sutta » sn » sn17 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 17.13–20

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 17.13–20

2. Dutiyavagga
Chapter Two


A Gold Coin, Etc.

Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati.
At Sāvatthī.

“Idhāhaṁ, bhikkhave, ekaccaṁ puggalaṁ evaṁ cetasā ceto paricca pajānāmi:
“Mendicants, when I’ve comprehended the mind of a certain person, I understand:

‘na cāyamāyasmā suvaṇṇanikkhassāpi hetu …pe…
‘This venerable would not tell a deliberate lie even for the sake of a gold coin.’ …”

suvaṇṇanikkhasatassāpi hetu …
“‘… for the sake of a hundred gold coins.’ …”

siṅgīnikkhassāpi hetu …
“‘… for the sake of a gold doubloon.’ …”

siṅgīnikkhasatassāpi hetu …
“‘… for the sake of a hundred gold doubloons.’ …”

pathaviyāpi jātarūpaparipūrāya hetu …
“‘… for the sake of the whole earth full of gold.’ …”

āmisakiñcikkhahetupi …
“‘… for any kind of material reward.’ …”

jīvitahetupi …
“‘… for the sake of life.’ …”

janapadakalyāṇiyāpi hetu sampajānamusā bhāseyyā’ti.
“‘… for the sake of the finest lady in the land.’

Tamenaṁ passāmi aparena samayena lābhasakkārasilokena abhibhūtaṁ pariyādiṇṇacittaṁ sampajānamusā bhāsantaṁ.
But some time later I see them tell a deliberate lie because their mind is overcome and overwhelmed by possessions, honor, and popularity.

Evaṁ dāruṇo kho, bhikkhave, lābhasakkārasiloko …pe…
So brutal are possessions, honor, and popularity. …”

evañhi vo, bhikkhave, sikkhitabban”ti.


Dutiyo vaggo.


Dve pāti dve suvaṇṇā ca,

Siṅgīhi apare duve;

Pathavī kiñcikkhajīvitaṁ,

Janapadakalyāṇiyā dasāti.