sutta » sn » sn18 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 18.12–20

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 18.12–20

2. Dutiyavagga
Chapter Two


The Nine Discourses on Sights, Etc.

Sāvatthiyaṁ viharati.
At Sāvatthī.

“Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, rāhula,
“What do you think, Rāhula?

rūpā niccā vā aniccā vā”ti?
Are sights permanent or impermanent?”

“Aniccā, bhante” …pe…
“Impermanent, sir.” …

saddā …
“… sounds …

gandhā …
smells …

rasā …
tastes …

phoṭṭhabbā …
touches …

dhammā ….
ideas …”

“Cakkhuviññāṇaṁ …pe…
“… eye consciousness …

sotaviññāṇaṁ …
ear consciousness …

ghānaviññāṇaṁ …
nose consciousness …

jivhāviññāṇaṁ …
tongue consciousness …

kāyaviññāṇaṁ …
body consciousness …

manoviññāṇaṁ ….
mind consciousness …”

Cakkhusamphasso …pe…
“… eye contact …

sotasamphasso …
ear contact …

ghānasamphasso …
nose contact …

jivhāsamphasso …
tongue contact …

kāyasamphasso …
body contact …

manosamphasso ….
mind contact …”

Cakkhusamphassajā vedanā …pe…
“… feeling born of eye contact …

sotasamphassajā vedanā …
feeling born of ear contact …

ghānasamphassajā vedanā …
feeling born of nose contact …

jivhāsamphassajā vedanā …
feeling born of tongue contact …

kāyasamphassajā vedanā …
feeling born of body contact …

manosamphassajā vedanā ….
feeling born of mind contact …”

Rūpasaññā …pe…
“… perception of sights …

saddasaññā …
perception of sounds …

gandhasaññā …
perception of smells …

rasasaññā …
perception of tastes …

phoṭṭhabbasaññā …
perception of touches …

dhammasaññā ….
perception of ideas …”

Rūpasañcetanā …pe…
“… intention regarding sights …

saddasañcetanā …
intention regarding sounds …

gandhasañcetanā …
intention regarding smells …

rasasañcetanā …
intention regarding tastes …

phoṭṭhabbasañcetanā …
intention regarding touches …

dhammasañcetanā ….
intention regarding ideas …”

Rūpataṇhā …pe…
“… craving for sights …

saddataṇhā …
craving for sounds …

gandhataṇhā …
craving for smells …

rasataṇhā …
craving for tastes …

phoṭṭhabbataṇhā …
craving for touches …

dhammataṇhā ….
craving for ideas …”

Pathavīdhātu …pe…
“… the earth element …

āpodhātu …
the water element …

tejodhātu …
the fire element …

vāyodhātu …
the air element …

ākāsadhātu …
the space element …

viññāṇadhātu ….
the consciousness element …”

Rūpaṁ …pe…
“… form …

vedanā …
feeling …

saññā …
perception …

saṅkhārā …
choices …

viññāṇaṁ niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti?
Is consciousness permanent or impermanent?”

Aniccaṁ, bhante …pe…
“Impermanent, sir.” …

“evaṁ passaṁ rāhula …pe…
“Seeing this …

nāparaṁ itthattāyā’ti pajānātī”ti.
They understand: ‘… there is no return to any state of existence.’”
