sutta » sn » sn19 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 19.9

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 19.9

1. Paṭhamavagga
Chapter One


Needle Hairs (2nd)

“Idhāhaṁ, āvuso, gijjhakūṭā pabbatā orohanto addasaṁ sūcilomaṁ purisaṁ vehāsaṁ gacchantaṁ.
“Just now, reverend, as I was descending from Vulture’s Peak Mountain I saw a man whose body hairs were needles flying through the air.

Tassa tā sūciyo sīse pavisitvā mukhato nikkhamanti;
The needles bored into his head and out his mouth,

mukhe pavisitvā urato nikkhamanti;
into his mouth and out his chest,

ure pavisitvā udarato nikkhamanti;
into his chest and out his belly,

udare pavisitvā ūrūhi nikkhamanti;
into his belly and out his thighs,

ūrūsu pavisitvā jaṅghāhi nikkhamanti;
into his thighs and out his calves,

jaṅghāsu pavisitvā pādehi nikkhamanti;
and into his calves and out his feet.

so sudaṁ aṭṭassaraṁ karoti …pe…
And he screamed in pain. …” …

eso, bhikkhave, satto imasmiṁyeva rājagahe sūcako ahosi …pe….
“That being used to be an informant right here in Rājagaha. …”
