sutta » sn » sn19 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 19.15

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 19.15

2. Dutiyavagga
Chapter Two


A Sweltering Woman

“Idhāhaṁ, āvuso, gijjhakūṭā pabbatā orohanto addasaṁ itthiṁ uppakkaṁ okiliniṁ okiriniṁ vehāsaṁ gacchantiṁ.
“Just now, reverend, as I was descending from Vulture’s Peak Mountain I saw a scorched woman, sooty and sweaty, flying through the air,

Sā sudaṁ aṭṭassaraṁ karoti …pe…
as she screamed in pain. …” …

esā, bhikkhave, itthī kaliṅgassa rañño aggamahesī ahosi.
“That woman used to be the king of Kaliṅga’s chief queen.

Sā issāpakatā sapattiṁ aṅgārakaṭāhena okiri …pe….
She was of jealous nature, and poured a brazier of hot coals over her co-wife. …” …
