sutta » sn » sn16 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 16.5

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 16.5

1. Kassapavagga
1. Kassapa


Old Age

Evaṁ me sutaṁ …
So I have heard.

rājagahe veḷuvane.
Near Rājagaha, in the Bamboo Grove.

Atha kho āyasmā mahākassapo yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinnaṁ kho āyasmantaṁ mahākassapaṁ bhagavā etadavoca:
Then Venerable Mahākassapa went up to the Buddha, bowed, and sat down to one side. The Buddha said to him:

“jiṇṇosi dāni tvaṁ, kassapa, garukāni ca te imāni sāṇāni paṁsukūlāni nibbasanāni.
“You’re old now, Kassapa. Those worn-out hempen rag robes must be a burden for you.

Tasmātiha tvaṁ, kassapa, gahapatāni ceva cīvarāni dhārehi, nimantanāni ca bhuñjāhi, mama ca santike viharāhī”ti.
So Kassapa, you should wear clothes given by householders, accept invitations for the meal, and stay in my presence.”

“Ahaṁ kho, bhante, dīgharattaṁ āraññiko ceva āraññikattassa ca vaṇṇavādī, piṇḍapātiko ceva piṇḍapātikattassa ca vaṇṇavādī, paṁsukūliko ceva paṁsukūlikattassa ca vaṇṇavādī, tecīvariko ceva tecīvarikattassa ca vaṇṇavādī, appiccho ceva appicchatāya ca vaṇṇavādī, santuṭṭho ceva santuṭṭhiyā ca vaṇṇavādī, pavivitto ceva pavivekassa ca vaṇṇavādī, asaṁsaṭṭho ceva asaṁsaggassa ca vaṇṇavādī, āraddhavīriyo ceva vīriyārambhassa ca vaṇṇavādī”ti.
“For a long time, sir, I’ve lived in the wilderness, eaten only almsfood, worn rag robes, and owned just three robes; and I’ve praised these things. I’ve been one of few wishes, content, secluded, aloof, and energetic; and I’ve praised these things.”

“Kiṁ pana tvaṁ, kassapa, atthavasaṁ sampassamāno dīgharattaṁ āraññiko ceva āraññikattassa ca vaṇṇavādī, piṇḍapātiko ceva …pe…
“But seeing what benefit, Kassapa, have you long practiced these things?”

paṁsukūliko ceva …

tecīvariko ceva …

appiccho ceva …

santuṭṭho ceva …

pavivitto ceva …

asaṁsaṭṭho ceva …

āraddhavīriyo ceva vīriyārambhassa ca vaṇṇavādī”ti?

“Dve khvāhaṁ, bhante, atthavase sampassamāno dīgharattaṁ āraññiko ceva āraññikattassa ca vaṇṇavādī, piṇḍapātiko ceva …pe…
“Sir, seeing two benefits I have long practiced these things.

paṁsukūliko ceva …

tecīvariko ceva …

appiccho ceva …

santuṭṭho ceva …

pavivitto ceva …

asaṁsaṭṭho ceva …

āraddhavīriyo ceva vīriyārambhassa ca vaṇṇavādī.

Attano ca diṭṭhadhammasukhavihāraṁ sampassamāno, pacchimañca janataṁ anukampamāno:
I see a happy life for myself in the present. And I have compassion for future generations, thinking:

‘appeva nāma pacchimā janatā diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjeyyuṁ.
‘Hopefully those who come after might follow my example.’

Ye kira te ahesuṁ buddhānubuddhasāvakā te dīgharattaṁ āraññikā ceva ahesuṁ āraññikattassa ca vaṇṇavādino …pe…
For they may think: ‘It seems that the awakened disciples of the Buddha for a long time lived in the wilderness, ate only almsfood, wore rag robes, and owned just three robes; and they praised these things. They were of few wishes, content, secluded, aloof, and energetic; and they praised these things.’

piṇḍapātikā ceva ahesuṁ …pe…

paṁsukūlikā ceva ahesuṁ …

tecīvarikā ceva ahesuṁ …

appicchā ceva ahesuṁ …

santuṭṭhā ceva ahesuṁ …

pavivittā ceva ahesuṁ …

asaṁsaṭṭhā ceva ahesuṁ …

āraddhavīriyā ceva ahesuṁ vīriyārambhassa ca vaṇṇavādino’ti.

Te tathattāya paṭipajjissanti, tesaṁ taṁ bhavissati dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāya.
They’ll practice accordingly, which will be for their lasting welfare and happiness.

Ime khvāhaṁ, bhante, dve atthavase sampassamāno dīgharattaṁ āraññiko ceva āraññikattassa ca vaṇṇavādī, piṇḍapātiko ceva …pe…
Seeing these two benefits I have long practiced these things.”

paṁsukūliko ceva …

tecīvariko ceva …

appiccho ceva …

santuṭṭho ceva …

pavivitto ceva …

asaṁsaṭṭho ceva …

āraddhavīriyo ceva vīriyārambhassa ca vaṇṇavādī”ti.

“Sādhu sādhu, kassapa.
“Good, good, Kassapa!

Bahujanahitāya kira tvaṁ, kassapa, paṭipanno bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāya atthāya hitāya sukhāya devamanussānaṁ.
You’re acting for the welfare and happiness of the people, out of compassion for the world, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans.

Tasmātiha tvaṁ, kassapa, sāṇāni ceva paṁsukūlāni dhārehi nibbasanāni, piṇḍāya ca carāhi, araññe ca viharāhī”ti.
So Kassapa, wear worn-out hempen rag robes, walk for alms, and stay in the wilderness.”
