paggharitaṁ, na tveva catūsu mahāsamuddesu udakaṁ.
The flow of tears you’ve shed while roaming and transmigrating is indeed more than the water in the four oceans.

Dīgharattaṁ vo, bhikkhave, mātumaraṇaṁ paccanubhūtaṁ;
For a long time you’ve undergone the death of a mother …

tesaṁ vo mātumaraṇaṁ paccanubhontānaṁ amanāpasampayogā manāpavippayogā kandantānaṁ rodantānaṁ assu passannaṁ paggharitaṁ, na tveva catūsu mahāsamuddesu udakaṁ.

Dīgharattaṁ vo, bhikkhave, pitumaraṇaṁ paccanubhūtaṁ …pe…
father …

bhātumaraṇaṁ paccanubhūtaṁ …
brother …

bhaginimaraṇaṁ paccanubhūtaṁ …
sister …

puttamaraṇaṁ paccanubhūtaṁ …
son …

dhītumaraṇaṁ paccanubhūtaṁ …
daughter …

ñātibyasanaṁ paccanubhūtaṁ …
loss of relatives …

bhogabyasanaṁ paccanubhūtaṁ.
loss of wealth …

Dīgharattaṁ vo, bhikkhave, rogabyasanaṁ paccanubhūtaṁ, tesaṁ vo rogabyasanaṁ paccanubhontānaṁ amanāpasampayogā manāpavippayogā kandantānaṁ rodantānaṁ assu passannaṁ paggharitaṁ, na tveva catūsu mahāsamuddesu udakaṁ.
or loss through illness. From being united with the unloved and separated from the loved, the flow of tears you’ve shed while roaming and transmigrating is indeed more than the water in the four oceans.

Taṁ kissa hetu?
Why is that?

Anamataggoyaṁ, bhikkhave, saṁsāro …pe…
Transmigration has no known beginning. …

yāvañcidaṁ, bhikkhave, alameva sabbasaṅkhāresu nibbindituṁ, alaṁ virajjituṁ, alaṁ vimuccitun”ti.
This is quite enough for you to become disillusioned, dispassionate, and freed regarding all conditions.”
