sutta » sn » sn15 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 15.9

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 15.9

1. Paṭhamavagga
Chapter One


A Stick

Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati.
At Sāvatthī.

“Anamataggoyaṁ, bhikkhave, saṁsāro.
“Mendicants, transmigration has no known beginning.

Pubbā koṭi na paññāyati avijjānīvaraṇānaṁ sattānaṁ taṇhāsaṁyojanānaṁ sandhāvataṁ saṁsarataṁ.
No first point is found of sentient beings roaming and transmigrating, shrouded by ignorance and fettered by craving.

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, daṇḍo uparivehāsaṁ khitto sakimpi mūlena nipatati, sakimpi majjhena nipatati, sakimpi antena nipatati;
Suppose a stick was tossed up in the air. Sometimes it’d fall on its bottom, sometimes the middle, and sometimes the end.

evameva kho, bhikkhave, avijjānīvaraṇā sattā taṇhāsaṁyojanā sandhāvantā saṁsarantā sakimpi asmā lokā paraṁ lokaṁ gacchanti, sakimpi parasmā lokā imaṁ lokaṁ āgacchanti.
It’s the same for sentient beings roaming and transmigrating, shrouded by ignorance and fettered by craving. Sometimes they go from this world to the other world, and sometimes they come from the other world to this world.

Taṁ kissa hetu?
Why is that?

Anamataggoyaṁ, bhikkhave, saṁsāro …pe…
Transmigration has no known beginning. …

alaṁ vimuccitun”ti.
This is quite enough for you to become disillusioned, dispassionate, and freed regarding all conditions.”
